There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 207 Chen Banxian’s eyes turned 1

Chapter 207 Chen Banxian rolled his eyes

"Let's go, Xiaoyou Chen, let's go together."

Yun Shang also set up a rainbow light and took Chen Banxian away quickly.

This was also the first time that the Four Extremes Realm's extreme speed was used in front of Chen Banxian.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at Yungong Peak.

I saw a large cauldron with three legs and two ears, more than ten meters high, lying on the top of the peak. The heat wave around it had not completely dissipated.

But there is already a strong medicinal fragrance permeating the heat wave.

Chen Banxian just took a breath and felt that the internal organs in his body were strengthened and became more powerful and longer. The lost year of life was not a loss, but actually increased a lot.

As for lifespan, if your body is strong and active enough, the longer you can live.

"The four hidden golden elixirs are done!"

Yun Gong was in tears, it was not easy, it was really not easy!

If you were a human on Earth, you would be betting half your life savings on something with less than a half chance of success. If you lose the bet, you will be doomed.

This requires not only determination, but also tremendous perseverance and courage.

It can be said that for being able to reach this point, the Great Elder of Yun Palace deserves the title.

"It's done, is this the Four Treasures Golden Pill?"

The aroma of the medicine was already dissipating before the lid of the alchemy cauldron was opened. They stared closely at the mouth of the alchemy cauldron, waiting for Yun Gong to reveal the secret.

Yun Shang teased and said: "It is said that the Four Treasures Golden Pill is made from five hundred spirit grasses and six hundred spirit mines. The elixir becomes as pure as gold. That's why it is called this. Great Elder, you have accumulated a lot of savings in the past half of your life. "

Yun Gong, who was in high spirits, smiled nonchalantly: "Who didn't have some opportunities when they were young?"

The most valuable thing about Si Zang Jin Dan is not only the materials, but also the elixir recipe.

If it circulates out, it will definitely cause an uproar. Not to mention the distance, at least most of the nearby caves will covet it.

"I hope the elders will not spread the word about today's matter."

Yun Shang warned coldly, then turned to Chen Banxian with a warm and pleasant expression: "Please help me keep my mouth shut, little friend. I will thank you very much."

"Siha, Siha, Siha..."

Chen Banxian, who was taking a deep breath of air, nodded in his busy schedule: "Don't worry, my Guantian Pavilion's reputation is justified."

This is good, this is good.

If it were anyone else, Yun Shang would definitely be slapped to death.

But Chen Banxian is from Guantian Pavilion. No matter how secretive you are, the elders can reveal their true colors once they are checked by Guantian.

I have to offer it!

He didn't know that Chen Banxian was actually a fake, just a helpless earthling who was trying to suck up all the elixirs.

The life span can be increased a little, and the strength can be strengthened a little.

This is much faster than the hard work of hanging up and practicing.

Just for a moment, the boat on the sea of ​​meridian energy in his body solidified a lot.

"Great Elder, please lift the lid quickly, don't wait for me, I'm already worried to death!"

Some elders called, they couldn't wait to see what it looked like in the alchemy furnace.

Yun Gong laughed and put his hand on the lid of the alchemy furnace without using any magical power.

"Siha... Siha..." Chen Banxian came to his side in a blink of an eye and took a big breath.

Just the fragrance of elixir that permeates through the gap is so replenishing, and it will be even more replenishing when the lid is lifted.

This appearance made Yun Gong's lips stunned. If he hadn't known that Chen Banxian was a senior disciple of Guantian Pavilion, he would have thought he was some low-level casual cultivator.

It can only be attributed to Master Chen's weird little quirks.


When the alchemy cauldron was opened, the rich alchemy energy suddenly rose and turned golden!
While the elders were exclaiming, the gold was quickly sucked out by Chen Banxian, allowing them to see the scene inside the cauldron.

The four four hidden golden elixirs are each the size of a pigeon egg and emit a chaotic golden light.

There are as many as four!
This was beyond Yun Gong's expectation. He ecstatically opened and sealed the jade bottles one by one, and then glanced at Chen Banxian's face, who was still breathing heavily.

That’s right, where are you smoking the incense of Danxiang?This is to monitor whether he has lied or lied about the number of pills.

Of the four four hidden golden elixirs, he had to give two to Chen Banxian as promised.

A feeling of reluctance rose in his heart. This was a precious magical elixir. Why had he been unable to break through the four poles?

Isn’t it because the wheel and the sea are deficient that the Tao Palace is not perfect?

Now, this elixir can make up for the perfection of the Dao Palace and consolidate the foundation, so that the four poles can be broken.

Four pieces, that is, four four-pole experts, Shen Yun Dongtian's strength and status can undergo earth-shaking changes.

This will require two of the Four Extremes experts to go out... He...

Anyway, this Guantian Pavilion disciple is not very strong, and he only said one sentence, success or failure. Yun Gong's mind was spinning, and evil thoughts gradually arose...


Yun Shang slapped him on the shoulder fiercely, waking him up.

"Great Elder, don't forget the share of Guantian Pavilion."

Yun Shang bites the word "Guantian Pavilion" very hard!
Guantian Pavilion!
The greed in Yun Gong's heart suddenly dissipated!

This is the difference between him and the sect master. Perhaps, this is also the reason why he is still in the Tao Palace, while the sect master is already in the four extremes.

Yun Shang took away the two jade bottles and handed them to Chen Banxian with his own hands.

"Little friend, these are your two Four Treasure Golden Pills. I, Shen Yun Dongtian, will do what I say."

When Chen Banxian saw this, he didn't answer for a long time.Gua Jin, Gua Jin, this time, can we discuss it and not eat it?
There are two treasure pills that increase your strength just by taking a breath!

If you eat this, how big will the Demon Summoning Sea be?How strong is the boat?

But, but...

At this time, it was clear that Yun Gong and him had different ideas, but their heartache was surprisingly the same.

If you hesitate any longer, you won’t be able to explain clearly.

Rather than...

He rolled his eyes, looked away, and looked arrogant:
"I still don't like these two small Four Treasure Golden Pills. Sect Master, please take them back."

You don’t even want the golden elixir?

Yun Shang glanced at the great elder Yun Gong. It's all your fault. He hesitated for so long before. Maybe Gao Tu of Guantian Pavilion was angry!

If you don’t want the golden elixir, what do you want?
"You can give me anything you want." Chen Banxian looked at Yun Gong with a half-smile, which made the latter's spine shiver.

The joy of refining four Four Tibetan Golden Pills was like a flame being extinguished, making his heart feel cold.

Yun Gong thought that this was because the other party was retreating in order to advance. How could it be true that he was taking random things?

"Master Chen! I was wrong." Yun Gong was also ruthless, and he directly pulled down his face and begged for mercy: "You should accept the golden elixir. It was my greed that made me see it."

He bowed deeply and presented three jade bottles with both hands, leaving only one for himself.

"Hey, why did the Great Elder say this?"

Chen Banxian held his hand and pushed Yu Ping towards him.

Instead of accepting the golden elixir, he took off the hairpin from his head and said with a kind smile:

"I will use this thing as hexagram gold. You can keep the golden elixir."

"Let' friends."

"Ding, get qi and blood x1000000."

Qi and blood x1000000?Millions of energy and blood, but compared to the golden elixir, it is much inferior.

Chen Banxian knew this would happen. He breathed a sigh of relief and helped Yungong up himself.

It's not a loss this time. I gain the friendship of the great elder and let him help the people on earth. Wouldn't it be perfect?

The great elder and the sect leader looked at each other, temporarily confused.

I don’t understand why Chen Banxian doesn’t want a treasure pill, but only wants a hairpin?
Although the hairpin is also a magic weapon, compared with the treasure pill, it is far behind?
No, no.

Yun Gong thought for a moment and realized that the hairpin was an object on the top of his head. Since Master Chen could take away the hairpin, wouldn't it mean that he could also take away his own life?

This is a warning, a warning to myself for my previous greed.

And he said: Be a friend.

He is a powerful person, and he is just an ordinary cave elder. How can he be friends?It clearly means:

Be my subordinate!
He is - he has something to tell him.

People become wiser with age, but Yun Gongjing obviously went too far. He quickly sent his speculation to the sect master and waited for his instructions.

After receiving the message, Yun Shang figured it out and quietly replied: Listen to him.

So, Yun Gong put away the elixirs and put on a smile:
"Master Chen's great kindness cannot be repaid. I have made you a friend. If you have any instructions in the future, just ask them. I will do my best to complete them!"

Sure enough, people become better with age!
Chen Banxian was shocked by his intelligence and guessed his purpose, but he couldn't say it out now, so he flattered the elder a few more times and struck while the iron was hot.

"Elders and sect leaders, if you have any questions, you can come to me."

An opportunity to glimpse destiny is just around the corner!

The advertising effect of Grand Elder Yun Gong is particularly good!
He didn't believe that these people could endure it!

Unexpectedly, all the elders handed over their hands one by one and temporarily shied away: "Definitely, definitely!"

There were more than a dozen Elders of Shen Yun Dongtian, all of whom were masters at the top of the Four Gods of the Dao Palace. They said goodbye and left. The elder was in urgent need of breaking through the four poles, so he left and planned to hold an elixir banquet and a breakthrough banquet after breaking through.

Chen Banxian was placed in a quiet and quiet place on the top of the peak by the sect leader himself.

The paved roads here and the waterfalls and clear pools are not noisy, but are pleasant and soothing.

From time to time, the cloud light falls on the golden sun, making it look like a landscape painting.

At night, the moonlight is quiet and the fireflies are dotted.

It perfectly fits all Chen Banxian’s fantasies about the world of cultivating immortals!
But on such a night when the stars and fireflies echoed each other, someone sneakily knocked on his door.

"Please come in." Chen Banxian put on the paper bag and saw an elder he had seen during the day sneaking in with something in his hand.

It is an exquisite box made of sandalwood.

"Hehe, this is the master disciple of Guantian Pavilion. I am Yun Ming, the sixth elder of Shen Yun Dongtian. We met during the day."

"Mr. Liu Zhang, you don't know?" Chen Banxian deliberately pretended not to know what he was thinking. It was very rude to stay up late at night and disturb others' dreams!
He almost thought just now that they were caring about face during the day and came quietly to kill him at night.

"Hey, Master Chen, let me tell you the truth. It's like this. I found an opportunity a few days ago, which is the ruins of a cave. I don't know if this trip is good or bad."

No wonder he didn't talk about it during the day, because he wanted to keep it all to himself.

"Don't worry, after everything is done, I will ask Master Chen to give priority to the things in the cave. If there is a chance to break through, Master Chen will leave a copy for me."

He opened the box, and inside was a map that had been looked at many times.

From the looks of it, where was it a few days ago?It was clearly planned for a long time, but he had never dared to go. Only when he came did he have a breakthrough.

Chen Banxian made divination for him and informed him of good and bad luck.

"You'd better find a water girl to go with you to avoid danger."

(End of this chapter)

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