Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 49 Lu and his son

Chapter 49 Lu and his son
Two months have passed in a blink of an eye, and it’s the end of another year.

After the Autumn Harvest Conference, Lu Wei was first awarded the five-star pearl grass by Zhou He and was appointed acting general manager. Not long ago, because of his "good management of Gonggong Hall", he was awarded the six-star pearl grass and officially took over the position of general manager and was established. Be the next leader of Gonggong Hall.

Since the Kui Kui Hall scandal broke out at the Autumn Harvest Conference, the top management of the farm family has started an open and covert fight over the candidate of the new Kui Kui Hall leader.

Tian Mi is a scandal victim and the wife of the missing manager Wu Kuang. Coupled with her 'special' popularity among the lower-level disciples, there is a high demand for her to succeed the leader of Hall Kuui.

In addition, she also has the support of the Tian family. The other competitors in Kuei Hall are all unknown old people. Logically speaking, Tian Mi should win easily.

However, she has a fatal flaw that makes her position as hall leader undecided for a long time:
The status in the hall is too low!

Before Tian Mi was married to Wu Kuang, she only had two stars of pearl grass. Later, she was promoted to three stars, but it was still far from enough.

At this time, the farmer's family was not the one that could grant any number of pearl grass to its disciples in order to seize the opportunity to recruit the remnants of the Six Nations, and the promotion of disciples' levels was still relatively rigid.

Lu Wei came to Daze Mountain in August. In just four months, the number of pearl grasses increased from three to six, which was as fast as lightning.

But this is in line with the rules of the farm family. His rank did start from the first star, step by step, and he deserved credit for each promotion, before he reached his current status.

So much so that he can proudly claim that he is a "Miao farmer with roots in the family"!
But Tian Mi is different. In the past few months, she has only cried: crying in front of Xia Kui, crying in front of the five hall masters, and crying in front of the lower-level disciples.

Can crying solve the problem?You can't just raise her level out of thin air just because her husband died~

I'm afraid this trivial matter will continue to be fought for several more months. Lu Wei has been doing things quickly recently, and with his identity being confirmed, he has become a hot new senior executive in the Sixth Hall.

Not only were many of the lower-level disciples trying to take advantage of Lu Wei's young age to get into his lap, but the other hall leaders also had obvious intentions of wooing him.

Tian Mi even sent his disciples to invite him one evening
This is indeed a good opportunity to play both sides and seek personal gain, but if you think about it calmly, there is naturally a corresponding crisis lurking behind the opportunity.

Chen Sheng is a lesson learned from the past.

He can be deposed as a hall leader, let alone a small manager.

Tian Zhong's previous idea was right. At this stage, he no longer needs to find ways to fight for power, and it is safest to remain patient.

It's just that Tian Zhong had to help the Tian family because he took refuge in the Tian family, but he was alone in the main hall, so he had no constraints.

In order to completely prevent himself from falling into this Kuikui mess, Lu Wei simply found a task for himself, went out to work and left Daze Mountain directly.

Complete a main hall mission during the New Year, and simply return to the Yan Kingdom after the New Year.

The situation in Gonggong Hall has been stabilized, and I am already familiar with the affairs in the hall. Rather than scheming with the hall masters, general managers, and stewards here, it is better to be an unscrupulous dictator in Luqiu Pavilion.

The more than 9000 Gonggongtang disciples of Yan State are a great force!
These intrigues can be completely avoided, all it takes is for him to "return as the Dragon King" to take over as the leader of the hall!

The mission of this field trip is to find three missing transportation teams at the border of Qi and Wei.

Farmers transport a large amount of grain from the three kingdoms of Yan, Wei and Chu to Daze Mountain every year to prepare for emergencies.

These days, food is truly hard currency.

The Qin-Zhao war has been going on for almost a year. Ever since the little king of Qin took over, the world has become more and more turbulent. Farmers are ready: in years of great chaos, famine and natural disasters will always pop up suddenly and bring despair to the desperate people. One more cut.

Therefore, recently multiple, small-volume, high-frequency transportation teams have been arranged to rush to transport grain to Daze Mountain.

Among these transport teams, three teams have disappeared at the same place in the past few months, so we had to investigate.

However, by the end of the year, very few stewards were willing to go out.

Lu Wei originally planned to avoid the situation at the headquarters, and since he had no relatives in this world and did not care about the name of 'reunion' for the holidays, he simply took the initiative to take over the task and rode out of the mountain alone with his sword in hand.

It was windy and snowy along the way, but nothing serious happened.

When we arrived at our destination, it happened to be New Year's Eve.

Out of pure good intentions, he did not disturb the local farm branch, but was surprised to find that a tavern in the town was still open today, so he went in and prepared to make do with it all night.In big cities like Jicheng and Shouchun, everything dies during the New Year. The tavern owner in this small town is very interesting.

Although the tavern in the town is not small, it has two floors. It is not crowded inside, but it is not bad.There were seven or eight sword-wielding rangers here and there, as well as about twenty ragged savages.

The savages were on the first floor. Lu Wei was neatly dressed and carrying a sword, so he was naturally welcomed to the second floor by the waiter.

After ordering a pot of turbid wine and two plates of side dishes, Lu Wei placed the fine iron sword on the inside of the table and closed his eyes to rest.

The food served in this pub was slow, and after a while, a few new customers came.

However, the people who showed up at the tavern on New Year's Eve were most likely not here to satisfy their appetites, and no one cared.

When the food was finally served, ten waiters came out together to deliver meals to all the drinkers at the same time.Lu Wei opened his eyes and found that among the dishes served there was a roast chicken and a pot of turbid wine.

"This is a New Year's gift from our boss to the tavern guests. Please use it with caution~"

There was no need for Lu Wei to ask, the waiter took the initiative to explain with a smile.

"Thank you very much. Say New Year's greetings to your boss for me."

Lu Wei turned his head and looked from the guardrail to the first floor, and found that the savages also received roast chicken and turbid wine each, and there was a rush of excitement.

These people just wanted to find a place to avoid the night wind because it was cold outside. They never expected that there would be free wine and meat to enjoy. They all knelt down immediately. Not knowing where the boss was, they kowtowed in the direction of the kitchen. .

The ranger on the second floor had some money, but he was amazed at the generosity of the tavern owner and suddenly felt good about him.

"The owner of this place must be extraordinary, I can make friends with him!"

With this in mind, Lu Wei poured himself a glass of turbid wine, drank it down, took out his six-star pearl grass from his pocket, and hung it on his chest.

After a stick of incense, the first floor returned to calm. A middle-aged man in his thirties, followed by a young boy, carried a wooden tray with a wine pot and a wine glass on it. He walked out of the kitchen and went straight to the first floor. building center.

This immediately attracted some people's attention.

Lu Wei saw that he was wearing linen clothes. The clothes were not as gorgeous as Xu Qiu's, but he had a chivalrous spirit coming from within, so he was expected to be the master of this place.


The middle-aged man clapped his hands, and the pin drop in the tavern was immediately heard, and all eyes were focused on him.

The boy filled a large glass of wine and served it to the middle-aged man's right hand side.

"I'm here with Lu Qing, the owner of this tavern. Next to me is my son Lu Chen."

Coaxing, the restlessness on the first floor reappeared, and many drinkers on the second floor also stood up, holding on to the fence, and looked towards the first floor.

"Please be quiet, please be quiet!"

Lu Qing's voice was bold, with a generous smile, not at all as gentle as a businessman's amiability to make money. He opened his arms and pressed down with his palms, which immediately calmed down the restlessness:
"On a special day like tonight, it is fate that you all meet here."

"Lv has nothing else but some yellow and white money. It's a small New Year's gift. I'm grateful for everyone's willingness to support me~"

"I would like to toast you all with this wine!"

He took the wine glass in his right hand, drank it all in one gulp, raised the glass high, and turned around to show everyone.

"Jing Lu boss!"

The savages and rangers on the first and second floors also picked up their wine glasses and took a long sip.

Outside the tavern, snowflakes started to fall at the right time, but inside the tavern, there was no chill at all.
(End of this chapter)

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