There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 203 Dianbi Civilization

Chapter 203 Dianbi Civilization
The scorching hot ground burned their armor, but it was unable to affect their bodies under psychic energy. As the phalanx advanced, more smoke was blown away, revealing the true appearance of the meteorite.

It's really a round metal object with a sun pattern carved on the outside.

In one aspect, the sword spirit is right.

This is the sun.

The metal sphere is about the size of a house. The sun pattern is integral and no gaps can be seen.

As everyone approached, Shen Qinghe changed his gestures again.


Eight square formations, four in front and four in back, surround the metal sphere in a staggered manner.

At this time, Shen Qinghe looked solemn and tapped some sun patterns on the ball rhythmically.

After a while, the ball emitted fiery energy and slowly opened.

There is no carbon-based life inside, but ten five-meter-tall humanoid substances that resemble AI robots.

They were originally fixed in the ball, but now they were unfastened and walked out.

Light diffused from them. As they walked, the bodies of these ten mechanical creatures began to change, and soon shrunk to human size.

"Holy shit, Transformers turned into Terminators?"

Chen Banxian's eyes were opened and he exclaimed again and again.

Shen Qinghe rolled his eyes, this passerby was too noisy.

The leader, Shen Qinghe, was noticed immediately. Another light swept across, and the metal man actually spoke.

"Humans, hello."

Chen Banxian shouted again: "The whole universe is speaking Chinese!"

The Terminator and Shen Qinghe turned to look at him.

Shen Qinghe felt that this meeting with the people on Earth was embarrassing.

The Terminator explained: "We scanned your brain, extracted the original carbon-based biological memory, and learned your language and culture."

He looked at Shen Qinghe: "We are a civilization from six thousand light years away. In your words, it is called the Dingbi Civilization."

"Top monument? Click to memorize it."

Chen Banxian came up and looked at their appearance carefully: "What kind of technology do you have? How do you achieve a jump of six thousand light years?"

"I can answer it for you." Another life on top of the monument came to Chen Banxian's side and pulled him away without affecting the conversation between Shen Qinghe and the other party.

The two people walked to one side, and the other person explained to Chen Banxian, his tone was calm and without any emotion:
"We jumped through the wormhole and space curvature engine technology. Using your earth's time, it should be 1 month and 3 days, 13 minutes and 42 seconds to reach the earth's atmosphere."

"Okay, that's very accurate. So, what kind of energy do you have that is enough to support the curvature engine?"

"In your human terms, it can be called antimatter."

This Terminator did not hide anything and directly stated the energy level of his civilization.

Antimatter, which is a higher level of energy than nuclear fusion, can distort space to achieve the effect of a curvature engine.

At this time, Shen Qinghe could vaguely hear the interrogation: "What is the purpose of your coming to Earth? Why did you take away humans in the end?"

Shen Qinghe's eyes were complicated, and his civilized appearance was an unsolved mystery from his past life.

They arrested humans on a large scale before the arrival of the first calamity, without any reason or reason.

In the past life, human beings' research on psychic powers was too low, coupled with the low-end weapons and the loopholes in Baihu City's defense measures, there was nothing they could do.

How many people watch their children, wives, and parents leave them, helpless.

Many people even committed suicide after this, which had a great impact on Baihu City, which indirectly led to many mistakes and omissions when facing the first disaster.

Some of them had even distorted their mentality and defected to the alien race, ruining batch after batch of human elites.

In this life, he wants to turn the situation around!
Chen Banxian looked away, and then asked the Terminator: "Are you married?"

"Of course." The terminator replied: "We follow the ancient tradition of polyandry, with the wife as the core operation, and we operate as polygons."

"It's really fun." Chen Banxian gave a thumbs up and asked:
"Then you know how to do that, hehe, do you?"

"I understand what you mean. Our communication through radio waves is already higher than simple carbon-based communication. Hey, hey, it's higher."

"Are you eating?"

"We rely on energy to start. Please pay attention to carbon-based life. We are a metallic civilization and are fundamentally different from carbon-based life."

"Then..." Chen Banxian touched his chin and thought for a moment:

"What is your purpose in coming to Earth?"

The beings of Dianbi Civilization knew what Chen Banxian was thinking and said it bluntly: "Collect the diversity of the universe and build a museum of the universe."

"Robots also play this?" Chen Banxian was surprised: "If you think so, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave the earth."

After all, the metal was metal and not very strong. He was thinking about what kind of fire magic he could use to burn it clean faster.

"It's not us who build it, it's the main star that needs to be built."

The robot said even more terrifying words in a calm tone.

"The wisdom of the main star will spread throughout the universe, and humans will be unable to resist."

They are actually working for others!

These metal lifeforms express themselves: "We will randomly sample and select one percent of the population here to build the Milky Way Museum. Please don't stop it."


Chen Banxian and Shen Qinghe laughed at the same time.

Before Shen Qinghe could speak first, Chen Banxian slapped a Terminator to pieces with an arrogant hand: "Did you know that there are people covering us behind us?"

"You are so brave, and you dare to attack my subjects in the Wilderness East Continent?"

"Great Wasteland, East Continent?" The Terminator was confused: "Where is that place?" The Terminator, which had been smashed to pieces, repaired itself like water: "We did not include any information about the Great Wasteland East Continent."

"Of course you don't." Chen Banxian pointed in a direction:
"There is a white mist passage over there. If you go in, you will know what a terrifying country the wilderness Dongzhou is. Your so-called main star is not worth mentioning in front of Dongzhou."

This move will lead to misfortune... Shen Qinghe rubbed his brows and was out of reach. Which civilization would be fooled by this?
But as luck would have it, the Terminator believed it and actually looked over there.

"Warning, warning, discovered the folding of unknown space, discovered the folding of stable unknown space, beyond the known technology of civilization."

"Connecting to the main star, requesting judgment and identification, requesting judgment and identification."

After a moment of red light flashing in the robot's eyes, as if receiving some order, ten Terminators approached the deserted East Continent together.

it worked...

It worked?
Shen Qinghe had already prepared for the war and brought all the elites from Baihu City, but...

Chen was fooled into running away by Chen Banxian's few words?

"I said, if there is any first calamity or alien race, I will protect it."

Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder and looked at him meaningfully.

"I can forget about the cult, but if you do it again, I don't mind turning the reborn into the dead."

The third realm...

Shen Qinghe endured the pain of his shattered shoulder and looked silently at the man's retreating back.


A third level phalanx captain whispered in surprise: "The alloy spirit armor on your shoulder is broken."

Shen Qinghe looked at his shoulders and saw that the originally hard armor had broken into pieces and was placed casually on his shoulders.

The psychic armor covers the whole body, and the operation of the psychic matrix brings powerful defense. There should not be such a small area of ​​damage.

At most, it would be overloaded and burned, and the whole body's spiritual armor would be shattered.

Unless it is an extremely violent and penetrating attack, the speed is faster than the operation of the psychic matrix.

This man became stronger again.

Shen Qinghe understood that as he changed, the world had moved in a direction that he could not predict.

In the future, there will be many situations beyond his control, and he will need to make more careful plans and practice more crazily.


He suddenly smiled. Change was a good thing, but he was afraid...he couldn't change anything.

In his previous life, he had never heard of Chen Banxian, and he had never known anyone who could predict the arrival of Dianbi Civilization in advance.

"Send people to pay more attention to the passage on the East Continent, and report any news about the Dingbei civilization to me as soon as possible."

Shen Qinghe changed his original steps and walked towards the core of Area 14.

He wanted to get to know Chen Banxian seriously and heard that Leader Dieyun Feidie had a good relationship with him.

Just as it happened, that girl Qi Qihua also finished her work on the creation of digital currency and broke through the third level yesterday. It was time to give this cheap brother a surprise.

He suddenly realized that he recognized this god-sister very well...

Don't talk about this end, talk about that end.

Chen Banxian deceived the alien civilization. It seemed simple, but in fact he was well prepared.

Do you think that "spreading rumors by spreading rumors" is a joke?Why did he gossip with a robot for so long?
Now that Dianbei Civilization has been deceived, Dongzhou needs to deal with the aftermath so that the other party cannot find out what is wrong.

Dongzhou is a vast area to the east of the Great Wilderness Realm.

The people here dress in a style similar to that of the Qin Dynasty, but civilization has long developed in a feudal society.

The entrance to the passage between Dongzhou and the Earth is located outside a "Liuyun" city.

Because of his negligence in recent days, the geniuses no longer hang around here all day long. Fortunately, Dianbi Life was not discovered when he arrived.

He still had time, so he rushed to Liuyun City to "show off".

Through the memory of a certain unlucky guy, I learned that Dongzhou is very big, and there are countless blessed places in the world.

There are holy places, where aristocratic families rule over one place, and there are dynasties where dynasties rule.

Liuyun City is a city in the world of Chenyundong.

When Chen Banxian arrived, he was penniless and had to use despicable means to deceive the guards. He had already been paid.

Using the speed of traveling through space, he grabbed a muscular passerby on the street.

The passerby was holding fishing gear, beaming with joy, and carrying a big fanged fish weighing [-] to [-] pounds on his back.

"Brother, Baihu City is the lower city of Chenyun Dongtian."

The strong man said: "Hey, how did you know I caught a tiger striped copperhead fish?"

Chen Banxian didn't answer and quickly moved through the crowd.

"Auntie, Baihu City is the lower city of Chenyun Dongtian, just like Liuyun City."

"Sister, Baihu City is..."

"Oh, I won't play. Thank you. I'll say goodbye. I'll do it next time. I'll do it next time..."

Chen Banxian was running around the city, and because he was in such a hurry, he even accidentally bumped into a twelve or thirteen year old child.

The child didn't say anything, just wiped the dirt from the corner of his mouth and left, his back looking aloof and paranoid.

Chen Banxian saw an additional paragraph in his memory, which was obviously what he was thinking at this moment.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!
Chen Banxian thought for a while and added a few words to him.

Don't bully the middle-aged to be poor, don't bully the old to be poor...

(End of this chapter)

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