Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 450: Under the wings is the empire’s territory

Chapter 450: Under the wings is the empire’s territory
Although there was no danger in Xianyang City, Chi Lian still looked back at the table in the middle of the tavern from time to time.

When Bai Feng came back after sending Zhao Tuo to Xianyang Palace, he smiled lightly and said nothing more about it.

"His Royal Highness King Qi gave me this tavern, so no outsiders will disturb me. Your people don't have to be so nervous."

Gai Nie stretched out his hand to fill up the drinks for himself and his junior brother. Wei Zhuang, who was sitting opposite, was deeply surprised that he would take the initiative to drink.

As a sword master, you need to keep a clear mind at all times. He did not remember that his senior brother had a drinking habit.

"You have given up your sense of crisis, but the quicksand has not."

Even though Wei Zhuang said this, he took the initiative to take the wine glass and drank it in one gulp without any hesitation.

The same was true for Gai Nie, and then he continued to add to the two empty wine glasses: "Xianyang now does not need a sense of crisis."

"All the people in the world have been nervous for too long. Even if they indulge themselves a little, there will be no punishment waiting for them."

"You disappoint me." Wei Zhuang said solemnly. He looked at the hand that should have been holding the sword but was now holding the wine pot. He felt a little angry in his heart. He suddenly picked up two chopsticks and tried to grab the handle of the pot. Take it away.

Gai Nie was not surprised at all. With a slight turn of his right hand, he used the spout of the pot to deflect his junior brother's tentative attack.

'Brother's swordsmanship has not only not declined due to slacking off, but has taken a new step forward! '

After a simple move, there is no need to do the next test.

"It seems that you are not as decadent as you appear."

"Xiaozhuang, there is not only one way for people in the world." Gai Nie shook his head and refuted his junior brother's paranoid ideas: "I thought you had seen through your obsession by persuading Zhao Tuo to surrender to the King of Qi."

"The reason why obsession is obsession is because it has indomitable tenacity!" Wei Zhuang's voice was low but full of power: "Do you think your naive ideal has really come true? Lu Wei is not what he is in the mouth of the people. As righteous as the rumors say.”

"But he will stop the 'crying of children' and wipe away the tears of all people in the world." Wei Zhuang will not change his obsession, and Ge Nie will not be shaken by his few words.

"These simple principles should not become a conflict between you and me. Now that we are all ministers of Qi, we should consider further things."

"What's further down the line?" Wei Zhuang's lips curled up: "I can easily get a title based on my contribution to the south, but what can you get by being a lackey under Lu Wei's tent early on?"

"Yes, it is true that I will not gain equal status with you right away, but with your pursuit of official titles, as long as you don't make mistakes, I will still become your opponent."

Gai Nie responded calmly, his junior brother Xiaozhuang gave up traveling in the world, and wanted to shine in the Qi court as a feudal lord. As he progresses, he will also get the opportunity to become his opponent.

Every school of thought has a worldly outlook. Even the Taoist Heavenly Sect, which claims to be transcendent, will obediently kneel down to the Emperor before being put in a position of importance by the imperial court.

The reason why I didn't choose Qin before was that Qin's law was brutal on the one hand, and also because Qin really didn't leave any chance to various schools of thought.

Any arm that might get involved in the Qin court would be cut off by Li Si, the prime minister. The Legalists firmly held absolute power. "Is this the order Lu Wei wants you to convey?"

"Facts that can be easily seen, His Highness Prince Qi will generally not say it openly."

Gai Nie raised his wine glass and stared at his junior brother indifferently. Wei Zhuang stared at him for a long time not to be outdone. Faced with Lu Wei's bright card to balance his opponent, he also raised his drink and the two of them drank.
Drink from a pot, drink from a jar. When a person deliberately wants to get drunk, he will definitely be able to do it, even if it is a deep-seated ghost valley.
The huge map of the empire's territory covered half of the palace wall. Lu Wei looked at this huge map left by Qin Shihuang during his lifetime, and was truly amazed by the measurement and painting techniques in it.

The Baiyue area in the southernmost corner is obviously a new addition. Although it is not complete, it leaves sufficient space for filling in, so that detailed operations can be done after it is conquered.

Now, it has become Lu Wei's mission.

It is very difficult to rule such a territory in this era. You can see from the picture in front of you that the territory in Guanzhong gradually becomes rougher and rougher as you get further away from Guanzhong. Even exquisite paintings cannot hide this.

The border areas of the empire were too far to send messages back to Guanzhong.

Once the police were deployed, local county officials did not have sufficient authority, and the capital had no time to respond: this was one of the factors that made the two counties and Dazeshan uprisings successful.

Faced with this problem, enfeoffment was an available solution. Ying Zheng did not need to enfeoff but built a large number of horse roads to increase the speed of horse travel. However, in the world of Mingyue in the Qin Dynasty, Lu Wei had another solution: flying machine beasts.

Flying is much faster than running. The Mohist family's Suzaku is limited by the scale of the Mohist family and cannot be mass-produced. However, with the help of an empire, a large number of Suzakus can be used in every key place in the world, and they can also be equipped with the Gongshu family's bat wings. With the help of machine beasts, the capital's control over the border areas will increase by several levels.
This is a huge expense, but if it can be done, from now on, the boundaries of the empire will be determined by the limit of the wings of the Imperial Air Force!

Lu Wei has enough time to achieve such a distant goal.

Moreover, with the foundation of Suzaku and bat-winged machine beasts, and new demands, flying machine beasts can be further developed.

Momo drew a few circles on the territory map in his mind that were suitable for placing Suzaku. At this time, the guard carefully reported the information that Zhao Tuo had arrived.

He nodded and asked people to bring Zhao Tuo, and Lu Wei turned to the south.

Lu Wei has a relationship with the Yue people in the Lingnan area, and he can conquer it in a more peaceful way. Almost all the stubborn Yue people in the Lingnan land that have experienced tragic wars are dead, and those who are still alive are not willing to fight with the new empire again. A war.

Therefore, he did not need Zhao Tuo to control Lingnan, but Zhao Tuo, as the deputy general of Qin's southern army, had excellent personal abilities and could at least serve as a county guard.

He must be terrified at this moment, and this is a good opportunity for His Highness Prince Qi to talk to him and reassure him.

As for Gai Nie Weizhuang, the two are Guigu disciples. Although they may not be useful in governing the country, they are still young.

Even if you are in your forties and have no experience in governing a country, you still have three to forty years to learn slowly.

Therefore, the two Guigu people can be used. As for how to use them, Lu Wei needs to slowly train them: their characters are not 'lively' enough, but this is not necessarily a shortcoming~
The ministers in the court can't always have the same mind and deliberately put some aliens in to play a special role.

(End of this chapter)

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