Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 443 The North is settled

Chapter 443 The North is settled
"Asshole, why retreat!"

A slap in the face knocked a Qin Army captain to the ground. Wang Li, who once defeated the wolf clan, was no longer as majestic as before. His iron tower-like body was slightly bent due to fatigue, and his arrogant and bow-like eyebrows were bowed from many days. Unkempt and scrawled.

He was accompanied by nearly [-] armor-piercing soldiers and nearly [-] other Qin troops, but the Qi army blocked key arteries and was unable to advance or retreat.

"General, the Qi army's equipment is in good order. If you continue to force a breakthrough, you will risk your soldiers' death!"

When Shejian saw Wang Li preparing to draw his sword to kill, his expression changed and he rushed forward to dissuade him: "Sun Tzu's Art of War said, 'Plan when encircling an area, and fight when you are dead.' We are not in a desperate situation right now. We need to think calmly."


Wang Li looked struggling, snorted, clenched his fist and threw away the long sword. He turned around and returned to the camp, leaving Shejian to help the captain.
"It seems that the Qin army's offensive is over today."

In the main camp of Qi Army on the North Road, Han Xin saw Yan Bing and Xiang Yu returning and judged with a confident smile.

Xiang Yu replied proudly: "Yes, they have lost another day, and they will soon be able to survive by killing horses for food."

Now more than ten days have passed since he led the cavalry to burn down the Qin army's granary that night. That night, Xiang Yu not only burned most of the grain and grass that the Qin army had brought hard from Shangjun to support Wang Li, but also led more than 100 people to disperse the [-] Qin army. Reinforcements followed up and spread the results to the military camps of tens of thousands of Qin troops.

Because it was night, the rout was easily contagious. As soon as the vanguard retreated, chaos immediately broke out in the rear. Xiang Yu seemed brave, but in fact, the number of kills was limited. The total number of enemies killed by the entire cavalry team was only a few hundred people at most, but the result was It was more than [-] Qin troops who fled in all directions in the mountains and forests at night.

The young master of the Xiang clan became famous in one battle and was quickly promoted by Han Xin, the general who conquered the north.

Han Xin himself is a model of rapid promotion, so he will follow the example of his talented subordinates. In addition, there is a serious lack of cavalry generals in the Qi army, and there is no one who can make good use of cavalry. Previously, Yan Bing had to be used as a temporary replacement. Xiang Yu The emergence of the epidemic has undoubtedly solved the urgent need.

Moreover, although Xiang Yu did not use his family background to help him at the beginning, when he had a solid record, family background as a bonus would undoubtedly silence the mouths of other unconvinced people.

The reputation of 'the strongest clan in Chu', the Xiang clan, still has a high reputation among the six kingdoms, even though it was claimed that the clan was extinct before.

After Wang Li learned the news, he was furious and had to face two choices:

First, if we continue to march, as long as we defeat the main force of the Qi army, there will be no problem. Food can be snatched from the hands of the people of Yanzhao.

Second, admit defeat, voluntarily abandon one unit and retreat to the rear, cover the army's retreat to Shangjun, and immediately rob the people of Shangjun. After obtaining sufficient food and grass, they immediately return to Guanzhong via the Hetao.

Although there were two plans, Wang Li could only choose the first one. The reason was very simple: as a never-defeated general, Marquis of Wucheng, and the only general in the empire who defeated the wolf royal court, how could he defeat the rebels? Winning along the way, suddenly losing and then retreating?

Only by constantly winning can Wang Li be worthy of his grandfather's title of Marquis of Wucheng!
So the armor-piercing soldiers chose to cross the Wuyi River and take the initiative to attack Han Xin's camp.

This really caught Han Xin off guard: he thought that Wang Li would fight to the death for shame, but he never expected that Wang Li, who was familiar with military science, would order the main force to cross the river on his own initiative.It is not easy to cross the river of Wuyi River: this river is connected to a mountainous area. Once the Qin army cannot quickly defeat the Qi army in front of them after crossing, they will have to camp with their backs to the water. In this way, as long as Han Xin allows the Qi army to send 5000 men to bypass the mountainous area From the upstream to the other side to block Wang Li's retreat, he could easily surround the Qin army on three sides with the help of the terrain.

By then, if Wang Li walked downstream along the river, he would only get closer and closer to the territory controlled by Qi. If he wanted to return to the other side of the river, he would have to face encirclement and suppression on three sides when crossing the river.

The only hope was to break through the Qi army's mountain defense line and return upstream.

How can it be so easy to attack from low to high?
This was a dead move that no beginner in footwork would know, but it was actually played by Wang Li, who defeated the wolf tribe.

It is true that if Wang Li can defeat the Qi army in front, he will not only be able to save the day, but also go one step further and directly invade the Yan region, becoming a master of one move. But putting all his hopes on his own success in the attack is really the method that Wang Jian's descendants will use. What?

'Or does Wang Li think that the current Qin State is still like the Qin State 20 years ago, that even if it is defeated several times, it can rely on its strong national power to kill its opponents? '

Han Xin couldn't use his thoughts to understand Wang Li, but since the enemy had already made a mistake on his own initiative, all he had to do was make the mistake!

In a war, whether it is for the attacking side or the defending side, the most important thing above morale is the correct and reasonable military formation arrangement. Wang Li has no problem with this, and Han Xin has no problem with it. The forces of both sides cannot form a threat to each other. If it is crushed, then the stalemate is certain.

Some local mutual advantages rarely affect the overall situation, so the best situation for Han Xin and the worst situation for Wang Li formed.

The Qin army was unable to advance or retreat. As expected, it sought to retreat through the mountainous areas and retreat from the upper reaches of the river. However, after the stalemate in the previous few days, Han Xin immediately took up the defense line in the mountainous areas. He released Xiang Yu and [-] cavalry to charge freely into the Qin army using the terrain. The overlord The figure dancing like a spear has become a nightmare for all Qin troops.

Xiang Yu's usual methods of stopping the cavalry's charge could be broken every time by using the power of a cauldron. The same cavalry hedging method was no match for him.

In addition, the elite of the armor-piercing soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles are not only selected because the soldiers are strong men, but also because they can be fully armed with the financial resources of the empire.

Without logistical support, as the war progressed, the equipment of the armor-piercing soldiers gradually began to be unable to withstand battle damage.
Without the equipment, the sharpness of the attack was visibly attenuated, and they could no longer attack the dangerous distance to the Qi army.

For Han Xin, this Qin army of more than [-] people has been captured by him!

Although Sun Tzu did say that when you are surrounded, you must plan, and when you are dead, you fight, but if there is nowhere to plan and nowhere to fight, what can Wang Li do~
In this battle, apart from sending Yan Bing and Xiang Yu to raid the Qin army's supplies, Han Xin's only contribution seemed to be to form troops to resist Wang Li's fierce attack. He seemed to have no performance.

He himself admitted this, and the most important reason was that the Qi army was not much weaker than the Qin army, and the logistics were continuous. Under such circumstances, Han Xin would unconsciously march and fight like Wang Jian.

For a commander with an army of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, this is the most responsible strategy for himself and his soldiers. If it were not for his lack of strength, no general would be willing to adopt risky methods to win: Knowing that if the adventure fails, Wang Li's fate is still in front of his eyes.
The battle situation on the northern front was decided, and Han Xin immediately sent a message to Lu Wei. At the same time, the confrontation in the south continued.

However, both Liusha and Zhao Tuo regard the [-] Qin army as a kind of capital, and this confrontation will not break out into a deadly battle anyway~
(End of this chapter)

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