Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 92 Three families share the promise

Chapter 92 Three families agree
Standing on the high eaves, Lu Wei stared at the bright candlelight in a wealthy house with a gloomy expression.

Lu Ni appeared behind him in a flash, his sword ready to be unsheathed at any time.

When meeting Yan Dan, whether he can use it or not, he will definitely bring the highest combat power around him.

The manager had a series of exchanges of interests with the prince. After the meeting, he did not return to Luqiu Pavilion immediately. Instead, he came straight here and watched every move of this wealthy family.

"Lord, do you want to take action?"

Lu Ni's murderous intention was looming, so she took a step forward and asked in a low voice.

"No", Lu Wei stretched out his arm and his inner strength trembled slightly. Lu Ni noticed his intention and did not resist, and the Frightening Salamander Sword flew into his hand.

Using his index and middle fingers together to stroke the sword blade, he inspired the Jing Salamand Sword Qi, and his murderous intent instantly soared: "I have an old relationship with them, so I will personally send them off."

With a slight leap, Lu Wei rushed into the courtyard of a wealthy family like a ghost. Before the sword was revealed, a line of blood appeared on the necks of the four family guards hiding in the dark.
Xu Qiu was studying in the study. His window was suddenly blown open by the strong wind, and it banged back and forth, making a loud noise.

He frowned and shouted a few times, but he didn't know where the servant at the door had gone, and there was no response.

So he put down the bamboo slips and walked over to close the window himself. The moment he turned around, a figure appeared where he was sitting, holding the book he had just been reading.On the table, there was also a long sword with a bright pink hilt and no scabbard.

"Manager Lu!" Xu Qiu froze and swallowed subconsciously.

""Tao Zhu Gong's Business Book"? To be able to possess this treasure that is sought after by thousands of businessmen, Boss Xu is indeed concentrating on business."

With a soft smile, Lu Wei clamped a corner of the bamboo slip with two fingers and spread it out in the air. This rash action made Xu Qiu frown.

"Why did Mr. Lu suddenly come to the house today?" Xu Qiu forced himself to laugh out loud, his feet motionless: "Why don't you send a disciple to inform you, so that Xu can prepare the reception in advance."

Looking at the face that had not changed from four years ago, the scene of talking with Yan Dan played again in Lu Wei's mind:
"Brother Lu is a bit younger after all. He doesn't understand that sometimes tolerance for old people will only lead to greater betrayal."

Yan Dan moved his palm from the table, revealing a black bronze plaque with the word 'Xu' engraved on it.

"Businessmen can sell anything, even if the goods are noble people who are benevolent to them. What's more, this father and son always feel that they are more benevolent to you!"

"Boss Xu really taught me a lesson."

Without answering the other party's question, Lu Wei casually threw away the precious bamboo slips in his hand: "Last year, I sold my information to Ju Wu. I temporarily admit that it was the imperial concubine who came to inquire. You made a mistake and said the wrong thing."

"This year, we sold the Xu family's intelligence network and your old departments in Luqiuge to Prince Dan. I didn't know the Xu family was so short of money."

"The situation forced us to do this as a last resort." Xu Qiu was silent for a while, knowing that the matter was revealed, he defended himself: "Without Lu Qiu Pavilion, the Xu family is very vulnerable."

"For friends who are suspected of betrayal, decisive action is the best way to deal with it." Manager Lu did not respond to his words. He just picked up the Frightening Salamander Sword and looked at the structure of the sword: "Last year, I told the Xu family that I will never be merciful when I have doubts and attack the enemy, but that was the only time I paid the wrong price after all."

Hearing this, Xu Qiu broke out in cold sweat, and subconsciously glanced towards the door.

"Trade with the Tian family, sell Gonggongtang to Tian Zhong, trade with the Prince's Mansion, hand over the list of Luqiuge disciples, the layout of the north gate of Jicheng, and the industrial layout of the farmer Yan State to Yan Dan."

The murderous aura rolled and swelled unscrupulously. Xu Qiu never expected that the young deserter from the Zhao Kingdom who could decide his life or death with one word four years ago could actually decide his life or death with one word now.

He clenched his fists, knowing that this matter would not end peacefully. He gritted his teeth, took a lunge, and fled towards the exit.

At this time, Xu Qiu's speed exceeded the limit of his life, but he still could not exceed the limit of life and death.
The sound of hissing through the air chased after him. The Frightening Salamander Sword was thrown by Lu Wei, and he chased Xu Qiu's back arrogantly: cutting through the thin silk and skin, piercing the muscles and bones, penetrating, and then carrying the sword The force directly nailed the target to the door!
Blood spurted out from Xu Qiu's mouth. He lifted his feet off the ground and looked down at the sword blade that pierced his chest in disbelief.

"You have never thought that the value you are valued by others is always part of my value?"

Lu Wei walked towards the door step by step, staring at the struggling Xu Qiu, listening to the cry for mercy, without wavering at all:
"I only need to pay an insignificant piece of chips to exchange for the life and death of the entire Xu family."

He grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and the sword energy of the Jing Salamander Sword overflowed, cleanly taking away Xu Qiu's last breath.

"Don't be a businessman in your next life."

Pulling out the sword, the weak body fell down. Lu Wei pushed the door open and walked out. The next one was Xu Sheng.

Lu Wei didn't want to talk to the dead about their past kindness. He only read out the crimes committed by the Xu family, and then started to take away the lives one by one with his sword.

When the last direct descendant of the Xu family collapsed clutching his neck in fear, Lu Ni appeared again. The steward threw the sword back into the scabbard in her hand, clapped his hands, and clasped his hands behind his back. I don't know what he was thinking, but he was definitely not feeling sad.
"Lord, should the rest of Xu's family be executed as well?"

Lu Ni asked coldly as he lowered his eyes and felt the force of the Frightened Salamander Sword being sheathed.

"Letting the sword be stained with too much meaningless blood will not be conducive to the progress of martial arts." Lu Wei shook his head: "Let Jueying do this."

"Yes." Lu Ni disappeared.

After she left, Lu Wei captured a close confidant of Xu Qiu, forced him to reveal the location of the Xu family's treasure house, and executed him and the treasure house guards along with him.

The rich merchants who monopolize the wine industry in Yan State have a dazzling array of gold and silver treasures in their treasure houses, which are far beyond the comparison of the Kuhaha merchants on Zhuangshan Mountain.

Since he had plenty of time, Lu Wei searched carefully and picked out all the gold in the warehouse. Then he returned to Xu Qiu's study, ignored the body on the ground, knocked around, and found a secret room.

There are fewer gold coins here, but there are more precious collectibles. Just like in the treasure house, he used his internal power to turn the scene after his selection upside down. After seeing nothing, Lu Wei noticed that Jueying outside had brought people to harvest. .

He walked out of the secret room calmly, and left quietly a second before a Yanchunjun Mansion killer entered the study.

The next day, early in the morning, Lu Wei summoned Ah Shan on the third floor of Luqiu Pavilion:

"An accident occurred in the Xu family last night. The Xu family's father and son died." As soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Shan looked shocked.

The incident happened suddenly, and he was called by his boss as soon as he got up in the morning. He had not received a report from the disciples below at all, but Lu Shan knew what he should do at this time:
"I will immediately arrange for my disciples to swallow up the Xu family's property."

"The north area of ​​the city will be swallowed from the south of the Xu family's residence and the east area of ​​the city. Don't touch other areas."

Lu Wei gave instructions in a relaxed tone, and talked about another matter: "The contact with Yan Chunjun's housekeeper will be cut off, and all the disciples we sent to Yanchun Jun's mansion through him will be evacuated and sent to the university." Zeshan.”

"I'll do it right away."

Ah Shan nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Just when he was about to leave, his boss said again: "Cut off [-]% of the number of gold coins in Luqiuge's books and make good accounts."

After grabbing a handful at Xu's house last night, Lu Wei looked at the balance in the upper corner of the mall reaching a new high. At the same time, Lu Wei took advantage of the situation and took a little more from his own industrial warehouse, filling the number into an integer. There was not much in his heart. All bad emotions dissipate~

The hall of the Prince's Mansion.

Yan Dan and Ju Wu looked at the steward Yan Chunjun who was kneeling in front of them. Although their faces were straight, they were extremely excited in their hearts.

It's worth exchanging the Xu family for such a level of internal support in Lord Yan Chun's mansion. From now on, the Prince's Mansion will be able to control every move of Lord Yan Chun!

Moreover, such a big family as the Xu family is not one that can be swallowed up easily.Although Lu Qiuge took over the matter, it was the Yanchunjun Mansion, the Prince's Mansion, and Lu Qiuge Mansion that annexed the Xu family's property.

In this situation, the Xu family's father and son were dead, and no one dared to ask more about the Xu family's affairs!

Yan Dan only used one piece of information to obtain the senior internal affairs of the Yanchun Lord's Mansion and part of the Xu family's property.

"From today on, you no longer belong to Lu Qiu Pavilion and you have to work for the Prince's Mansion, you know!"

Ju Wu coughed and stood up. The loud volume exploded in the butler's ears like thunder.

"The villain understands, the villain knows."

The old butler obediently grabbed the ground with his head, without any thought of resistance. It is much better to work for the Prince's Mansion than those mud-legged people in Lu Qiuge!

Although his old master Yan Chunjun is still powerful now, in terms of his noble bloodline, His Royal Highness becoming the new master has undoubtedly 'raised' his status by one level!
"Yanda, I have obtained the antidote for your family and the poison on your body from Luqiuge. You don't need to worry anymore."

After Ju Wu sang the red face, Yan Dan naturally had to sing the bad face.

Sitting in his seat, his tone was stern. Yan Dan knew very well that for people like the old housekeeper, the best way for him to intimidate him was to use his noble status.

"It is an honor for them to be with His Highness the Crown Prince."

The old housekeeper smiled flatteringly and took a step forward: "I also know that Lu Qiuge has many arrangements in the Yanchun Lord's Mansion, and I want to dedicate them to His Highness the Crown Prince."

"Yes." He gave the teacher Ju Wu a look, who nodded clearly and took the old housekeeper to the side hall.

After a while, he came back with a bamboo slip full of words. As for the old housekeeper, he had already put it back and lurked.

"This time, Your Highness, the Crown Prince, not only swallowed up the Xu family's property and greatly increased our power, but also planted a new nail in Yan Chunjun's hands. He also gained the leverage to restrict Lu Qiu Pavilion. This is really the way of a king!"

Ju Wu smiled and handed the bamboo slip to Yan Dan. Yan Dan didn't even look at it, just took it and put it aside:
"Teacher, from now on, don't act rashly towards the farmhouse. Keep these bamboo slips on the bottom floor first."

Ju Wu's expression changed and he touched his beard: "Why is this?"

"If we pursue the victory, we can get more from Lu Qiuge!"

"No." Yan Dan turned his head and stared at the bamboo slips with sharp eyes: "Lu Wei is young and will definitely play an important role in the farmer's family in the future. We have a long-term cooperation with them. We should not make too many calculations or damage each other's impression."

"This sharing of food with the Xu family is a good example. As long as they share common interests, the farmer will be a powerful ally!"

"His Royal Highness has a foresighted plan, I understand."

Ju Wu also looked at the bamboo slips and nodded heavily.
In Yan Chunjun's mansion, Yan Chunjun, who was still powerful, rarely got up early and received good news. He sat on a high position with a strange smile and looked down at the shadow below:

"The Xu family swallowed it?"

"Yes." The black hilt of Cao Cao's sword on Jueying's waist was not conspicuous: "Last night there was a civil war between Lu Qiuge and the Xu family, and my subordinates were waiting for an opportunity to appear. In the name of Mr. Yanchun, Lu Qiuge had to give up half of the benefits. ."

"My subordinate once destroyed me~" Yan Chunjun sneered: "Xu Qiu is also a ridiculous person."

Jueying was silent about this. When Yan Chunjun had laughed enough, he spoke again: "The Prince's Mansion also threatened Lu Qiuge and took away some of the benefits."

"This nephew of mine knows how to exploit every opportunity!"

Yan Chunjun was not angry: "But as far as this matter is concerned, it is a good thing for them to join in."

"Has the Mo family made any moves recently?"

"My subordinates are still investigating."

"Send more manpower!" Mr. Yan Chun changed his face quickly, and his dissatisfaction was clear: "These gangsters are trouble!"

"The farmer has softened in the past few years, and now the Mo family is even more rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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