There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 206 My secret of Guantian Pavilion

Chapter 206 My secret of Guantian Pavilion
"It's good that I didn't mess with it. It's good that I didn't mess with it."

Situ Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and his title changed: "Changqing, do you know how powerful I am in Dongzhou?"

Of course Liu Changqing knows this. Ordinary people may not understand it, but monks must understand it.

He quietly watched Brother Chen and the master Shen Yun Dongtian pulling each other, and then said after thinking:
"My Dongzhou is the east of the wilderness, with outstanding people and countless blessed places in the cave heaven, and the master of the cave heaven is at least a strong man in the Four Extremes Realm.

Above the Paradise of Cave Heaven, there are also ancient aristocratic families and inherited holy lands, some control the country, and some control the destiny of the dynasty..."

The city lord nodded: "Since you know this, I will tell you what kind of existence Guantian Pavilion is.

Guantian Pavilion is a special existence that is independent of all power systems. Some of its inner disciples have good relations with the Holy Land, and some are officials in the Yun Dynasty. The families inherited from ancient times do not dare to offend. "

It turned out to be so big!
When Liu Changqing was shocked, Situ Ling patted him on the shoulder: "With this relationship, no matter whether others remember you or not, you will have an extra layer of identity to protect you in the future."

He was very envious. If Liu Changqing were replaced by his own identity, he had already thought of several ways to increase his strength.

Next to them, the two of them had finished pulling each other, and Yun Yue stretched out his hand to ask Chen Banxian to get on the rainbow.

"Brother Chen, please."

"You're welcome." Chen Banxian nodded, waited for the children to say goodbye to the adults, and then flew into the sky with a larger rainbow light.

The sect master needs to be informed in advance about the guests of Guantian Pavilion being guests.

Yunyue winked at Yunyao, who understood that this was to divert the attention of the Guantian Pavilion disciples.

If he was caught communicating in front of him, it would be bad if he felt bad about him.

She walked up to Chen Banxian and bowed:
"My little girl Yao'er has always heard that there are countless strange people in Guantian Pavilion. When she saw Brother Chen today, she was immediately shocked. I wonder if Brother Chen can tell Yao'er what Guantian Pavilion looks like?"

Come on, come on, are you checking your identity?

Chen Banxian laughed and shook his head. Fortunately, he had been prepared.

"It is not convenient for outsiders to know the secret of my Guantian Pavilion, so I would like to ask Haihan."

This makes sense.Yunyao thought it was reasonable, so she asked again: "I wonder how Brother Chen got into the cabinet?"

"This is the secret of my Guantian Pavilion, and it is not convenient for outsiders to know."

Chen Banxian's tone was very apologetic, which shocked the latter.

Guantian Pavilion is mysterious. I didn't expect that the mystery would reach this level. Even how to recruit disciples needs to be covered up.

The inheritance of spying on destiny is so strict, no wonder it can last for a long time.

"Brother Chen, can you share your experience? This little girl seldom communicates with the outside world, so she is very curious."

"My Guantian Pavilion secret...ahem, I just said it right, I'm sorry."

If you tell Chen Banxian about this, he will get excited.

"I've seen a lot along the way. Miss Yao'er likes to hear it, so I'll tell you."

"That's great!"

Yun Yao immediately looked at Chen Banxian with nervous and expectant eyes, waiting for his next words.

There is still a need for green tea, but his expression is still stiff.

Chen Banxian touched the paper bag head. Fortunately, he didn't need to let others see his expression.

He cleared his throat, looked at the scenery at his feet and said slowly: "Let's start from a place called Zangcang.

In that place, the monks were unruly and the sect was even more unruly and rude. They liked to kill people and loved to use the blood of virgins to make elixirs. This was true for both major and minor cultivators. It was so abominable.

Once, I couldn't bear to do evil, so I asked my elders to take action and leveled his Baishan area...

Let’s talk about another place called the Strange World. There are unknown things in it that are eternal. They are not afraid of water and fire, and they like to eat people...

Let’s talk about another place, the name of the original world, where the creatures are doing research and cutting into slices..."

Chen Banxian mentioned several worlds that threaten the earth as somewhere in Dongzhou, which made Yun Yao's eyes tremble.

"Brother Chen, you have experienced so much and walked out of that bad place without any problems, Yao'er admires him!"

Although she was a pure cultivator and looked down upon mortals, she was also infected by those bad methods and felt angry.

"Could it be that there is no Cave Heaven Paradise to take care of it? Can people live in such a place?"

"Why can't we survive?" Chen Banxian said with compassion:
"I know a place where the people are struggling to survive in the cracks. They would rather die than surrender. They have been fighting against such evil forces all year round."

"I really admire you." Yun Yao unknowingly surged with divine power and fighting spirit: "If I see him, I will kill his clan and exterminate it!"

"You are such a good girl." Chen Banxian thanked her and then kidnapped her morally:
"Those oppressed creatures will definitely be grateful for your great kindness."

This made Yunyao blush: "Brother Chen is joking. I haven't taken any action yet. I'll talk about my kindness later."

"As long as the girl spreads the word a lot after she returns to Cave Heaven, it will be enough if someone can help her in the future."

Chen Banxian was good at striking while the iron was hot. Among other things, he was good at digging holes.

As for filling it out or not, that is a matter for later.

"By the way, who is your senior brother talking to next to you?" Chen Banxian turned his head and saw Yun Yue nodding on the other side.

"Yes, yes, okay."

"Okay, okay, I'll take a look again, don't worry."

"Don't worry, it must be, um, good, good..."

This appearance made Yun Yao avoid his eyes and look straight at the ground.

Sorry, senior brother, I am not attractive enough and not as bright as you.

Chenyun Cave Heaven was neither far nor close to Liuyun City. After a while, they finally arrived at the Cave Heaven.

Dongzhou is vast, with vast territory and abundant resources. Where mountains, rivers and lakes gather together, it often becomes a blessed place.

At this time, they saw a place where the sky clouds were falling from a distance, and large marshmallows were covered in the mountains and flowing water.

Occasionally, Tyndall's light shines down, illuminating patches of peach and plum trees and Woyuan creeks.

Chenyun Cave Heaven really lives up to its name.

They plunged into the clouds and mist, and the cold air was blown away by the rainbow light. It took them a while to pass through the layers of clouds and mist before they saw a huge mountain range.

There are layers of skylight, lush mountains, and flowing water slowly flowing through.

There are magnificent buildings built on every mountain. The largest building among them is even more majestic, with a large stone gate [-] meters high, with the following inscription:

"Shenyun Cave Sky"

"It's really magnificent!" Chen Banxian exclaimed. As the red light entered the main peak from under the door, an open martial arts field came into view, with a platform cut from solid stone extending into the air.

There was a line of a dozen old men waiting there.

The red light finally fell.

The three brothers and sisters Yunyue bowed respectfully: "I have met the sect master, elders..."

The sect leader smiled and nodded, and immediately noticed Chen Banxian among them.

His disciple Yue'er had previously communicated with him that he might be a disciple of Guantian Pavilion.

What is the purpose of such a giant creature coming to this small cave in Dongzhou?

He pretended not to know him and said: "The sect master of Xianyundong, Yun Shang, who is this little friend?"

The old guy, it's quite similar to pretend not to know him.

Chen Banxian did not expose him. Based on his perception, this man seemed to be stronger than the old man from Formolin.

The strength of the fourth realm.

After conversion, it’s the Four Extremes Realm?

"I'm a disciple of Guantian Pavilion. I traveled here and heard what Brother Yunyue said about the beautiful scenery of the cave. I came here to have a look. It is indeed well-deserved!"

The leader of the Yunshang Sect laughed when he heard this: "How can such a clumsy scene catch the eyes of a noble disciple? It's a joke, it's a joke." He raised his hands and praised: "Look at the majestic sky on the high road of the Tiange, the dragon and the tiger stride, the heaven and earth secrets all around. Revealed, I’m afraid… your cultivation is not shallow, right?”

"Nothing can compare to the master's magical power."

The two complimented each other, and the solemn look between their eyebrows flashed away.

(Meet your opponent!)
After complimenting each other for a long time, but unable to tell the truth, Chen Banxian finally took the initiative and suggested:
"I walk around the world in Guantian Pavilion and pay attention to the exchange of cause and effect. Today I saw the pleasant scenery of the cave sky. I can do it for your noble sect. I wonder if the sect master will allow it?"

He doesn't have much time to talk, he talks too much and makes many mistakes, so he has to run away after gathering the wool!
This time, the cloud provider couldn't help it.

He originally thought that Chen Banxian was just a guest and was just trying to deal with it, but he didn't expect that he would actually take the initiative to spy on their fate?
Doesn’t it mean that this method will do a lot of damage to their lifespan?
He felt that Chen Banxian was too casual. As the saying goes, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. The identity of this person was uncertain, which had to make him Yun Shang's suspicions deepen.

Chen Banxian couldn't see what he was thinking, but he had the confidence.

Because, he holds the real inheritance of Guantian Pavilion in his hands.

He said with a smile: "Master, you don't have to doubt it. Not everyone in Guantian Pavilion is born to spy on fate. It needs more practice. When you meet someone who is destined, you will naturally be generous."

Put this way, it seems quite reasonable.

The sect leader glanced at the great elder beside him.

The great elder Yun Gong understood, and he was letting himself try the depth.

But are you sure you won't offend others by being so straightforward?

He rolled his eyes and thought of an idea.

"Old Yun Gong boldly asked my disciple, I have collected materials for half my life to refine a furnace of four hidden golden elixirs to perfect the internal organs and break the four poles. I wonder if I can succeed?"

He didn't dare to go whoring for nothing, but he was sincere and kept his attitude very low: "If you master it, you will get one pill as a gift, if you get two pills, you will get two pills, and if you get eight pills, you will get four pills!" "

This opening immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The leader of the sect, Yun Shang, waved to Yunyue and the others: "You go down first and take the new disciples to settle them. We will discuss it for a while."

It is not appropriate for this group of children to participate.

Chen Banxian was left alone, hanging out with a group of old traitors who had lived for at least several hundred years.

"It's nice to see."

Chen Banxian nodded and finally used the Sky-Stealing Eye for the first time.

This thing consumes lives, and he has already made a plan. He just needs to prove his identity the first time he uses it, and he will use the divination later.

He is not Lin Tian, ​​and he cannot afford to play such advanced things.

Using the ability of the Stealing Eye, he felt an indescribable thing being pulled out of his body, which was life span.

In exchange for a glimpse of destiny.

The more lifespans extracted, the more people spied. Chen Banxian was stingy and afraid of death, so he quickly stopped after one year.

The pineal gland on his forehead was swollen, and he vaguely seemed to open an eye and look at the Great Elder Yun Gong.

This scene shocked Sect Master Yunshang and all the elders. The inexplicable fluctuations between heaven and earth were vast and far-reaching.

"That's how it feels!" Yun Shang hid the doubt in his eyes. It was true. He was actually walking in Guantian Pavilion. He was finally sure.

How lucky was he to meet a master disciple of Guantian Pavilion?
The great elder's muscles tensed up under this gaze and he did not dare to move.

In Chen Banxian's eyes, he saw only a "river" flowing, with the Great Elder's anchor point as the tributary moving along with it, and soon he saw the scene of alchemy.

There is a broken picture, and it is very incomplete, like a photo covered in large and small mosaics.

However, he only saw a three-legged and two-eared alchemy cauldron, and the Great Elder Yun Gong with an unclear expression.

Is this...a success or not?

One year of life, a whole year of life, just see such a thing?Chen Banxian felt unlucky, so he immediately made divinations and calculated that the Fire Wind Cauldron would be a great source of fire!

Combined with the picture, this elixir should be completed.

Is this a scripted version of fortune-telling?It was easy to assist in fortune telling, so he nodded to Yun Gong with a smile:

"Elder, congratulations."

This means that the elixir can be achieved?

Yun Gong was shocked and burst into tears of gratitude. He completely let go of his worries about the future!

"Great Elder, congratulations." The elders nearby congratulated.

After seeing Chen Banxian's sky-stealing eyes and the mysterious charm, they had no doubt about the authenticity of Chen Banxian's words.

This is indeed a master disciple.

"Great Elder, you have hope this time!"

“Great Elder, it’s a long road to build the road, please wait for me, wait for me!”

Yun Shang even took the initiative to grab Chen Banxian's hand: "Little friend, come on, come on, I'll take you to drink our Shenyun Cave Heaven's fine wine - Yunhua Zui!"

Yun Gong apologized to Chen Banxian and said solemnly: "Please stay in my Chenyun Cave for a few days. I will start refining the elixir right now. I must complete the elixir and hand it over to Master Chen as soon as possible!"

The name has changed.

People like to hear good things, and monks in the Dao Palace realm are no exception.

One sentence gave Yun Gong hope for the future.

You say you have to be the first to do it, but it’s not because you can’t wait?
Chen Banxian nodded with a smile: "Then I won't keep the Great Elder."

It was obvious that he was the guest, and he was not shy at all when he said that he was the guest.

During the past few days of refining alchemy, no one asked Chen Banxian for fortune telling.

These are all human spirits, and they still want to see if the elder can successfully refine the elixir. If they are not accurate, won't their rewards be wasted?
You know, Guantian Pavilion's status is not low, and you really can't get rid of your things if they are not worth a lot of money.

If you take too little and be hated by others, you may die without even knowing that you have no choice but to die.

In the past three days, Chen Banxian had tasted the so-called drunkenness of flowers.

It is said that this is brewed from the unmelted ice flowers that grow in the clouds. Even if there are hundreds of clouds, not even one ice flower can grow.

Only hundreds of ice flowers can brew a bottle of cloud flower drunkenness.

Chen Banxian took a sip, and the cold wine melted in his mouth, and then the coldness spread all over his body. Not only did he not freeze, but his energy and blood surged, and the sea of ​​summoning demon sutras surged into the sky.

It's a bit bigger visible to the naked eye.

With just one sip, Chen Banxian discovered the preciousness of Yunhua Zui.

"It tastes good."

Yun Shang's improvement in cultivation level after drinking this wine was negligible, but he still couldn't bear to part with it.

This banquet is also a small pot in a bottle. If it can be poured into a few small porcelain cups, it is already an extremely generous banquet.

Let’s talk about the spiritual fruit on the table. If you eat a few more mouthfuls, your strength will gradually increase.

Yun Shang is willing to spend a lot of money.

Nine days later, the entire Chenyun Cave suddenly heard Changyi laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The laughter stirred thousands of miles, the clouds rolled with laughter, and the aura of the Taoist palace filled the cave sky.

The four hidden powers of the heart, liver, lungs, and spleen are even more visible through the body!

Yun Shang, who was chatting with Chen Banxian, flashed with joy in his eyes and whispered:
"Great Elder Yun Gong, it's done!"

Done!Listening to the laughter, it was obvious that it was done. Rainbow lights flew up from the peaks of Chenyun Cave, and flew towards the Yungong Peak one after another.

Yun Gong is the Taoist name. After death, the next monk will also be called Yun Gong.

(End of this chapter)

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