Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 455 The first hero

Chapter 455 The First Hero
The rich families in the world are all wealthy families, and they are deeply rooted in the local area, but if they are forced to move to Guanzhong, a petty official can manage them obediently.

It has been less than ten years since the last time Ying Zheng moved a large family, but according to the farmer's intelligence network, it can be found that there are still a large number of wealthy families hiding among the people.

Ying Zheng could not investigate these wealthy families because he could not personally investigate any county outside Hangu Pass. For Lu Wei, who had a large number of farm disciples, these data had been collected for more than ten years.

Lu Wei dare not say everything about how he was able to maintain his wealth despite the laws and wars of the Qin Dynasty, but at least [-]% of the local wealthy families had done a lot of evil things.

Because the peasant family can actually be regarded as a local wealthy family, His Highness King Qi is well aware of the behavior style of his subordinates. Even though he has formulated a code of conduct, the proportion of extremely vicious thugs among them has always been relatively fixed.

As a knight-errant, he has done many bloody and immoral things.

If you use a villain's heart to judge a villain's belly, you can imagine the result.

Therefore, the benefits of moving to a rich clan are definitely more. As for the hidden dangers, Lu Wei plans to use two sharp knives: quicksand and snare!

Zhou Wen has gathered the power of Luowang. Needless to say, the nature of the killers in this organization, and the quicksand trio who returned from the south are not good people. Some methods are even more vicious than the Luowang killers. Handing this organization over Wei Zhuang is the commander-in-chief, and it is perfect for him to do bad things.

Those who are dissatisfied with King Qi's will can be dealt with by this pair.

As for how to prevent Wei Zhuang from doing something that even he doesn't know about with Luo Yu, Chen Ping's intelligence agency is still there.

By handing Gai Nie under Chen Ping's control, the strength and resources that can be mobilized as a partner will be much higher than the combined force of quicksand and snare!

Just like Qin's Shadow Guard and Luo Sheng, Lu Wei also followed suit and established a violent organization.

But the biggest difference between him and Ying Zheng and Hu Hai is that his force can not be deceived by either party, while Ying Zheng and Hu Hai do not have such a guarantee of force.

With an organization in mind to do the dirty work, Lu Wei and Xiao He inspected several important places in the city and summoned Mo Ban and Gong Shuqiu.

After many commanders of the Mohist family came to Xianyang, they finally passed the opinion of surrendering to Qi in the vote of Tianzhi.

Although the remaining senior officials of the Mo family care about the spirit of Mo Xia, except for Robber Zhi, few of the other leaders actually travel around the world.

It is not an easy decision to make the decision to abandon a stable life and venture into the world after the chaotic times that are exhausting both physically and mentally.

And the most important thing is that they cannot let the Gongshu family continue to monopolize the court's support, otherwise what will happen in the future will definitely be detrimental to the Moh family.

There has been an example before.

Under various factors, and in the final moments of struggle of several commanders, Yan Yun was the first to stand up and support joining the court, and the subsequent voting was a matter of course.
Now, the machine arts masters of the two groups are jointly participating in the construction of Chang'an City. Domineering machine arts and non-offensive machine arts will be integrated into this future first city in the world.
When it was getting dark, he did not return to Xianyang, which was dozens of miles away, but rested for the night in Chang'an Palace.

That night, the lights in the Chang'an Palace dormitory stayed on all night long, but His Highness King Qi practiced hard skills all night long.

The four members of the Yin Yang Family's forbidden spells combined together were extremely powerful, and they cooperated well, almost making His Highness King Qi unable to withstand it. Fortunately, with his long-lasting internal energy, and forcing Shao Si Ming to rebel, he finally broke through the Yin Yang Family's defense in one fell swoop. achieve ultimate victory.

Returning to Xianyang early the next morning, at the gate of the city, he met Li Mu Cha, who had come to Xianyang in a low profile.

After the Liusha trio and Zhao Tuo handed over their military power, they rode the White Bird to Guanzhong first, and Li Mu, who had settled the Qin army, also quickly crossed the Shu Road on the Suzaku.At the checkpoint, he changed the carriage.

Since all the itinerary was reported to Lu Wei in advance by Li Mu, Lu Wei was able to calculate the old general's itinerary. There were also farm disciples secretly protecting him along the way. He knew exactly what day Li Mu would arrive in Xianyang.

Therefore, at the gate of Xianyang City, there was a scene where the King of Qi stepped down from his royal post and invited an old man in gray to accompany him into the city.

The identity of the old man immediately aroused the curiosity of countless people. The peasant disciples who had been ambushing the crowd for a long time pointed out that he was the former Lord Zhao Wu'an and the general of Qi Nanfang Army: Li Mu!
Hearing this, the people of Xianyang suddenly realized: It turns out that this is the case, and only such a famous general in the world can receive such kindness from King Qi!

As an old Qin native, the name Li Mu was introduced to Xianyang more than 20 years ago, and many older Xianyang people still remember the deeds of this Zhao general.

At that time, among the six kingdoms of Shandong, except for Li Mu and Xiang Yan, no one could make Qin suffer defeat.

After many defeats, even when faced with an enemy, the emotion of conviction will still arise.

Now I heard this name again after so many years. Li Mu, who was once again in charge of the army, was already the well-deserved number one general in the world.

Li Mu was very angry. When he heard the chatter on the street outside the carriage, he suddenly felt proud and proud: even though he had passed the age of competitiveness, he could hear the people praising his reputation in the capital of his former biggest enemy. , how not to cheer up the old general?
Looking gratefully at the smiling His Highness the Prince of Qi, Li Mu bowed his head in the carriage. If Lu Wei could see the loyalty value, he would definitely see that the value bar above Li Mu's head was not only full, but also locked.

But even if he couldn't see it, Lu Wei could guess Li Mu's mood: He intended to further elevate Li Mu's reputation to the limit through himself. On the one hand, no matter how high the reputation of the old general was, he would not be a threat to him; Zuozuo was seen internally by Qi Jun.

A general's superb military skills are indeed a prerequisite for becoming a famous general, but military skills alone are not enough.

Only those who are recognized by his King Qi and can be accessed from outside the city by Wang Jia are the only criteria for being the best general in the world.

Li Mu enjoyed the first honor, but because of his age, he did not pose an obstacle to the young generals in the army. Who will get these two honors and how to get them are what those eager young men have to think about~
"General Li, there is no need to be polite."

"The old general not only wiped out Ren Xiao's 20-strong army, but also stabilized the complex situation in the face of the Yue people, Shu people, and the Qin army that surrendered to the south. He also sent troops in time to conquer all the counties in the south. His hard work is extremely meritorious. It can be said that he is the number one hero in destroying Qin."

"I just took a few extra steps, which is far from enough to reflect the merits of a general."

"The king's words are serious!" Li Mu did not dare to take credit. The situation in the south was far less important than that in the middle.

Moreover, the reason why he was able to pacify Chu, Shu and Lingnan was because of Lu Wei's advance layout. Compared with His Highness the King of Qi's credit, he really did not do much.

"I say you are the number one hero, so you are the number one hero."

Lu Wei smiled and helped Li Mu up, and forcefully announced that the candidate for the main hero would not be changed.

There is no one more suitable for the position of the number one hero among the officials than Li Mu. As for the number one contribution to the destruction of Qin in the world, even if Lu Wei doesn't want it, it will naturally fall on him and there is no need to fight for it.

"In addition, I have arranged a residence for the old general in Chang'an City. I will have a day off today and I will take you there tomorrow."

His Highness King Qi's enthusiasm is endless, and he wants to maximize the special treatment for Li Mu.
(End of this chapter)

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