Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 444 Solving the snare

Chapter 444 Solving the snare
"Do I feel strange to you like this?"

Lu Wei summoned Zhou Wen the day after entering Xianyang Palace.

This partner who worked together to plot the trap has still not recovered his true identity. The name "Zhou Wen" is a traitor despised by everyone in the peasant family.

One hundred thousand peasant disciples supported the middle level of Qi State. Apart from Lu Wei, the only people who knew the truth of the incident were Zhou He, the former leader of the Gonggong Hall who had been buried in the grave, and Kui Tianguang, the wandering former hero. No one announced the layout. , Zhou Wen will cause an uproar whenever he reappears.

The announcement of the truth itself will cause waves, even if the traces of the biggest victim of the incident, the Tian family, have been erased bit by bit from the farmer's family.

"No, His Highness King Qi is the lord of the world, and I am just a notorious killer with less than two years to live. It is an honor to be remembered by the King."

Zhou Wen recovered from his slight distraction, knelt down and answered respectfully with his head lowered.

From his youth to his forties, except for a period of youth that relied on his youthful vigor and the care of his grandfather, he spent the rest of his time as an undercover agent.
He was framed by Tian Zhong and his martial arts was abolished for the first time.

Join the net, lurk in Xiang's army, and plan a mutiny to kill Xiang Dong.

Return to the farmhouse and cooperate with Lu Wei to kill his grandfather Zhou He.

Become a fake Tianmeng and kill Situ Wanli.

He was deliberately exposed, his face was disfigured and his arms were broken, and his martial arts was abolished for the second time.

He fell into the trap again, regained the use of Zhao Gao at the cost of his life, went to the north of the wolf clan to kill Modun, and helped Wang Li defeat the main force of the wolf clan.

Return to Xianyang and kill Zhao Gao.

Each of these experiences is a thrilling adventure. If the psychological pressure during the execution of the task is excluded.

After enduring it for more than 20 years, he was finally freed, but his life was about to come to an end.

Facing Zhou Wen's respectful attitude, Lu Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he did not pretend to be tolerant to tell him not to be too polite. He only sighed with emotion: "The Zhou family treats me very well. Old Hall Master Zhou He and you are both mine." A huge help in getting to where we are today.”

Zhou Wen was solemn and did not respond to this.

"It doesn't matter, you should be tired." Seeing this, Lu Wei shook his head and sighed: "In that case, as the leader of the peasant family, I will re-accept you as a peasant disciple and allow you to go back to Daze Mountain and enter the Six Sages Tomb."

It is a sacred place for farmers, and it will also be the only spiritual haven for Zhou Wen who is exhausted both physically and mentally.

For him, no matter whether it is gold, silver, jewelry, or titles, there will be no better comfort than this.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The muscles at the ferocious wound on Zhou Wen's face twitched slightly. He bowed with one hand and his tone was obviously higher: he restored his identity as a peasant disciple, no longer a traitor, and could still enter the Sixth Sage Tomb where his grandfather was still alive. This is indeed the reward he wants most!
"However." Lu Wei suddenly changed the subject: "Before returning to Daze Mountain, you have to do one last thing for me."

The changed title represents Lu Wei's change of identity when talking to Zhou Wen: before, he was the hero of the peasant family, and now the 'little man' is the king of Qi.

"As Duanshui among the Six Sword Slaves, no one is more suitable than you to put an end to Luo Wang's organization."

"Yes!" Zhou Wen, who was given the task again, was not surprised. Even if Lu Wei didn't say anything about this, he would do it before leaving: "Wu Chen is the leader of the Six Sword Slaves. To solve the snare, we must start with him. "

"Oh? Tell me about your plan."

Lu Wei touched the pattern on the armrest of the dragon chair, truly feeling the touch, and cooperated lightly.

With his current status, it is not that troublesome to solve the trap, but he must consider the subsequent impact: he will not attack enemies who have surrendered to him without their 'fault'.

"Wu Chen is a die-hard loyalist to the violent Qin Dynasty. The reason why he surrendered to the king was to find an opportunity to launch an assassination. For this reason, he colluded with me." Zhou Wen clearly compiled the reasons for Wu Chen word by word, and said slowly : "I didn't want to continue to act as an aid to the tiger, so I blocked the military minister's plan at the most critical moment, cut off his head with my own hands, and presented it to the king as proof of loyalty."

"I see, this thief is really ambitious!"

Lu Wei nodded with sudden realization: "Summon the military ministers here."

His Royal Highness King Qi's last words were to the star soul guarding the door: Some conspiracy that is too dark should not be heard by those 'upright' ministers. There are not many people under Mr. Lu who are unscrupulous and willing to do dirty work.

"As ordered." Xinghun left with a smile, his strange smile without any warmth.

"I remember that the first time I met Wu Chen was almost 22 years ago. Time flies so fast. It's really sad~"

He sighed again in a false tone, and after a while, the military minister carrying the Zhengang Sword arrived.

When he saw that Zhou Wen had arrived first and was kneeling on the ground, a lot of the worry in his heart dissipated instantly: in terms of offending the farmer, this guy was much more serious than him. Even he was fine, and he would be fine!
With this thought in his mind, he hurried forward and quickly knelt down: "This slave pays homage to the king."

The moment Wu Chen knelt down, Zhou Wen suddenly stood up and struck with his sword.

The former was startled and wanted to throw away an arm instead of raising his hand to block and roll to dodge. Unexpectedly, a strong inner energy locked from above made the hairs on his back tremble.

At this moment, Wu Chen lost his only chance to escape.

Snap, a head fell to the ground.

"The military minister tried to assassinate the King of Qi, but I have killed him. The net will be under my command next!"

In front of the other three sword slaves who were still in shock, Zhou Wen held up a head and shouted sharply.

Even for a serial killer who kills many people, his bosses change too frequently these days.

But even Zhao Gao, who had been in charge of Luowang for 20 years, could be killed, and the killing of military officials does not seem unacceptable.

Starting from the top of the network and breaking down the organization bit by bit, the impact will be minimized.

'Three months, use three months to assemble the power and hand it over to Lu Wei, and then I can return to Daze Mountain! '

Zhou Wen felt that his heart was filled with passion again, and his expression actually improved.

After meeting with the representatives of Luo Wang, His Highness the King of Qi summoned Sima Xin and Dong Yi who had surrendered to Qi State as prisoners of Lishan Mountain.

Although the uprising of Lishan prisoners was quickly dispersed due to the natural attributes of the organization, they were the last straw that forced them to surrender to Hangu Pass.

Tian Guang did not hesitate to work as a slave in Lishan Mountain for many years just for such a blow.

However, after they were defeated by the Great Wall Army on the way to Hangu Pass, they had to turn around and head west. After plundering several counties, they were quickly rounded up by the county soldiers. Facing the hidden dangers of the regular army, the prisoner army was forced to They continued to flee westward, thus missing the opportunity to contact the Qi army in advance.

It was not until the Qi army entered Xianyang that Sima Xin and Dong Yi could meet His Highness the King of Qi.

"Tian Guang left early?" Lu Wei's emotionless question made the two former Qin generals lower their heads:

"Yes, Mr. Tian walked eastward outside Xianyang City."

(End of this chapter)

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