Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 8 is dead after opening?

Chapter 8 is dead after opening?

How much property does the family of an ordinary doctor in Yan State have?

The answer is simply too late to count.

Time was limited, and it was his first time to steal, but he still had a guilty conscience. He didn't even look at the boxes of knives, coins and precious antiques, and he only looked for Jin Liangliang.

Opening a small copper box, he found that it was his target inside. He stretched out his right hand and turned it over. After silently reciting "Krypton Gold", the small gold nugget inside was quickly sucked into the body by the system.

Before he could see how much he had gained, he quickly retreated and fled the mansion.

When the night patrol arrived, they saw only four companions lying on the ground and the open door.

"No, please inform the manager quickly!"

The shouts of the leading guard sounded particularly panicked in the snowy night sky.


Lu Wei, who rushed back to his room, locked the window, tried his best to suppress his smile, and poured himself a cup of herbal tea with trembling arms.

After finishing the cup of cow, he calmed down and began to count the harvest that he had quietly glanced at several times on the road:

Fifty gold!
A little more than the planned target of the hardware, I was greedy.

I originally thought I would borrow less, so that when the Yan State doctor found out, he wouldn't make too much noise.

But looking at the piles of boxes in the warehouse, Lu Wei suddenly felt that it wouldn't matter even if he took a whole box.

He underestimated the accumulated wealth of these hereditary nobles. After all, they were just ordinary people in their previous lives, and they were even more paupers in this life.

"Open the mall!"

He couldn't wait and whispered in the dark that he could finally go shopping with money this time!

The number fifty in the upper left corner is so cute.

Not much to say, there were a total of six discounted items in two rows on the first page, and Lu Wei directly won five of them.

The total cost was 38 gold, and the last one was priced at [-] gold after a discount. He was still eight gold short.

First of all, the first orange item is an advanced coupon. The original price is three thousand gold, and the novice price is one gold. After purchasing it once, the original price will be restored.

This prop can upgrade a skill below orange level by one level. Lu Wei didn't think too much about it and took it for "Rejuvenation Kung Fu".

Internal strength is the basis for any other martial arts, and it must be the first to improve.

There was a sudden change in his body like a nebula swirling around. When the deep purple name of the technique turned into orange, the light cyan internal energy he had accumulated for six years began to transform into silvery white.

The speed is not fast. Lu Wei roughly estimates that it will take about three days to complete the conversion.

We need to wait until then to test the effect after conversion.

The second orange item, the Chengxin Pill, originally costs two thousand gold, and the novice price is four gold.

As the saying goes, "the rest of your life will be self-confident and clear your mind." The effect of Chengxin Pill is to clarify your mind, so that those who take it can remain 100% single-minded when learning martial arts, and get twice the result with half the effort.

This kind of good stuff cannot go into the hands of outsiders. As soon as Lu Wei got it, he swallowed it in one gulp.

The third orange prop is the Sanyi Pill. The original price was five hundred gold, but the current price is eight gold.

The effect of this prop is much inferior to the other ones. It can increase a fixed amount of martial arts experience and improve the martial artist's proficiency in martial arts.

It can be regarded as a heaven-defying treasure, but Lu Wei has no idea of ​​using it for the time being, so he will keep it with him for now.

The fourth orange prop sells for ten gold, and you get ten power pills.

This item is similar to the previous item, with a total of ten items. The effect is to increase internal strength.You can only take one pill at a time, and it takes a month to digest one pill.

It can be regarded as a panacea for quickly improving strength over a period of time.

The fifth piece is incredible. The original price was eight thousand gold, but the current price is fifteen gold.

A dark orange quality escape method: "Flying Snow".

After learning it, the user can transform into more than a thousand snowflakes on the spot and become immune to attacks for an instant!
Compared to those ordinary martial arts, this technique sounds more like an immortal technique and is very usable by humans.

"It is somewhat similar to the Taoist Dream Butterfly Escape and the methods of the Yin-Yang Masters."

Putting "Flying Snow" close to his body, Lu Wei had a lot of thoughts.

The last item that was not bought was a sword, originally priced at ten thousand gold, called Jade Soul, with light red quality.

Once born, he will definitely compete with the top ten swordsmen rated by Feng Huzi, the sword master of Chu State.

Due to poverty, it can only come out to drink blood later.

After completing his first cheating, Lu Wei, who thought he had a promising future, predictably overslept the next day.
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep before taking action at night. It was even the end of Yinshi after I had researched all the items I wanted to buy.

But this was the day before New Year, so the inn was closed and no guests were accepted at all.

Mr. Xu went home to spend the New Year with his family, and there were only five Lu brothers in the inn.

Obviously, Shanyu Konoha did not have the courage to knock on the door of his boss's room for no reason, so when Lu Wei woke up naturally, the sun was already shining in the sky.

Pushing open the window on the inside of the room, outside was the backyard of the inn. The fourth boy was holding a wooden sword and was learning swordsmanship.

Nodding happily, he simply jumped down and joined in the sword practice.

We are all orphans. In this foreign country, the five of us will continue to be together.

"Brother Lu, we have accepted a task from the government. We are going to hang lanterns for the residents of North Street tonight. Do you want to come with us?"

At the lunch that was postponed until later, Lu Yu hesitantly spoke to his boss under the constant provocation from the other three people's eyes.

"Hang a lantern?" Lu Wei, whose eyesight improved a lot after swallowing the Chengxin Pill, noticed the eye contact between the four younger brothers very early. He thought they wanted to learn new martial arts, but it turned out to be an arrangement for the evening?

"Well", Lu Mu took over the topic: "In the war on the Zhao-Yan border, it seems that Yan State has defended an attack. In order to commend it, King Yan will hang red candles in the entire Jicheng this New Year to celebrate."

"The workload of the project is huge, and most people are unwilling to give up being reunited with their families. Forced recruitment of craftsmen at this time will arouse public anger. No one wants to cause unhappiness during the New Year." Lu Shan rarely took the initiative to say a lot of words: "So King Yan decided to use heavy profits to promote the implementation of this decision."

"You can get one dollar for every twenty lanterns you hang!"

Lu Ye made the final addition.

"Are you short of money?"

Lu Wei was not interested in hanging lanterns. He was only surprised that the fourth brother actually carried out independent activities without telling him, so he was curious about the reason.

"Yeah", Lu Yu nodded: "Brother Lu, we want to use the sword coins earned by this opportunity to buy ourselves a real sword."

It turned out to be the case.

Xu Lao was willing to give a bronze sword to his successor at the inn, Lu Wei, but he naturally didn't bother with these guys.

When they were learning swordsmanship before, Saname Konoha's wooden swords were all borrowed from their elder brother's sword before they went to bed, and they carved it out by using wood signs.

Lu Wei agreed with the reason for wanting a sword.

"I'll go with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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