Chapter 445
As the former leader of the peasant family, Tian Guang's official information in the peasant family has always been that he is missing and only died by default for the leader of the Sixth Hall, but no one has actually seen his body.

So unlike Zhou Wen, Tian Guang can show his face again.

However, he did not and chose to turn around and leave before entering Xianyang.

According to what Sima Xin and Dong Yi said, Tian Guang took nothing away, but Lu Wei understood that he at least took away the hollow sword.

What choice Tian Guang would make next was actually clear to Lu Wei as early as when Sanghai proposed to get this weapon.

This former hero will never come back.

Jumping into a deep pool in the mountains, Tian Guang felt the embrace of the water and recalled many things in his mind unconsciously.

He practiced martial arts at a farmhouse when he was young.

When he was young, he traveled around the world and won many chivalrous names.

Before the age of 30, he became the leader of the peasant family, and his majesty was no less impressive than that of the young Lu Xiaozi.

Then he made friends with Lord Changping and accepted his support.

At the age of 50, the number of peasant disciples doubled compared to when he took over. The sphere of influence expanded from Daze Mountain to Han, Zhao, Wei, and Chuyan. All mountain roads in the world except Guanzhong were traveled by peasant disciples.

Later, he found the heir who was most suitable to bring the farm family to its peak.

Such a life can be said to be a complete one. Among the heroes in the history of the peasant family, except for the founder Shennong, he felt that he was not inferior to any other generation.

He suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of the water again. He squatted on the bank and looked at his aging face in the reflection of the deep pool. Tian Guang chuckled and then commented that he still had the spirit of a knight: "After washing myself, I can still see that I have an extraordinary temperament." !”

He tied his translucent white hair back with a piece of cloth casually, pulled out his sword and repaired his thick sword eyebrows. After Tian Guang used enough internal energy to evaporate the water droplets on his body, he dressed and set off eastward again.

There is some pain in the chest, which is the after-effect of the poor circulation of internal energy. Although Tian Guang has been injured in the world for decades, although the injuries are not frequent, it cannot eliminate the accumulation of hidden diseases.

After getting old, especially the sword stabbed by Zhou Wen when he and Xiaoyaozi faked death ten years ago really almost killed him, and now he started to feel pain again.

"Ah He said at the time, 'I still have to act with young people even at my age.' Isn't it the same for me now? I've been acting longer than him."

After walking for several kilometers, he still chose to stop and heal himself. After all, he still had to walk for a long time and couldn't delay for too long because of his injuries.

During the healing period, he once again recalled the friends of his youth, and the smile on his lips never stopped.

Climbing over mountains and ridges was to bypass the Qi army at Hangu Pass. Guanzhong was now under martial law. It was very troublesome to leave the pass in a proper way for review. Tian Guang would travel much faster if he did this alone.

He also encountered several thieves doing evil on the way: although these thieves will definitely be cleaned up after the Qi army establishes a new ruling order, since he has already encountered them, he will not show mercy and will kill them all in one fell swoop. , reducing a little burden on the new empire.

After leaving Guanzhong, he immediately followed the river south, and then drifted down the river. Tian Guang soon arrived at his destination: Guangling City.

This was the last capital of the old Chu State, the place where the decisive battle between Qin and Chu was fought, and the place where Xiong Qi, the last king of Chu and Lord Changping, committed suicide.

Now, it is under the control of Qi State, and because it is far away from the war, everything in Guangling City is safe and the people can live a stable life. There are no harsh punishments and constant corvee to torture their bodies and spirits, and the laughter of children Wandering around in the streets.Outside the south gate of Guangling City, some Chu people even built the Tomb of King Chu after the uprising in the two counties. However, Tian Guang preferred to call it the Tomb of Lord Changping: Although this was the title of the Qin people, it was also the bear that Tian Guang was more familiar with. Unblock the account.

Xiong Qi died to serve his country at the last moment of his life, and his reputation is still in the minds of many people in the Chu region.

However, only one city brick was buried in this tomb, which was stained with Xiong Qi's blood when he committed suicide. Xiong Qi's body fell into the hands of the Qin army at that time. As a traitor, the fate of his body can be imagined. May be found again.

Finding that blood-stained city brick was already the limit.

When the bright moon rose, winter spread to the south and began to snow. Tian Guang came to the tomb of Lord Changping vigorously. Looking at the simple tombstone, he seemed to see Lord Changping himself again.

"I owe you a lot and I haven't repaid you yet."

Blinking his eyes, Tian Guang sat on the ground and muttered to himself in front of the tomb in the dead of night: "If you hadn't used your connections and money to support the farmhouse, I wouldn't have been able to quickly expand the farmhouse to the six countries of Shandong. Then Lu Qiuge would also There would be no way to accept Mr. Lu as a disciple, and naturally there would be no way for the farm family to achieve its current achievements in history."

"Morally speaking, the farmer owes you a lot, but I am very selfish and have tried my best to avoid the farmer's headquarters being too involved in your plan. So if you really think about it, I am the only one who owes you, and the rest has nothing to do with the farmer."

"You want to take advantage of the peasants, which I don't allow. If the peasants had joined the anti-Qin movement, Daze Mountain would be full of graves now. Judging from the actual results, I won on this point."

"I had quite a chivalrous reputation at that time, which is why you trusted me. I also used my own strength to help you at all costs, but in the end I couldn't afford it, so I had to disappear and fake death to get rid of it. You must be very disappointed, after all, when Chu was facing Qin’s offensive, it was when you needed help the most.”

"You should treat me as a free-spirited disciple. I don't object to this. Based on your kindness and according to the rules of the world, I should swear to my death to be your disciple."

"And now, you are dead and I am still alive."

At this point, Tian Guang pulled out the carved sword he had obtained from Lu Wei: "This sword was stained with the blood of Wu Zixu, who helped Wu dominate, and Wen Zhong, who helped Yue dominate, and is an ominous sword."

"I am not as loyal as Wu Zixu and Wen Zhong, but I still greedily chose this sword and use it to repay your kindness. This is my last choice!"

With the horizontal sword on his neck, he said with a straight face: "I once told myself that I would give you an explanation after everything is over. Ranger Tian Guang will never break my promise a second time. Now, I hope you accept it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Guang wiped it hard with his right hand, and the surging blood shot out bit by bit on the tombstone of Lord Chang Ping. Under the reflection of the white snow, it looked like blossoming blood plums.
The old man who had lived a wonderful life died on this snowy night, making up for the ranger's broken promise.

This compensation had no effect on the late Changping-Jun, but for himself, he could finally sleep with peace of mind.

"You will be rewarded for your merits in the future, so please step aside now."

Lu Wei waved his hand lightly and dismissed Sima Xin, Dong Yi and other palace maids and guards.

Silently filling a glass of wine and carrying the wine glass from the side door of the palace to the pavilion, His Highness Prince Qi's face was calm and there was no inner emotion:

"You are all chaste people with bottom-line principles, but I am the villain who pursues power."

"No matter what, from now on, only a villain like me will remember you and give you wine as gifts."

Wow, a full glass of wine was poured in front of him. Everyone who could be called friends in the past would leave one by one. How can one be called a loner if he is not a loner?
(End of this chapter)

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