Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 448 Diligent King Qi

Chapter 448 Diligent King Qi
There is a clear dividing line between the court and the world. Most of the time, the word chivalrous and righteous is not liked by the makers of the law.

But in reality, it is impossible for the court and the world to be like parallel lines without any communication. On the contrary, they are inseparable.

As a staunch rebel from the previous empire, even if the master of the new empire is a friend of the Mohist family and wants the Mohist family to give up the tradition of Mohist warriors and serve the court, this will still make the giant Gao Jianli and the surviving commanders hesitate.

Even though they served the Yan State and King Dan of Yan more than ten years ago, it was Yan Dan himself who served as the tycoon, and the Yan State did not restrict the development of Mo Xia, and there was a natural enemy named Bao Qin, and many more. The reasons came together to create that collaboration.

Now, King Qi has proposed the idea of ​​making the Mohist family completely an institution of the new empire, which is equivalent to completely changing the Mohist family.

In contrast, cooperating with enemies and losers is not the biggest contradiction.

"His Royal Highness King Qi, I apologize that the Mo family cannot give an immediate answer on this matter."

Although Gao Jianli was grateful to Lu Wei in his heart, when faced with the crucial choice, he did not rely on his status as a wealthy man to agree simply because of his personal feelings.

The touch of the Mo Mei's lost eyebrows in his hand made him feel a little guilty when he said these words, and he did not dare to look at Lu Wei's eyes: Gao Jianli was afraid that he would lose his responsibility as a Mo family leader because of his guilt and impulsiveness.

In his opinion, his friendship with Lu Wei lasted for more than [-] years.

Over the past 20 years, the Mo family has done nothing for Lu Wei or the farmer's family. Instead, Lu Wei saved his life first, and later gave him a carillon twice. When the Moh family faced the crisis of extinction in Songhai, the farmer's family kindly took him in. them.

Now even the Black Eyebrow Sword and Fei Gong, which were stolen by the violent Qin, were found by the other party and returned with justice.
Correspondingly, the role played by the Mo family's machine beasts in the war cannot be regarded as repayment at all, but can only be regarded as the good intention of the farmers to lead them to revenge against the Qin Dynasty, and it is also a friendship owed by the Moh family to the farmers.

Gao Jianli still had a hard time with his conscience when he refused to serve in the new empire founded by Lu Wei when he already owed a lot.
'It's just a department of the new empire. In the final analysis, it still has to serve the people of the world, and it's not like being a lackey of the violent Qin Dynasty. But the Mo family is unwilling to give up the inheritance of Mo Xia'
When Lu Weihai said nothing, Gao Jianli condemned himself in his heart first.

"Gongshujia and the Mo family have a feud, and I have never liked hypocrites like them." Gongshuqiu spoke at the right time, with a flattering smile on his ugly face: "But His Highness King Qi has a destiny, and Gongshujia will not hesitate to die, and he is willing to obey it at all costs. The king’s will.”

Having said this, he tilted his head slightly and looked at the two Mo family members beside him, and hehey said: "Even if the Mo family doesn't want to, my public losers can still provide all the needed machines and tools for the construction of the empire."

This is not so much a mockery of the Mohist family, but more like taking advantage of the situation to force the Mohist family to surrender on behalf of Lu Wei: if the public losers continue to become the imperial family of the new empire, they will completely suppress the Mohist family.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the expressions of Gao Jianli and Master Ban changed obviously.

It stands to reason that letting the Mo family return to Jianghu to become their Mo Xia is what Gong Shuqiu wants to see. If he really wanted to do that, he shouldn't have said such a thing at this time, but after all, he did not have the final say in everything. : His Highness King Qi, who is in a high position above, is the leader of everything.

His Highness the King of Qi must have wanted the Mohists and Gongshu to work together for the empire. Even if Gongshu didn't like it, he had to accept it.

As the only victor against the violent Qin Dynasty, His Highness King Qi's reputation is unparalleled in the world. Whatever he wants to do can be accomplished with the help of his prestige.

In this case, facing the unchangeable facts, Gongshuqiu understood what he could do to help Gongshu get the most benefit from the competition with the Mohist family: follow the footsteps of His Highness King Qi unconditionally.

Even if the interests of public losers are damaged in the process.

The more the interests of the Gongsun family are damaged, the more benefits they gain.

"No matter what I say, I have decades of experience in dealing with the big shots in the Qin State. How can these idiots from the Mohist family defeat me in court?" Feeling proud, Gong Shuqiu showed his success to Gao Jianli and Master Ban with a smile of success. Seeing it can be said to be an impromptu performance after finding out the king's mind in advance.

Sitting upright and watching the drama below Gong Shuqiu, Lu Wei smiled lightly: It seems that after missing the opportunity to betray Qin and rebel against Qi in the mirage, Gong Shuqiu was trying his best to make up for it.

Such a well-behaved minister whose desires are limited to mechanics, even if he looks a bit ugly, is still quite popular with the monarch.

"Forget it, I am not a non-negotiable tyrant and will not force anyone to become my subject."

Lu Wei coughed lightly, interrupting the wink-wink between Master Ban and Gong Shuqiu, the old rivals. As soon as he spoke, the three of them immediately sat upright in the hall and listened respectfully:

"Since Gongshu is willing, he will go to Xiao Changshi's place later to take orders. As for the Mo family"

Lu Wei stood up, hesitated for two steps, and sighed: "All schools of thought share the same spirit. Although I am the leader of a country now, I am also a hero of the peasant family and have a deep friendship with the Mohist family."

"Xiao Gao, after you go back, you can hand over my wishes to the commander for discussion. If most people are willing to join the empire, the farmers will welcome them. If not, I will also grant you the mountainous area where the Guancheng ruins are located. The Mohist family can go back and start again. Build a government city and continue to inherit the spirit of Mo Xia."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

The three of them retreated with complicated thoughts. As soon as they returned to their temporary residence in Xianyang City, Gao Jianli immediately found Daozhi and Kuang Xiu and told them about the incident.

The Mo family took refuge in Daze Mountain for a while after Qinglong failed to assassinate Qin. Later, they followed him during the uprising. In addition to a few commanders, the other disciples of the machine arts also played a role in maintaining military equipment.

Since they were all doing logistical work, it was rare for the Mohist family to experience no losses in a brutal war.

You must know that before this, every action taken by the Mo family at the Jianghu level would suffer heavy losses.
As for why Gao Jianli only sought out Tao Zhikuangxiu, it was because the Mohist commanders in Xianyang only had Tao Zhikuangxiu who went out with the army and Master Ban who returned from the southern army.

Xu Fuzi, Cook Ding, and Yan Yun all stayed in Daze Mountain because of their professional expertise. It would take them more than ten days to arrive in Guanzhong with the Linzi court.

Such a major event must definitely require a vote by all the commanders, but because it is so important, they have to debate it before the other commanders arrive.

When he was in Jianghu in the past, Lu Wei did not want Jianghu to be under the jurisdiction of the state. No matter which court took action, it would infringe on his rights.

But now that his identity has changed, Lu Wei hopes to use the power of the court to completely bring the entire world under his control.

His double-standard attitude has always been like this.

The arena is huge, and the most critical ones must be those schools of thought with a long history.

During the day, they summoned the Mohist family and Gongshujia. Even though the Mohist family did not agree directly, they could not escape from Lu Wei's grasp: How could they leave easily after entering Guanzhong~
It is an extremely difficult decision to refuse His Highness King Qi.

In the evening, the diligent His Highness King Qi summoned the heads of the medical and Taoist schools and tried to discuss with them the position of the sect in the new empire.

(End of this chapter)

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