Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 454 Changan Construction

Chapter 454 Changan Construction
As the news of the war between the North and the South spread to the Central Plains, the new capital of Chang'an was also in full swing with the help of the foundation of the Qin Palace. Everyone in the world knew that His Highness the King of Qi, who had eliminated the violent Qin, would build a new empire based on Guanzhong.

This is not a result that satisfies everyone:

The old aristocrats of the Seven Kingdoms still hope that the King of Qi will accept the call to resume enfeoffment. They do not want another 'First Emperor' to appear, and hope that the King of Qi will benevolent and righteous in decentralizing power.

The landowners of Qilu were still excited about the revival of Qi at first. Even if the bloodline of the King of Qi changed, as long as they were still in the name of Qi, it was enough to keep them aloof when facing the other old lands of the six countries.

The news about Lidu Guanzhong undoubtedly poured cold water on them.

But even if they had a lot of dissatisfaction, when facing His Highness the King of Qi, who had already made up his mind, they could only kneel down and kowtow, shouting "Longevity without Borders".

The King of Qi, who had prestige, achievements, and most importantly, military power, was surrounded by many cronies.Even if he does not have noble blood, no one can disobey his will unless he takes the initiative to exterminate himself from the world.

Especially after the era of Ying Zheng and Hu Hai, the patience of officials and people has been high enough. Under such circumstances, any normal monarch can get the country on the right track as long as he does not mess around. It is nothing more than speed and track. The question of the length of the end.

The construction of 'Chang'an' was not a day's work, and the emperor's enthronement ceremony could not be held until the capital was completely repaired. It could be carried out as long as the prototype of the new palace was modified.

Modifications in this area are not a big project: Ying Zheng's aesthetics are not surprising, so as long as the main body of the Guanzhong Palace has not been damaged, only the interior needs to be changed, and the orientation changes should also be slightly modified.

As for how to change it, this is a matter for the Yin Yang family: it was the Moon God who presided over the construction of the palace complex in the first place, and she should be responsible for the current changes.

According to the theory of the end and beginning of the five virtues of the Yin Yang family, Xia belongs to wood, Shang belongs to metal, Zhou belongs to fire, and Qin belongs to water. They are all in a mutually restraining relationship, so there is inheritance.

Therefore, Qili should belong to the earth, not the wood in the direction. This is in line with the attributes of a farmer: As a school among hundreds of scholars who specializes in agriculture, the country established by its hero should naturally be of earth virtue.

Moreover, the original meaning of the word "Qi" in the oracle bone inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty is the neatness of grain ears. As the saying goes, "Those who are born in order are most likely to be like crops and wheat." This is the name of a country closely related to farming and land.

What's more coincidental is that the surname of the current King of Qi and the leader of the peasant family happens to be 'Lu'. The extended meaning of 'Lu' when it was first created was 'big earth mountain', which is also related to Tu De.

Various evidences prove that Qi, a peasant family, is truly destined by destiny.

Such rumors came from the mouth of the fortune teller of the Yin Yang family, and soon spread, becoming a household name.

Such a momentum was really not done by Lu Wei, but by the Moon God. The effect on the people was very good, so much so that many among the landowners and nobles believed in the rhetoric of "Destiny is on the mainland".

Therefore, the main renovation of the Qin Palace is to replace the water virtues with black as the main color into the earth virtues with yellow as the main color.

When His Royal Highness the King of Qi came to inspect the Chang'an Palace in person, the familiar colors and decorations from his previous life were not as majestic as the black and solemn Xianyang Palace, but they were majestic in their own right.

Those who are virtuous will be virtuous.This Yin Yang theory is not completely false, but for Lu Wei, the most important thing is that it is indeed useful to his rule, so he accepts it.

None of the peasants, Confucians, Taoists, Yin-Yangists, Mohists, public losers, strategists, military strategists, and even the Legalists among the old officials of the Qin State were completely abandoned by him.
Any useful ministers and useful doctrines were brought under Lu Wei's rule. Even though there would be some hidden dangers, nothing in the world was absolutely safe. He was confident of taming these arrogant people.


Moon God, Concubine Yan, and Young Master Siming lined up in two rows with their disciples to salute Lu Wei.

The iconic figures of the Yin Yang family are all there, and Dazeshan and Songhai are no longer the most important core.

Although Gan Luo and Yun Zhongjun also belong to the Yin Yang Family, the former's feelings for the Yin Yang Family are infinitely weak after he mastered the Yin Yang Art of Cleansing Hate, and he has no love or hatred. He just wears his identity as a star soul.

For Lu Wei's sake, Luna did not deal with the matter and deliberately ignored it.As for Yun Zhongjun, his value is to be sent to Shu to show off to the public to further win the hearts of the people of Shu. The new Minister of Finance and the Elder Moon God have already thought of a candidate: Xu Fu.

Xu Fu is still young, but his talent is extremely outstanding. He can reach the level of an elder in onmyoji in a few years at most.

The Onmyoji next specializes in academic research, exploring the depths of Onmyoji, and anyone with talent can do so regardless of age.

"Yes," Lu Wei responded, motioning for the Yin Yang disciples to stand back and start walking around under the leadership of the Moon God.

The main part of the palace has been completed, so in theory he can move his residence from Xianyang to Chang'an Palace here.

"What is the king thinking?"

When Luna introduced the layout of the palace facilities to Lu Wei one by one, she saw that he seemed to be distracted and asked directly.

The first time she met Lu Wei dates back to the New Year's Eve in Jicheng when the latter was only 12 years old.

After so many years, Yueshen believed that he had sufficient understanding of him who had reached the pinnacle of power, so he was not worried about offending Lu Wei when he interrupted his thinking.

"It's okay." His Highness Prince Qi came back to his senses and smiled lightly: "Although I had expected it before, but now I really feel why Ying Zheng insists on seeking immortality, I still have different feelings."

"The mirage is still on the shore of Songhai." Luna pursed her lips and responded.

"I feel his mood, but I don't have to do it." Shaking his head, Lu Wei walked into the side study room used to summon ministers, and took down a Tao Te Ching from the bookshelf: "As small as the Yin Yang family, as big as the world All people are not fit to go to sea now.”

"The desire to explore the deeper layers should be reserved until everything is clear. Right now, we are still far away."

"I think everything in the palace is generally ready. The Yin Yang family can move into the west hall as their new headquarters. Xiao He will handle the details of this with you, and Ji Yan will also participate."

"Yes, I will take care of this matter."

After leaving the palace, Lu Wei found Xiao He in the half-built Chang'an City.

Although Lu Qing came to Guanzhong from Linzi, Xiao Helai still made overall arrangements for the construction of Chang'an City.

The gray-haired Lu Xiangguo has no objection to this. He knows his position well, and he acts very peacefully now. He is already thinking about the future of his family after he retires.

"The scale of Chang'an City will exceed that of Linzi, and it is expected to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people living in it. In addition to farm disciples, we can still imitate the methods used by the Qin Dynasty at the beginning, but this may cause some riots, and arrangements must be made in advance."

Xiao He pointed to the drawings on the table and solemnly introduced them to His Highness King Qi.

When the Qin Dynasty was first established, it was nothing more than to move wealthy households from all over the world to fill Guanzhong.

This will indeed attract some criticism, and the only one who can issue the order is His Highness King Qi himself.

Lu Wei calmly analyzed the pros and cons, and finally nodded:
This is a necessary toss!

(End of this chapter)

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