Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 67 The Mystery of Identity

Chapter 67 The Mystery of Identity
The same thing, due to differences in status, vision and other reasons, will be viewed from different angles in the eyes of different people.

Since Lu Qiuge delivered newly improved farm tools to Shantian Village last year and lent them a plowing ox, after only using them a few times, the farmers immediately realized the huge improvement in efficiency, and they were all beaming with joy.

The status of the farm cow in the village has skyrocketed. Everyone cherishes it and does not dare to overwork it during daily use for fear that the cow will get sick or injured.

This time, he was beaten to death directly. The expressions of the adults in the village changed drastically, as if the sky was falling apart, and they looked at the murderer with extremely evil eyes. What would have happened if Uncle Tian hadn't arrived in time and hugged his brother who was crying bitterly.
When Uncle Tian learned about the cause of the incident, he was as hesitant as the other villagers. However, as the village chief, he announced: Farm cattle are not the property of the village, and the Luqiuge headquarters must be notified immediately!

The villagers also did not have the right to deal with the older brother and younger brother. They could only be imprisoned and wait for someone to come from Jicheng.

With this kind of treatment, Uncle Tian actually had the intention of favoring the brothers in his heart: three years ago, the older brother and the younger brother wandered and fainted outside the village. After being kindly taken in by Uncle Tian, ​​they were extremely respectful to Uncle Tian. What kind of life-saving grace can't be repaid, but I am willing to do it for the cows and horses. '

Over the years, Uncle Tian, ​​who has no heirs, has treated them as his own grandchildren.

But for such a serious crime as killing a farm cow, he could not and could not suppress the incident. He could only delay it for two days on the grounds of reporting to superiors.

As for what to do in these two days, Uncle Tian didn't know, so he could only spend his days in sorrow, causing a lot of gray hair.

The farmers' anger was well-founded. The treasure that everyone cherished so much was beaten to death by his younger brother.
Not to mention that the whole village may be punished by the farmers and have to pay compensation. If the superiors are no longer happy and no longer lend the village new cattle, then Shantian Village will be far behind other villages affiliated with the farmers. of
Lu Wei and Lu Yu arrived one day earlier than Uncle Tian expected, and Lu Wei's request to see the brothers first made him even more worried.
The chief steward came to the village in person, and his main purpose was naturally not to deal with the cattle.

Although cattle are expensive, every death of one must be recorded even in the Luqiuge headquarters, but its value is negligible compared with the murderer who killed it.

From the village's point of view, farming cattle is much more important than one or two human lives, but from Lu Wei's point of view, a young man who can kill a cow with one punch is an excellent talent that makes his eyes light up!

Following Uncle Tian to a mud-brick warehouse, Manager Lu watched the old man open the copper lock and push open the thin wooden door with trembling hands, and immediately had a preliminary understanding of the future subordinate he was going to meet.

"In autumn and winter, the big shots from Jicheng are coming."

Uncle Tian shouted to the inside in a deep voice, then turned sideways and got out of the way.

Lu Wei put his hands behind his back, not caring about the turbid musty smell in the air, and strode in.

The environment of the warehouse is naturally not very good. Dirty and messy are the basic adjectives.In the corner inside, lying on a reed mat, was a pale young man. His breathing was disordered and he had lost consciousness. He looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Next to the straw mat, another young man squatting had a slightly childish face and a thin body, but his bright eyes alone made Lu Weiden feel that this time was not in vain.

The identity of the two people in front of him was clear at a glance. Lu Wei checked his internal strength and found that they had not practiced internal strength yet.

The younger brother, whom Uncle Tian called 'Qiudong', saw the visitor, stood up without saying a word, came five steps away from Lu Wei, lowered his head, and knelt down.

"Sir, all crimes were committed by 'Qiu Dong' alone. He is willing to be punished, but my brother is the victim. Please help me, sir!"

Qiudong hit his forehead heavily on the clay and couldn't stand up for a long time.

"It's up to you to kill the village's cattle. How can you be punished?"

Looking down at the frail young man, Lu Wei spoke coldly.

Qiudong was startled when he heard this, and gritted his teeth and said: "I have been strong since I was a child. I can plow the fields that oxen can plow, and I can also put on the reins and plow the fields!"

"I am willing to use my body to fill the role of plowing cattle!"

"This is in line with your punishment." Lu Wei raised his lips: "But why should I save your brother~" "I" Qiudong was speechless and could only keep kowtowing.

Uncle Tian on the side wanted to ask for help, but just as he was about to take a step forward, Lu Yu forced him back with his eyes.

There was silence in the warehouse for a full minute. During this period, apart from the heavy breathing of the injured brother, the sound of a needle dropping could be heard.

"Uncle Tian, ​​how much does the village's cattle weigh?"

The steward estimated that the time was almost up and suddenly asked.

"This" However, Uncle Tian couldn't answer, so he could only say uncertainly: "About a thousand catties?"

"Brother Lu, the cattle in Luqiuge weigh approximately [-] to [-] kilograms," Lu Yu added to the answer.

"Really~" Lu Wei looked back at A Yu and nodded with satisfaction: "Uncle Tian, ​​it should be two miles from the ridge to here, right?"

"Indeed." Uncle Tian replied subconsciously.

"In this case, Qiu Dong~" Lu Wei had a plan in mind and called the kowtow boy's name: "From now on, within half an hour, if you carry the cattle from the field ridge to here, I will treat your brother !”

"This is true!" Qiudong raised his head excitedly.

"You shouldn't question my behavior in any way." The steward turned around and turned his back to him: "The time has begun to count down."

"Thank you, Sir!" Qiudong ran out of the warehouse crazily and headed straight for the field. Just after he left, Lu Wei walked to his brother who was lying down, touched his forehead with his left hand, and injected the inner power of the Rejuvenation Skill into him in subtle ways. in vivo.

"Uncle Tian, ​​this brother's name is Chunxia?"

"Yes." Uncle Tian coughed twice: "I chose their names at will."

Seeing that the unconscious Chun Xia's complexion improved significantly under the control of the big shots in Jicheng City, Uncle Tian already understood that nothing would happen to the two brothers, and his tone was obviously more angry.

"These two brothers are not the sons of villagers in the mountains. Judging from their words and deeds, they are educated and come from a wealthy family. Have they said anything to you?"

Chun Xia was hit by a farm cow, and there was a congestion of blood in his chest. Lu Wei used his internal force to gently remove it little by little.Fortunately, no bones were broken, but his body was severely malnourished and it was very slow to recover on its own.

"I've noticed this, but I haven't asked them in detail."

Uncle Tian struggled for a moment and then said: "But not long after the two brothers entered the village, a group of cavalry came looking for them."

After hearing this, Lu Wei's expression did not change: "When?"

"Three years ago." Uncle Tian said honestly.

"Three years ago?" This time made Lu Wei very familiar with him. That was when he took his fourth younger brother as a deserter.

At that time, the Yan-Zhao War was going on
(End of this chapter)

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