Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 68 The Son of the Great General

Chapter 68 The Son of the Great General

The Battle of Yan-Zhao in 236 BC has a very low reputation. After all, the Battle of Qin-Zhao was going on at the same time.

Queen Yan Zhao, the State of Yan became a clown step by step. The country's original strength was mediocre. Not only did it frequently fight internally in the court, but it also fought hard with the State of Zhao militarily.

It has been more than 20 years since King Yan Xi succeeded to the throne. In the past ten years, he was very enterprising and desperately wanted to expand his territory to regain the former majesty of King Zhao.

But after being slapped back by Zhao Guo after many struggles, he quickly became intoxicated with wine and sex, and started the era of ruin.

During the war three years ago, Jicheng did not receive a direct military impact. Even on New Year's Eve, King Yan spent huge sums of money to hang red lanterns throughout the city to show peace.

The Lu brothers were those who experienced it firsthand and still remember it vividly.

Yamada Village is not far from Jicheng. It is not unusual for the two brothers to come to the village as wanderers and refugees, but the significance of the fact that they are followed by search cavalry is worthy of consideration.

Not everyone is qualified to be hunted down by Yan Qi.

According to Uncle Tian, ​​of the two brothers, the older brother is 17 years old and the younger brother is 14 years old. Three years ago, the two were younger, so it is unlikely that they are extremely vicious criminals.

Moreover, the warehouse they were in now was very simple. The mud walls and wooden doors were very simple for Qiudong, who could kill a farm cow with his bare hands, to destroy them and escape.

The reason why the two brothers can be imprisoned here is not the rotten copper locks, but the chain in their hearts.

Such personality qualities cannot be possessed by villains.

So, if they were chased by Yan Qi, there was a high probability that they would be implicated.
After Lu Wei returned to Jicheng from Daze Mountain, for the sake of convenience, he deliberately checked the official dynamics of Yan State in the past ten years. He happened to know that a house raiding case did occur in Jicheng that year:
Yan Xing, the former general of the Yan State, was reported by his younger brother Yan Yi for treason. King Yan was furious and sent people to the military camp to directly capture Yan Xing, who was preparing to go out to fight against the Zhao army. The whole family was executed!

The position of general was taken over by Yan Yi, who had meritorious service in reporting.

According to the official statement, Yan Xing, his wife, children, personal guards, maids and other servants totaled 140 people, and they were all executed.

The records of this case did not attract Lu Wei's attention before. After all, dead people generally have no value to him.

But now, Lu Wei remembered: Yan Xing had three sons, two of whom were younger, matching the ages of spring, summer, autumn and winter!
It is a pity that the records of Lu Qiuge did not specifically mention the deeds of the sons of the former Yan State general. Otherwise, if his youngest son had natural supernatural powers, he would definitely be highlighted.

However, there are so many coincidences that the general manager initially recognized that these two brothers were the heirs of the former general of the Yan Kingdom.
It doesn't matter if it's not: it's a surprise to be able to unexpectedly conquer a wild subordinate with natural divine power, but the value will be even higher if it has that layer of identity blessing.

After treating Chun Xia halfway, Lu Wei stopped and left the warehouse with Lu Yu and Uncle Tian to wait for the arrival of autumn and winter.

Uncle Tian was uneasy. When he heard Lu Wei's request in the warehouse, he didn't think about it carefully. Now when he saw the sun, he suddenly became worried about Qiudong.

The difference between being able to lift an ox nearly a thousand kilograms and walking two miles with an ox nearly a thousand kilograms is as different as clouds and mud.

Although the big shot from Jicheng treated Chunxia in advance, even if Qiu Dong couldn't complete the task, it would probably not be a big deal, but that kid has always been stubborn, I'm afraid...
Uncle Tian didn't have time to be upset for too long. Suddenly, a figure appeared in his sight, dispelling his wild thoughts: he saw Qiudong putting the hind legs of the farm cow on his shoulders. The cow's head touched the ground and bumped into shape. Walk towards the warehouse step by step!
Several villagers were impressed by this operation and followed and pointed.

Uncle Tian hurried up, not to help. He knew how much this old guy weighed, so not being a drag would be the best way to help.

Using his own prestige, he asked the other villagers who followed him to go home. Then he thought about it, looked at the autumn and winter that were completely covered by the trunks of the cattle, shook his head and left.

He has no use for matters over there, so he should leave the space to the two brothers to talk to the big shots in Jicheng.
Each step weighs hundreds of pounds, so you have to be fast!

In autumn and winter, my cheeks have been washed twice with sweat.

Looking at the big shot in Jicheng not far away who was looking at him with his hands behind his back and a slight smile, he gritted his teeth, exerted force on his thighs, and his speed was actually a little faster!

This kind of violent rage of pure power has to be said to be the ultimate beauty!
Lu Wei quietly watched the other party arrive in front of him, throw the cattle out with all his strength, and asked emotionlessly: "How long did it take?"

That cow had a terrible fate, and its death was tragic. It was bumpy and bumpy all the way, and it was thrown down in the end. It was already in disgrace. "Exactly half an hour!" Of course Lu Yu didn't know the specific time, but that didn't prevent him from understanding Brother Lu's thoughts and making up his answer.

"You're lucky enough to pass~" Lu Wei chuckled softly.

Qiu Dongben collapsed on the ground. When he heard what the steward said, he immediately stood up on his knees and straightened his back: "I'm done!"

"I have fulfilled my promise." Lu Wei approached the boy who was one year younger than himself, and used the chance of tapping his shoulder to inject the inner power of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu into his body: "Go in and see your brother~"

A wave of heat traveled through his body from top to bottom. Qiudong felt that his fatigue was relieved, and he immediately understood what the big man in front of him had done.

Looking back with gratitude, he hurried into the warehouse and saw that his brother, who was looking much better, was obviously no longer in danger. His eyes turned red, and he turned to face Lu Wei at the door and knelt down before bowing again: "Thank you, sir, for saving your life. In autumn and winter, I will farm cattle for the village in this life, and in the next life I will be a grass-weed ghost to repay your great kindness!"

"Afterlife?" Lu Weiyuan used his inner strength to lift him up: "I never ask for the afterlife!"

"From now on, your brothers' lives belong to me!"

"This..." Qiudong looked hesitant, but the manager ignored it and continued: "Shantian Village belongs to the farmer, and the cow is a prop given to the village by the farmer. Killing the cow is equivalent to breaking something that belongs to me!"

"You have seen Uncle Tian's attitude toward us, and you should understand that what I said is true!"

"Yes! Follow your orders!"

No more hesitation in autumn and winter.

"That's right~" Lu Wei took out two pieces of one-star pearl grass from his arms and threw them to the other party: "This is your identity certificate, don't lose it."

"Also, tell me your brothers' real names."

".We brothers are called 'Chun Xia' and 'Qiu Dong'!" Qiu Dong held the pearl grass in his palm and avoided talking about the question of his real name.

"This is not the answer I want!" Lu Wei came to the young man step by step and looked down at him:
"Since you know the story of Jie Cao repaying a favor, you should understand the righteousness!"

"For the kindness I have shown you, you two brothers should die in return. How can you still lie in your words?"

"Yes, my subordinate is wrong!"

Qiudong knelt down for the third time and recalled his father's loyal and trustworthy teachings when he was young. His eyes were in a trance: "Brother and I, our previous names were Yan Shen and Yan Bing respectively."

"The heir of General Yan Xing?" Lu Wei asked.

Yan Bing was silent for a while: "Shen, Bing is incompetent. He insults his father's name. He dare not be called the son of a general."

"What about Yan Yi, your uncle?"

Hearing this name from the outside world after a long time, Yan Bing's eyes suddenly filled with anger: "This thief is Shen and Bing's lifelong enemy!"

"The hatred of destroying the family should not be forgotten~"

These brothers are of great value!
Passing by the newly acquired younger brother, Lu Wei came to the lying Yan Shen again, squatted down, and rolled his eyes:
"You two brothers will have the opportunity to express your grudges in person in front of Yan Yi in the future!"

"At that time, I will let you take revenge with your own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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