There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 209 I can’t explain it clearly!

Chapter 209 says...I can’t explain clearly!

This night, there was an endless stream of visitors.

Most of the elders were here, except for the eldest elder and the sect leader Yun Shang. Everyone was crowded under the bed, not daring to move.

Yunming: There are 17 people under this bed!

Yunpan: There are 16 people under this bed!

Yunlang: There are 15 people under this bed!

Yun Lei: Junior sister Yun Yun’s hand feels more and more comfortable as she touches it. She still doesn’t resist me. This gesture clearly shows that the old tree is blooming!
Yun Shang's son: "There are many people under this bed! Fortunately, fortunately, my secret was not exposed. The old man didn't know that I was plotting against him!"

Behind the screen, Junior Sister Yun Yun had a complicated expression. Fortunately, fortunately, he was not hiding under the bed.

It was a small bed, the wooden frame had been bent and bulging outwards, inside was a real monk.

They are all in the Dao Palace realm, and those who can be elders are basically not in the Dao Palace realm.Chen Banxian shook his hands, but finally no one came.

He shakily picked up the still untouched, cold, guest tea and took a sip.

"Ding, get the Great Wilderness bloodline."

"Ding, get qi and blood x1000000."

"Ding, get the qualification for fairy seedlings..."

In one night, not counting those who had not cashed in the hexagram gold, his energy and blood increased by tens of millions, and he was already as qualified as several fairy seedlings.

Taking it a step further, it is probably some kind of divine body, a holy body.


There was already dense cold sweat on his forehead. It was over. His credibility with Shen Yun Dongtian was over. Who would dare to ask him for fortune-telling in the future?
There was a crowd under the bed, and no one spoke or made a sound for fear of being recognized.

The penultimate person was the fifth elder. He specially chose the darkest time before dawn, the best time to hide. He had a big secret.

He likes Long Yang, and this time he asked if it has any influence on Taoist heart.

Because the last Ninth Elder asked for divination, he hid in.

The Ninth Elder is gone, and he is at most the only two left, but...but...

Who are these people under the bed?

Who are they!

When there was no more movement, Elder Yunyun walked out quietly without even taking the screen, said goodbye in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

She is afraid!

There are so many elders, more than a sect meeting!

Chen Banxian never thought in his life that he would have such an honor.

There were a total of nineteen elders in Shen Yun Dongtian. The first elder was gone, and the ninth elder who came last was gone. Sixteen elders were huddled under the bed...

Chen Banxian was still drinking tea.

The tea had long since turned cold, his knuckles were turning white, and his expression was uncertain.

He was also panicked, many of them panicked.

He probably accounts for [-]% of the secrets in Shen Yun Cave. There are even interactions between three or four elders and Taoist companions. He is confused and can't tell them apart. He really can't tell them apart!
It's over, it's over, what are we going to do with these people? They won't kill people and silence them, right?

It was daylight outside.

The morning rays of light flow slowly through the clouds and shine on the waterfalls and forests, creating a dream-like scenery.

He had no intention of admiring it, and instead closed the door, shutting out everyone.

We always have to face it, for the sake of professional ethics...

He slowly walked to the bed, sat down on it, and sighed with a sad face:
"What should we do now?"

An empty room, looking from the outside, is he talking to a ghost?
Only the 16 people under the bed knew that these words were said to themselves.

what to do?What can he do?Are the remaining dozen or so people ghosts?
If you go out, you will be exposed. If you don't go out... is it possible that everyone is doing this and is wasting their lives?

"I still have some paper bags here. You guys should share some first."

Chen Banxian took out some paper bags from his pocket, which were all for spare use.

He stuffed them in one after another from the gap, and he stuffed sixteen of them.

"Is it all there?"

Chen Banxian confirmed it, his expression deepening.

"Let's agree first, wait a minute, I will count to three, and you will fly around, I...

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door!
Everyone collapsed and said: Why is there still someone knocking on the door at this time?

The voice of the sect leader came from outside the door: "How did you sleep last night, Master Chen? I have prepared a breakfast banquet, but I have just given you a taste of the good spiritual fruits picked from the mountains."

Under the bed, Yun Ming was suddenly startled: "No, it's the sect leader. He is a great cultivator of the Four Extremes Realm. No matter how well we hide, he will definitely find us when he comes in!"

Elder Yunlei was suddenly startled. He held Junior Sister Yun Yun's hand. Why did he hear a male voice?
He... pulled the wrong person.

Then he...touch!of!yes!who!

"Can't wait!"

Another voice came out: "Those on the west side of the bed are running to the west, and those on the east side of the bed are running to the east. Let's just pretend that nothing happened tonight!"

"I count to three!"

Chen Banxian was opening the door, which was already cracked open, and was about to reject the Yunshang Sect Master.

Hearing this, he suddenly turned his head and counted the people under the bed: "Three!"


The bed board exploded, his roof was blown off, the walls collapsed, and all kinds of rainbow lights flashed away.

Chen Banxian held on to half of the wooden door and looked at the Yunshang Sect Master outside the door.

"Listen to my explanation!"

Yun Shang lowered his gaze: "I'm sorry, Master Chen, I didn't mean to disturb you. I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything!"

"No, please listen to my explanation!" Chen Banxian was still going to speak, but the Yunshang Sect Master had already disappeared with a faster rainbow light.

He even deliberately avoided those rainbow lights.

When he returned to the main peak, Yun Shang was still covering his eyes, recalling the roughly perceived aura, which was all Yuanyang... Unexpectedly, I never expected that Master Chen was so young, so good... He hadn't been in contact with others for a long time, he would have known better. Not visiting so early...

On the spot, Chen Banxian held on to the only half-mountain gate that was still standing, with a complicated look on his face.

"It's over, I can't explain it! Fuck!"

I vaguely remember that he just came here to tell fortunes and gather wool, right?
If this spreads to Baihu City...

He subconsciously touched the paper bag. It was okay, okay, he was wearing a mask.

Hey, he's wearing a mask!

Damn, he's so scared!
So, at noon, Chen Banxian calmly found the Yunshang Sect Master again and cheated him with food and drink.

A female disciple spontaneously organized a song and dance, which made him smile with joy, gently shaking her head to the rhythm.

The corruption among the monks also made him feel.

"Master Chen, there is also a lottery. This is specially prepared for you."

Yun Shang clapped his hands with a smile in his eyes.

The female cultivators left, and a handsome male cultivator came on the stage. They were all dressed in revealing clothes, strong and feminine, with different skin colors, and their faces were filled with joy. They looked at Chen Banxian from time to time.

If someone takes a fancy to this, cocks like them can become phoenixes in this life!
my eyes! ! !

Chen Banxian felt that he had ignorantly cursed the light element for eighteen hundred generations!

ah!It's so dazzling!
"Sect Master, quickly...take away your magical powers!" He hurriedly left the palace and ran out.

"Ah this..." Yun Shang seemed to have some realization, but he didn't expect that Master Chen from Guantian Pavilion was still shy.

If Chen Banxian knew what he was thinking, he might not be able to let go even with the mask on!
He washed his eyes by the stream.

If it weren't for the hexagram gold waiting for the other elders, he would have left long ago.

The Great Elder is in the critical period of breaking through the realm, and the monks have no time, so he temporarily lives in Chenyun Cave.

He was served by Yun Xiaokong, a disciple of Yun Shang.

In the beginning, it was originally a male disciple named Yunwudie, but he didn't want it and justly replaced it with the female disciple Yun Xiaokong.

But this female disciple also looked androgynous, and Yun Shang thought he had caught Chen Banxian's preference.

Really, I can't explain it clearly.

Chen Banxian left it to him, at least it was a girl.

Yun Xiaokong actually didn't know much about how to treat guests. At most, she would answer whatever Chen Banxian asked.

"Do you all use the word "yun" as the Taoist name in Shenyun Cave? What should you do if you can't tell the difference? What should you do if you have no words?"

"No." Yun Xiaokong shook his head:

"In our Shen Yun Dongtian, the Taoist names starting with the word "Yun" are all elders or core disciples of the sect. They are the inheritance system. Inner sect, outer sect, handyman and other disciples do not have this treatment."

"Oh~ Then let me ask again, how many people do you have in Shen Yun Dongtian?"

Yun Xiaokong answered honestly: "We have nineteen elders, one sect leader, 68 core disciples, thousands of inner sects, not to mention outer sects and servants, too many."

so many people!
Strictly speaking, such a cave has formed its own small economic cycle, not to mention subordinate cities, villages and towns like Liuyuncheng.

There are countless such forces in Dongzhou, and Dongzhou is even a small place in the wilderness.

It’s too big, the world is too big.

Chen Banxian had a plan in mind. If it didn't work out, he would move Baihu City to this realm and find a place where no one was around to develop quietly.

However, when he asked about the history of Shen Yun Dongtian, he found something was wrong.

According to records, the history of Chenyundongtian is 8000 years ago.

There is no record of the previous history.

For a world of monks and such a large world, 8000 years of history is a bit short.

Perhaps, it's just that Chenyun Dongtian has a short history.

Chen Banxian vaguely felt that the words Dongzhou and Dahuang were familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere, but he just couldn't quite remember them.

Maybe I have seen a similar setting in a novel before.

He was moved: "Yun Xiaokong, can you help me?"

"What are you busy with?"

Yun Xiaokong was as simple and straightforward as ever.

"Help me spread the word and say that the Guantian Pavilion Guo Master will be at the main peak to help Chen Yun Dongtian disciples tell fortunes, and the fortune will be whatever you want."

Xiaozhou needs their contribution!

Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted.


Yun Xiaokong nodded and went to do this on his own.

The following days were fulfilling and wonderful for Chen Banxian.

Every day, either Qi and blood are gained or physical constitution is gained.

Even in the following year, his Dahuang physique changed.

"Ding, the chance of obtaining the ancient battle body and getting stronger with each battle has increased."

Ancient battle body?What are the chances of getting stronger with more battles?

This kind of thing is a gamble for one's life. Chen Banxian won't do it. He should hide it and it's best not to use it even once!
In the adult world, how can there be so much fighting and killing?It's all about human nature.

He touched the hand of the female disciple in front of him: "You have a good life. In the future, your fellow Taoists will be obedient to you. Don't be petty and hurt others' hearts."

With his white hands, he drew circles in another place: "You must pay attention to the cultivation of the liver, don't do it too hastily, try to stay up late as little as possible, and do more double cultivation~"

What he said made the disciple blush, leaving a piece of the hexagram gold and hurriedly left.

"Ding, get the combination of Yin and Yang."

"Huh?" Chen Banxian suddenly looked up and saw the shy woman who had run away quietly turning back to observe his reaction.

Seeing that he discovered it, he smiled shyly and ran away again.

You're careless, this is a master of fish farming, he was just pretending.

(End of this chapter)

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