Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 69 The Art of War for Yongba

Chapter 69 The Art of War for Yongba
When Yan Shen woke up, the first thing he saw was an unfamiliar ceiling.

His memory still lingered on the scene of him being hit by a farm cow. After opening his eyes, he was confused for a while, and then he looked sideways at his surroundings:
There are vague and simple patterns on the plain bamboo windows, 'grain portraits' that would never exist in rural farmhouses are hung on the walls, and there is a small white pottery bowl on the rosewood tea table.
This scene was not elegant, but it vaguely reminded Yan Shen of what the general's mansion looked like in the past.
"Isn't this Yamada Village?" He struggled to get up from the bed. His chest still felt pain from time to time. He held on to the edge of the bed and stood up reluctantly.

The room here was much better than the environment in the countryside, but the strangeness and the fact that his most important brother was not with him made Yan Shen very uncomfortable.

He carefully came to the window and looked out through the small crack on the edge of the window. He found nothing except the long corridor.

The surroundings were deathly silent, but the sudden sound of rapid footsteps seemed particularly abrupt in this silence.
Feeling the footsteps approaching him quickly, Yan Shen's expression changed slightly and he subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide. However, his weak body protested decisively due to dissatisfaction. Yan Shen's feet went soft and he fell with a muffled thud. Fall to the ground.

The footsteps became faster after the muffled sound, and the exclamation of "Brother!" was accompanied by the push of the door.
"Yan Shen!" "Yan Bing!"

"Thank you, Manager Lu, for saving your life!"

An hour ago, Yan Shen, who fell down due to stress reaction and fright, was told by Yan Bing who came after him about the whole process of these days, and he decisively took his brother to see his benefactor and thank him.

But Manager Lu has always been busy, and only now did he have time to meet with the two of them.

"You two brothers are now farm disciples. We can't treat you casually."

After all, the two brothers were from noble families. Even after three years of hard life, their previous qualities were still firmly engraved on their bones, and there was nothing unpleasant about their actions.

"Your Excellency is humble."

"The farmer took me in and treated me as a kindness. My foolish brother accidentally killed the cattle by mistake, so I owe him a lot more."

The blood on Yan Shen's lips was light, but it did not prevent him from saying righteously: "Your Excellency already knows that our brothers are the felons Yan Yi wants to arrest, but you are still willing to take us back to Jicheng and promise to help with revenge. This is like reinventing the wheel." Grace!"

"The Yan brothers tried their best but could not repay your kindness. They can only repay it slowly with their lives."

At this point, he coughed violently several times, causing Yan Bing to worry: "Shen knows the location of a treasure, and I would like to offer it to the manager, as my foolish brother's apology for deceiving his real name for the first time!"

He used his eyes to tell his brother not to move, but Yan Shen gave him a hand.

The first thing this noble son did when he woke up was to offer treasures, which aroused Lu Wei's interest: as the son of a former general of the Yan Kingdom, the treasures he knew must have been hidden by his father during his lifetime!
"What is it?" The steward asked as if he had no intention of doing so, looking at the two sons in front of him.

"Yongba's Military Book!"

After saying this name, both Yan Shen and Yan Bing, who had been kneeling silently beside his brother, looked serious.

"Oh?" Lu Wei also sat more upright and motioned for him to continue.

Yongba’s Military Book?I have never heard of this name in later generations.
"My grandfather used to be the captain of Lord Chang's bodyguard. He fought with Lord Chang for many years and witnessed the battle of the Five Kingdoms against Qi!"

"It is a pity that the King of Chang was later adopted by the Qi State to alienate him and had to flee to the Zhao State. The good situation was forced to collapse."

"Before King Chang Guo left, he sadly wrote down a summary of his life's military art and entrusted it to my great-grandfather and others, hoping that it could be passed down in the Yan Kingdom."

"When my father received the military book, he used it to establish great prestige in the army and became a general."

At this point, Yan Shen was silent for a while, but Lu Wei, who had little knowledge of ancient times, suddenly realized: It turns out that Yongba's Art of War does not refer to 'A Art of War that can be domineering forever', but refers to 'Le Yi's Art of War'!
The king of Yanchang, Leyi, was given the courtesy name Yongba.

"General Yan Xing repeats the past of Lord Chang Guo. He is really a villain."

Shaking his head and getting up, Lu Wei comforted the two brothers and continued: "Didn't Yan Yi get this book?" "How can the property of the Lord Chang be used by villains?"

After Yan Shen calmed down, he said seriously: "The traitor Yan Yi really wants to get the Yongba Military Book, but my father and I have been on guard for a long time and hid the military book in a safe place so that outsiders will never know!"

"The General Manager is upright and kind, and is the best master of this military book!"

A truly honest and kind person cannot command an army
The words flashed through his mind, and Lu Wei pursed his lips: "This treasure should not be hidden in the dark, nor should it be covered up by villains. If it is true as your brother said, I will take it after you."

"I'll keep this book for everyone in the world for the time being!"

In fact, when it comes to military books, Lu Wei's mall has many of them, and the prices are relatively cheap.

But for the Yongba War Book mentioned by the Yan brothers.He still hopes to win it quickly!
The art of war that can be handed down from generation to generation in this world is just like a famous sword or a guqin, the essence of the original owner will remain on it.

Far beyond comparison with other things, it is truly the only treasure in the world.

Lu Wei was able to discover this secret only when he got the Haocao Sword and deeply understood the sword's meaning: he could read the exquisite sword moves engraved on the sword.

Although Le Yi is only one person, his name is undoubtedly much louder than Hao Cao!

His military book is definitely not just an ordinary bamboo slip.


Yongba's Book of War is hidden under the pool in the backyard of the General's Mansion.

The owner of this place is now Yan Yi. This villain who framed his brother for wealth not only took over his brother's position as general, but also took over his brother's general mansion.

Only by regularly tapping the rocks on the rockery next to the pool and taking the blood of a swimming fish and splashing it on a special floor tile can the mechanism leading to the pool be opened.

Yan Shen was asked to draw a picture scroll, roughly describing the layout of the backyard of the general's mansion. Then Lu Wei personally went out to keep an eye on the guards in the mansion for several days. After everything was ready, the action began!
Lu Ni is the only one who can accompany him in his actions, and everyone else may become a burden.

In advance, he asked the housekeeper of Yanchun Jun's Mansion to make an appointment with Yan Yi, the current general, to have a drink at Golden Terrace. After the leader left, the two of them sneaked into the mansion in a mysterious manner.

Avoid all the open and hidden sentries and come to the backyard. Since this is a leisure place for viewing and playing, there are no treasures worth guarding, so it is actually safer.

According to Yan Shen's drawings, he found those special stones and pounded them regularly. He leaned down and listened. It was obvious that something was being moved underground.

The movement was very small, and it didn't make much noise in this empty night. I don't know which mechanism is the result of this.

Let Lu Ni use the Frightened Salamander Sword to insert a big fish into the ornamental pool. Starting from the ornamental bridge on the pool, walk [-] squares east and seven squares north to find a special floor tile. Split the fish and throw it up. The fish's blood will flow smoothly. The cracks in the floor tiles slowly flowed down.

Boom, suddenly, another floor tile stood upright next to the pool, revealing a dark cave. It was daunting.

After opening the fire fold and throwing it into it, I realized that the cave was not deep, but only five meters high. Looking from above, I could see that the fire fold was still burning and had not been extinguished.

They went down to the passage with Lu Ni one after another. A scroll of ancient bamboo slips held in a pure gold hand was right in front of them.

A few meters away, the steward could sense the strong murderous aura on the bamboo slips.

This is the essence of Le Yi's art of war, and Lu Wei can take it as long as he gently reaches out his hand.
(End of this chapter)

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