Chapter 208 Poker or Mahjong?

"Water woman?" The Sixth Elder thought to himself. It is usually better to go alone for such a big secret. One more person will add one more variable.

Who can resist being greedy when the treasure is right in front of them?
Seeing that the sixth elder's expression was gloomy and uncertain, Chen Banxian did not urge him. It was another knock on the door that woke Yun Ming up.

"No, don't let anyone know I'm here!"

He looked at Chen Banxian anxiously: "Master Chen, do you know if there is a hiding place?"

If he goes out now, he will definitely be discovered. How can he hide the secret?

Chen Banxian looked around. The house was neat, but too clean.

Where can I hide it?

"How about... you hide under my bed?"

The only place where someone can hide is probably the wooden bed.

Sixth Elder Yun Ming took a look and found that the wooden bed was indeed big enough. Not to mention hiding one person under it, even ten people could be hidden if they squeezed in.

"Then... I'm going to disturb Master Chen!" Yunming lowered his head, got under the bed, and thoughtfully covered the bed board.

He thought to himself that he would just wait for this person to leave, escape quietly, and pretend that what happened tonight never happened.

As for whether you are worried about Chen Banxian leaking the news?
He still knows the reputation of Guantian Pavilion.

After Yun Ming hid, Chen Banxian cleared his throat and said slowly: "Please come in."

"Fellow Daoist Chen, I'm here late at night, and I'd like to invite Haihan."

The visitor also has a white beard and white hair, but is slightly younger than the great elder.

It can be speculated that he is Er Zhanglao, Yunpan.

"Elder Yunpan, there's no need to be polite. I'm not asleep yet, so I'm just enjoying tea."

Chen Banxian poured him a cup of tea. The latter did not drink it, but cupped his hands and said:
"I have admired Guantian Pavilion for a long time. When I come here this time, I want to ask you something. If you can, I should give it to Fellow Daoist Chen."

He got straight to the point and took out a metal book from his arms.

There are not many words in the book, only a few sentences, but if you look closely, it seems that there is a long scripture, and each word has a different meaning.

"This is the golden page passed down from my ancestors. I have been unable to understand the words on it. I would like to ask fellow Taoists from Guantian Pavilion for advice."

Chen Banxian avoided looking, the book dazzled him.

He used the book as a hexagram, put gold on the wood, and if he wanted to learn it, he had to understand it. If the wood was in the east, let him go east, and stop when he saw the gold.

It seemed simple, but in fact, he had already spent several quarters of an hour in arranging and calculating the divination.

The second elder was about to say thank you when there was another knock on the door.

"Why is there someone here!"

The second elder hurriedly put away the golden page and looked around.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, this ancestral treasure of mine must never be known to others!"

Yunpan's eyes were sharp and he quickly saw the only wooden bed that could hide someone: "I'll hide first, but you can just pretend I've never been here. I'll thank you greatly afterwards!"

"Hey, wait...

Before Chen Ban finished chatting, the second elder quickly hid under the bed and covered it with wooden boards.



There was another knock on the door, and a voice came: "My little friend, are you asleep? I brought some gifts to my little friend."

Opening the door, the tenth elder came, holding a stone box in his hand.

"My little friend, this is earth milk, a good thing. A sip will not only prolong your life, but also strengthen your foundation. Take it, take it."

"Tenth Elder, you might as well tell me your intention, there is no need to be so polite."

Chen Banxian smiled and resisted while holding the stone box firmly in his hand.

The tenth elder twitched his hand, unable to move, and then laughed and said, "I recently discovered a source mine in my clan...

There was a conversation outside. Under the wooden board, the Sixth Elder kept his breath and tried his best to shrink his sense of existence.

The old guy Yun Pan was right next to him. Damn it, he didn't expect him to have such a treasure. The Dao Yun he saw just now was horrifying.

If we all studied together, we might have broken through the four poles long ago!
Yunpan also controls his own aura so that the ten elders don't sense it.

At this time, upon hearing the news about Yuan Kui, their hearts beat faster at the same time.

Source Mine!Yunlang, this kid, has such a good life?

With the source mine, even if only a small amount of impure source can be produced, it is still a great opportunity!

Hearing Yunlang continue, "I mainly want to ask my friend if the value of this source mine can outweigh the risks if mined."

The status of a source mine is like a gold mine on the earth.

Anyone who finds a gold mine in their home will be terrified. Once it is leaked, it may be the disaster of annihilation!
Chen Banxian thought to himself, let alone the benefits, two elders ranked above you have now gotten the news.

Maybe your home will be robbed later.

As for his professional ethics, he still made some calculations. This mine is not big, and the final number of the source is eight, and the overall body hexagram is Daji Chang.

"It's acceptable." He left these two words, and the tenth elder breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, he felt a whistling sound in the distant sky, and someone was flying towards him with a rainbow.

Such a big move?
"No, Master Chen, I'll hide for a while!"

"Hey...wait a minute...

Before Chen Ban finished chatting, there was already another person under the bed, and the wooden board was rattling.

A second later, a hand stretched out from under the bed and pulled the wooden board to secure it.

"Okay, you should get a deck of playing cards."

He was melancholy, took a sip of weak tea, and then quietly hid the stone box. I'm afraid tonight will be a sleepless night.

"Ding, get qi and blood x1000000."

The ground milk is gone...fuck!

The rainbow light dispersed in the sky, and a heroic voice laughed:
"Haha, I passed by this place and saw fellow Taoist Guantian Pavilion with the lights on at night. I haven't rested yet, so I came to take a look if I had nothing to do."

He is also an elder. His name is Yun Lei. I forgot where he ranked, but I heard that he has a straightforward personality and no brains.

The door was open. When the visitor looked inside, he saw Chen Banxian picking up the tea cup and taking a sip. A new cup of tea was placed in front of the guest seat.

There were wisps of water vapor filling the air, it must have just fallen.

There was thunder in Yunlei's heart. The people at Guantian Pavilion were amazing. They had already predicted that he would arrive at this time, and had even ordered a cup of tea for him.

This is...a show of force!The other party already knows everything about him.

The rough and heroic look on Yun Lei's face suddenly faded, he bowed and saluted, and closed the door behind him.

He sincerely admired it and said: "Guantian Pavilion is worthy of its thunderous reputation. I, Yun Lei, am convinced!"

"Now that fellow Taoist has figured it out, I won't pretend to be that foolish and arrogant person. I just want to ask if I can take the position of the leader of Chenyundong Heavenly Sect in the future?"

He has always been carefree, just to lower the wariness of the elders and sect leaders and let everyone know that everyone can live well if he becomes the sect leader.

Now that I have been seen through, I don’t pretend anymore.

Under the bed, a thought flashed through the three of them's minds.

"Fuck! This old Yinbi, he really can't tell at all!"

"Hiss? What did I just encounter? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Chen hid something under the bed?"

Chen Banxian looked unnatural: "Haha, there is no one in this world who doesn't wear a mask, right? Look at me, I wear a mask too."

He mourned for Yunlei, your sect leader's plan is gone at this moment.

The hexagram was calculated, and it turned out to be true.

After some discussion, another person came to visit the door late at night. Yunlei was startled, stuffed the spiritual material in his arms into his arms, and said gloomily: "Fellow Taoist, I..."


Chen Banxian already knew what he was going to do. Before he finished speaking, the bed board was covered quietly.


He sighed, suddenly glad that the address Yun Shang gave him had a big bed.

At least, when the four of them went down, by chance, they were not next to each other and there was no movement at all.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he might have thought everything was business as usual here.

They are all top-notch hide-and-seek players. He has to replace poker with mahjong.

Opening the door, three old men came, and so on.

In this way, she is a woman who still looks charming and has a mature charm of her own.

Like a ripe peach, those eyes are as holy as lotus flowers.

"Fellow Taoist, I apologize for disturbing you late at night."

Elder Yunyun paid homage: "I have recently encountered difficulties in my practice. It is clear that the Four Divine Treasures have been perfected for a long time, but I have made no progress in the past 20 years. I really don't know how to break through. I hope you can tell me the opportunity."

Chen Banxian had a complicated look on his face and looked outside the door.

He was thinking, should he let Elder Yunyun hide under the bed later?
Although she is a grandmother who is hundreds of years old, but...but...this look is not good, right?If word spreads, it will also embarrass Qingbai...

"Fellow Taoist? Fellow Taoist? But what's on your mind?"

Seeing Chen Banxian's dazed expression, Elder Yunyun took out a small mirror from his arms.

"This is a spiritual mirror that I personally refined. It contains Taoist charm and can be used to fixate one's body in the Four Extremes Realm. This is a thank you gift."

She thought it was Chen Banxian who was dissatisfied for not seeing the compensation.

"Oh, that's it. Let me show it to you."

When he started the hexagram, Kun was the earth, land, water... No, the hexagram written in his hand changed. If his hand was wrong, the Kan hexagram was staggered into two sections, and the yang lines changed into yin lines.

Wrong hexagram, Kun is earth and Kun is earth?

Looking at this hexagram, the Yin energy is so strong and pure!As the saying goes, solitary yin does not arise, solitary yang does not grow, so he gave guidance: "If your mood is not perfect, find a partner to solve it."

"So it is, so it is."

What she lacked was an opportunity. Now that she understood it, she suddenly became enlightened.

Strangely enough, no one came.

Judging from the hexagrams, this elder is too pure and has no peach blossoms. No wonder he is fine.

No, he had to do something good. Seeing that Elder Yunyun was leaving, after all, there were differences between men and women late at night.

"Tea?" Chen Banxian motioned for her to take a sip, but the first four didn't get anything at all.

"Thank you, little friend. There are differences between men and women. I'd better go back to the cave as soon as possible."

There were always straight men of steel, and now there are straight women of diamond...

Chen Banxian left her alone: ​​"Would you like me to help you find out what kind of Taoist companion is suitable? For example, whether he is beautiful or ugly, how old is he, and what is his skin color?"

As he said this, Elder Yunyun looked down at him with a calm expression.

"Fellow Taoist, my Taoist companion is in the sect."

She thought that Chen Banxian didn't want to work hard anymore, so she added: "I have already made a choice."

This is a lie. Chen Banxian doesn't believe her. Today, he must find some love for this hexagram. The four big men under the bed are just enough to shake the earth.

You are pure yin, if you can't do it with one, you can do it with four, right?

Under the bed, the four of them thought: "Is it not me?"

Yun Lei thought to himself: Junior sister Yunyun often comes to see me on weekdays.

Yun Lang silently pinched his fingers: "I am proud of my height, and although my face is old, I have good bones..."

Yunpan thought: "MD, there are already three people under the bed, I can't make any noise."

Yunming cried in his heart: "There are four people under the bed." How could he still think about the Taoist couple?

Damn it, neither one of them spoke during the day, and they didn't sleep at night to ask for their fate.

Can't you make a wrong time?

"Fellow Taoist, it's time for me to leave." Elder Yunyun stood up to say goodbye. Chen Banxian looked outside the door again. Why was there still no movement?

The hexagram of Pure Yin, is the peach blossom so bad?

Finally, there was a sound in the air.

Chen Banxian's face lit up: "Elder Yunyun, don't let anyone discover the difference between men and women. How about you hide it?"

Elder Yunyun shook his head: "I can explain myself."

It’s not a big deal, everyone wants to break through.

How does this work?Chen Banxian said stubbornly: "What if others don't believe it? If something comes out and you are fine, what should I do?"

Elder Yunyun frowned: "That's right, I'll just hide it."

She patted the storage bag and took out a screen.

Who the hell wears a screen when going out?grass!
The hexagrams cannot be changed, Chen Banxian realized.

The four people under the bed were happy just now, but they waited for Junior Sister Yunyun to come in.

Who knows, there is no movement.

Is it possible that Junior Sister Yun is already so skilled in body skills?Didn't they notice it?
Good posture!
Yun Lei thought to himself, Junior Sister Yun Yun might have already arrived. He is the only one under the bed. There is not much space. If he feels around, he might be able to touch her.

When the time comes, wouldn't it be nice to have a secret hidden destiny?

He groped quietly and quickly found someone. The latter trembled, obviously not expecting anyone to be around.

Haha, Junior Sister Xiao Yunyun, you didn’t expect it.

Yunlei continued to fumble, took one hand and held it tightly without saying a word.

Sigh... Junior sister Yunyun is getting old too, and her hands are wrinkled.

"Yunyun, it's me, Yunlei." He whispered, telling the latter not to panic.

The latter's body trembled again.

In the darkness, Yun Ming's face was distorted!

Fuck, you’re grabbing my hand!Not Junior Sister Yun Yun!

Feeling the opposite finger sliding on the back of his hand, his old face turned the color of pig liver, but he couldn't speak!

If they knew that he knew their secret, they would probably never leave the sect again in this life.

He will be beaten to death with random sticks!

At this time, the other two people under the bed were shocked. Oh no, Yun Lei, the boy, got in first!

Outside the bed, Chen Banxian opened the door, and another elder came.

"Tea?" He glanced at the untouched tea.

If you don't drink it, you'll get cold.

"No," the elder's face was calm and his words were very plain, but the four people under the bed and one behind the screen were shocked.

"I just came here to ask if we can kill the old man Yun Shang if we lure him out of the sect."

Is this kid so brave?
Chen Banxian glanced behind the screen under the bed: "Brother, you know, Guantian Pavilion is a fortune teller, so you can only tell the truth."

"I will give you a thank you gift."

The visitor took out a box and opened it. There was half a source inside!
Chen Banxian's breathing was quickened, md, if this turns into hexagram gold, I would be so distressed!

He made divination and fortune-telling, and said honestly: "It won't work."

He didn't dare to say more for fear of being discovered.

"It's such a pity. It seems that I can't sit in my father's position yet."

The latter sighed, it turned out that he was Yun Shang's son?
The world of cultivators is really hard to see.

"Ding, the chance of getting the Great Wilderness bloodline and getting stronger as you fight increases."

Come on, it's not too bad.

Just as the latter was about to leave, another person came outside the door.

Chen Banxian patted his head and asked him: "Remember, don't speak or move after you hide under the bed."

He was afraid the bed would explode.

(End of this chapter)

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