Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 447 New Capital Changan

Chapter 447 New Capital Changan
"The world is in chaos, and families are broken up and people are dead everywhere."

Ji Yan did not dare to look at Lu Wei too much, and his eyes evaded: "Most of these women in the palace have been homeless for a long time, so I want to hand them over to the army generals to buy them back as concubines, in order to find a home for these poor women. , it can also promote the prosperity of the civilian population, and it can also recover the gold and silver rewarded to the soldiers for the empire and use them for other purposes."

Due to years of corvee labor and war, the number of able-bodied men in the world has been reduced by half. Even if Lu Wei quickly ended the war, it only alleviated the population decline. It would take 20 years of hard work to recover.

There will be no major battles for the millions of Qi troops to fight in the future, so the most important task is to get married, take concubines, and create human beings to restore vitality to the ten-room and nine-empty Central Plains.

The Qi army in the middle road received many rewards along the way, and had enough surplus wealth to support a few more people.

If the Qin harem of more than [-] people is dealt with according to Ji Yan's method, it will not be difficult to digest, and the recovered money "for other uses" is also very important: the empire is lacking everything.

Lu Wei went from holding Daze Mountain in his hand to holding the entire land in his hand to holding the whole world in his hand. His personal wealth increased exponentially, but it was a bottomless pit: tens of millions of people in the world were his subjects. How to make these people It is Lu Wei's duty as the master of the world to survive.

Only by fulfilling this obligation can he enjoy his power unscrupulously: if he does not feed the fry in the fish pond, he cannot cast the net to harvest fat fish when needed.

Looking at Xiao Yan'er who was acting weak, Lu Wei retracted his palm and praised appropriately: "Go ahead and handle this matter. Since I have promised to let the beautiful ladies in the palace leave, then don't keep any of them and let them all go. "

"Then do we need to re-select folk girls to fill the palace?" The violent beating in Ji Yan's heart was slightly calmed by his words. After firmly remembering today's lesson, he immediately said obediently: "There is no need to select tens of thousands of women like the violent Qin did. There should be at least a hundred people working to increase the popularity of the palace and take care of the king's life."

"No, there are five hundred virgins on the Songhai Mirage. They were chosen to pay tribute to the immortals. Now that the search for immortals is suspended, these five hundred virgins will follow the Linzi court to Xianyang to fill the palace."

"Yes!" Ji Yan nodded and took notes, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he blinked and said: "There are many palaces left behind in the Qin Dynasty. According to Xiao Changshi's suggestion, if the king wants to use Guanzhong as the basis, he cannot continue to use the old Qin Palace, and there is nothing he can do. He built a new city from scratch, so he wanted to use the Zhangtai in the Qin palace complex as a compromise to build another capital in the east of Xianyang."

"I know about this. There are a lot of laborers in the empire. It is not appropriate to send all the people back home immediately. A buffer time is needed. This time is enough to build a 'Chang'an' in a peaceful way."

Lu Wei nodded to express his understanding. No matter how high the cost of building a new capital was, it was inevitable. This was built for the world to see, and it was an example to show the atmosphere of the new dynasty.

The girl lowered her voice: "What Ayan means is whether to leave a palace as the headquarters of the Yin Yang family in the new capital."

This question suddenly occurred to Ji Yan when Lu Wei just mentioned the five hundred virgins. The new Chang'an City would definitely be enough to set aside a piece of land for the use of the Yin Yang family, but she knew about the involvement of those girls in the Yin Yang family and Lu Wei.
If it is too far away from the palace, there will be some trouble. And the women of the Yin Yang family are paranoid about Yin Yang magic, and most of them will not specially enter the palace as concubines. In this case, their headquarters must be built closer to the palace, so It will make traveling a lot easier.

"I'll leave this matter to you." Xiao Yan'er's consideration was really not a random thought, and received another approval from His Highness King Qi.

The hardworking people must work hard to restore the population. As the lord of the world, he must set an example!

It was noon when the discussion with Ji Yan on the new capital and harem issues was completed.

Since productivity was much higher than in real history and the nights were very lively, the tradition of three meals a day appeared in advance in this time and space.

Of course, for the people at the lowest level in the countryside, one meal a day is still a luxury. They are often satisfied as long as they have food to keep them from starving to death.

After all, he did not die on the field or in the middle of the corvee.After a simple lunch, Lu Weishang couldn't hold Ji Yan and take a peaceful lunch break. He still had many people to summon.

There were three people who came to the palace after receiving the order in the afternoon, namely Gao Jianli of the Mo family, Master Ban, and Gongshujia Gongshuqiu!

"Hmph!" Master Ban couldn't help snorting coldly when he met his rival outside the palace.

Although he had known about this from the farmer a long time ago, and the loser's machine beast also contributed on the battlefield, how could hundreds of years of grievances be let go easily.

A few years ago, this old immortal guy led the Qin army to break through the Mohist government city!

"It's really rare for the Gongshu family to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. I hope they won't take the wrong path again in the future."

"Hey, I don't bother the Mo family anymore. I have long admired His Highness King Qi, but it's the Mo family~"

Gong Shuqiu didn't feel angry at all when he heard Master Ban's ridicule. Instead, he stroked his beard and said with a proud smile: "You actually gave up your worldly ways to serve the imperial court~"

Facing Gao Jianli and Master Ban, he would definitely not be his opponent in a real fight, but especially since they were summoned by King Qi, the other party clearly hated him but could not make a move, which gave Gongshu Qiu a different kind of pleasure.

Now the Mo family and Gongshujia are still enemies, but they can no longer kill each other, so the only remaining method is to disgust each other. At this point, Gongshujia's mentality changes faster.

After all, he couldn't do anything during the few months he was imprisoned in the mirage: the mechanics master couldn't study mechanics, so he could only study philosophy.

"伱" Class Master puffed his beard and was about to step forward with his hand in hand when Gao Jianli raised his hand to stop him.

The giant who did not carry the Shui Han Sword said nothing, only shook his head at Master Ban, then gave Gong Shuqiu a cold look, and walked straight to the palace.

Master Ban knew what he meant: This is King Qi’s territory.

Adjusting his breath to regain his temper, he withdrew his wide gaze, and his short and fat figure followed Gao Jianli's steps.

Being locked and warned by the inner energy of the world's top master, Gong Shuqiu stiffened up and his brain went blank for several breaths. When he finally recovered, the two Mo family members had already walked away.

"Hehe." He raised his head and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, forced a smile, and continued to speak harshly: "After all, I don't dare to do anything to me, so I can only scare you incompetently."

Having said that, he sped up and followed with his two mechanical feet: "We can't keep His Highness King Qi waiting!"

In the palace, the dispute at the palace gate was described verbatim by the secret guard. Lu Wei was noncommittal. Both the Mohist family and the public losers were working for him. They could have conflicts in normal times, as long as they did not hinder their own plans.

His eyes were fixed on the table in front of him, on which the black eyebrows and Fei Gong were very conspicuous.
Before driving your subordinates, you can give them something sweet as an incentive~
(End of this chapter)

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