Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 90 Chaos in Jicheng

Chapter 90 Chaos in Jicheng
The reason why he can control the thieves' feet is because although this thief is a thief, as the leader of the Mo family, he also has the bottom line of Mo Xia in his heart.

What Lu Wei used to threaten Taizhi was not his personal reputation, but the reputation of the Mohist family.

At the same time, Tao Zhi knew that he had indeed done something wrong in this matter, and he could never deny it: with his strength as a young man, he must not be a nobody in the farm family.When two scholars are interacting with each other, if they had to swear in the spirit of Mohism in front of a great scholar, it would be impossible for Robber Zhi to lie.

This is one of the rare weaknesses of Thief Zhi, but he was caught by the steward tonight without any intention, so he naturally had to make good use of it.

However, this use should not be excessive. Only when he cares about the Mo family will he be willing to be used, so this use cannot harm the Mo family.

After asking Thief Zhi to take out an 'Instant Flying Wheel' with his name engraved on it as a token, and using this round dart hidden weapon unique to Thief Zhi as proof that he owed him a favor, Lu Wei let him go.

Oral promises are only valid if they are made by people with integrity, and Robber Zhi is one of them.

Having settled the matter temporarily, Lu Wei knocked on the door of Snow Girl's room and returned the tiara to her.

When Thieves Zhi appeared during the day and heard the conversation among the people at the first table, he made some guesses. Among the leaders of the Mo family, he was probably the only one who would take the initiative to play pranks on outsiders.

In the evening, when teaching Xue Nu's internal skills and swordsmanship, Lu Wei deliberately sat by the window and secretly monitored the surroundings with his internal energy.

This king of thieves may have been too relaxed. He showed up shortly after the teaching started and waited alone on the big tree outside the inn for two hours. He ran away once in the middle and took a roast chicken and came back to gnaw on it while continuing to wait. , only then sneaked into the next room when he saw Yuki-onna preparing to leave.

It is true that he has a greater sense of fun, and because of this sense of fun, he has to pay a heavy price.

After Xue Nu thanked Mr. Lu and took the tiara from Manager Lu, she leaned against the door and looked at her favorite ornament in her hand, her mouth lowered.

After about ten seconds of silence, she took a step forward and turned around, making sure that the door was closed, then came to the window and locked it very carefully.

The dangers of the world tonight left a deep impression on her little heart, and this was just a prank.
Placing the sword beside the bed, Yuki-onna had a very poor sleep that night.
The next morning, the rain stopped for a while, but it started raining again in the afternoon.

Fortunately, Lu Wei bought two sets of fur cloaks and straw hats just in case before setting off. Although they couldn't completely block the rain, they could barely keep themselves dry.

The roads were constantly being washed away by the rain and were in such dilapidated condition that it was difficult for even the horses to walk, let alone run.

The destination of everyone in the Mo family was also Jicheng. They also set off very early on their way. The two sides walked together along the main road for a while. As the leader, Bandit Zhi was not at the front of the group, but huddled in the middle, pretending to be nothing. .

The snow girl drove her horse to hide inside Lu Wei, obviously still worried about yesterday's prank.

The Mo family had to go to Xinglong City to do some minor things on the way, and the two sides soon separated.From this point of view, the General Manager estimates that the Mo family's affairs in Jicheng are not urgent. Maybe they are just paving the way for development now.

There are still several years left before the plan to assassinate Qin~

Returning to Jicheng again, he entered the city through the north gate. Lu Wei had no intention of returning home. After all, this city was only a temporary harbor. As time went by, it would also face war in the near future.

The snow girl was stunned. She had just learned to ride a horse recently, and the bumpy ride was extremely torturous. If her internal strength had not improved, and Manager Lu occasionally injected her with the rejuvenation skills to relieve her fatigue, it would have only become worse.

Especially when it rains continuously.When she first encountered the rain in the Yan Kingdom, although she was forced to stop on her way and was still mostly wet, the snow girl still appreciated and loved the freezing rain in an artistic way.

But as time goes by, the rain is still dripping, and even if you have a cloak and a straw hat on you, the moist water vapor will still slowly penetrate into your clothes and plush shoes, leaving you half wet and uncomfortable.

So the appreciation and love turned into disgust and disgust within three days. Under the combination of the fatigue of the journey and the torture of the rain, the snow girl could only pitifully hope that Manager Lu could stop and rest more or give herself more input. Some warmth inside.

Of course, Lu Wei couldn't give it to Xue Nu just because she wanted it physically. Jade Soul Jue's internal energy needed to be 'exercised, discussed, and polished' in order to gather and progress.

Only when her suffering was reaching its limit, he used a little bit of rejuvenation power to help relieve the pressure.

The north gate is not far from Luqiu Pavilion. Xue Nu's face dropped during the last section of the journey, but she still insisted on getting through without asking for help.

After arriving at the destination, she asked the maid to help her go to the backyard to stay first, while Lu Wei summoned Ashan and Aye, the only remaining members of the four younger brothers in Jicheng, to listen to the report in the conference room on the second floor.

Ayu had already mentioned the overall situation in his letter. After arriving in Zhao, he interviewed his brother Lu. Therefore, Mr. Lu probably had an understanding, but he still had to ask for more details.

Ah Shan is the deputy head of Lu Qiu Pavilion. He reports on the main general affairs of Lu Qiu Pavilion in Jicheng, as well as the overt and covert fighting between Yan Chunjun and Prince Dan in recent months.

Different from the fact that Yan Chunjun still has the absolute upper hand, from the comprehensive analysis of various information reported by the peasant disciples below, Ah Shan found that Yan Chunjun actually suffered a lot in many small aspects, especially at the Jianghu level.

It can be seen that Prince Dan experienced a trip to Qin and his methods improved a lot.

Moreover, the Mohist disciples who entered Jicheng this year for unknown reasons were completely biased towards the Prince's Mansion in their actions.Even though the people in charge on both sides didn't show up, Mo Xia visibly ruined many of Yan Chunjun's good deeds.

Based on this, Ah Shan believed that Prince Dan must be connected with the Mohist family. Introducing the Mohist family, who could not bear to do evil and evil things, to Yandi was a bottom-up restriction on the power of the domineering Yan Chunjun.

But Yan Chunjun will not sit still and wait for death. He will not act according to the rule of "you punch, I will hit you in return". Instead, he will directly dispatch troops to suppress him unreasonably, and he will make up the charges after killing the person.

Last month, nine Mohist disciples gathered for a drink in a tavern. A hundred city defense troops surrounded the tavern and announced that they were suspected of assassinating a certain doctor. The leading Mo Xia had some scruples and expressed his willingness to go back with the guards to investigate, but As soon as the Mo Xiamen put down their weapons, the guard captain looked at them, and a dozen spears were inserted into their bodies.
Since then, the Mohist disciples have restrained themselves a lot in Jicheng, and there must have been some fights secretly, but only they know the truth.

Today, Jicheng is still ruled by Lord Yan Chun.

After Ah Shan finished his report, Ah Ye was even busier.

After Ayu left, he not only had to continue to cultivate reserve forces at the sub-base, but also managed the secret team. There was no way to stay in one place for a long time, and he had to travel between Jicheng and Shuzhen every other day.

After he reported the training situation of the branch base, he could only talk about the current personnel composition of the secret team. As for the information they reported, Aye did not have time to read it carefully. He could only learn that there were no major changes, and then he All the pieces of information were compiled and kept in a book.This was a bit incompetent, but Lu Wei knew that Aye's abilities were limited, so it was understandable that he could do this, and he didn't blame him.

The meeting ended after the steward stated that he would personally take over the secret guard job.

Next, he went to the backyard, where the snow girl was taking a bath. She wanted to relieve her fatigue, and she probably had to wait until tomorrow, or in the evening.

Manager Lu was not a black-hearted boss who maliciously exploited his subordinates. He was kind-hearted and did not bother her. Instead, he went to Lu Ni's room.

After wiping the Frightened Salamander Sword, Lu Ni already knew that he was back. He sorted out the information from Yanchun Jun's Mansion and put it neatly on the table. Xiao Yan'er also sat obediently on the edge of the bed, shaking her calves.

Taking the pulse and carefully checking the accumulation of excess medicine in Xiao Yan'er's body, Lu Wei raised his eyebrows and looked into Xiao Yan'er's innocent big eyes that were blinking. Manager Lu asked:

"Most of her innate physical weakness has been replenished, but the medicinal power has not accumulated in the past six months. Who gave her the inner energy of the Rejuvenation Gong?"

Before Lu Ni could answer, Xiao Yaner whispered softly: "I did it myself!"

"The inner Qi of the Rejuvenation Kung Fu is peaceful. Even if it contains the power of medicine, it is not violent." Lu Ni stood aside and added: "When Yan'er told me at the beginning of the year that she could mobilize the air flow in her body, I was also surprised. But after the examination, it was not Nothing wrong was found.”

"Really." After hearing this statement, the manager stood up, walked to the table and sat down. He took a copy of Yanchun Lord's Mansion Information and looked at it. After thinking for a while, he said emotionlessly: "It's because of his talent and intelligence. The inner Qi of the Rejuvenation Gong that contains the power of medicine in her body attracts each other and resonates with the power of the medicine that replenishes her physical weakness."

"Xiao Yan'er's health is not in danger, so I don't need to worry anymore."

Lu Ni's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he immediately knelt down on one knee: "My Lord's kindness, this subordinate and Yan'er will never forget it for the rest of their lives."

Xiaoyan'er looked at this scene, her big eyes rolled, and she jumped out of bed, imitating her mother's posture: "After Ayan is six years old, he will learn the movement route from the master. When he grows up, he will also be like Like a mother, contribute to the Lord’s cause!”

"Oh?" Seeing Xiao Yan'er, who was only a few years old, speaking like this, Lu Wei took his eyes away from the information and glanced at Lu Ni. He found that she was also a little surprised. He couldn't help but find it interesting, staring at the little girl who was a little unsteady on her knees. :
"How do you know this?"

"Ayan is not in good health, but his eyes can see the Lord's care for his mother and Ayan."

Ji Yan raised his head, fearlessly looking into the eyes of the manager.

"I hope your cleverness can continue like this." He raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled. Lu Wei lowered his eyes and looked at the book in his hand again: "Get up."

"Thank you, Lord!"

"What's the current situation over there at Jueying?"

The story ended here. When Lu Ni took Xiao Yan'er back to the bed and sat down, Lu Wei asked about the business.

"After he presented the Haocao Sword to Lord Yan Chun, Lord Yan Chun only took one look at it and then rewarded it to Jueying."

Lu Ni came back to the table and answered in a deep voice: "Luo Wang noticed this, but he did not rush to retrieve Haocao. Instead, he contacted Jueying, hoping that he could become the new sword master of Haocao."

"What's Jueying's choice?"

"He agreed, but also reported the matter to me."

"Is he still loyal?"

Lu Wei put down the booklet in his hand and turned to look out the window.

"Jueying has always been loyal to himself." Lu Ni shook his head and replied thoughtfully: "We, Luo Wang, and Lord Yan Chun are all one of his ways to survive."

"He doesn't know your identity now, but he's still a hidden danger."

The steward tapped the table with his fingers and narrowed his eyes slightly. Jueying's life was tied to that of Yan Chunjun.

When to play these two chips is a question.

Yan Chunjun was originally an external helper who wanted to conquer the Snow Girl, but now, this help is no longer needed.

The remaining value he has is to ensure that Luqiuge's business can proceed unhindered in Jicheng.

In other words, when Lu Qiuge will withdraw from Yan State, when will Yan Chunjun become worthless to him.

At that time, the snare can be closed!

Thinking of this, Manager Lu stood up, walked to the door, and turned his head: "Have you monitored all the new snare killers?"

"Subordinates understand the way they think."

"Very good." Lu Wei walked out of the room, his voice drifting, only reaching Lu Ni's ears: "You continue to be responsible for this matter. If there is an accident, you can kill it first and report it later!"


The Jing Salamander Sword Master was shocked: His master's strength has improved rapidly again.
(End of this chapter)

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