Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 50 Zhuangshan Bandit

Chapter 50 Zhuangshan Bandit

Being generous and easy to make friends with, and putting more emphasis on righteousness than life, were the hallmarks of the knights during the Qin and Han dynasties.

Although the Lu family and his son run this tavern, they are quite chivalrous, and presumably they are also people in the world.

After a group drink on the first floor, Lu Qing went to the second floor and chatted with the guests on the second floor one by one, clinking glasses with each other and laughing together.

Other drinkers around him occasionally joined in the conversation loudly, but did not get up and leave their seats. They had to wait for Mr. Lu to take the initiative to show respect. This was the rule.

When the Lu family and his son walked to Lu Wei's table, Lu Qing saw the six-star pearl grass at a glance, and his right hand holding the wine glass couldn't help but trembled. Then he looked at the overly young face of the owner of the pearl grass, and felt a little hesitant in his heart.

Liuxingzhucao generally represents the position of general manager in farmers, and is the second-in-command in the farm.

Some disciples have extremely high merits. When a certain disciple's status is judged to be higher than that of the five-star pearl grass, they will be awarded the six-star pearl grass as a mark of honor, but the authority will definitely not be as high as that of the general manager.

Lu Qing has been operating in a small town for many years, and there is a farm base in the town, so he naturally understands these farm rules.

He had never heard of, let alone met, a senior member of the Six-Star Pearl Grass at such an age.

The farm stewards in the town only came with three-star pearl grass.

Could it be that this young man was just decorating it for fun because he was ignorant?

But seeing that the fine iron sword could not be held by ordinary people, Lu Qing then remembered the information he knew, and calculated that the farmer would indeed send people from the headquarters to the town in the near future.
Forget it, I'd rather believe that this is true and don't be rash. If it's fake, you can find out by yourself and then capture the young man and hand him over to the farmer.

Thinking of this, Lu Qing bowed slightly: "I don't know if an adult is here, Lu is really negligent!"

"I would like to ask you to follow me into the back hall first, wait until Lu has taken care of the affairs here, and then apologize to you, okay?"

"Well", Lu Wei didn't know how many thoughts were going through Lu Qing's mind. He had just found out that both father and son had extraordinary internal strength, especially that his son Lu Chen was about the same level as Lu Yu. Seeing that he was similar in age to himself, this Either he is gifted or he has developed profound internal skills and mental skills.

At this level, you have reached the level of becoming your own 'friend' and you can make friends!
The drinkers on the second floor were all surprised to see Lu Qing being extremely respectful to the young man. They couldn't help but look at Lu Wei, and the six-star pearl grass was dazzling.

Lu Wei was watched by thousands of disciples on the stage of the Autumn Harvest Competition, including the five hall masters and the secretly peeping Xia Kui. This gaze in the tavern was nothing more than a drop of rain. He took the fine iron sword and calmly followed Lu Chen downstairs. , enter the kitchen.

The excitement on the second floor has nothing to do with him.

Leaving the tavern through a side door in the back kitchen, there is an inn next to it. Judging from Lu Chen's skillful door-opening movements, this inn should also be owned by the Lu family.

With a tavern and an inn, there is no doubt that the Lu family is a local wealthy family.

"My lord, please wait here with peace of mind. I'll go get the tea."

After being taken to an elegant upper room, Lu Chen lit the candles in the room, respectfully asked Lu Wei to sit down, and stepped back in small steps to leave.

After a while, two plates of exquisite snacks and a pot of 'Yudingchun' were presented to Lu Wei.

Yudingchun is a famous tea in Qi State, and Lieshantang grows a lot of it. It is rare to have it in such a small town.

He took a sip of the tea and found that it had a slightly different flavor than what he drank when he was working at the farmhouse.But it's acceptable.

After 12 years of hardship, things turned around in less than three years, and he was not so easily corrupted that he could not return to being frugal.

He casually chatted with Lu Chen for a few words, and learned that the Lu family and his son were locals. After earning money in taverns and inns through their own efforts, they spread their wealth through charity and gained a lot of good reputation.

As for the internal strength he learned, it was a secret book that Lu Qing was taught after receiving a drunken ranger a few years ago.

After some time, Lu Qing hurried over and saw that his only son and this suspected big shot were having a lively conversation. He couldn't help but chuckle and walked into the room. After a few words of conversation, he got to the point:

"I wonder which farmhouse the young hero is the manager of?"

"I, the manager of Gonggongtang, Lu Wei, forgot to share the first name with Boss Lu. It's really rude~"

Lu Wei patted his forehead as if belatedly and said with a smile. "Oh, it turns out that Young Hero is affiliated with Gonggongtang."

When Lu Qing saw the other party's unpretentious expression and the knowledgeable nature of the conversation, he immediately chose to believe it.

As a powerful man in the town, he only knew the name of the sixth farmhouse. As for who the higher-ups were, that was beyond his reach.

"Manager Lu came to Zhuangshan Town because of the disappearance of the farmer's transportation team?"

Lu Qing wanted to make progress.

Being involved in the world of martial arts is the life that Lu and his son have always longed for.

After initially confirming Lu Wei's identity, he immediately spoke about the information he had.

"Oh?" Lu Wei was keenly aware that Lu Qing's heart beat violently after he said these words.

He flipped the lid of the teacup unhurriedly: "Boss Lu, do you have a surprise for Mr. Lu?"

"Exactly!" Seeing that the other party did not deny it, Lu Qing straightened his back immediately: "This matter was done by Zhuangshan thieves!"

"Zhuangshan thieves?"

Zhuangshan Town got its name from its backing to Zhuangshan. The so-called Zhuangshan Bandits, just from the name, should refer to the bandits who occupied Zhuangshan.

Lu Wei also sat up straight: "Boss Lu, can you tell us in detail?"

"Of course, when I got this information, I just wanted to help the farmers." Lu Qing organized his words:
"This news was learned from one of the Zhuangshan bandits who I bribed: in recent months, the Zhuangshan bandits, under the instructions of their leader Zhuang Jia, have specially selected farmers' transportation teams to attack."

"I heard from the elementary school that the thieves at the bottom are very worried about going against the farmers."

"But the villager seems to have other intentions. He claims that such behavior will not only bring no harm, but will also give everyone great wealth."

"Big Rich" Lu Wei tapped his fine iron sword on the table with his index finger. He did not show any anger, but laughed out loud: "Does Boss Lu know the background of this Zhuang Jia~?"

"Of course, everyone in Zhuangshan Town knows Zhuang Jia." Lu Qing said seriously: "This man is a born evil thief!"

"He was originally a smuggler from other places. When he passed through Zhuangshan Town as a smuggler 20 years ago, several gangsters killed his entourage and robbed the goods. His face was also disfigured."

"Some kind-hearted people in the town took pity on him and took him home to rest for three days. Unexpectedly, after the villager's injury improved, he killed seven members of his benefactor's family with a kitchen knife, claiming, 'There is no way to repay this great kindness, so I have to give it to you. End the suffering of life as soon as possible'."

"It was a bloody morning. Everyone around was frightened by this evil thief's behavior. No one reported it to the police for a while. They watched Zhuang Jia leave the town holding the family's remaining rations."

"Later, Zhuang Jia hid in the dense forest of Zhuang Mountain. From time to time he would go down the mountain to kill people and grab food. He was extremely rampant."

"What's even more hateful is that this evil thief was just an ordinary person at the beginning, but at some point he actually acquired martial arts and began to practice martial arts. After he became a master of martial arts, he became extremely arrogant. He killed several righteous rangers and even recruited people from nearby towns. The evil thief has officially established the Zhuangshan Bandit Organization!"

"Master of martial arts?" Lu Wei frowned slightly. He was particularly concerned about this word in the story just now.

"He claimed it himself. About two years ago, Zhuang Jia pitted one against four and dug out the hearts of four heroes alive, shouting to the sky that he had achieved great success."

Lu Qing's eyebrows were full of disgust, he hated Zhuang Jia extremely.

"Such a thief." Lu Wei originally wanted to ask the government if they didn't care about it, but then thought about how this official could still be rampant if they could control it, so he simply changed the question: "How is this thief's skill compared to your father and son?"

Lu Qing and Lu Chen were stunned, then looked at each other, and Lu Qing said honestly: "If we join forces, I'm afraid we can only survive fifteen moves at the hands of that evil thief."

"Is it so strong~" Lu Wei quickly estimated whether he could beat him.

Zhuang Jia, this name did not appear in the plot later. I wonder if he was just an unknown person or it was not his turn to appear.
After listening to what Lu Qing said, Lu Wei took the Snare Killer that he was familiar with as an example and estimated that it was at least "killing" level.

It's a pity that Lu Ni was not brought to the university this time, otherwise why would he be so timid?
(End of this chapter)

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