Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 456 Three old men enter the court

Chapter 456 Three elders enter the court

"'Although Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed by Chu,' your predictions have always been accurate, but this is the most important one that failed. What should be the explanation?"

Two white-haired old men were walking on the barren hills of Guanzhong. The height difference between the old partners was huge, but it did not prevent them from walking in unison.

Moreover, Xunzi and Chu Nanggong seemed to be walking very slowly, but from the perspective of onlookers, they walked a long way unknowingly.
Faced with the question, Duke Nan of Chu chuckled and stroked his long eyebrows that hung together with his beard. He did not feel embarrassed at all: "Isn't it the first uprising that led to the death of Qin by Mr. Lu on the land of Chu?"

"This is sophistry." Master Xun clasped his hands behind his back and shook his head disapproving of such remarks.

"Old man, I said from the very beginning that Chu would be bound to destroy Qin rather than replace Qin. How could this be sophistry~"

Nan Gong smiled while leaning on his cane. What he was holding at this moment was a white jade staff instead of his usual wooden cane. If Lu Wei were here, he would definitely recognize this as the one he was looking for for Chu Nan Gong more than ten years ago. 'The one that arrived.

Nan Gong has never taken it out for more than ten years, but he has been using this jade crutch since he handed the Yellowstone Heavenly Book to someone in the mirage last year.

Xunzi's intention for him could not be clearer: to save his life.

Although His Highness King Qi has always been humble, courteous, and generous in his actions, firstly, this is not his nature, and secondly, who knows how he will change after gaining power.

He, Duke Nan of Chu, has a special status. No matter how big or small his actions are, he will be regarded as having deep meaning. He suddenly took out this jade staff and branded himself as the King of Qi. This is definitely an act that will please Lu Wei. , why not do it.

"The power of the Chu family is not the mainstream in the new empire. There are only the former Chu princess in the harem and Xiang Yuyingbu in the court. These people's positions are still at odds with each other. This should be something you don't want to see, right?"

The topic of the fall of Qin must be that of Chu was briefly touched on, and Xunzi, if he pointed out something, involved the Chu clan.

Duke Nan of Chu had hoped that Lu Wei could participate in Lord Changping's plan more than ten years ago. At that time, he naturally wanted to make Lu Wei a subordinate of Lord Changping and Xiang Yan to assist the Chu State in achieving success. Later, he also gave guidance to Xiang in Songhai. The rest of the clan shows that even this 'god-like figure' still has some remnants of 'feelings for family and country'.

He is not a heartless person, and it is understandable that he thinks about his homeland. However, even so, after the peasant uprising, Chu Nan Gong no longer publicly expressed his opinions. Instead, he concentrated on playing chess and shopping in Linzi City, and promoted the Chu clan he had learned. Completely ignoring this is not in line with Xunzi's perception of Chu Nangong's style.

"You and I are both old and dying, so why bother trying things again and again, which only adds to the troubles."

Chu Nan Gong's smile did not diminish, his cloudy eyes dimmed: "Or, who gave this to you~"

"Those juniors don't dare to instruct me, but the Little Saint Xian Manor has decided to serve the court. I am not energetic enough to help them in the court. I just talk to old friends in the mountains and fields casually."

"This is not our era anymore, let the next generation do what the next generation does."

Suddenly a third old man appeared in front of the two old men with a burst of white mist. The pattern on this man's simple robe was very familiar to Xunzi and Chu Nan Gong: Taoist people, Beijing who should be in retreat. Mingzi!
With such a combination, in terms of seniority, Xunzi, who is over ninety years old, is the lowest among the three. He and Xiaomeng belong to the same generation.However, for people of their level, the importance of seniority when getting along with each other is no longer the primary factor to consider when speaking. Even Xunzi, a Confucian master, does not pay attention to red tape, and Chu Nangong and Bei Mingzi do not pay attention to it. Don’t let etiquette go.

"You two came to invite me, but for the ceremony of King Qi's enthronement as emperor at the beginning of next month?"

Without any explanation for his eavesdropping behavior, Bei Mingzi went straight to the point.

In fact, the relationship between the three of them is not particularly familiar. They have even met only a handful of times over the decades. However, it is not only when they are inseparable that they can become friends. Sometimes, as long as people have a conversation with each other, they can recognize each other. Can last for a long time
"Exactly." Xunzi nodded and admitted: "Although only Nan Gong is familiar with the emperor among us old people, your sect and mine have been completely entangled with the empire for a long time, so we simply went together."

"Is that so?" Bei Mingzi had already made his choice, but before answering, he lowered his head and asked Chu Nan Gong: "What is the fate of the new empire?"

"The old man doesn't know what destiny is." Nangong shook his head frankly: "But the people of the world have already felt at ease."

"That's it." Bei Mingzi knew it well: "Then the three of us will go together."

The Confucian Xunzi, the Taoist Beimingzi, and the Chu sage Chu Nan Gong, any one of these three people were the disciples of the Seven Kingdoms who once needed to be personally received. Now they came to Xianyang together to congratulate the King of Qi, and were immediately attracted by them. It is a good story spread all over the world.

When it comes to building momentum, you help me and I help you. However, these three old men have no needs themselves. Their visit is more to show that they and the forces behind them are willing to serve King Qi unconditionally.

Lu Wei's reputation has once again risen to a new level: in the past, even the first emperor of Qin, Ying Zheng, could not call these people into the court as officials.

Han Xin, who had temporarily handed over military power from the North, saw his teacher again walking into the palace with the support of King Qi from a few feet away. Apart from being happy, he also felt yearning: Today, the world can be treated like this by King Qi. Han Xin was the real unparalleled talent. He, Han Xin, had been invited by Lu Wei many times in Shouchun, but he was not qualified to accept the treatment of Li Mu, Nangong and others.

Han Xin believed that he had almost reached the ideal of becoming a marquis and a general, but this was not the ultimate.

It seems impossible to be crowned king now, but it is possible to pursue the treatment of Li Mu who is granted the title of Marquis of Wu'an.

The seeds in his heart grew and sprouted, and Han Xin turned around resolutely: Envy is not only not a bad emotion, on the contrary, it is an extremely excellent character to regard the object of envy as a goal and pursue transcendence!
Wei Zhuang, who was able to take charge of Luo Sheng, was also among the crowd watching. Lu Wei gave him unlimited power to reorganize Luo Sheng, with only one requirement: to complete the prescribed tasks at any cost when the empire needs it.

This identity is very suitable for Wei Zhuang's style. Even if he actually wants more than this, this is a good starting point anyway.

With the support of an empire, he can now boldly try things that he could not do in quicksand in the past. An unprecedented feeling filled the heart of this Guigu disciple.

The joy of life gradually changed the way Wei Zhuang looked at Lu Wei. When he joined the empire and gained power, the shackles of power quietly fell on him.

On the other side, Gai Nie was in the crowd opposite Wei Zhuang, silently watching his junior brother, seeing the changes in him.
These talented people in the world are devoting everything they have to His Highness King Qi, so that His Highness King Qi can sit back and relax~
(End of this chapter)

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