Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 446 Wan Dajun

Chapter 446
"Is Wei Zhuang making suggestions for Zhao Tuo, and using one hundred thousand Qin troops as the price of surrender, to gain status in the new dynasty?"

"'Where there is a convergence and multiple counter-attacks, there is a suitable plan. Each one has his or her own situation, seeking each other again and again, and making decisions based on circumstances.' It is indeed Guigu's method of using external conditions to maximize his own interests. ."

Lu Wei flipped through the southern front battle report and nodded slowly at Zhao Tuo's unexpected choice, but at the end of the sentence, the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up slightly.

Although the amplitude was very small, it was still noticed by Ji Yan who was rubbing his shoulders. The latter asked curiously: "Is the king laughing at Wei Zhuang?"

Xiao Yan'er, who was wearing a long skirt, had her willow eyebrows like smoke and raised slightly, making her whole person look smart and playful.A pair of almond-shaped eyes full of affection, as if they were filled with the ripples of lake water, clear and transparent.

Her small nose is straight, and her cherry mouth is smiling, which makes people feel the implicit sweetness and gentleness. Her long hair is combed in a beautiful bun with green silk, and is decorated with a green jade hairpin inserted at an angle, which is gentle and delicate.

After being rewarded with a palace skirt by Lu Wei, Ji Yan changed her costume as a chivalrous girl, and her temperament naturally transformed into that of an aristocratic princess.

In the palace and in Daze Mountain, the place is different, so the clothes should suit the environment.

"I'm not laughing at him, I just think it's interesting that he didn't want to accept my jurisdiction, chose to use Zhao Tuo to prove his worth, and ended up in the same end."

Feeling the pressure of the slender jade fingertips and smelling the elegant and pleasant fragrance, Lu Wei relaxed his whole body and said.

The war in the south did not start, so the Qin army, which was under the banner of anti-Qin, sent an envoy to negotiate with Li Mu. It turned out that the envoy was Wei Zhuang himself.

During the negotiation, His Royal Highness the King of Qi's Middle Route Army had already entered Guanzhong, so Wei Zhuang not only lowered his profile, but also actively requested to hand over the disposal of [-] Qin troops to the Qi army. It can be said that he took one step back to advance.

Different from Sima Xin's prisoner army, these [-] Qin troops have the status of anti-Qin allies, and they also include a piece of Lingnan land. Although they can take it by force even if Li Mu does not surrender, it is a lot more convenient after all. After careful consideration, both Zhao Tuo and Wei Zhuang can be granted the title of marquis.

Of course, Lu Wei could also be unethical and trap and kill the [-] Qin troops together with Zhao Tuo and Wei Zhuang in Shu.

But it's not worth it: Lu Wei doesn't have to leave others a way to survive when he has already won a great victory.

"Perhaps Wei Zhuang thought that he could get a share of the world by relying on these [-] troops, but as a result, the king was so majestic that he quickly defeated Guanzhong, so he had to do this~"

Ji Yan tilted his head and lowered his eyes to guess.

"It is Wei Zhuang's ability to leave a sufficient escape route. He is willing to surrender and his value can be used by the court, so I will not begrudge the reward." Throwing down the report book, His Highness King Qi said grandly: "I have asked Zhao Tuo and Liusha to The three handed over military power to Xianyang. After the war between the north and the south is over, it is time to prepare for the ceremony."

Hearing what the king said, Ji Yan's eyebrows flashed with thoughts: "The king still handed over the [-] Qin army to General Li Mu?"

"What are you worried about?" Lu Wei noticed her hesitation, guessed what the girl was thinking, and asked with a knowing smile.

Li Mu led the armies of two counties from Jingxian County to Bashu. In the process, he absorbed the Yue troops and defeated the Qin army. He already had 20 troops under his command, and he would accept another [-] Qin troops. If he had different intentions, he might be able to separate the country. Bashu and Lingnan established their own countries.

"Old General Li's loyal heart, I already know it in Daze Mountain, but such power is in the hands of one person."

Ji Yan moved to Lu Wei and knelt down, and said firmly: "I'm afraid that if the situation develops to the point where it is necessary to do something unavoidable, General Li will have no choice but to be coerced into doing something." "Such a thing is also a worry in the northern border: General Zhengbei Han Xin is younger and has greater ambitions. After collecting the defeated troops of the Great Wall Army, his soldiers will reach 30, so we must guard against him."

Lu Wei's expression remained unchanged after hearing this, and he asked unhurriedly: "Then how do you think we should defend ourselves?"

"Recall Li Mu and Han Xin quickly. They worked hard and made great achievements. After they were granted the title of marquis, they were placed in Xianyang to rest."

According to Ji Yan's original intention, both of them could be killed, but it was not her turn to make the decision. She thought Lu Wei could understand the meaning of the word 'rest'.

What's more, His Highness King Qi was pretending to test her. Ji Yan could tell from His Highness King Qi's reaction that her worries might have been arranged by him a long time ago, but she still had to express herself.

The two generals in the north and south each control 30 troops. This is a sleepless test for any king. Lu Wei attaches great importance to power, and of course he cannot leave anyone the opportunity to betray him.

Of course, in addition to this, there is actually another more important issue that Ji Yan has not considered: the burden on the world is still too heavy after the death of Qin.

As mentioned before, there are a total of 60 soldiers in the north and south routes. The Qin army's forbidden troops, county soldiers, pass defenders, etc. captured after Guanzhong captured Xianyang also totaled 30. This is already an army of 90.

Counting the scattered soldiers from various places along the way and the reserve army still training in Licheng, the number of soldiers in the army who are out of production has already exceeded one million. This is a huge burden for the newly born Qi State.

The food and grass in Daze Mountain and the two counties can still supply the three-leg army in the initial stage. However, as early as a month ago, Lu Qing sent an emergency reserve document: Not only could the whole land not support the one million troops, but also the army along the way. The Qin people's granary captured by the Qi army was also close to bottoming out.

'Reducing the number of troops and restoring the world's productivity' is a more important matter for the empire today.

After all, Li Mu and Han Xin did not have the basis for rebellion at all:

Among the three armies, Li Mu's southern army had the most complex composition. It included not only the surrendered Qin army, but also Shu and Yue people.These two local armed forces were carefully cultivated by Lu Wei. It was impossible for Wu Bin and Yu Ziqi to follow others and betray the King of Qi at this time.

It is not easy for Han Xin: although he is the nominal commander, Lu Shan, Lu Yu, and Yan Bing are all loyal to the King of Qi. The fact that the three of them do not hinder Han Xin's leadership does not mean that the three of them are obeying Han Xin, but because they have King Qi’s order is here.

Although Han Xin made great contributions in defeating the Great Wall Army, his personal performance in this war was not very famous, and he was far from able to convince the soldiers to be willing to follow the rebellion in less than a year.

Not to mention the most important reason: no matter which of the three armies in the north, south, and south, the core strength of each is the peasant disciples, and Lu Wei is the leader of the peasants!

20 years of running the farm gave His Highness the confidence to hand over the army!
It doesn't matter what the personal qualities of Li Mu and Han Xin are. As long as Shennong's order is issued, there will be many warriors in the army to tie them back to Lu Wei.

"It's time for the two of them to come to Guanzhong. As meritorious officials who will be granted the title of Marquis, they cannot miss the founding ceremony~"

Lu Wei stretched out his hand and stroked Ji Yan's pretty face. The smooth and tender touch of snow seemed to be breakable by a blow. He smiled faintly in the blink of an eye, and suddenly changed the topic to a topic that had nothing to do with Li Mu and Han Xin: "What happened to those beautiful girls in the Qin Palace?" How's it going?"

"!" Ji Yan raised his eyes and noticed the interesting look in King Qi's eyes, and his smart mind was immediately startled:
'No, what I involved crossed the line.'

(End of this chapter)

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