Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 440 The Death of Zhao Gao

Chapter 440 The Death of Zhao Gao
Zhao Gao's martial arts level is not weak, and his internal energy, supported by Luowang's financial resources, is also at a world-class level. Looking at the configuration alone, he is not inferior to any of the previous Six Sword Slaves.

However, he has lacked real life-and-death battle experience for many years, and at this time, he was fully focused on the jade seal in front of him. He was so complicated that he never expected to be attacked by his Six Sword Slaves!
Zhou Wen's strikes were quick and accurate. He learned the secret technique of Luo Wen after breaking his arm to obtain the status of Duanshui, and now he relied on the secret technique entrusted to him by Zhao Gao to chop off Zhao Gao's head with one sword!
The attack by the warriors on the other side did not result in death, but it also seriously injured the strongest of the remaining four sword slaves, the sprite: Although the sprite did not expect that he would be attacked by his companions, as a snare elite who had been killed one after another, His reflexes saved his life.

In just a blink of an eye, the arrogant fake emperor Zhao Gao died. Two Six Sword Slaves were guarding Ziying. Three people stood back and were on guard. One person was bleeding and fell in the middle, unable to stand up.

Zhou Wen and Wu Chenpai had both pretended to be high-level officials in the farmhouse, so now facing the possibility of a war, they did not hesitate to set up the Dize 24 formation.

In addition, a group of minions loyal to them from the Snare Killers also caught up. These powerful cannon fodder were placed in the closest position by the military minister early in the morning with the power of being the leader of the Six Sword Slaves.

"Kill Zhao Gao, the traitor to the country, and ignore the rest. Anyone who blocks it will be punished with the same crime!"

Ziying held the jade seal above his head, kicked Zhao Gao's head down the steps, and showed his most powerful look with an angry look. This was a plan that had been discussed early in the morning. As the son of the clan, Ziying still has the part of the empire in him. majesty.

The ministers in the square were shocked by this sudden change. When they saw the red-haired Zhao Gao's head, they were as surprised as they were when they saw Hu Hai's head not long ago, but this time they reacted quickly and raised their eyebrows with bright eyes. The sleeves surrounded the high platform. These ministers were not strong, but their performance put great pressure on the Three Sword Slaves and the snare killers who came later:
Zhao Cheng, who succeeded his brother as the Prime Minister, drew his sword out of its sheath with red eyes and said, "Kill everyone!"

He has been in charge of the net these days, but he was completely deceived by Wu Chen and Zhou Wen
If Zhao Gao became the false emperor according to the original plan, Zhao Cheng's status would naturally rise. But now that Zhao Gao is dead, Zhao Cheng has suddenly fallen into the spotlight.

No matter how you think about it, you know that Ziying's "no one cares about the rest" definitely does not include him.

Therefore, if Zhao Cheng wants to survive, the best way is to create enough chaos in Xianyang: his jealousy is just a performance, not really sad for his brother Zhao Gao, and now he needs to care more about his own fate.

However, none of the Luo Sheng present, including the Three Sword Slaves, obeyed the order.

Zhao Gao is dead after all.

Having lost their backbone, even if they could kill all these ministers, how could they make amends next?Zhao Cheng is not worth letting them follow.

The military minister knew the mentality of the net killers, and used his inner energy to shout loudly: "The net is a weapon of the empire, but Zhao Gao abused it as a personal weapon and has now been executed. I am Zhen Gang, the leader of the Six Sword Slaves, and I have been married to his son. Mr. Ying has made an agreement, as long as the snare is willing to get lost and return, everyone will be innocent."

The speech of the leader of the Six Sword Slaves was much more weighty than that of Zhao Cheng. The nets quickly came up with an idea and in turn surrounded Zhao Cheng.

The Three Sword Slaves also recognized the current situation and sheathed their swords. Only the unlucky Demon was seriously injured and passed out.
Brothers Zhao Gao and Zhao Cheng were executed, and Yan Le, who controlled the Xianyang Forbidden Army, could not escape: although he had military power, when Ziying continued to carry the jade seal to the military camp, the little tiger charm became ineffective.

The image of Zhao Gao's party has long been fixed in the minds of the people of Lao Qin. They killed Hu Hai and lost the emperor's protection. They were too insignificant in the huge Xianyang.The biggest problem in solving Zhao Gao's party is how to solve Zhao Gao himself. As long as one goal is achieved, all the remaining problems are not problems.

After Wu Chen and Zhou Wen personally took the net to deal with the little tail for some time, the Zen throne ceremony naturally became Ziying's succession ceremony: the first prince's son was dead, and Ziying played another role in the plan to kill Zhao Gao. Now he is the only one qualified to succeed.

However, getting a throne at this time may not be a good thing. After Zhao Gao died, all the military information he had hidden was known to the court: the news that the Qi army had arrived at Bashang and was only fifty kilometers away from Xianyang made those who still had old feelings for the empire The minister wailed.

Ministers like Shusun Tong, who had long thought of Qi as a benevolent and righteous teacher, secretly rejoiced: This empire had been brought to a state of disarray by Hu Hai and Zhao Gao. Instead of repairing it, it would be better to tear it down and rebuild it.

In the current situation, there was rebellion outside the pass, and part of the core was lost inside the pass. It was not suitable for Ziying to continue to call himself emperor, so he took the initiative to demote himself one level and return to the name of King Qin.

But this was not enough. How to retreat from the enemy was still the first question Ziying asked the ministers: he would never choose the surrender proposal of Wu Chen and Zhou Wen if there was no way out.

After finally solving the two problems of Zhao Gao and Hu Hai, Da Qin will rise again with the support of loyal ministers and good generals. If it can send troops to fight a victorious battle to show that Da Qin's military force is still there, and thus gain the opportunity to cede territory and negotiate peace, Everything is still possible to be undone!
Like Zhao Gao, the Great Wall Legion has become the strongest support for this idea: the core strength of the more than 20 Great Wall Legion is still there!

It's a pity that this support is no longer available

In Ba Shang, after a short rest, the army wanted to start again, but the Suzaku machine driven by the Mo family detected that the Qin army was actually gathering, and seemed to want to take the initiative to attack.

The [-] Xianyang Forbidden Army and the [-] withdrawn Great Wall Army Corps, these [-] Qin troops have the ability to fight the Qi army.

Immediately dispatched dozens more bat-winged machine beasts of the Gongshu family and equipped with sky glasses to expand the monitoring range, and the Qin army's mobilization became clear at a glance.

After learning this good news, Lu Wei decisively ordered the army to set up a defensive formation and wait for the Qin army to come: Even if he had the advantage, it was certainly better to catch the turtle in the jar than to take the initiative.

The Qi army, supported by the Gongshu family and the Mohist family, was extremely powerful, and its technological level surpassed that of the Qin state, which was in chaos. Under such circumstances, the Qin state still launched an attack. It can be seen that on the one hand, they really did not understand the strength of the Qi state. On the other hand, it also shows that Ziying is very eager to win a military victory, even a small victory, to regain confidence.

This can be seen from the snowflake-like letters secretly sent from Xianyang City: These are sent by officials at all levels in Xianyang who want to secretly communicate with the Qi army. As long as the Qi army can reach Xianyang City, there is no need to worry about attacking. City problem!

The military force of the Qin army, which was the most feared by the six Shandong countries in the past, has now become the means that Qin needs to regain its confidence. I have to say it is very ironic~
(End of this chapter)

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