Chapter 204
Outside Liuyun City, the perfectly disguised Dianbi Life approached, but he didn't expect to be discovered immediately.

"Without blood, what kind of monsters are you?"

The gatekeeper's eyes were sharper than a blue falcon, and a sea of ​​suffering opened up in his body. He immediately noticed something was wrong with these ten people.

Although the Sea of ​​Bitterness is in the initial stage of cultivation, it is completely different from ordinary people and has a lot more magic.

He stopped the life of Dianbi Civilization: "The evil heretic, no matter how much he pretends to look like, he is not a human being, why don't he reveal his true colors soon!"

Seeing that the ten people were motionless, the city gate guard narrowed his eyes. There was no energy and blood, and the divine light was not visible. He thought they were weak monsters, so he took the initiative to take action.


A long spear with a Qiu pattern was thrown out, and it was nailed hard to the chest of the leader of the monument.

The body that Chen Banxian had casually patted apart was now extremely hard. You know, it was metal.

The gatekeeper felt the touch in his hand. Where did the tip of the spear penetrate?I already knew I was going to suffer.

As expected, red light flashed in the eyes of Dianbi beings. They had read a lot of information about ordinary people in Dongzhou.

But unlike Earth, ordinary people in Eastern Continent are short-sighted. Without education, how can they know the secrets of this world?I only know that there are legendary immortals and myths.

Therefore, this life on top of the monument did not have much fear. One of his fingers suddenly extended and pierced into the body of the city gatekeeper, taking away his life.

The gatekeeper's eyes widened, and the energy of the sea of ​​suffering instantly overflowed, and he was already dead.

The beings on top of the monument looked at each other and slowly stepped into the city.

So far, they have not found evidence that Earth is a subordinate world to Dongzhou.

Dongzhou, on the other hand, did not show enough ability to shock their main star.

At the gate of Liuyun City, a gatekeeper was killed in broad daylight. The murderer walked straight into the city without giving Liuyun City any face.

"Are you crazy? This master came out of nowhere and is so arrogant!"

The common people did not dare to comment, but some nobles shed a cold sweat when they saw this scene.

The gatekeepers of a city are the face of a city. This is a real slap in the face.

"No, you are so bold. You must know that there is Chenyun Cave above Liuyun City, and there are four-pole experts stationed in it!"

A voice echoed, and then more people participated in the discussion.

"Not to mention the Lord of Cave Heaven, let's talk about the Lord of Liuyun City, who is also a great monk who has perfected the Wheel and Sea Realm. How could he let these people go?"

People watch the show, but they don't dare to get too close to avoid harming the fish in the pond.

"Which force are these ten people? Maybe they have the confidence to dare to be so reckless."

"What a shame. They don't have any energy or blood in them. Maybe they are artificial creations. The people behind them are hiding and not showing their faces. They are just testing Liuyun City."


In the crowd, a man with a paper bag head echoed. People around him saw that he looked strange and couldn't help but asked curiously:
"Brother, are you dressed very strangely?"

"Ah, I am from Baihu City, not Liuyun City. I am also under the jurisdiction of Chenyun Dongtian."

The man suddenly realized: "Oh, he is a brother from Baihu City. No wonder, no wonder."

The spread of false rumors has had its effect.

Chen Banxian used the third level to perform it himself. Unless the Wheel and Sea level is perfect, how can anyone resist this rumor?

Now that it has reached the ears of the nobles and nobles, the momentum has been created. Let's wait and see what the reaction will be.

I believe that the city lord of this city will not sit idly by.

Sure enough, when the city lord Situ Ling received the news in Liuyun City's palace, he was so angry that he slammed the table!

A monk in the Sea of ​​Bitter Realm may not be considered a big deal in Chenyun Cave Heaven, but he is a rare talent in Liuyun City.

"It is said that the commander of the city guards, Liu Changqing, is here."

Situ Ling's face was quite dark. In fact, Commander Liu Changqing was already waiting outside the city lord's palace.

"City Lord."

Liu Changqing's face also didn't look good.

The gatekeeper was a junior he was very optimistic about, and he might be able to take over his position in the future, but he was killed like this.

He was killed in broad daylight in front of the people of Liuyun City!
The city lord Situ Ling only has one word.


No matter who dares to slap Liu Yuncheng in the face, he will have to pay the price.


Liu Changqing turned and left, he wanted to kill his enemy with his own hands.

The fighting spirit increased step by step, and he quickly came to the city with three hundred city guards.

At this time, Dianbi Life was still walking on the street, constantly scanning the brains of Dongzhou people.

"No more discoveries have been made at the moment."

"No more discoveries have been made at the moment."

Ten beings on top of the monument communicate with each other via radio waves.

"I found out that someone knows that Baihu City is a subordinate of Chenyun Dongtian."

"It was discovered that there is Baihu City among the cities under Chenyun Cave."

With more investigation, they gained a more certain understanding.

"Chen Yun Dongtian is the main force here and needs to be understood."

During the discussion, the pedestrians on the street disappeared without knowing it. Three hundred Liuyun City Guards were stationed in all directions. Liu Changqing faced the ten lives of those standing on top of the monument with a single sword.

The latter stopped and the red light began to scan subconsciously.

"Evil and evil magic!"

The sea of ​​bitterness in Liu Changqing's body was boiling, the spring of life was rolling, and wisps of divine light filled the air to protect his body.

The scan of Dingbi Civilization was interfered by energy radiation and could not be completed.

"The target has other energy interference, it is recommended to stop life activities first."

The person who scanned the top monument opened his mouth and planned to enforce it.

Although the terminology was different, Liu Changqing still understood the meaning clearly.

He couldn't help but sneer, hahaha and at the same time have murderous intent.

"How brave!"

Liu Changqing took action, and the sword struck sharply.

His life spring has been completed, his divine bridge has been erected, and his divine power is flowing through his whole body!
This knife struck hard at the leader of the monument!
The power alone has already set off strong winds, blowing away the roofs of tiled houses everywhere in the city, making a clanging sound.

Dianbi Sheng took two steps back, and a deep knife mark appeared on his chest. Unfortunately, it was not completely penetrated.

It's almost meaningless.

In just an instant, this huge gap has healed.

"Humph, it's really not a human being."

Liu Changqing was not surprised, but more divine power emerged from his body, and his eyes were filled with fighting spirit!


He was not afraid of strong enemies, but he took the initiative to charge into the ten people standing on top of the monument with a knife. In an instant, the sword light exploded, and the aftermath easily cut off a water tank as high as a person.

Chen Banxian moved away from the water tank wetly, with a dark face:

This was truly unlucky. He was enjoying the show, but he was blown away by a sword.

On the other side, the ten top monument beings were temporarily unable to defeat Liu Changqing.

This man's blood and fighting spirit are mixed with each other, his sword skills are superb, he can open and close without losing defense, and he can still not fall behind when fighting one against ten.


Strictly speaking, he can only be regarded as the second realm, and the extraordinary people in Baihu City are far behind in this aspect.

There is no way, this is a matter of heritage, a world that has been inherited for countless years, and the earth is full of calculations, and the truly progressive civilization is only 5000 years old.

A top-level being saw Chen Banxian.

It calculates data and guesses something.

Just as he was about to remind him, Chen Banxian suddenly took action!
"Ten against one, no one in Dongzhou can bully me!" He suddenly started to move, and the water droplets on his body exploded with the sonic explosion in an instant, and one of his hands had penetrated this monumental being.

Before it could recover, the rich demon-summoning energy erupted, completely engulfing every part of its body.

Destruction, only in an instant.

Chen Banxian breathed a sigh of relief. It was so dangerous. He came back six seconds later. Yes, this thing actually recognized his identity.

Robots do have a natural advantage in this regard. They can identify a person just by looking at their body and skin texture.

This move shocked the remaining beings on top of the monument and involuntarily fell into a defensive posture.

Chen Banxian followed Liu Changqing's example and used the Demon Summoning Sutra energy to cover himself, making it impossible for the latter to recognize who he was for a while.

"Thanks for the help!"

Liu Changqing laughed heartily. This time his pressure was greatly reduced, and his sword skills became more and more exquisite, which caused great trouble to Dianbi's life.

"It's just artificial machinery. No matter what, it's dead. Wait for me to pull it out one by one and find out who's behind it!"

His fighting spirit became more and more intense. Occasionally he was attacked and his flesh and blood were torn apart. His speed did not slow down at all, but became stronger as he fought.

When Chen Banxian kidnapped another kid, he used his divine power to scatter one of them, sprayed out divine flames, and burned the remaining metal.

That way, solving the rest is simpler.

After the battle, Chen Banxian found that the latter's aura not only remained strong, but became much stronger.

Getting stronger and stronger?


Liu Changqing thrust his sword into the ground and gave Chen Banxian a bear hug!
This time, the strength is definitely not small.

"Thank you for your help, brother. When I report the results to the city lord, I will have a drink with you."

Liu Changqing dragged a body with only an ordinary life on the top of the monument, and wanted to take orders from the city lord.

There is a great crisis between life and death.

There is a great realization in the battle.

In this hug, Chen Banxian felt that the divine bridge in the other person's body was shining brightly, and he was obviously improving a lot.

I thought that this was Liu Changqing's greeting. Now that the matter is over, where can we find him?

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, Liu Changqing enthusiastically found him and took him to drink.

Chen Banxian originally wanted to refuse. In other worlds, people should rarely have connections with the official system, lest Yanduo reveal his identity.


Liu Changqing actually invited him to Goulan to listen to music.

As an ambitious and educated new generation of the earth, Chen Banxian obliged - agreed.

Chen Banxian shifted his attention and recalled today's results.

Dianbei Life should already know about the existence of Dongzhou. He does not completely think that Dianbei's main star will give up on the earth because of Dongzhou.

I just let the other party know that there are "neighbors" like Dongzhou on the earth.

If you use a rat-proof weapon, many methods cannot be used.

Well, he was just afraid that the other party would drop an anti-matter bomb, so he wouldn't be able to flip the table when the time came.

The top monument creature transmits information via radio waves, and its main star may already know the situation here.

So good, so good.

"Uncle, are you still comfortable?"

A girl in green clothes looked up at him pitifully, with a deep ravine hidden in her chest. When she lowered her head, she looked at the beautiful scenery.

"Okay, very good." Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes. He deserved to work hard today.

At the other end, there are prostitutes playing pipa, a guzheng-like instrument, as silky as bamboo, which seems to be intoxicating.


Liu Changqing pours wine and talks boldly, and his harsh voice ruins the scenery. Chen Banxian looks unhappy, drink, drink you to death!

He simply opened the wine jar, and the rich aroma of wine immediately filled the private room: "Come on, you won't come back until you're drunk!"

Liu Changqing's eyes widened when he saw this: "Let's fight!"

After three rounds of drinking, Liu Changqing lay on the table and snored, while Chen Banxian's lips curled up slightly.

Oh, but Shenqiao and the Sea of ​​Suffering are only the second realm, how can they compare with him?
The Yingying Yanyan in this private room belongs to him!

Chen Banxian showed greedy eyes and breathed heavily under the paper bag: "Girls...I'm coming!"

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning on the second day that Liu Changqing woke up in a daze.

The first sentence I heard was: "Your palm prints are not good. There are too many lines, which means your life will be miserable. The marriage palace is full of ravines. I'm afraid it's not good, and it might be a hindrance to your husband."

Chen Banxian pulled a charming woman and talked about it, which made the latter have tears in her eyes.

"What the young master said is true. There are two matchmakers in the slave family. It's a pity that one man suffered a stroke and the other fell ill. That's why he offended his husband's family and was sold here."

Speaking of sadness, the woman's tears rolled down her face. Her life was miserable.

Crying, she stuffed a piece of silver into Chen Banxian's hand and said, "Sir, do you know if I can be saved?"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Chen Banxian looked at her face and then looked at the hill in his palm: "You have an unfair ancestral spirit and a big sand head, and you happen to have a very prosperous life, so you hurt the official. I will teach you how to do it.

On the day of Zi month, go to the tiger sand place, hide six bowls of water in six iron bowls, and bury them six feet and six minutes. Then you can fully dissolve them. In the future, you can get out of the hook and find a husband. You need a person born in the year of Zi who is fond of water metal. , can be solved naturally. "

"Thank you sir!"

The woman bowed and kowtowed to show her joy.


Chen Banxian cleared his throat and sent the charming woman away, and then another yellow-flowered girl who had not yet left the court came in.

Liu Changqing:? ? ?

He rubbed his eyes. He must have not sobered up yet and fell asleep again.

When he got up again, Chen Banxian was still sitting. Not to mention women, even the madam looked at his palm prints.

"I must have gone crazy." Liu Changqing muttered, and wanted to sleep again, so Chen Banxian patted him.

"Okay, come to your senses. I promised you a treat, and I'm just waiting for you to pay the money."

After forgetting about the promiscuous woman for the whole night, Chen Banxian rubbed his shoulders and looked calmly.

It's mostly unfortunate, not voluntary.

Even if there is, it is just that he has encountered a disaster and his mood has changed drastically.

His understanding of all living beings became more and more profound. The black waves rolled inside his body, and the construction of the boat became more and more perfect.

Liu Changqing handed over the money and gave him a reward. When he saw Chen Banxian's back, he seemed to see a small boat and wanted to fly into the sky.

"Sir, please come here often!"

The old bustard was in tears, this is really a strange person.

"No delivery."

Chen Banxian waved his hand. He was also a miserable man. He seemed to have everything he wanted, but in fact he was just a dog of a certain family. If he was not careful, he would end up in a deserted grave.

Liu Changqing saw that his boss always treated everyone, but this time, his expression towards Brother Chen was full of respect and less flattering.

At this time, Chen Banxian asked curiously: "How much money did you spend last night?"

If possible, he would like to do fortune telling a few more times to help the girls solve their problems.

"120 taels."

Liu Changqing didn't care. If he were an ordinary city guard commander, it would be heartbreaking, but he was a monk from Shenqiao, and money came easily.

"By the way, Brother Chen also knows how to tell fortunes? I wonder how much he got last night?"

He watched with his own eyes the girls who had always only accepted but not given back, taking out huge ingots of silver.

"Brother Chen, how about you also calculate a hexagram for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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