Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 45 Tian Zhong's Death

Chapter 45 Tian Zhong's Death
After binding Chen Sheng with iron chains and imprisoning him, the five hall masters hurriedly led them to the alley two rooms away, led by the disciple who found the body.

At both ends of Tian Zhong's body, a long trail of blood flowed from his body on the ground. The dagger was still held tightly in his hand, but his head was about ten meters away.
This scene frightened the hall masters, but it was not because of the death scene: Tian Zhong's sword was not unsheathed and he died without any time to resist. The murderer's skill was terrifying.
"The murderer may be someone familiar to Tian Zhong who can make Tian Zhong completely defenseless. There are not many such candidates."

As Tian Zhong's immediate boss, Zhou He observed the smooth and neat incision and speculated on another possibility with a dark face.

Naturally, he didn't have a good impression of Tian Zhong, but the person who killed his Gonggongtang so brutally at the Autumn Harvest Conference was also the general manager of Gonggongtang. This was a naked slap in the face.

A disciple who specialized in hard work carried Tian Zhong's head to the body from about ten meters away. Tian Zhong's eyes were not closed, and he showed a curious look before his death, which made everyone believe Zhou He's guess even more. :
Tian Zhong must have been traveling with someone at the time. During the chat, the person raised a question that concerned Tian Zhong. Tian Zhong turned around and was about to ask more questions. Unexpectedly, he suddenly drew his sword and attacked, which led to such a scene.
"Is he someone from within us?" The Zhu family has complicated feelings towards Tian Zhong. After all, he was once his adopted son. He used his inner strength to take the head from his disciple's arms and splice it back to his body.

Tian Meng and Tian Hu looked at each other. Logically speaking, Tian Zhong should not be traveling with others for tonight's action. But if it were not as Zhou He guessed, then based on the murderer's ability, if the target of the assassination was not Tian Zhong but them, the consequences would be terrible. also
"Although it's abnormal, it's too late!"

Situ Wanli looked at the position of the bright moon in the sky and said expressionlessly:

"Whether it's Chen Sheng or Tian Zhong, we won't waste time on this anymore. We can't miss the great sacrifice to the founder of Shennong every four years!"

"After the sacrifice, I'm afraid it will be harder to find the traces left by the murderer. That's all. Let's gather the disciples to hold the sacrifice normally!"

There was worry hidden in the Zhu family's voice, but as Situ Wanli said, we really can't waste any more time on these two murders now.

"That's it, I'll take Tian Zhong back to Gonggong Hall."

Zhou He said solemnly, collected Tian Zhong's body, and left first.

The other five hall masters had their own thoughts and dispersed one by one.

Time goes back to an hour ago.

Lu Ni hurried from Gonggongtang headquarters to the dense forest outside Chungu Villa very lightly.

Tonight, she specially put on the killer uniform, focusing on killing with one hit.

During the day, Lu Ni, who was hiding behind his master on the field ridge, never took his eyes off Tian Zhong for even a second.

Every move, word and expression of the other party, as well as the subtle changes in his expression, as well as the silent gestures he communicated with Tian Meng while cutting the wheat, were all caught by this professional killer.

"The hardest thing to bear is the kindness of a beauty." After being observed for so long, Tian Zhong can disappear tonight!
Putting on a metal mask, Lu Ni easily dodged the secret sentry in the village and waited in the darkness of the alleyway of Gonggongtang.

All the six farm masters in Spring Valley Manor are present. However, this session of masters has only been in power for a short time. Except for Zhou He, the eldest, the rest of them are not as good as him in skill.

I also learned from the owner that Xiakui was not in the village, so Spring Valley Village was a natural hunting ground for me who had just learned the art of cessation.

Of course, every hunt requires extreme caution, and farmers are not just cats and dogs without the ability to resist.

He was not sure exactly where the Nongjia Kuai was, and the Dize Formation jointly used by the six hall masters was beyond his ability to compete with.

Fortunately, the target was only Tian Zhong. He had observed him at close range many times without him noticing.

If it weren't for ensuring that his first mission under the new master's name was foolproof and not exposing himself to others, this kind of character would have killed him at least three times every time he observed him!
Judging from the gestures of Tian Zhong and Tian Meng, they seemed to have agreed to take action at night.The gesture code used by the two people was a variation of common gestures in the world. Lu Ni, who had learned some deciphering methods, could make a rough guess based on his own experience.

It may not be accurate, but it doesn’t matter if you read it wrong.

When the time comes for the big sacrifice, Tian Zhong will have to go out.

After three consecutive rounds of sacrifices on a day like today, anyone would relax their vigilance due to fatigue late at night when they return.

Until then, it will be your own time to take action!

After waiting for less than half a stick of incense, the mask hidden in the darkness watched Tian Zhong emerge from the window with a dagger in his hand and a cautious look on his face.
He still didn't know his fate in an hour.

Don't you want to expose your whereabouts?It doesn't fit in with me!

With a nimble step, Lu Ni, like a ghost, actually preceded Tian Zhong by a few steps from another direction and hid in another alley in Kuei Hall.

Tian Zhong didn't realize that he was being followed. He carefully savored the lines he should say when he caught Chen Sheng's "evil deeds". Thinking of the happy place, he couldn't help but nod slightly and snicker.

What a perfect script!
"What a perfect script!" Lu Ni sensed that the other party was about to pass by the alley where he was, and slowly unsheathed his sword.
Suddenly, Tian Zhong noticed a trace of light in the alley beside him. While Qinggong did not slow down, he turned his head strangely to look.
Hey, the Frightened Salamander Sword has a long and slender blade, and the pink sword aura makes it not look like a vicious thing.

Lightly but firmly, he sliced ​​open the skin, cut off the bones, dried the blood, and then sheathed it again, a series of smooth movements.

Tian Zhong's body continued to run for about ten steps smoothly, but his head fell down on the spot, rolled around a few times, and got a little dust on it, causing it to lose his thoughts and consciousness not so cleanly.

If the master wants to keep him from scratching his head, then he has to keep him from scratching his head.

Stepping on killer high heels and retreating into the darkness, everything in the alley returned to calm.

Tian Zhong didn't close his eyes, and he was still looking at the empty alley with a curious expression.
The mission was completed, and shortly after Lu Ni left the Kuei Hall area, the sound of huge wooden boards breaking could be heard in the sky, and the peasant disciples held torches, lighting up the surrounding area.
The Sixth Hall Master took the secret whistle disciples to check on Tian Zhong's situation, and Lu Wei mixed in with the theater crowd and dispersed with him.

Returning to the Gonggongtang area, I immediately noticed a ray of attention watching me in the dark alley.

Looking at the metal mask, Lu Wei walked into his house with a normal expression.

As soon as the door closed, Lu Ni walked out of the window into the house, knelt down on one knee: "Master, the mission has been completed!"

"I know you did a good job tonight."

Lu Wei sat down on the chair, and Lu Ni stood up and poured tea for him: "The next task of this subordinate is"

"No rush, you need to rest for a while. You don't have to take any more action during the Autumn Harvest Conference. Go see your daughter in your free time~"

"Thank you, Lord!" Lu Ni took off his mask, clasped his fists and said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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