Chapter 205 Shen Yun Cave Sky
Chen Banxian's face twitched. Last night, he collected at least a thousand taels.

Prostitutes really have a lot of money in their pockets.

It's a pity that all of it turned into nourishment for the boat, and he didn't get any of it.

"What does Brother Liu want to do?" Chen Banxian asked, Liu Changqing looked shy: "I have a little girl at home..."

"Ahem, Brother Liu, you can't do it." Chen Banxian was startled. He had always heard that the ancients were heroic, but they weren't so heroic, right?
Liu Changqing saw Chen Banxian's posture and immediately knew that he had misunderstood, and said quickly:
"The little girl in the family is already old enough to practice cultivation. This time the experts from Shen Dongtian will be selected. I wonder if my little girl has the qualifications to enter the Dharma Eye of Dongtian."

It turned out to be the Dongtian Selection.

Chen Banxian breathed a sigh of relief, then became puzzled:
"You have a daughter and you still come to Goulan to listen to music?"

Liu Changqing's face was frozen. Is there something wrong with Brother Chen?
He looked embarrassed: "I just drank, drank, and entertained Brother Chen."

If it’s a good one, I’ll take it easy.

Chen Banxian understood so well that he asked Liu Changqing to take out any of his daughter's objects at will.

"It just so happens that I carry it with me." The latter took out a teething stick from his arms and looked happy.

"The thing my little girl used to grind her teeth, I have always carried it with me."

It can be seen that he loves his daughter very much.

"The presence of this wooden object in your arms means hiding it in the snow, and grinding your teeth is a symbol of sharpening. But if you take it out now, it can be said that the light is shining, and the old things have a new place!"

Chen Banxian cupped his fists at him, "Congratulations!"

Who doesn’t want to hear good things?Liu Changqing was overjoyed: "If my little girl can enter the Dharma Eyes of the Cave, I will give you a generous gift!"

"It just so happens that the day after tomorrow is the day of selection for Shen Yun Cave Heaven. Brother Chen must watch it with me!"

Liu Changqing extended a warm invitation, but Chen Banxian originally wanted to refuse. He also wanted to return to Baihu City to teach Ai Gewei and give Jiaojiao peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, Liu Changqing patted his chest again.

"At night, there is a water hook in Dongfang."

"Ahem, Brother Liu, then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Chen Banxian reluctantly agreed. He also wanted to see how Dongtian Dongtian in Dongzhou selected its disciples.

If there is no other way in the future, send some people from Earth to spread the branches and leaves.

In the evening, a big boat was singing and dancing, and Chen Banxian was so happy that he didn't miss Shu.

The next day, I heard that a new brothel had appeared, which was the first time. Many nobles and literati left one after another.

It was so lively. Chen Banxian, who had been up all night, was full of energy and ran over.

At night again, I continued to listen to music.

Liu Changqing looked at the money slowly dwindling in his pocket, and he couldn't express his sorrow. This was his private money.

She must not tell her mother-in-law, but fortunately, the time for Shen Yun Dongtian to recruit new disciples has finally arrived.

"Sister, remember my words, be careful with your first wife, guard your money, and don't be fooled by love."

"Ahem, Brother Chen, the time has come."

Liu Changqing reminded Chen Banxian who was touching the woman's palm.

"The time is up, so soon?"

Chen Banxian couldn't help but look back, looking back three times.

I still haven't finished calculating the hexagrams. It's a pity, it's a pity.

"Yes, so fast." Liu Changqing touched his shriveled wallet and regretted that he had raised the issue.

Three days ago, it was still drumming.

really fast...

The blessed land of Dongzhou Cave is unknown to ordinary people, but it is still like a myth to ordinary people.

Liuyun City is one of the cities in the world of Chenyundong. Every once in a while, monks from the cave will come down to select seedlings and enhance the foundation of the cave.

Generally, this time is variable. When it is frequent, it may happen more than once a year, but when it is slow, it may only happen once for several years.

Because of his identity as a monk at Shenqiao and his relationship with the city lord Situ Ling, Liu Changqing was able to learn the news in advance.

On this day, it was just dawn, just a moment after Chenshi, and there was a sea of ​​people outside the city lord's mansion. The children were yawning, and the adults were looking up at the sky expectantly.

After a while, a rainbow light fell from the sky.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a monk flying with a rainbow, which made Liu Changqing's eyes go straight.

He is a wild boy, and his achievement was just a coincidence.

The rainbow was the symbol of the Shenqiao realm, and he was helpless.

This shows that the person who came this time is first-rate.

The rainbow light slowly dissipated, and there was more than one person coming, two men and one woman, hanging high in the sky above Liuyun City, looking down at all living beings, as if they were immortals.

In the city lord's palace, rainbow light leaped up, Situ Ling came to the three of them, and the lord of the city lowered his proud head to greet them.

"I have met three senior brothers and sisters, Yunyue, Yunyao and Yunjuan."

"Junior brother Yun Ling, how are you doing lately?" Senior brother Yunyue looked at him a few times:
"After relinquishing the position of city leader, I will return to the cave to practice cultivation. After staying in the ordinary world for a long time, your cultivation level will still be the Great Perfection of the Wheel and Sea."

"It's hard to break through." Situ Ling, the Lord of the City, smiled bitterly: "I wonder if the three senior brothers and sisters are eating? I have already arranged a light banquet."

"no need."

Yunyue waved his hand and refused, looking at the longing eyes of the people outside the city lord's palace: "Let's get started. Solve it as soon as possible and go back to practice."

If it weren't for the contribution rewards in the Dongtian mission, he would not waste this time to stay in Yuncheng.

"What a high level of style!"

Liu Changqing sighed and held on to the child running around him.

He is only seven or eight years old, which is the age when he is naughty.


Chen Banxian looked away unnaturally. How could a monk stand so tall in a skirt?

You don’t really think that mortals can’t see clearly, do you?
Yun Yao frowned slightly and looked at the crowd.

"What's wrong, Junior Sister?"

Yunyue asked, and the latter shook his head: "Illusion."

So, Yunyao stepped forward, still aloof: "All children under test stand forward, adults stand back."

After leaving, Chen Banxian felt vaguely warm in his nasal cavity. He really didn't want to see it!

The adults backed away quickly, leaving the children where they were. "Baby girl, stand still and don't move. I'll buy you candied haws later."

Liu Changqing made a promise, and the active child stood on the ground blankly.

A rough count shows that there are hundreds of children here including Liu Changqing's daughter.

Almost all the children in the huge Liuyun City are here. Many of them took the test last year but failed to meet the requirements and are trying their luck again this year.

At this time, Yunyao's divine power was revealed in her hand, accurately linking each child.

The secret method of Shen Yun's Dongtian detection talent.

Soon, the reactions of each child appeared in her eyes. One by one, the qualified ones were clicked and began to float behind her.

Yunyue and another senior brother raided the formation.

These children were so frightened that they cried loudly. Yun Yue was not angry and tried a trick to silence the children.

On the ground, the child's parents were worried, relieved, and surprised.

If it weren't for the presence of immortals, they might have cried loudly, "immortal fate, this is immortal fate!"
When it came to Liu Changqing's child, Yunyao's eyes moved and she noticed something was different.

"This kid has good qualifications." She put the girl next to her.


Upon seeing this, Yunyue also used his magical power to detect the bones, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

"Quasi-fairy seedling!"

"I didn't expect this trip to be a surprise."

Yun Yue came to Liu Changqing in one step: Are you his father?


Liu Changqing hurriedly lowered his head and saluted. He was just Shenqiao, but this one was obviously beyond the Wheel and Sea realm.

Didn’t you see that the city lords all respectfully called senior brother?
Seeing this, Situ Ling flew down with a joyful look on his face: "Don't be nervous, my niece is very talented and has the potential to be a quasi-immortal. That's great!"

Father is more important than daughter. From now on, Commander Liu will become his confidant.

Quasi-immortal seedlings are rare to see, and they are usually accepted as direct disciples by the Dongtian elders. This step directly gives Liu Changqing an additional Dongtian elder as a back-up.

At least, it is also the Dao Palace realm.

"Quasi fairy seedlings?!" Liu Changqing was surprised and delighted: "Thank you, master, thank you, master!"

He hugged Chen Banxian excitedly: "Brother Chen, you really hit the mark. The little girl has really been chosen, and she is a quasi-fairy seedling, haha, a quasi-fairy seedling!"

Although there are accurate characters, they are still fairy seedlings!

At this time, Liu Changqing's excitement was inevitable. Unknown to him, this also exposed Chen Banxian to the eyes of Yunyue and the others.

"Oh? Your Excellency also has a talent for detection. The qi and blood in your body are condensed and not dispersed. Your cultivation level is not low."

Yunyue slightly cupped his hands and said, "I don't know where my brother is from. What's the point of coming to my Shenyun Cave?"

I'm here to investigate the enemy's situation.

Of course Chen Banxian would not say that. He casually panicked and made a mysterious gesture: "I'm from Guantian Pavilion."

If you are an old man who is embarrassed to take care of his granddaughter, please use your identity to support him.

"Guantian Pavilion!"

Yunyue exclaimed, his demeanor suddenly changed.

"I don't know, do you have a token?"

Where does Chen Banxian have his token?However, he thought of a way and squinted his eyes to look at his face. He saw that the husband and wife palace was dark, but the color was gradually fading, which was obviously a thing of the past.

"It is inconvenient to show the token to others, but I think your Excellency may have just been frustrated in love."

Yun Yue was shocked to realize that he actually knew that the expression he gave to his senior sister was rejected.

"You are truly a disciple of Heaven-Observing. I apologize for the disrespect!"

Yunyue bowed respectfully and presented a bottle of spiritual liquid in his arms.

"I know that if you say anything in Guantian Pavilion, you will lose your life. Please accept a little compensation."

Something will happen.Chen Banxian took it with satisfaction.

"Ding, get the physique of the Nine Realms of the Wilderness."

Physique of the Nine Realms of the Great Desolation: People of the Great Desolation, Souls of the Great Desolation, and Great Desolation are all people fighting against each other, and the more they fight, the stronger they become.

md, what a broken constitution.

Chen Banxian smiled with no apparent expression and silently contributed to Xiaozhou.

"In that case, I have to say goodbye to you." Yun Yue said goodbye and left.

Don't offend anyone in Guantian Pavilion. Shen Yun Dongtian cannot afford to offend the strength behind them.

Unexpectedly, his hand was held by Chen Banxian with such strength that he couldn't even pull it away.

The latter has already taken the idea into consideration: "Why don't you take me to see the beautiful scenery of Chenyun Cave?"

Cave Heaven and Paradise are all places with pleasant scenery. Of course, he has already revealed his identity as Guantian Pavilion. It is really unreasonable for him not to gather a handful of wool!

The progress of Xiaozhou's contribution cannot be slowed down, and it must be completed as soon as possible. He has not yet seen the signs of the fourth realm.


Yunyue was a little hesitant. He didn't want to provoke such a big force.

But since the purpose has been stated, it would not be good to refuse again.

He, Yun Yue, was not a person who was ignorant of etiquette, so he had no choice but to smile: "I am overjoyed."

Liu Changqing, who was watching from the side, subconsciously glanced at his hands.

He had long seen that Brother Chen was extraordinary, but he didn't expect that even the masters in Shen Yun Dongtian could be kind and kind.

Situ Ling happened to be there, and he asked quietly: "City Lord, what kind of power is this Guantian Pavilion?"

"Shh, keep your voice down." The city lord lowered his voice and asked him: "You didn't offend this person, did you?"

"No, I also asked him to listen to Gou Pan for three days." At this point, the joy of my daughter being selected couldn't help but fade a little.

Liu Changqing touched the shriveled money bag.

Really too fast.

(End of this chapter)

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