Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 449 Goodbye Zongheng

Chapter 449 Goodbye Zongheng
Although His Highness Prince Qi rarely fights with people in person, his swordsmanship is still superb and he easily defeated Xiao Meng, Duan Murong,

Even though the two women had a numerical advantage, they were still sweating profusely and defeated.

It was freezing cold in Guanzhong in winter, and the air was icy cold. The exercise made the three of them very dry, and it was easy to accidentally catch typhoid fever.

Fortunately, the second emperor of Qin had already prepared a warm pool in the palace for Lu Wei. In order to express his comfort to all the scholars, His Highness the King of Qi kindly invited the two women to take a bath together to relieve physical fatigue.

The corners of Master Xiaomeng's mouth curled up, and a half-smile appeared on his cold face. He took the lead in walking into the pool with graceful steps without any shyness, submerging half of his body underwater.

Not to be outdone, Duan Murong straightened her chest and entered the warm pool.

The scene in front of him of two female mandarin ducks playing in the water was thrilling, but Lu Wei was not in a hurry to join in. Instead, he sat by the pool and asked lightly: "The doctor knows our relationship, what is the content of the request he asked you to bring?"

The target of this question is naturally the Little Medical Fairy.

"There are no excessive requests from the medical family headquarters. They only want the inheritance of medical knowledge. I also conveyed to them the king's request for half of the medical family's disciples to enter the imperial court every year. The medical elders have no objection."

Duan Murong frowned slightly, as if she suddenly thought of something troublesome: "But Xia Wuji, the former Qin doctor, is my junior brother in terms of seniority, he..."

Hesitantly, the little medical fairy looked at Lu Wei and dodged slightly, but still did not choose to hide it: "He said that he knew Ying Zheng's secret recipe for longevity and hoped to offer it to the king."

"Xia Wuji who joined the trap?" Hearing this name, Lu Wei laughed out loud after thinking: The reason why Duan Murong behaved like this was obviously because he was worried that someone like him, Lu, would also pursue the art of immortality that Ying Zheng was pursuing.

"Ying Zheng pursued immortality all his life, but in the end he only lived less than 50 years old. As a doctor, Xia Wuqie undoubtedly derelict in his duties."

"Who dares to use such a secret technique of immortality?"

Xia Wuqi was a disciple of a medical family, but in the later period, he obviously relied more on Luo Wen's identity. As a doctor trusted by Ying Zheng, he contributed a lot to Luo Wen.

After Zhao Gao was executed by the Nine Tribes, Xia Wuqi was imprisoned as a close associate of Zhao Gao. There were vague rumors that the death of the First Emperor was abnormal, but that Zhao Gao and Hu Hai usurped the throne through him.

If the Qi army hadn't arrived in a hurry, this man might have been tortured and executed.

The real purpose of offering this so-called immortality technique now is mainly to save life. If Lu Wei gains the same trust as Ying Zheng, he may also have delusions.

However, Lu Wei would not leave him another chance to make a meritorious deed by "Jing Ke assassinating Qin".

"That's true." Duan Murong nodded seriously and said solemnly: "This person's heart is evil, we might as well drive him out of Guanzhong!"

As a doctor, and since the other party was considered her junior brother after all, she did not ruthlessly propose the execution.

"I will let Chen Ping handle this matter. You don't have to feel any psychological burden."


When Duan Murong saw what Lu Wei said, she put it behind her and conveyed all the information that needed to be conveyed.

The medical family's aloofness has not changed with the change of dynasties, but because of their original good relationship with the farmers, they will be much friendlier to the new dynasty.

"Chen Ping?" Xiao Meng suddenly said: "When you use Taoist disciples to govern the country, do you think they are the orthodox Taoists?"

After Lu Wei ascended to the throne, there were very few people who dared to call him '伱', and Xiaomeng was undoubtedly the boldest one among them.Her ideas were slightly changed by Lu Wei, but her straightforward nature was still there. Just now, she dared to demand that she be above in front of Duan Murong. Such an attitude made the little doctor who was indifferent to outsiders want to compare with others. , and a lot of arrogance, but it gave His Highness King Qi an extraordinary alternative experience.

Xiaomeng has been accompanying the army since outside Hangu Pass, and Chen Ping's Taoist spirit cannot be hidden from her perception. However, she had no chance to ask about it at first, but now that he suddenly mentioned it, she started to fight against the Taoism.

This question is difficult to answer. To be fair, the Renzong to which Xiao He and Chen Ping belong is indeed much more useful in governing the country. However, His Royal Highness the King of Qi calmly replied: "Taoist orthodoxy should be judged internally by Taoists. Although I Even though he is a mortal emperor, he will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Taoist family."

This answer is obviously to avoid the question, but what he said, "I will not interfere in the internal affairs of Taoism" is already the answer Xiaomeng wants.

So the white-haired girl nodded with satisfaction and didn't stalk her.

"In fact, I have reserved a place for Tianzong to seek enlightenment in the palace of Chang'an, the new capital, which is close to the atmosphere of the world. In the future, the head of Tianzong will live there to express Tianzong's attitude to the world."

Lu Wei's ambition was obvious and he added.

Xiao Meng is the head of Tianzong, and like the Yin Yang family, it is generally not suitable to enter the palace as a concubine, but who says that if you don't become a concubine, you can't stay with His Highness Prince Qi.

It’s not a bad thing to leave her identity as head of Tianzong to cultivate her temperament~
"That's fine." Xiaomeng raised her head coldly, with a strange look in her eyes: "When I return to Taiyi Mountain, I will choose an elder to pass on the position of head and send him to the palace~"

Accompanied by a chuckle, the white-haired girl smiled as she spoke, like a blooming white flower, with the tenderness of youth.

It was obvious that she was in a good mood, and she also made a rare joke.

Even when his white and tender legs were lifted out of the water and then dropped down, a little splash of water hit Lu Wei's face by the pool.

How could he not understand the charm of inviting His Highness King Qi like this? He decisively jumped into the warm pool and used his own actions to show his sincerity in inviting the medical and Taoist families.

The flying white bird was intercepted by a flying machine beast twenty miles outside Xianyang City: except for the Suzaku, a specially made car of King Qi of the Mohists, no other flying objects were allowed to enter Xianyang City.

Bai Feng glanced at Wei Zhuang, and did not push in under the signal in his eyes. He landed obediently and accepted the inspection by the Qi Army patrol. After learning that he was summoned by His Highness the King of Qi and checking the documents, he did not embarrass them and returned the favor. It pointed out the direction of the city gate for Liusha and Zhao Tuo.

Still unable to fly, they could only go there on foot, which was a torture for the quicksand trio who were accustomed to ignoring other people's rules. However, facing these weak Qi soldiers, Wei Zhuang finally endured it.

The revival of Korea was no longer possible, but some of the meanings of quicksand could still be practiced in the new empire.

Strategists such as Su Qin and Zhang Yi relied on the power of other countries to leave their names in history. The previous generation Guiguzi once asserted that his senior brother Ge Nie and himself were the two most talented people in the history of the Guigu sect. However, the result...
But it doesn't matter. The two people who are less than fifty still have a chance. Now, at this mature age, they can play a role in the government.

The previous way of doing things must be completely changed, and learning to tolerate is the new requirement Wei Zhuang has given to himself.

Arriving outside Xianyang City, at the city gate, a swordsman holding a sword was waiting here.


"His Royal Highness King Qi thinks that we should have something to talk about, so he asked me to come here to receive you."

With a calm look on his face, Gai Nie stepped aside to make way for the passage: "Please, we haven't sat down and drank together for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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