Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 441: Gui Minghou

Chapter 441: Gui Minghou

"Qin's laws are complicated and harsh, but even I have to admit that its perfection is the treasure of the Chinese nation. In the future, Qi will also govern its country on this basis."

In front of Lu Wei's desk is a large stack of Qin code texts, which Xiao He sent people to copy from the counties in Guanzhong.

He took out a volume and flipped through it. The roar of the White Tiger Machine Beast could be heard even from a distance, and its rage could be heard. The Gongshu family's newly made Potojuro with the help of the farm workshop also joined the battlefield. The movements of these metal creations were noisy. Very big.

One hundred thousand Qin troops were attacking the Qi army's Bashang camp, but after Qi King Lu Wei arranged the military formation, he calmly summoned Xiao He, Chen Ping, Zhang Liang, and Xinghun to discuss matters in the main camp.

"After entering Xianyang, Da Qi will immediately promulgate new laws to delete excessive punishments and excessive jurisdiction in Qin's laws. The four of you must lead your subordinates and come up with a plan."

With a wave of his hand, His Highness the King of Qi, he dispatched a crucial matter related to the future of the new empire. In front of the four ministers, there was also a copy of the Qin Code.

Legal issues have always been one of the important cores of a country and cannot exist without a country.

Qin Lu was an important contributor to the Qin State's ability to annex the six kingdoms and achieve unification, and was also a major contributor to the collapse of the Qin Empire in just a few years.

To amend the laws formulated by generations of Legalist masters from Shang Yang to Li Sizhi, only rare talents like Xiao He and Zhang Liang can do it.

One of them belongs to Taoism and the other to Confucianism. They can use the teachings of their own schools to neutralize the inherent flaws of Legalism.

Chen Ping and Xinghun can also use their own knowledge to supplement them.

The violent whistling sound that broke through the air became the final tone of Lu Wei's words: it was a volley of crossbows.

Although the Qin State lost the Gongshu family, their own craftsmen were still able to produce powerful battlefield weapons, and Qin Nu was undoubtedly a typical example.

Whether it is a small arm crossbow or a large bed crossbow that can shoot through city walls, they are all representatives of sophistication.

From the sound of these crossbows and arrows, one could feel the brutality of the battlefield outside. Zhang Liang was distracted for a moment, then came back to his senses and spoke first with a smile: "The Master said, 'The way is to govern, and to punish, the people will be spared without shame.' It should be done with virtue, and it should be done with etiquette, and it should be done with shame and dignity."

"Although the law should be indifferent to human feelings, if it is completely unreasonable, it will be divorced from the lives of the people. If it is too close to human feelings, it violates the original intention of the law. The measure in this really needs to consider the profit and loss."

"The supervision of affairs comes from the law, the law comes from the power, and the power comes from the Tao." Zhang Liang's opinion is to add appropriate Confucian benevolence and morality to the Qin Code. Xiao He also has his own views on this: "The wise man must not go beyond the law. If you want to conspire, debaters cannot go beyond the law and argue arbitrarily, scholars cannot violate the law and be famous, and ministers cannot violate the law and gain merit."

"The rule of law is the most upright, and the rule of law must not be chaotic. It is selfless and trustworthy in rewards and punishments, so it is governed. The combination of punishment and morality is the key to law enforcement."

Taoism is very similar to Legalism in emphasizing impartiality in law enforcement. This is basically what Taoism, Legalism, and Confucianism have in common.

But at the same time, Xiao He also valued the moral role of making laws as mentioned by Zhang Liang. The key is to make the laws consistent with the convenience of people's normal lives.

After all, in the Taoist view, people's prosperity is not only the result of the implementation of the law, but also the prerequisite for people to abide by the law.

Both schools of thought have their own advantages and disadvantages, but compared to Legalism, the biggest disadvantage is probably that it limits the power of the monarch to a certain extent.It's impossible for Zhang Liang and Xiao He not to notice this, but there are already too many guarantees for the monarch's supremacy in Qin's laws, and they don't need to mention it anymore.

After expressing their attitude first, the next step will be a detailed discussion session, which will most likely last until the eve of the Qi army's entry into Xianyang.
The outside of the main camp was filled with dust and blood, and the 'battlefield' inside the main camp was also going on. Lu Wei smiled and sometimes sat down to watch the discussions between Xiao, Zhang, Chen, and Xing, and sometimes put on his cloak and stood on the high platform. Appreciate the fighting on the battlefield and grasp the progress of both sides from an overall perspective.

Finally, before dark, the Qin army could no longer support it and began to retreat. Lu Wei accurately seized the fighter plane and beat the drum to pursue: This was the last army that Xianyang could mobilize, and it was bound to be completely defeated.

Then, the army can rush directly into Xianyang without resting the next day!
Putting on the temporarily modified royal robe of the First Emperor of Qin, Ziying found Wu Chen and Zhou Wen again, preparing to discuss surrender.

The attack of the [-]-strong army failed, and as a result, the organization failed during the retreat, so that the news of the complete defeat had been transmitted back to Xianyang through the fast cavalry. At the same time, the news that the bold bat-winged machine beast of the Qi army flew far around Xianyang was even more It frightened all the officials.

Since the bet was lost, Ziying only had this choice left.

Wu Chen and Zhou Wen were not surprised by this, because although they did not prevent Ziying from sending troops, they also sent the Qin army's military formation information to Ba Shang in advance.

According to Luo Wang's investigation, they were not the only ones doing this in Xianyang City, but they were definitely the ones who sent the most detailed information.

"I regret that I didn't listen to you two and ended up ruining the empire's hundreds of thousands of soldiers." Ziying said in a tired voice: "I want to wear sackcloth, carry the jade seal and military talismans, and go to Bashang to surrender to His Highness the King of Qi. I want you to escort me." I'm going."

"The king alone is not sincere enough. All the ministers in the court must tie themselves up and kneel before the King of Qi." Wu Chen said resolutely.

All the letters he sent to Ba Shang were not answered. He had no idea what Lu Wei's attitude was towards him, but at this point, he had no other choice. As long as he behaved more like a dog, he would survive.

As a dog, it is natural to let its owner do as he pleases.

"That's fine. I'll discuss it with the ministers at tomorrow's court meeting and ask Luo Sheng to prepare the equipment."

Ziying agreed without any bargaining. His attempts failed, and the method of killing Zhao Gao could not be replicated on the King of Qi. So he could do nothing but lie down and be beaten.

The next day, the Qi army had only marched five kilometers when they learned that Qin Prince Ying, his wife and children, and the ministers were coming in tatters and self-restraints. Lu Wei did not move forward or retreat. He stopped on the spot and waited quietly. The arrival of the Qin people.
When Ziying sat numbly in the car and saw the troops in front of him, his expression changed to guilt, and he stepped forward alone.

Because his hands were tied and he had to hold the imperial seal, Ziying's walking posture was very funny, which was even more insulting considering his status as King of Qin.

But as losers, they gave this to themselves.

The Qi army took the initiative to make way for a passage, and a man riding a tall white horse walked out. Ziying guessed that this was the King of Qi who had destroyed his country in a year. He knelt down fiercely and held the imperial seal with his tied hands. He raised it as high as possible and said hoarsely:
"The guilty minister Ying Ziying, pays homage to His Highness the King of Qi."

Bang, the jade seal in his hand was sucked away from the air by the mighty King Qi. Ziying lowered his head anxiously. He didn’t know what King Qi was doing now. He was most likely checking the details of the jade seal.
Ziying looked at the horse's hooves for a long time before a majestic voice finally came from above:

"Although you are a rebellious minister, you are still very valuable. I will grant you the title of Gui Ming Hou."

(End of this chapter)

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