Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 453 Partition Wall

Chapter 453 Partition Wall
'The clothes are faded and half shy, like hibiscus, timid in autumn, heavily wet and rouge-like. '

In fact, Lu Wei has studied dance, and his level is roughly similar to his chess level. This is mainly because women such as Snow Girl and Moon Goddess have shown him the beauty of dance in depth.

When he was young in Shouchun, he and Chu Nan Gong also appreciated the witchcraft dance of the Ba people and the Shu people.

Although Xiao Yu is only one person, her body is very flexible and the proportions of her upper and lower bodies are very prominent, so her witch dance has a special sense of exaggeration.

I remember that when I was talking to the Moon God, she once said that the witch dance in Shu Mountain was to please the gods, but now, Lu Wei is the only god in this world.

Watching the girl's dance movements, he became more and more interested. He took a step forward, and when Xiao Yu pulled her left leg above her head, he got close to her back and easily grabbed the girl's raised ankle.

The Wu Wu movement was interrupted, and Xiao Yu exclaimed. When he fell backward, he happened to be in the arms of His Highness Prince Qi who was making moves, and was supported by his solid chest.

Feeling restless, one big hand fumbled around his waist, while the other took off the show shoes that he had lifted up and threw them away.
Even though he was prepared, Xiao Yu, who was shaken, still subconsciously said tremblingly: "Your Highness, Prince Qi, please respect yourself."

Her exposed little feet in white stockings were stretched straight.

The jingling silverware and jingling sounds were very similar to the girl's inner emotions.

Such words made Lu Wei chuckle with interest, but he lowered his head and put his face against the hot Xiaoyu's face, smelled the scent of Shushan, and said wantonly: "Shushan is a loyal minister of Daqi, I accept you How about entering the palace~"

At the same time, he drew a circle with the fingertips of his right hand on the girl's belly.
Shao Yu came to the palace full of worries and asked to see His Highness King Qi, and he was summoned soon.

He had just separated from his friends Tianming and Gao Yue.

The boy Tianming was determined to pursue his own career in the world, and the two people who understood his ideals could not stop him. They could only firmly express their blessings to him, hug him and say goodbye.

However, Tian Ming also said that it could be as short as three to five years or as long as ten years. After he has established his reputation as a knight in the world, he will return to Guanzhong and reunite with his two companions.

This is not a separation of life and death, just a brief pause. The three boys and girls are still very young.

The quality of the top masters in the world that had just experienced a dynasty change had dropped a lot. The reason was very simple. Most of the real masters had entered the Qi court.

But such a world may not necessarily be safer. Before the foundation of Qi's rule is laid, a world without the constraints of various schools of thought will only become more chaotic and dangerous.

Tianming thought that this was the time for him to play his role, so after finally reaching Xianyang, he immediately turned around and left the city.

When they were saying goodbye at the city gate, Genie was watching from a distance.

Gao Yue thought this was a reunion with her friends, but it turned out that the reunion only lasted less than half a day.
Seeing that Tianming had already gone his own way, Xiang Yu didn't want to rest and waste time, so he immediately came to the palace and paid his respects.

In the palace hall, he swept away those unnecessary emotions, lowered his head and walked into the high platform behind a layer of light curtains, where he knelt and saluted: "General Xiang Yu, pay your respects to the king."

As a general who made outstanding contributions to the Northern Army against the Qin Army's Great Wall Army, Xiang Yu came here not only for himself, but also as a representative to report on the results of the war in the north.

Although the general situation of the battle was transmitted to Xianyang by Ayu's intelligence agency, the details and the situation in the north after the capture of the Great Wall Legion require a more detailed description.

"Well, tell me." A voice came from the side, and Xiang Yu realized that there was no one on the high platform: His Royal Highness King Qi has a deep inner energy, and his inner energy is attached to the entire hall, so the ministers who were targeted After entering the main hall, I couldn't guess King Qi's position just by feeling. I could only feel the solemn gaze of King Qi everywhere.

The high platform that was renovated after Hu Hai ascended the throne is too high, and it is semi-transparent. Unless you hold your head high and look directly at the throne when entering, it is really difficult to see whether there is anyone on the throne with your peripheral vision.

"The last general takes orders!"

After being slightly surprised, Xiang Yu did not change his body position and began to speak directly in a deep voice.

This King of Qi was the leader of the peasant family. When he was in Songhai, he had met this man with Tianming and Gao Yue in the Little Saint Xian Manor. At that time, he had to follow Qin Xiangguo Li Si.

And now, Li Si has been exterminated by his clan.
He didn't know what King Qi was doing and didn't need to know. Xiang Yu only knew that he could show his iron qualities as a general, and he would be highly praised by King Qi~
This is the wisdom that my grandfather passed down to me when I was a child: a general only needs to do what a general should do, and then he can be promoted to a noble rank and gain the trust of the king.

The high-pitched report voice echoed in the main hall. Being in the side hall and hearing that the owner of the voice was one of the three boys and girls he had met in Songhai Little Sage Village, Xiao Yu felt a strange feeling in his heart and body. Suddenly and simultaneously.

The former allies of the anti-Qin alliance were outside, but I was there across a wall.
This shy mood was soon known to Lu Wei in some way.

The overall situation in the north was intact. Although Han Xin was the general who conquered the north, after the defeat of the Great Wall Army, the governance of the north was left to the 'two continents', Ashan and Ayu.

The absolute reason for this is of course the special relationship between the two and the King of Qi, while the relative reason is that the peasant disciples in the land of Yan and Zhao were lurked by these two after the Qin people destroyed Yan and Zhao.

Therefore, in terms of mastery of the land of Yan and Zhao, no one in the Qi army can compare with Ashan Ayu.

Han Xin, who ignored the political power, not only recruited the Great Wall Army, but also sent troops to take over the Great Wall defense line into the hands of the Qi army.

This iron wall that stretches thousands of miles from east to west was built to protect against the wolf clan. Now, although the wolf clan's main force has been plowed aside by Wang Li, and they have been unable to invade the Great Wall for another 20 years, the hidden danger is still there.

According to Han Xin's intention, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the Wolf Clan thought that due to the melee in the Central Plains they were unable to make the Northern Expedition, he would once again break into the Wolf Clan Royal Court and conduct a second deep plowing to remove the remaining roots in the soil.

Such a plan can be done, but it cannot be done by sending out 30 troops at once like the Qin Dynasty. The way for Qi to stabilize people's hearts is to have fewer corvees and fewer wars, and they cannot lose the big for the small.

After all, even if the wolves come back in 20 years, they will have to face the Central Plains, which has been developed for 20 years!
A small number of cavalry raids can be done, but an attack by hundreds of thousands of troops to eradicate the grassland must not be done: the income from attacking the grassland is too low now, and as long as troops are sent out, it will be a loss.

After Xiang Yu reported the report, he was not disappointed by King Qi's attitude. On the contrary, he became excited: He was not qualified to command an army, but the position of cavalry general belonged to him!

"Xiang Yu, I also met your father many years ago, but it's a pity that he met with misfortune early on."

Lu Wei, neatly dressed, walked out of the side hall. After talking about the business affairs in the north, he pretended to sigh and talk about old things.

Xiang Yu, who was alone, could not help but feel sad emotions in his heart, but his appearance remained firm: "My old friend has passed away. Thank you for your concern. General Yu will swear to serve the king to the death and inherit his father's ambition."

"Okay, very good." Lu Wei nodded happily, stretched out his hand to lift the kneeling Xiang Yu, and patted the folds of his clothes on his shoulders: "You are indeed a good man of the Xiang family, and the Xiang family will definitely be re-established in your hands. Revival~"

"I will definitely live up to the king's expectations!"

(End of this chapter)

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