There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 202 You have a bloodbath!

Chapter 202 You have a bloodbath!

Aigwei never imagined that the teacher would encounter such an exciting situation on the first day when he took her to practice fortune telling.

"In the unfinished litigation hexagram, the Kan hexagram was originally a rough calamity. Looking at where the calamity came from, the upper hexagram Li is fire, and the dry gold is the sky. Gold grows toward water, and the sky falls downward."

At this time, Chen Banxian was so blessed that he was not distracted from teaching Aigwei how to tell fortunes, but was immersed in the fortune telling.

When the water dries up in summer, the body's hexagram qi is weak. Lihuo can be seen on each other, and Lihuo can be seen on the top, which is like a burning flame.

With a serious look on his face, he simply drew the hexagram on the ground with his fingers, ranked the four values, and then reasoned it out.

Nowadays, the most serious disaster in Baihu City is the alien passage. Is it possible that there will be a flaming alien crisis?
No, this hexagram brings danger from above, and it should be beautiful and glowing if it turns from fire to dry gold and sees beauty.

He frowned and thought, what is meant by going from top to bottom, leaving the fire to see the beauty?

He closed his eyes and looked at the hexagram without moving.

For three hours, different phenomena and inspirations burst into his mind, but they were still elusive.

Many monsters passed by, and after saluting Youye, they looked at the human curiously, wondering why the leader was standing next to the human.

You Ye waited and saw Chen Banxian frowning and looking solemn, and he became more and more uneasy.

Aigwei looked at this big sister and didn't understand why the teacher suddenly sat down.

She knew not to disturb her, so she asked quietly: "Sister, what's wrong with my teacher?"


Youye touched his lips with his scallion-white fingers, and pulled her aside. His voice was so low that it was almost inaudible:

"Little apprentice, don't talk, don't disturb your teacher."

Even when a wild boar demon with a naive appearance came with ticking steps, Youye glared at the wild boar demon.

The aura of the high-ranking demon clan in the third realm scared the wild boar demon to the spot, and its cheerful steps suddenly froze.

Chen Banxian remained silent and still, his starry eyes were in a trance, and he seemed to be in a state of soul.


The noisy District 14 is extremely quiet here.

You Ye is very sensible, she excludes all the noise, and the place is as quiet as a vacuum.


A stone may have been blown by the wind and fell from the building.

Chen Banxian raised his head, and his thoughts flashed!
The vacuum of the universe, the bolide, the pebbles falling to the ground, dry gold becomes metal!

Is it a meteorite disaster?

Meteorite?He found such a ridiculous answer unbelievable. The chance of being hit by a meteorite was even lower than winning the lottery.

However, this hexagram cooperates with the external response to rule out the possibility that it is basically possible. No matter how absurd the answer is, it is still the answer.

"Youye, you demon clan are in danger of a bloody disaster!"

Chen Banxian finally came to his senses and exhaled a long breath.He stood up from the ground and felt that his steps were a little shaky.

The short few hours just now consumed him a lot of energy, and his whole brain was a little dizzy.

Instead of being sad, he felt a kind of joy radiating from the inside out, the excitement of having a glimpse of the future of his destiny.

The strokes formed by the six masters changing their fortunes became a vivid and vivid pattern in his eyes.

He described it to Youye.

"During the darkest night, a meteorite will fall from the sky. It will be made of metal and will fall on Baihu City. You are right to be uneasy."

He was sitting and shaking the hexagram. According to the innate theory, the state of the unity of heaven and man is the number 9 of the main hexagram plus the number 7 of the change hexagram, a total of 16 numbers, which coincides with the number of Gan, Yi, Kan and Liu of the change hexagram.

Logically speaking, it cannot be 16 months, that is the 16th. After the 16th, the world will be the darkest.

"After 16 days."

He warned You Ye, of course, people are human after all, and it is difficult to be completely accurate, so he warned You Ye: "In order to prevent accidents, you'd better get away quickly, not to mention other places, at least in this Baihu City North District Can’t wait.”

The body hexagram Kanshui, water is the Hundred Lakes, and the north of the Hundred Lakes is the most important.

This meteorite is probably not small.

He slowly raised his head and stared at the sky.

These eyes are no longer mortal eyes, they can see the stars hidden outside the blue curtain of the sky.

Where will it be?

Ziwei can see the stars. He cannot see the stars unless he is a student of this sect. However, one method can apply to all methods, and he still predicts this calamity.

"Thank you, Master, for the rescue!"

In front of Ai Gewei, Youye's respect gave Chen Banxian face.

She presented a pure white stone from her arms.

"This is a treasure I found at the bottom of a deep water outside Baihu City. It contains pure spiritual energy."

The stone looked like limestone, but it was very heavy in the hand. As soon as Hajime touched it, a strong spiritual energy was transmitted into his body.

It is indeed a rare treasure.

It should be the crystallization of the earth's spiritual energy gathered with this stone as the carrier.

In terms of cultivating immortality, it is a spiritual stone.

Unfortunately, Gua Jin is Gua Jin. Before Chen Banxian could swallow the pure spiritual energy in it, it turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

"Ding, get the nine-tailed fox tail, the number of lives x1."

Damn it, the life experience coupons have been increased again!

In Chen Banxian's eyes, where is the Nine-tailed Fox Youye?This is clearly a mobile life count extractor!
The first level adds one life to him, the second level adds another life, and the third level adds another life.

As long as Youye continues to practice, he will surely gain more lives in the future.

This life-shaking tree must be protected.

"Master, You Ye is deeply grateful for your kindness!"

The results of many divination calculations have proven Chen Banxian's accuracy. Although Youye finds it absurd, he still believes it.

She bowed to Chen Banxian and saluted: "Master, can you wait for me to host a banquet? To repay Master's kindness."

She secretly made up her mind that she must hug this thigh!
The two had different ideas but the same purpose. Chen Banxian and You Ye had a pleasant conversation at the Shui'an Restaurant.

After exchanging glasses of wine, Youye's eyes were blurred, and he gently put his bare hands on Chen Banxian's shoulders.

"Master, how is my peach blossom?"

With a drunken body, flushed cheeks, and peach-blossom eyes, she gently wrapped her hand around Chen Banxian, her eyes pitiful.

Who can resist this look?
Chen Banxian patted his chest proudly: I can!
"you're drunk."

He gently pulled out his hand and pulled up Aigwei who was already full: "Let's go home."

If Jiaojiao knew that he was full after eating outside, he would have to open up the kitchen!
He covered You Ye with a thin quilt from the Shui'an Restaurant, and set the air conditioner to 24 degrees. When he left, he told the waiter outside to take good care of You Ye.

"This is the leader of the demon clan. You can't bear it if something happens, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand. Please walk slowly."

The waiter was wiping cold sweat. They were all elites trained by Shui'an Restaurant and were already familiar with all the big shots in the area.

These two were so powerful that even the nobles had to give way when they arrived.

If something happened, his whole family wouldn't have enough money to stuff his teeth.

After Chen Banxian walked away, there were sounds of movement in the private room. The waiter carefully knocked on the door and found You Ye standing barefoot on the ground, staring at the river.

There is a fox pattern between the willow eyebrows with regret.

No matter how good the wine is, it is just ordinary wine. How can you get drunk?

Even if she just wants a romantic relationship, it's still delusional. "Haha." You Ye suddenly laughed: "This is the master. It would be a pity for him to give in."

Since Mu Qiang, a demon clan, has no such fate with Chen Banxian, he should maintain a good relationship.

But, a meteorite disaster?
You Ye looked up at the night sky. The stars were particularly bright today.

They are so high up in the sky, who would have thought that stars would fall one day.

Baihu City, in a house at the entrance of District 14.

Chen Banxian struggled to move his feet and eat.

Jiaojiao had just returned from a feast of food and drinks at the Shui'an Restaurant, and Jiaojiao entertained him with a sumptuous banquet of demon rabbits.

Chen Banxian ate a whole demon rabbit until he couldn't even move.

This dragon is very good at forgetting and understands him very well. The portion was originally just right, but it was a pity that he drank too much at the Shui'an Restaurant and overstuffed himself.

Aigwei was very happy. She couldn't eat the meat of monster beasts, and the energy and blood would affect her thin body. At this time, she was looking at the basics of plum blossoms.

Getting started is very simple, but to become proficient, in addition to the training of skills, you also need the perception of life, self-realization in practice, and the innate sense of the unity of nature and man.

The sword spirit was also studying beside him. No matter how hard he studied, he still couldn't figure out why Chen Banxian judged a Qian hexagram to be a meteorite, but he judged it to be the sun.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can you count the meteorites?"

The sword spirit muttered: "I just think it's because the sun is too hot and there's a severe drought. This makes sense."

"Mom told me not to talk to fools."

Chen Banxian massaged his belly quietly so that Jiaojiao wouldn't notice.

The sword spirit couldn't help but talk more: "I think the nine-tailed fox in front is not bad. People understand it so well, but you actually left directly?"

He clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "If I hadn't taught you the true understanding of life, I would have thought you were incompetent."


Chen Banxian only had this word.

The sword spirit couldn't stop talking, and said: "Boy, do you really like Sun Haibo as rumored?"

Chen Banxian became angry: "What are you talking about! I like women, women! It's just that in this world, who dares to fall in love!"

When no one knows whether they can survive until tomorrow, how can we talk about it and what should we talk about?

He doesn't want to face life and death, and he doesn't want to face threats and let himself be restrained.

The sword spirit didn't think so, and said earnestly: "You must know that beauty is like...


Chen Banxian opened a space and left, leaving the sword spirit to chatter incessantly.

"You bastard, this is too much. Don't you just want to talk to me? Just wait. When I recover, I will spank you across space!"

He secretly hates it, the giantess sucked my essence and misled me!

The sixteen days passed by in a blink of an eye.

Chen Banxian has spent the past sixteen days with Ai Gewei in fortune-telling, increasing her knowledge and foundation, and at the same time, adding bricks and tiles to his boat.

It's still in tatters, but slightly better than before.

All the demon clans in District 14 followed Chen Banxian's suggestion and had already moved outside Baihu City. The two leaders of the demon clan, Liu Baiyuan, were not in charge. As the boss, You Ye, no demon clan disobeyed.

To Chen Banxian's expectation, tonight, except for the demon clan, more than half of the people in the North 14th District got the news and took refuge recently.

The news was released by Shen Qinghe.

As the night deepened, Chen Banxian also saw this figure he had not seen for a long time.

Shen Qinghe held the Micro-core Gathering Sword in his hand and wore spiritual armor, leading a neat line of troops in from outside Area 14.

There are eight square formations in total, each with as many as a hundred people.

All steps are uniform, standard armor and standard weapons.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations amplify each other, squeezing each other, and compressing the air to distort it.

Shen Qinghe's figure walking in the front was majestic and majestic, with a bloody cloak floating behind him.

As the phalanx moves, the ground trembles with every step, and a uniform sound hits the eardrums.

800 people crowded the streets of the Demon Clan area in District 14, waiting quietly.

Chen Banxian standing among them was so conspicuous that Shen Qinghe noticed him almost immediately.

"It's you."

Silently, Shen Qinghe flew in front of him, not having much favorable impressions of the culprit who ruined his plan.

"It's a coincidence."

Chen Banxian smiled and said: "The reborn person is Dao. Did you know in advance that there would be a meteorite landing here?"

"I don't remember breaking the news."

Shen Qinghe frowned, remembering some information about the person in front of him.

"You reckon?"

"It's just a coincidence." Chen Banxian waved his hand: "Looking at your posture, it's not just a meteorite?"

"of course."

Shen Qinghe spoke very few words. He held his head high and observed the stars in the sky while answering:
"In my memory, there were several small catastrophes before the first catastrophe, and this was one of them, an ultimatum for alien civilization."


What Shen Qinghe said was nonsense, even more nonsense than a meteorite falling from the sky.

If being hit by a meteorite is compared to winning the lottery, the appearance of civilization is as absurd as Newton's apple being thrown out of the Garden of Eden.

"To you, this is ridiculous."

Shen Qinghe understood what Chen Banxian was thinking, and there was no need to talk to him.

Aura is like a huge signal tower, and it is natural to attract the attention of aliens.

This is a substance that is completely different from the current universe and can be observed. Any civilization with this power must come to see what is going on and analyze spiritual energy.

Late at night, a star grew bigger and bigger in the sky above Baihu City, with a tail flame and made entirely of metal.

It is very smooth, falling from the sky with rapid momentum, pulling out extremely long and dazzling light and shadow.


The entire North 14th District was trembling. The demon area was hit by a terrible impact, the buildings collapsed, and all the glass in the 14th District was shattered.

The wind pressure and shock wave blew away, almost touching the top of Shen Qinghe's head, destroying and eroding everyone around him.

Shen Qinghe raised one hand: "Yu!"

"Buzz!" sounded, and the eight square formations were divided into two large squares, each with 400 people.

The psychic armor explodes with greater spiritual pressure, canceling out the shock wave.

Shen Qinghe looked sideways at Chen Banxian, his eyes hidden with surprise.

This man withstood the power of the falling meteorite alone.

There was no room for distraction at this time, Shen Qinghe's gesture changed: "Come in!"

Eight hundred extraordinary people stepped forward in unison and entered the area where the meteorite landed.

A mile-long crater was created on the ground!

As soon as the smoke and dust spread, it was dispersed by the spiritual pressure of 800 people. This is an extremely disciplined army. Every extraordinary person is not lower than the second level. Even every captain of the party has the third level of cultivation. .

(End of this chapter)

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