Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 452 Tianming’s Ambition

Chapter 452 Tianming’s Ambition
Gai Nie had just welcomed his junior brother Wei Zhuang outside Xianyang City not long ago. On this day, he was waiting here again.

When Xiang Yu and Tianming saw him at the gate of the city, the former thought that 'it turns out that the whereabouts of himself and others have always been under control', while the latter squeezed Yuan Hong in his hand.

"Tianming, do you have something to say to me?"

The sword master did not carry weapons, and his clothes were not the rough ranger clothes of the past. He spoke calmly and calmly. Xiang Yu took the initiative to enter the city after hearing this, without disturbing the reunion of the two people.

"Yes, uncle!" Tian Ming turned over and dismounted, raised his hand to hold the scabbard of Yuan Hong in front of him, and he was more solemn than ever before: "I have a question to ask you again."

"Okay, let's go outside the city."

After that, Gai Nie walked forward alone, with Tianming leading the horse behind him. The two of them walked for about the time it took to touch a stick of incense, and the tall Xianyang city wall behind them could still be seen.

It was silent all the way until dawn, except for the heavy sound of horse hooves.

"That's enough, Tianming." Gai Nie stopped, turned around and looked seriously at the grown-up Tianming: "What do you want to know?"

"Uncle, the question I want to ask is..." It has been a long time since they were separated. The last time he met his uncle was when Fusu had not gone to Songhai. There were too many things that happened in the world afterwards, and they were enough to change. The fate of everyone in the world, but now standing in front of the uncle, nothing seems to have happened.

Tianming's happiest days were still his life in Little Saint's Village, and the memory that stuck with him the most was always the experience of being taken away from the prison by his uncle.

"You once taught me: 'Xia is a powerful person helping a weak person. In this troubled world, many people have a Xia in their hearts, but the word is different in everyone's heart.'"

"Why is the sword in my hand swinging? Uncle, you let me find the answer myself. So, uncle, has your answer never changed?"

Tian Ming recounted his memories from many years ago word for word, and with every word he spoke, his eyes became firmer.

"Yes." Gai Nie looked at Tian Ming, who was eye level with him. The problem was not related to Jing Ke, but he could clearly see the shadow of his only friend in him.

The Sword Master nodded and said: "I have never changed since I started training in Guigu."

This answer did not surprise Tianming. No one knew the uncle's character better than him.

Although the question was asked by Gai Nie, the answer was Tianming's own heart. There was no deviation between reality and his heart.

"Uncle, now I have found a reason to wield the sword!" Tianming lowered his head and looked at Yuan Hong in his hand: "I will shoulder the mission of this sword."

Tianming's firmness made Ge Nie understand the child's choice. He said earnestly: "Jianghu is a long road with no end. You will witness all the joys, angers, sorrows and joys between people, and these will become part of your chivalry." , and ultimately, you need to find your place.”


"Every Jianghu Ranger, and even everyone, will go to a destination. It is not good or bad, but the most important thing is: no regrets when you use your sword!"

"Mr. Gai didn't bring a sword. I hope Tianming won't do anything stupid." '

Xiang Yu originally wanted to take his horse and wander around the city for a while, but he was slightly worried about the meeting between Tianming and Gai Nie.

But not long after he entered the city, a crisp call suddenly stopped him.

When he turned around, he saw that it was Gao Yue, his friend who had parted ways at Xiaoshengxian Manor.The slim girl took Xiang Yu to sit in a roadside restaurant stall. From here, they could observe the city gate, so if they passed by at dawn, they would not miss it.

But just as he sat down, Xiang Yu vaguely felt that something was wrong with the members of this small restaurant. These people were clearly master farmers!
That's right, such an important place will naturally be valued by His Highness King Qi, how could it really be just an ordinary restaurant.

As for their poor disguise, Xiang Yu laughed at himself after thinking about it: This is Xianyang, where the King of Qi lived before the new capital was established. These farmers only need to hold on to their positions. As for the exposed problem, is it possible? Does anyone dare to come here to check them?
Sitting down with peace of mind, Xiang Yu didn't ask much about why Gao Yue was in Xianyang and had access to a restaurant owned by farmers' disciples: Gao Yue's mother was the leader of the Moh family, and the Moh family entered Daze Mountain in the late Songhai period and was a farmer. Allies, presumably it is this relationship that makes Gao Yue's identity special.

"The conversation with Mr. Guy in the morning may take some time. Let's wait for him here!"

Gao Yue didn't appear outside the city just now, but she knew about Gai Nie and Tianming without having to explain herself. This was beyond Xiang Yu's expectation, but he still didn't ask any more questions.

After losing his clan members and leaving only one uncle, Xiang Bo, and the two have never met again, Xiang Yu's character has become much more stable.

He smiled and agreed, and while waiting, he selected a few representative events from his experience on the battlefield with Tianming and told them like stories.

While listening, Gao Yue hid the fact that she had met the two of them in Licheng: it was enough that the three of them were safe, and those too complicated relationships were carefully hidden by her.

The two waited for about an hour before they saw Tian Ming, who was distracted, coming in from the city gate alone. Xiang Yu smiled and spread his hands without moving, while Gao Yue happily walked around behind him, as if he had stopped in response to Xiang Yu's behavior just now. companion.

"Yue'er!" After talking to the uncle, Tianming received some sword skills instruction from the latter. He was meditating on the direction of his sword skills. When he recovered from the slight fright, he saw the girl's smile as warm as the sun.
From Guancheng to Xiaoshengxianzhuang and then to Xianyang, the three children in the troubled times not only survived, but also reunited. Such a surprise is especially surprising to Tianming, who has been lonely since he was a child.

The three little ones ate and chatted together in a small restaurant at the gate of the city. Since there were no enemies to threaten them, they laughed sincerely without any worries.

But at the end, Tianming's speech made Gao Yue and Xiang Yu stunned:
"Yue'er, Shaoyu, I'm going to make my fortune in the world!"

His determined tone showed that this was a carefully considered choice.

"His Royal Highness King Qi."

Xiao Yu, who was wearing a Shushan-style dress, was wearing loose silk clothes. When she saluted Lu Wei, the heavy silver ornaments hanging on her head swayed gently with her movements, but there was no noisy movement due to collisions with each other.

Xiao Yu did not dye his skin with the unique paint of Shu Mountain today, but he still used more colorful paints to outline the patterns belonging to the Shu people on his body according to the formal customs. The very bold clothes and these patterns were matched to create a look that was different from the Central Plains. Alien scenery.

Looking from bottom to top, the exposed smooth thighs, slender waist, flat belly, and neck that looked like it was carved out of jade were all taken in by His Highness King Qi.

The aggressive gaze made the girl's cheeks turn red. Her eyes shyly glanced at the pattern of the palace floor tiles, and she said in a thin voice: "According to the tradition of Shu, you must wear Shushan costumes when visiting the most distinguished adults. Please forgive me."

"No problem." Lu Wei walked down the platform with a smile and said in a gentle tone: "Shu Mountain is my most important ally in Shu. How could I not understand your tradition~"

"The stability of Shu in the future still requires Shushan to stand up and assist in the governance of the empire. The two sides should be closer and closer~"

The step by step approach and the clear words made Xiao Yu even more shy, but he also took the initiative to respond with joy:

"Yes, the Shushan witch dance is one of the rituals we perform when entertaining distinguished guests. Please allow Xiao Yu to dance for the king."

(End of this chapter)

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