Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 9 Mysterious Woman

Chapter 9 Mysterious Woman
The prices of swords ranged from high to low. After careful study, the four of Yamasame and Konoha decided to order four long swords worth five knives at the old craftsman's shop in the east of the city.

After working in the inn for more than a week, Mr. Xu gave each of them two dollars before going home, and the extra money was regarded as a New Year's gift.

However, it was the Chinese New Year, and they needed to prepare their own living expenses before the inn opened, so these two dollars could not be used indiscriminately.

In this way, for hanging lanterns at night, they must hang enough lanterns for one hundred lanterns per person.

It is not an easy task to climb the ladders from house to house, hammer out copper nails, and then hang up the lanterns. Although the four of them have martial arts skills, they are unable to achieve high or low levels. Fortunately, there is an endless stream of rejuvenation skills. Several people Endurance can far exceed that of peers.

When the five people arrived at the Yanguo Manufacturing Factory, many people had gathered at the door.Even though it was New Year's Eve, under the temptation of Yan State's high interest rates, there were still people who gave up on being reunited with their families and were willing to earn the money.

The lanterns they are going to hang this time are not big, about twenty centimeters high. Each applicant carries a large bamboo basket to hold twenty lanterns at a time, and then carries a long ladder and walks through the streets and alleys.

The area where everyone wants to hang a lantern has been divided in advance. At that time, there will be full-time personnel checking the entire Jicheng. Only after ensuring that it is correct, the knife coins will be issued according to the amount you hang up.

The area the Lu brothers were responsible for was in the north of the city. For the sake of efficiency, the five of them carried out tasks separately.

Although Lu Wei borrowed fifty gold from a certain doctor Yan's house at night, it was all systematic and no refunds would be given. His own money was not much more than that of his fourth younger brother.

It's not bad to earn five dollars this time.

Hanging a lantern is relatively simple for him. He jumps high with his light skills, slams a copper nail into the high wall with his left hand, and then hangs a small lantern with his right hand. It only takes two or three seconds to complete a set of coherent movements.

The residents of the street he was responsible for had no time to kindly help. They saw the sorghum trembling slightly. When he went out again, he saw that the lanterns on his houses were already floating gently.

People with martial arts skills like Lu Wei are generally not short of money, so he seems to be a little depressed due to various reasons.

After several trips back and forth between North Street and the factory, the last alley where Lu Wei was going to hang the lantern had a completely different atmosphere from the rest of the place.

The lights in the houses here are all dark.

"It looks like a dead end alleyway."

"It actually exists in Jicheng. I thought that only the countryside of Zhao country would see such a scene."

Taking advantage of the excitement elsewhere and the moonlight in the sky, Lu Wei also added lanterns to this alley, and used the torch he brought with him to light red candles in advance for Leng Leng.

Stars lit up one by one in the darkness, and his mission tonight was completed.

"Hoo~", jump more than 100 times in a row, exhale a few symbolic breaths, and the hot air forms a fine mist and floats upward in the cool night.

"Go and see what's going on over there!"

Turning around, Lu Wei was about to leave the alley lit by red candles and return to the normal world.

Just after taking five steps, he suddenly felt cold all over!
"There is someone behind me!"

The effect of the clear mind made Lu Wei's perception ability improve, and the other party's almost unscrupulous gaze made him feel like a cold light was on his back.

In this cold street, twenty red lanterns were swaying gently, and the candlelight reflected the surrounding walls reddish. Lu Wei's body was stiff under these red lights.
There were only dozens of steps away from the busy crowd area, but he could not take another step forward.

"It's very strong. The person behind it is far more powerful than me!"

Lu Wei didn't dare to be careless, he didn't know what the visitor meant.

"I have always been honest and honest and have never offended anyone. Could it be that Doctor Yan sent me to catch the thief?"

This idea was rejected by Lu Wei as soon as it came up: although the eyes looking at him were naked, there was no murderous intention.
"Passers-by? Are you curious about my martial arts?"

Lu Wei thought wildly, but during this period, his gaze never moved again.

"My peasant disciple Lu Wei, I wonder which friend is here?"

Since he hasn't attacked himself for so long, he can label him as 'non-enemy' for the time being.

"Lu Wei?"

A cold female voice sounded faintly in the air. Before Lu Wei could have any other thoughts, his gaze suddenly disappeared.
His whole body relaxed, and he turned to look in the direction of the sound and found that there was no one on the high eaves.The confused woman left without even showing her face.

"Women?" Lu Wei was suddenly confused: He didn't even know many men, how could a woman come to him?

Looking down from the highest pavilion in the palace complex, you can clearly see the entire Jicheng City.

On New Year's Eve, a banquet was being held here as it should be.

King Xi of Yan, Lord Yan Chun, Prince Dan of Yan and other royal nobles were all present.

In addition, there is also a special guest, the envoy of the State of Qin.

At the banquet, cups were exchanged, glasses were exchanged, and it was so joyful.

Open the window of the pavilion and look out. The entire Jicheng City is a sea of ​​red. On this winter night, Yan State artificially built a 'city that never sleeps'.

It looks like a prosperous and prosperous age.

"Qin Envoy, how is the country of Yan?"

King Yan's face flushed with joy, and he raised his glass with a smile and asked the Qin envoy.

"Your Majesty's State of Yan is much more spectacular than the one I visited in Zhao last year."

The envoy of Qin held the cup with both hands. After taking a sip, he complimented him.

"Oh~", King Yan laughed happily: "How about comparing it to Xian? Xianyang hiccups, then again, then again?"

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as King Yan said this, Prince Dan hurriedly stepped forward to hold his father's arm and caress his back.

Yan Chunjun raised his wine glass and faced the Qin envoy with a smile:

"Brother Wang drank too much, envoy Qin, don't be offended."

"Nothing," the envoy of Qin curled his lips. The prince and king of a country should care so much about himself precisely because he is the envoy of the Qin State, and he is backed by the Qin Black Armored Army!

"The splendor of Xianyang and the prosperity of Jicheng are two completely different cities and cannot be compared."

"It's extremely, it's extremely~"

Yan Chunjun nodded, wanting to turn the page.

"However, if your Majesty really wants to know what Xianyang is like, there is nothing you can do."

However, the Qin envoy was unwilling to let go of this topic:

"Your Highness the Crown Prince Renxiao, you might as well follow me back to the Qin Kingdom after the new year to see the face of the Qin Dynasty for yourself. When you come back, you can tell the king about it~"


Prince Dan never expected that the topic would suddenly turn to him. He turned to look at his father, who was obviously too drunk to respond.

As for Uncle Wang Yanchun, when he heard the Qin envoy's suggestion, he not only had no intention of helping him, but instead met his gaze with bright eyes:

"The Qin envoy has good intentions, what does the prince think?"

The nobles sitting down all bowed their heads and shut up, not daring to look up again.

The whole banquet suddenly became quiet.
There is a huge contrast with the prosperous families of the common people in Jicheng outside the building.

(End of this chapter)

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