Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 46 The Purpose Achieved

Chapter 46 The Purpose Achieved
After all, the changes in Spring Valley Village were only known to a small group of senior farmers.

Several hall masters jointly issued a silence order, and the disciples who participated in the grand ceremony had no idea why there were only five hall masters presiding over the sacrifice at night.

However, the truth cannot be concealed forever. Of course, no one wants to hide this matter forever. The hall leaders just do not want the final sacrifice of the Autumn Harvest Conference to be delayed.

In that case, the ancestors of Shennong would be blamed.

Lu Wei, Lu Ni, who was wearing a killer uniform and a farmer's disciple uniform, huddled among the Gonggongtang troops, quietly waiting for the sacrifice to end.

Tomorrow, there will definitely be a public trial and a major review.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

The next day, Lu Wei was knocked on the door by a patrolling disciple very early in the morning and told him: Master Zhou He wanted to see him.

"I see, I'll go right away."

After closing the door again, Lu Ni, who was meditating beside her, obviously heard the words of the disciple at the door. She stood up and took the master's coat and fine iron sword. She was about to hand it to Lu Wei, but was rejected by him with a wave of his hand:

"Zhou He's review starts with me. It's not good to bring a sword." He took the coat, put it on casually, and then signaled Lu Ni to put the fine iron sword back to its place: "You stay in the room while I leave. During this period, we will adapt accordingly if there are special circumstances.”


He quickly arrived at the main wooden house of Gonggong Hall. The disciple guarding the door had been ordered by Zhou He in advance, so he was not searched.

When he opened the door and entered the house, the first thing he saw was a piece of linen cloth, and underneath it was Tian Zhong's body.

Tian Zhong was an orphan. He was adopted by the Zhu family as an adopted son when he was young. Later, he rebelled against Shennong Hall and changed his surname to Tian to join Gonggong Hall. After this operation, the only people who would collect his body were those in the name of public officials in Gonggong Hall.

Zhou He turned his back to the door. When he heard Lu Wei come in and ask for instructions, he did not turn around. Instead, he kept his posture and asked calmly:
"What do you think of Tian Zhong's death?"

Of course it's great, but you definitely can't say this: "The timing is too clever. Could it have anything to do with the Kuei Hall incident?"

Lu Wei continued without thinking: "After the hall master has examined Mr. Tian's body, are there any clues in the wounds?"

"See for yourself." Zhou He was noncommittal to his previous sentence and signaled Lu Wei to conduct his own autopsy.

"I'm offended." Lu Wei did not refuse. He cupped his fists and saluted the linen, then squatted down and slowly uncovered the cloth.

There is nothing much to say about the way Tian Zhong died, but it was the first time he had seen the trauma caused by the Jing Salamand Sword.

Just when he was carefully examining the shape of the wound, Zhou He suddenly said coldly: "If we only talk about motives, who do you think would take action against Tian Zhong?"

"If it is limited to the Gonggong Hall, then the hall master will naturally doubt me." Lu Wei did not hesitate in his actions, and he was also very direct and frank about Zhou He's question:

"My subordinate was originally worried that there was no way to prove his innocence, but the hall asked the subordinate to see the corpse. Instead, he removed the traces on the corpse."

"Yes, as the biggest beneficiary of Tian Zhong's death, you will naturally be the first suspect."

Zhou He finally turned around and squatted down next to the body, lowering his eyes: "But judging from the wound evidence and the situation at the crime scene, you really can't kill Tian Zhong like a real killer."

"Of course Mr. Tian and I have grudges." Lu Wei gently covered the deceased's face with the linen cloth again, and looked at Zhou He sincerely:

"But after all, we are all farm brothers. If Mr. Tian is vicious enough to kill Zhou Zhang, Xu Qiu and others, how can I kill him?"

They looked at each other for several seconds, and finally Zhou He nodded: "This happened at night during the Autumn Harvest Conference, which is not a trivial matter. However, at the same time, something scandalous like that happened at Kuei Hall."

He stood up and walked a few steps outside: "Lu Wei is in charge."

"My subordinate is here." When Lu Wei heard the hall master calling out his name and position, he stood up and clasped his fists respectfully, waiting for his next words.

"This time... about Tian Zhong's death." He paused and said, "Other disciples of Gonggongtang cannot escape suspicion."

"I now give you full authority to launch an investigation in the hall on clues to the cause of Tian Zhong's death!"

Let me preside over the investigation into whether the cause of Tian Zhong's death is related to the disciples of Gonggongtang?

Isn't this luring a wolf into the house? Lu Wei's face was expressionless, and his fists were squeezed tighter: "Disciple, take orders!"


"Killing brothers and bullying brothers-in-law, according to my farm rules, must be punished by sinking into the pond."

"Please punish Xia Kui in accordance with the law, give an explanation to everyone in Kui Kai Hall, and give an explanation to the sixth cousins!"

After taking over the investigation task from the hall master, Lu Wei quickly realized that Zhou He had to hold his head high and let go of Tian Zhong's death.

Rather than giving him the power to investigate, it might as well be saying that he was preparing himself to accept the appointment as general manager.

Gonggongtang has become his own!

After two years of planning various plans, the goal was finally achieved in the most crude way.

This internal review of the cause of Tian Zhong's death will evolve into a complete liquidation of the remaining loyalists of Tian Zhong.

This will be a big project, and we need to call in Sansame Konoha to fully roll it out. There is no rush at the moment.

On the contrary, the drama at Kuei Hall was the first to start at night, and he needed to go and watch it.

With Tian Mi's words, the Tian Tiger brothers read out Chen Sheng's crimes and treatment methods at the trial meeting, and immediately applied to Xia Kui for execution in the name of justice.

Tian Guang took away Wu Kuang, whose life and death were unknown, yesterday. After appearing at the trial meeting today, he stared at Chen Sheng, whose limbs were bound and his mouth was gagged, and he slowly nodded.

Seeing this, Tian Meng showed a smile that was rare in recent days: "I will obey the order of the hero!"

"Come here, tie the villain Chen Sheng to a stone and execute him in the sinking pond!"

The three hall masters with foreign surnames, Zhu Jia, Situ Wanli, and Zhou He, had different thoughts as they watched the struggling Chen Sheng being carried away.

The Zhu family mask turned blue and sad, and he took a step forward and raised his hand to Tian Guang: "Xia Kuang, how is Wu Kuang's condition?"

Chen Sheng was deposed. If Wu Kuang had not died, he would have been the leader of Kuei Hall. But if he died, Tian Mi would probably succeed him in the name of his deceased husband.
In this way, among the six halls, there are three Tian surnames and three foreign surnames. No one can say whether this fragile balance can be maintained stable.

After the Zhu family asked the question, not only him, but also the Tian brothers and the crying Tian Mi also looked at Tian Guang secretly. They all hoped that Xiakui could give the answer they wanted.

Under such gaze, Tian Guang put his hands behind his back and shook his head gently: "I don't know what Wu Kuang's situation is."

"!" Such an answer shocked everyone. They didn't know why, so they didn't let everyone wait for too long. Then, Tian Guang said the reason calmly:
"After I took Wu Kuang away yesterday and gave him some internal energy, I went down the mountain to the Gonggongtang headquarters to find Dr. Nianduan, and asked her to go to the Liuxian Tomb in person to treat Wu Kuang."

"Unexpectedly, when I came back, Wu Kuang disappeared. Whether someone took him away or he left on his own after waking up is a mystery."

"Don't the six elders in the Six Sages' Tomb also know?"

Tian Hu couldn't help but stepped forward and shouted with a loud voice.

"Do you still need to bother the Sixth Elder with such a trivial matter?"

Tian Guang glanced sideways at Tian Hu, who immediately realized that he was rude and bowed his head and retreated.

In order to help his brother, Tian Meng asked Tian Guang for instructions in a deep voice: "Chen Sheng has been brought to justice, but Wu Kuang is missing."

"Cousins ​​Kuei have lost their hall master and general manager at the same time. They are leaderless. Please tell me how to decide on a new management team!"

"Follow the rules!"

After saying these words, Tian Guang left directly.

"Xia Kui lied!" Lu Wei secretly planned in his heart: "Dr. Nianduan, the hall leaders can't go to her to verify whether Xi Kui's words are true, but I can!"

"If I can prove this lie, can I get some benefits from it~"

(End of this chapter)

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