Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 91 Meeting Yan Dan

Chapter 91 Meeting Yan Dan
The court belongs to the court, and the rivers and lakes belong to the rivers and lakes. The battle between Yan Chunjun and Prince Dan has clearly broken this line, but for the time being, it seems that it cannot affect Lu Wei.

After it got dark, the snow girl lay down for the whole afternoon and finally recovered.Through careful chatting with the maid, she finally found out that Manager Lu was the manager of the farm's Gonggong Hall.

He is the number two figure among the [-] disciples in the hall!

In the Kingdom of Zhao, Xue Nu's relationship with Lu Wei was basically playing the flute and dancing, and her occasional conversations with him were just questions and answers.On the way north, some brief chats were related to martial arts.

Therefore, she had no idea what Manager Lu was in charge of. She could only guess based on Gong Ziyi's attitude that he was also a big shot.

Mentioning the farmhouse, the snow girl was impressed, but not deeply impressed.Logically speaking, this sect has almost no connection with places like Music and Dance Studio.

She thought that since she was now a subordinate of Mr. Lu, she was also a farmer's disciple.

Although she was eager to know her ecological niche, due to her temperament, Xue Nu did not show such anxiety. Instead, after dinner, under the guidance of the maid, she came to the third floor of Luqiu Pavilion and knocked on the door.

After being allowed to enter, she lowered her eyes and bowed, requesting to go to Feixue Pavilion to have a look and arrange decorations as soon as possible for operation.

Snow Girl understands that Manager Lu values ​​value, and only by creating more for him can he ask for more!

The subordinate took the initiative to work overtime at night, so Lu Wei naturally would not stop him. He ended his meditation and personally took her out to Chengdong District, where he stopped in front of a slightly elegant unbranded pavilion:
This place was originally an official music and dance studio, under the name of the Young Master of the State of Yan. Later, it accidentally caught fire and was considered unlucky. Lu Qiuge took it over under the instructions of Lu Wei and re-decorated it with precious wood. It costs a lot to ask a Feng Shui master to cast spells for luck.

The original dozen or so music and dancing girls in the workshop were not thrown away casually, but were also kept and prepared to be taught by Xue Nu, teacher Zhao Wu.

Yuki-onna looked at it from her own perspective and believed that the overall shape of the attic met the requirements and that some structures were far beyond the level of a sandalwood terrace. However, the decoration and candlelight positions still needed careful improvement.

As for the dancers of Yan State, she thought that compared with Tantai, they could only serve as maids!

Regarding this evaluation, Manager Lu was noncommittal. After allocating a group of disciples and money to Xue Nu for transformation, he ignored the rest. He only asked that the cost be earned back before June next year, and that the income of [-] yuan should be completed by the end of next year. index.

Otherwise, interest will be added.

Xue Nu bit her lip slightly and did not respond immediately. The next day, she disguised herself as a man and personally inspected the quality of several other music and dance studios in Jicheng, and agreed immediately.

The world dances out of the State of Zhao, and the people of Yan are learning to walk in Handan. After all, they only know a little bit about it, and they have great advantages!

After that, she was busy with the construction of Feixue Pavilion, and after the manager finally put this matter to an end, she received an invitation from the Prince's Mansion.

The invitation was handwritten by Prince Dan himself. A week later, he would host a banquet for Lu Wei in the renovated Prince's Mansion to apologize for Taifu Ju Wu's rude behavior last year.

There are a lot of things hidden in this invitation!
First of all, he returned low-key, and the only time he went out was to go to Dongshi with Xue Nu that night. How could the Prince's Mansion know that he was back so quickly? Is the problem caused by the outside or the inside?
There are carefully selected loyal disciples in the headquarters of Luqiu Pavilion, and there are also secret guards hiding among them.
Secondly, the "Ju Wu's impoliteness" mentioned in this invitation directly resulted in the prince's palace being burned down and all the loyal guards and maids being killed!

Everyone knows that this is what Yan Chunjun did, but everyone is not a fool.

This happened on the second night after Ju Wu targeted Lu Qiuge, and all the spies in Yanchunjun's mansion who reported unfavorable news about the farm family lost contact.

Yan Dan wouldn't believe it if he, the general manager of Gonggongtang, didn't do anything behind this.

There is hatred on both sides. Even so, the Prince's Mansion still sent an invitation. What is its purpose?
Finally, can Lu Wei not go to the appointment?The answer is yes.

Because Lu Qiuge is clearly the power of Yan Chunjun, so there is nothing to talk about with the Prince's Mansion.

However, the person who sent this invitation was a Mohist disciple wearing conspicuous black and white clothing.

This Mohist disciple also had a message from Yan Dan: "The leader of the Mohist family invites the farm manager to attend the appointment. Please don't refuse."

The relationship between the Nongmo and Nongmo families is actually average.In Yan Dan's actions, in addition to blatantly informing Lu Qiuge that he was a disciple of the Mohist family, he also wanted to define this meeting as a martial arts level.

Lu Wei thought carefully, analyzed Yan Dan's purpose, and then asked Ah Shan to send a letter to the Prince's Mansion, and asked him to wait at the door for a reply.

Since it is a meeting between Jianghu and Jianghu, it is not suitable to have a banquet in the Prince's Mansion. Huangjintai Restaurant is in a prosperous location and can be seen there.

The letter sent contained a lot of pleasantries, but the key point was that it contained less than thirty words.

When Ashan came back, he brought 'ke' news.

"Lu Wei from Luqiu Pavilion is clearly an accomplice of Lord Yan Chun. Why would His Highness the Crown Prince condescend to go see him outside?"

Ju Wu listened to the guard's report: "The deputy master of Lu Qiu Pavilion at the door has left." He asked Yan Dan doubtfully in a loud voice.

Although he is Yan Dan's teacher, he is very particular about status and hierarchy, and usually gets along with Yan Dan with the courtesy of a monarch and a minister.

The last time he went to Lu Qiu Pavilion to meet Lu Wei in person, it led to disaster in the prince's palace. On the one hand, Ju Wu felt very guilty, and on the other hand, he hated the peasant disciples extremely.

"Teacher, a farmer's disciple. In recent years, his number has exceeded [-]. He is a force that cannot be ignored in the world."

Yan Dan calmly helped the teacher sit down and made him a cup of tea. Ju Wu treated him with the courtesy of a king and a minister, and he returned the courtesy of a teacher and a student to Ju Wu. Both sides discussed their own issues:

"Among them, the number of disciples recruited by Gonggongtang in Yan State has exceeded ten thousand. These disciples are very influential in the military, business and civilian circles."

"Although I am the crown prince, there are far fewer than ten thousand people in Yan State who are willing to obey my orders. How can I not value this Manager Lu?"

"But after all, he belongs to Lord Yan Chun."

Ju Wu happily took a sip of the tea made by Yan Dan. After putting down the cup, he still frowned.

"Whether he is the enemy or not depends solely on our choice."

Yan Dan waved her hand and walked to the door, looking up at the sky covered with dark clouds: "Lu Qiu Pavilion is so powerful in Jicheng. Lord Yan Chun has never used their power to deal with us in the past few months."

"Sometimes I wonder, this uncle of mine, does he know that Lu Qiuge is a force under his own name?"

"His Royal Highness, the Mohist giant is here." At this moment, another guard came in to report.

"Your Highness, in that case, I will leave first." After hearing this, Ju Wu stood up and cupped his hands. He knew what his disciple was doing.

"Teacher, go to the side hall to rest first. I have arranged a banquet in the evening."

Raising his hands and shaking off his sleeves, Yan Dan nodded, his expression as serious as ever.


On the third floor of Lu Qiu Pavilion, Lu Wei was looking through the information collected by the secret guards since Yan Dan's return. Tomorrow he would have a face-to-face conversation with the Crown Prince.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.

When you call someone in, you'll know it's a snow girl as soon as you hear the special clatter of shoes.

She was holding a long sword in her hand, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead. It seemed that she had come here after practicing swordsmanship with Lu Ni in the backyard.

"Master Manager, Feixue Pavilion can be decorated this month. When the Feixue Jade Flower Terrace arrives, it can be opened before the year."

The snow girl originally tied her long hair, as white as snow, into a single ponytail with a silver chain so that it wouldn't fly around when practicing her sword.At this moment, she untied her ponytail and returned to the elegant style before dancing.


Lu Wei held his chin with one hand, stared at the information in his hand, and responded casually.

After a while, no footsteps were heard to leave. The snow girl crossed her hands and hung them on her abdomen, and just stood there quietly.

"Since you have nothing to do and you have changed into your dancing clogs, let's dance here."

With just a glance, Manager Lu said casually.

"Xue Ji obeys the order." Her eyelashes trembled slightly and she bit her lower lip. The Snow Girl drew out her sword and jumped up in a dance.

She actually used her sword skills to integrate with Lingbo Feiyan and created a new dance of her own, kneading and kneading the elegance of sword dance and the softness of Zhao Wu together.
This is a new dance with a different taste than Lingbo Feiyan!
Sensing the familiar sight and inner pressure, the corners of the snow girl's eyes flickered. This is the feeling~
Sure enough, only under this feeling can I perform the most perfect Lingbo Feiyan!
Less than a year after the Gongzijia incident broke out and Xue Nu publicly announced that she would never jump out of Lingbo Feiyan in front of outsiders, she broke her vow because she lost peace of mind under the pressure.

Later, when she wanted to get the Feixue Jade Flower Terrace, she simply broke the jar in front of Manager Lu, and danced a few times. During this period, she was watched, and the shame and guilt of breaking her oath increased sharply.

Later, when she practiced this dance in private, without that line of sight and internal air pressure, she felt uncomfortable.
After finding the best feeling of Lingbo Feiyan, the inner energy of Jade Soul Art in Snow Girl's body spontaneously emerges, intertwining with the inner energy of Five Virtues Rejuvenation Gong in the air, coming and going.

Lu Wei frowned and looked carefully at the dancing Snow Girl, finding that her eyes were blurred and she had entered a state of trance, while her inner energy was increasing at an abnormal speed.


The steward accurately judged her current state.

"The Crown Prince is here. It's really rude that Wei failed to greet him in advance."

In the room on the top floor of the Golden Terrace, Lu Wei and Prince Dan sat opposite each other. Although he was polite in his words, in reality they were limited to words.

"When we come here today, there is only Yan Dan of the Mo family and no prince of the Yan Kingdom. What do you think, Brother Lu?"

Yan Dan's expression was solemn, unlike Yan Chunjun and other hedonistic dignitaries. He had a well-proportioned body shape, a straight face, and his words and deeds were sonorous and powerful.

"No." Under Yan Dan's gaze, Manager Lu shook his head: "The prince and I both know that although we meet here as Jianghu, the content of the discussion cannot be just about Jianghu."

"We only talk about Nongmo, but we don't have a common language. Isn't the reason why we are willing to meet each other just for the Jicheng City at our feet?"

Lu Wei's eyes were sharp, and he exposed the hypocrisy of both parties from the beginning without following any procedures.

Yan Dan's face remained unchanged, and his eyes were deep under his carefully trimmed sword eyebrows: "What Brother Lu said is absolutely true. Any action taken by me in my capacity cannot only involve the Jianghu."

"Then starting from this Ji City, what can you talk about with me?"

Lu Wei also looked at him with deep eyes for ten seconds: "The obstacle in front of His Royal Highness is none other than Mr. Yan Chun."

"Yan Chunjun is also a human being, and he will die if he is a human being."

Speaking of this, the expressions of both of them did not change: "But behind Mr. Yan Chun is the current king. This is the real obstacle to His Royal Highness's rise to power."

"These words come from your mouth and reach my ears, and they will not be known by a third person."

Yan Dan picked up the wine glass, drank a full glass, and said calmly.

He refused to speak to his father, which was normal. Lu Wei changed his words and said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince should know that Lord Yan Chun has given Lu Qiuge great protection."

"Yes, but Brother Lu is still willing to see me."

"The previous head of Luqiu Pavilion was a big businessman, and Luqiu Pavilion has been running according to the businessman's ideas to this day."

"Therefore, efforts must be rewarded, and the rewards must be high. This is the law of Luqiuge~" Lu Wei's eyes flashed:
"What can His Royal Highness give?"

"What a coincidence." Yan Dan faced this question and slapped his right hand on the table: "After I came back, someone said similar things to me."

"Mr. Lu, do you know who he is?"

(End of this chapter)

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