Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 439 Zen Ceremony

Chapter 439 Zen Ceremony
"Master Ziying, you don't want to let Zhao Gao destroy the empire like this, do you?"

The seductive speeches of the two people in front of him made Ziying's heart flutter. His lips twitched a few times, but he still couldn't resist this opportunity and asked in a self-exposed manner:
"I did not hesitate to lower my status to serve Zhao Gao just to find a good opportunity to assassinate him. But as two people, why do I have to do this?"

Zhen Gang, Duan Shui, and members of Luo Wang's New Six Sword Slaves turned out to be the vanguard against Zhao Gao, which really didn't surprise him.

Faced with this question, Wu Chen and Zhou Wen laughed, and the former spoke confidently: "Young Master Ziying, there is no need to test it anymore. We and I discovered the young master's hatred for the Zhao thief as early as today on the execution ground. Let's think about it all the time. It’s easy to tell you’re planning something big by your proactive demeanor of working for him.”

"If we were sent by the Zhao thief to test the young master's attitude, there would be no need to go to such trouble. You also know that Luo Wang's style has always been to arrest people first and then interrogate them."

These words named something that happened at the execution ground, which made Ziying feel scared: he had made a mistake in his acting because of the atmosphere of the execution ground.
Fortunately, according to what the other party said, it is enough to see that Zhen Gang and Duan Shui of the Six Sword Slaves do have murderous intentions towards Zhao Gao. God has mercy on me: with the members of the Six Sword Slaves as allies, the assassination of Zhao Gao can be done with half the effort!
"However, as allies who are about to form an alliance, we still make our purpose clear to the young master." Before Wu Chen finished speaking, he continued:
"What the young master doesn't know is that the two of us returned from Hangu Pass. We have a deep understanding of the strength of the Qi army. The Great Wall Army is not as powerful as Zhao Thief said. The most important thing is that we returned in batches. There are currently less than [-] Great Wall troops in Guanzhong, and probably no more than [-] on the front line. Such strength is vulnerable to the Qi army."

"According to our estimates, the Great Wall Army on the front line has most likely been defeated at this time. The Qi army can arrive at Xianyang City in at most half a month. Young Master should understand what this means."

"Qin is dead." Ziying said this obvious truth painfully.

"Yes, the building is about to collapse. Even though we have deep feelings for the empire, we should still give more thought to our retreat. If Master Ziying is willing to control Xianyang with our help after killing Zhao Gao, he will ask His Highness King Qi If you surrender, there is still a chance to keep the Ying family bloodline alive, otherwise"

With the way the two emperors of the Qin Dynasty with the surname Ying treated the people, the name of the Qin Dynasty has already become famous all over the world. Even if the new empire slaughters the whole family with the surname Ying, it will not be regarded as a crime, but will be applauded.

Ziying may not be able to survive if he surrenders to the new empire, depending on the thoughts of His Highness the King of Qi, but what is certain is that if he resists, he will undoubtedly increase the risk of annihilation of his own clan.

"I also understand this matter." Ziying's eyes flickered and he lowered his head slightly: "The top priority is to kill Zhao Gao first."

Judging from his performance, he is still a little hesitant to give away the empire's foundation. This is understandable, but it is not rational enough after all.

But it doesn't matter. After Zhao Gao dies, Ziying will not be able to mess with anything. The more Ziying hesitates, the more he can demonstrate his own value!
Wu Chen had something on his mind, so he smiled and retreated with Zhou Wen.

To take action against Zhao Gao, the two of them still have a lot to do, such as gaining control of the inside of Luowang.

This is very dangerous, but Zhao Gao, who has become the prime minister and is about to become the false emperor, has too many things to do. His abilities are not that outstanding. After his energy is scattered, his original complete control of the net will inevitably appear loopholes for Wu Chen and Zhou Wen. Go run it.

Time passed and soon came to the eve of Zhao Gao's ceremony as emperor.

In the past few days, Zhao Gao sent his younger brother Zhao Cheng to take charge of the net to closely monitor the entire Xianyang to ensure that no one was colluding with each other.

But right under Luo Wang's eyes, a plan to assassinate Zhao Gao at the ceremony had been formed.

Master Zhao didn't notice that he had been angrily scolding Wang Li these days.

The news that the first batch of reinforcements from the Great Wall Corps outside Hangu Pass had been annihilated by the Qi army reached him. Lu Wei had been able to calmly gain a foothold in the pass, and it was useless to continue sending troops to stop them.

This is all because Wang Li retreated too slowly and took the initiative to fight against the Northern Qi Army. What's the use of even a few small victories?

Elite forces such as the Hundred Battles Armor-Piercing Soldiers and the Anbei Town Army were left in Shangjun, and those who returned to Guanzhong were ordinary soldiers, so that they could not crush the Qi army in terms of combat power!

"Send someone to ask Wang Li to abandon the enemy immediately and return to Guanzhong, otherwise I will cut off his food!"

"As ordered." After giving the most important instructions, Zhao Gao slept in Xianyang Palace that night without any worries.

Qi's army is all clear, why can't he sleep in a palace?

The next day, the ceremony began before dawn. The killers rarely took off their black uniforms and put on a suit of soft armor made by emergency guards to monitor the palace people.

The soft armor is a temporary modification of the Shadow Guard uniform. Although it is hasty, it is still more decent than the Snare Killer uniform.

The Xianyang Forbidden Army is now in the hands of Yan Le, and the net is in the hands of Zhao Cheng. Zhao Gao has an absolute advantage in force and does not think anything unexpected will happen today.

Even if those ministers want to take action, they must think clearly: If they really kill themselves, will the Forbidden Army and the Snare go on a rampage?
"Give the jade seal to Ziying. No matter what the explanation, he must hand over the power of Ying to me today."

Reluctantly, the Luowang killer took the jade seal engraved with "Order from Heaven, Longevity and Longevity" to the ancestral temple. Zhao Gao temporarily left the palace through the side door under the protection of the Six Sword Slaves.

He will come back openly from the main entrance later!

At dawn in the sky, the faint light of the morning sun passes through the glazed tile roof of the palace and shines on the golden temple, giving it a sacred meaning.

The palace door slowly opened, and officials, both civil and military, dressed in fine attire, filed in. They looked solemn, walked calmly, and did not dare to show any signs of neglect.

The false emperor had already said that if anyone behaved badly today, he would be immediately dragged down and sentenced to death: no one would doubt Zhao Gao's ruthlessness.

Just like the Snare Killer, although he changed his clothes, he couldn't change his heart after all.

In the main hall of the palace, Zi Ying was wearing an ancestral temple dress with a calm gaze. Behind him was a majestic throne filled with nobility, whose role is self-evident.

Shusun Tong stood on one side. As a Confucian master, today's Zen ceremony was designed by him. Since the Zen ceremony is very rare, and there is only one protagonist in this Zen ceremony, many systems have to be redesigned by Shusuntong. set up.

As a burst of majestic music sounded, Zhao Gao, who was wearing a dragon robe, walked step by step on silk, surrounded by a ceremonial team headed by Six Sword Slaves. The fake emperor's usually scarlet and wild long hair was neatly tied behind his head today. , the emperor's twelve crowns were placed on his head, covering his gloomy and pale face to a certain extent.

It can be seen that Zhao Gao's dress today is deliberately imitating the First Emperor Ying Zheng, but this is really making people laugh in the eyes of the minister.

The honor guard stopped in front of the steps, leaving Zhao Gao alone to continue moving forward with the Six Sword Slaves.

From Shusun Tong's perspective, everything in the ceremony went smoothly, and every detail of the etiquette was correct. Although the presence of the Six Sword Slaves was a little dazzling, when Zhen Gang, the leader of the Six Sword Slaves, suddenly came and demanded that the etiquette must be designed in this way. , and he did not refuse as he did not want to disobey Zhao Gao's order.

When a Confucian scholar confronts a gentleman, he can only be tough on a gentleman and give in to a villain. This is not a matter of cherishing his life, but a Confucian scholar is not worthy of putting his integrity on the blade of someone like Zhao Gao. After all, it is useless.

'The winner's kingdom is gone now. I don't know when His Highness King Qi will arrive. '

After completing "Three Thinks of the King of Qi's Army in a Day", Shusun Tong took out the Zen edict and read it loudly. At the same time, the young master Ziying should kneel down and present the jade seal to the fake emperor, and then Zhao Gao raised the jade seal to accept it from the officials. congratulate.

But just when Zhao Gao reached out to receive the jade seal, Zhen Gang and Duan Shui in the Six Sword Slaves drew their swords with lightning speed.
One person stabbed the unsuspecting Zhao Gao, and the other stabbed the other members of the Six Sword Slaves.
(End of this chapter)

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