There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 201 Relationship Dragon

Chapter 201 Relationship Dragon

"Attention Rifle Team!"

Jia Wenwu first issued the combat command: "Gunners, prepare!"

He stood ready, and the person in the white mist became clearer and clearer. He was a man wearing earthly clothes, holding a little girl in his hand.

The little girl is wearing original clothing.

He still didn't dare to be careless. The aliens had all kinds of strange methods. A sergeant shouted to Chen Banxian from a distance:

"Who are you? Don't come any closer and show your identity!"

"Wait a minute!"

The scout on the intercom suddenly spoke again.

"He seems to be Chen Banxian from North 14th District. He has been registered before."

Chen Banxian's appearance was so easy to recognize that he was recognized as soon as he stepped out of the white fog.

"Chen Banxian from North 14th District?" Jia Wenwu remembered that there was such a person. It seemed that he was the one who solved the uproar of the Ezhao cult.

At this time, the sergeant also recognized him, and after being surprised, he said: "Excuse me, are you Chen Banxian? Please tell me when you will go to the original world, and provide you with your pass."

They are still cautious, as people from other worlds have all kinds of strange methods, so they have to be on guard against them.

Only after Chen Banxian told the exact time and took out his pass did they let Chen Banxian come over.

"Who is next to you?" Jia Wenwu personally received it, because this person has an inexplicable relationship with the leader of District 14 and is much higher than him.

"My student." Chen Banxian answered without hesitation: "She is from the original world. Is there any problem?"

"Alien?" Jia Wenwu frowned and was about to speak when the sergeant next to him quickly approached and whispered something in his ear.

"Boss, I just checked his information and found that he is in the third realm."

Good guy, the third realm?
Jia Wenwu quickly put a smile on his face: "No problem, of course no problem. If you need anything, please feel free to come to me."

Everyone has a network of connections, but I am afraid that this person has the strength.

The second level is okay, but the third level has to be supported!

"Teacher, who are these people?" Egerwei was curious. Those different clothes and armors, as well as the short metal stick, gave her a different perspective.

Are those sticks magic wands and why is everyone holding one?
"They are soldiers, people who protect people like you."

Chen Banxian answered patiently. He did not choose to travel through space along the way, but kept telling Aigwei about the earth, China, and Baihu City.

"This will be our home from now on." Chen Banxian told her that to learn divination from him, she must be prepared to endure hardships.

"Teacher, I am not afraid of hardship."

Aigwei promised that she will not be afraid of any difficulties.

"That's good, that's good." Chen Banxian's smile at this time was a little strange.

Next, Chen Banxian taught her to read and write. He did not use memory to modify it, but retaught her word by word.

Fortunately, there are many teachers in Baihu City. You only need to spend black coins, and there are a lot of head teachers who have resigned due to force majeure.

Later, Aigwei met Jiaojiao for the first time.


The half-dragon circled around Aigwei for a long time and looked at it, making the latter tremble all over and not daring to move.

She had never seen such a big snake with claws.

"Old...teacher..." Aigwei was so scared that she asked Chen Banxian for help.

"Don't be afraid, she is also your family." Chen Banxian comforted her.

Jiaojiao whined for a while and wrote on his tablet: "Isn't she your daughter?"

Chen Banxian's face darkened: "I'm only in my 20s, and this is my student."

Jiaojiao's vigilance suddenly relaxed, his mouth raised a smile, and he scratched Aigwei's face with his hairy tail.

The tablet wrote: Follow Xianxian seriously while I go shopping.

After collecting students leisurely, I just went home. What are you going to cook today?
How about... going out of the city to hunt a monster?I heard that there is a rabbit more than 60 miles away from Baihu City that turned into a monster. It must taste good...

Just as he thought, a dragon suddenly flew out of Baihu City and headed sixty miles outside the city.

The guard at the door was already used to it.

The newcomer was shocked: "Dragon!"

"Look at how cowardly you are." The guard next to him teased him, "You look like you've never seen the world."

He said lightly: "That's our relationship dragon in District 14. The younger sisters should take it seriously when they see it, and they all know Boss Su."

"Damn it, is it such a big deal?" Xin Lai was shocked, "I thought it was a monster from the monster clan area."

"More than that?" The old guard took out half a cigarette and started smoking: "Do you know who its owner is?"

"Does it have an owner?" The latter was in turmoil. With such a powerful relationship with the dragon, who should be its owner?

"You may not know its owner's name very well, it's Chen Banxian, but you must be familiar with his deeds.

It's the ruthless man with the nuclear bomb in his hand! "

"Fuck! F*ck!"

The new guard was shocked, no wonder, no wonder it was Guanlong.

"By the way, you were transferred from the next district, right."

The old guard warned him: "Looking at your youth, I would like to warn you that people in the North 14th District can basically blackmail you, but if you see a paper bag man, you'd better not cause trouble."

The new guard noted that he was convinced by the old guard without asking why.

While they were talking, I saw two paper bag heads, one big and one small, coming in front of them. They left the city and came back after a while. "Don't make a sound, don't move, pretend you didn't see it."

The old guard reminds the new guard to stay out of trouble.

After a while, the big and small paper bag heads walked out of the door again and walked back. The guard still stared at the door intently.

On the third trip, the new guard finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stopped two paper bag heads, one big and one small, out of curiosity:

"You have been in and out three times within a period of time. It is very suspicious. Please take a look at your pass."

The old guard slapped his forehead, it was going to be bad.

As expected, the big paper bag head excitedly grabbed the little paper bag head:

"Look, the teacher will only demonstrate once! This is called opportunity."

The little paper bag head was confused and nodded stupidly.

I saw the big paper bag head saying to the new guard: "Young man, I see that the mark between your eyebrows is black. There may be disaster in recent days."

The new guard's face darkened: "Don't say such unlucky words. When I was a child, my horoscopes said I could live to be 98 years old!"

He spoke righteously: "Take out the pass and look at it, don't change the subject."

As everyone knows, the old guards around have already run around and whispered:

"Fuck, it's really him!"

"There are so many people coming in and out of our place. Although there are many paper bag heads, he is the only one using such a new paper bag. I have heard this sound several times, and it's him!"

"Xiao Lu is in trouble, he's so stubborn, he's probably going to be unlucky."

The guards looked at this awkward situation. Xiao Lu was still asking Chen Banxian for a pass, and he didn't want to know his fate.

It didn't turn out as expected. Chen Banxian's face darkened and he warned Aigwei gloomily:

"Remember, God has given such a person a chance of life. If he can't catch it, he deserves misfortune. We can't waste time, we should save the next person in trouble."

After showing his pass, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

"Let's go, Aigwei, this time I will take you to see how the demon clan treats the Gua Master."

Die Yunfei, who was busy with many things to do, took some time to check his mobile phone. The short video showed a live broadcast of a certain transcendent anchor.

Suddenly, the reminder of special concern came to mind, and he picked it up and took a look.

"There is a guard named Xiao Lu at the city gate, one hundred thousand words, you know."

Which unlucky guy offended Master Chen?
Die Yunfei cleared his throat: "Then, You Yan, go out for a while...

After discussing the matter, Die Yunfei received another picture from Chen Banxian.

After the first one is loaded, it is: "Advanced Magician Quickly".

Finally, there is Chen Banxian’s advice: This is a magic spell that can be mastered quickly in the original world, so use it with caution.

"Use with caution?"

Die Yunfei was surprised and chanted along with the first paragraph: "Light Element, you bastard, Bichi, you..."

What kind of curse is this? Isn’t this a curse?Boss, do you still have this hobby?And wrote a book?


A bright light lit up from the core office building in District 14, and Die Yunfei screamed: "My eyes!"

Looking at the sudden light, Chen Banxian raised a smile and led Aigwei to the demon clan area.

There are also buildings here, but some are big and some are small, and there are few high-rises.

"I didn't know that the master is here to visit me. Please forgive me, little lady."

You Ye appeared silently at the entrance of the street divided into the demon clan area. He was full of charm, and his every frown and smile moved two heavy things on his chest, all of which seduced the souls of men.

"Have you entered the third realm?"

With a sharp glance, Chen Banxian had already discerned the aura on You Ye's body.

"Just a fluke."

Youye stretched out his palm, licked his lips subconsciously, and walked step by step in front of Chen Banxian: "Master, I have been restless recently, and I would like to ask you to do a fortune telling."

Chen Banxian found that he had a long way to go if he wanted to teach his disciples.

For Aigwei, she has been mentally prepared that she may encounter various difficulties from fate in the future.

"It's no small thing that you're upset."

Chen Banxian ignored the annoying charm and took out the copper coins: "You can make up your own mind."

You Ye had a serious figure and did not dare to go beyond the divination in the slightest, so he shook the divination respectfully.

Chen Banxian breathed a sigh of relief, at least now it was a normal divination plot.

Taking the opportunity, he taught Aigwei:
"This is the copper coin hexagram. Three copper coins fall to the ground. Two positive and one negative indicates more yang and less yin. It is Shaoyang. Remember the hexagram I told you before. One is horizontal.

The two inverses are exactly Shaoyin. One horizontal line is cut off from it and recorded as two small horizontal lines.

This is Lao Yin, three negatives, and the law that everything must be reversed is recorded as Yang, which is a horizontal line.

This is Lao Yang, three heads, and two small balances when the extreme ends of things are reversed.

Add up the horizontal hexagrams one by one and arrange them from top to bottom. You can see that the last hexagram is the fire and water. Sometimes we don’t need to deliberately ask for changes in divination. We can know the approximate answer just by looking at the main hexagram.

For example, in this hexagram, none of the lines in Weiji is suitable. It means great misfortune... Hey, great misfortune? "

He suddenly raised his head, and before long he had changed the lines into five, Tianshui Litigation.

"Natural disaster?"

(End of this chapter)

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