Chapter 210 Four Pole
The news that there were disciples of a great religion in Shen Yun Cave spread like wildfire with the help of interested people.

Today, Mangzhong and Chen Banxian were counting the days and seeing off the inner disciples in front of them.

"Remember to help me promote more."

"I'll definitely do it!" The inner disciple solemnly nodded: "Master, I will remember your great kindness!"

Looking at his retreating back, Chen Banxian stretched out. It was only nine o'clock in the morning, but the disciples from the outer sect and the handyman were still busy nodding.

He looked towards the auxiliary peak next to the main peak. There was faint divine light steaming from the top of the peak, and the divine power of Si Zang was flowing slowly.

The thought came to him: "The Great Elder of Yun Palace may break through today."

During the solar term, many things come true. He sensed that the divine power of the sub-peak was flowing faster, preparing for the four poles!

Youhu, all the divine power was withdrawn and tightened, and the celestial phenomena suddenly changed!

The rolling clouds rotated with the flow of energy, and the entire peak was hidden in the center of the flowing clouds. Divine power occasionally shot out from it, and streams of golden light flowed out!

In an instant, many people in Chenyun Cave Sky flew up and came to the side of the sub-peak.

Yun Shang finished his training and arrived at the Yungong Peak in the next moment, looking at the tidal energy fluctuations with joy:

"Great, great, another one of the Four Greatest Cultivators has been born in Shenyundongtian!"

Although he was happy, he also kept a calm mind: "Everyone, please pay attention to your surroundings. Don't let the enemy take advantage of it and ruin the great event of Shen Yun Cave!"

The elders nodded, they knew this.

There are more than just disciples of Chenyun Dongtian in Chenyun Dongtian. Who can be sure that his disciples are the masters of other cavetians?
Chen Banxian slowly stepped on the air to arrive. He couldn't fly yet, so he relied on the airflow to control his "fake flight".

In comparison, the speed is much slower.

"Master Chen!"

"Chen Daoyou!"

"Chen Xiaoyou."

With different titles, the elders nodded to him and said hello.

If nothing else, at least the etiquette must be met.

"Hello, hello, second elder, third elder, fourth elder, fifth elder... Okay~"

Chen Banxian finished reading in one breath and felt a little short of energy.

Didn’t you go to Didong Mansion to carry out inheritance?Why are you still in the mood to watch the great elder's breakthrough today?
The atmosphere slowly fell silent. Everyone looked at each other, then at Chen Banxian and the sect leader, looking unnatural.

A cramped feeling suddenly appeared. It was hard to explain. It was clear that they were high in the sky, but they found that there were bed boards everywhere.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing paper bags that day and no one knew anyone...that was weird!
Fuck, we have been together day and night for so long, who doesn’t know what our energy fluctuations are like?I just remembered it after a quick glance!

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Chen Banxian took out a bun from his arms.

"Everyone, have you eaten yet?"

This is what is "taken" from the inner gate canteen. Spiritual wheat is ground into flour and spiritual beasts are used to make stuffing. Long-term consumption can increase physical strength, and it can also have a certain boosting effect on cultivation.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the same applies in the world of cultivation.

"I've eaten, I've eaten." Elder Yunpan smiled awkwardly. There was only one bun, so even if they didn't eat it, they still had to say they had.

"Then you guys are watching, and I won't tell the difference." Chen Banxian took a bite, and the soup overflowed. Oh my God, it's delicious!

Compared with this, the university cafeteria is like pig food, and it has to be the cultivation world.

If it's not delicious, it might be chopped down in the next second.

"Look, the great elder has broken through!"

Suddenly an elder spoke, and everyone stared down, their minds turbulent.

Witnessing the birth of a Four Extremes Realm major cultivator is of great help to monks like them who have been stuck in the Taoist Palace for many years.

The small house below could not block their view. They could only see the elder sitting cross-legged in the house, with the divine treasure in his body beating, and the rolling divine light flowing throughout his body, accumulating strength.

Then, the spirit of the great elder emerged, and when he closed his eyes, the order of heaven and earth moved closer to it!

The four poles will come into contact with the order of heaven and earth, which is a power completely different from that of Tao Palace.

At this time, the body has reached the peak, the soul has reached the peak, everything is ready to be perfect, the Four Gods have reached the critical point, and all the divine power is condensed in his right hand!

With a loud shout, Great Elder Yun Gong used all his energy to slam into the four-pole road!
Knocked open, alive!If you can't knock it open, you'll just wait for your longevity to dry up and the legend to fall.

Chen Banxian's gaze was unblinking. The order between heaven and earth was flowing around him, turning from invisible to tangible. He imprinted these firmly in his heart and added them to the body of the boat.

Everyone holds their breath, eyes unblinking, and remembers the entire process!
Even the sect leader Yun Shang has not slacked off and neglected to look at the four poles again to sort out his own shortcomings and build a solid foundation.

After a long time, the order of the world gradually dispersed, and the great elder's hair turned from silver to black, and he returned to his youth.

The four-pole aura gradually filled his body, making people's hearts and minds turbulent. It's done, Yun Palace... it's done!
Shen Yun Dongtian has added a second strong person from the Four Extremes!
"It's a pity, a pity."

However, some among the elders were sighing.

"Yeah, it's a pity."

Yun Shang also spoke: "When the four poles are broken, if a vision is born, no matter how weak or tiny it is, it is still a symbol of talent."

"The Great Elder was once an immortal seedling, with the appearance of a god. Unfortunately, it took too long, and the foundation was worn away. It is estimated that the four extremes have reached the limit."

The elders told the harsh truth.

"Okay, the Four Extremes Realm is already a prominent figure in Dongzhou, what do we have to regret?"

They looked at Yun Gong below who was slowly recovering his power, and his temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes.

When he opened his eyes, it was as if a sharp sword had passed through everyone, sharp and unpredictable!

"Congratulations to the Great Elder for achieving the Four Extremes!"

Yunshang is the first to celebrate!Be beaming.

"Congratulations to the Great Elder for achieving the Four Extremes!"

The other elders also handed over. This was a great event and they were excited from the bottom of their hearts.

Moreover, after observing the breakthrough of Siji, I also gained some insights. Maybe I can go back and try it, and I will also break through?
"Happy together, rejoice together!"

Yun Gong's face was shining brightly, and he was the first to see Chen Banxian in the crowd!
He suddenly came up and gave him a bear hug. His gratitude was beyond words.

"Little friend, thank you, thank you!"

His eyes were filled with tears and his hands were shaking.

One of them is a hand from the Four Extremes Realm!Chen Banxian twitched without leaving any trace. The other party might accidentally crush him to death if he exerted enough force.

"It should, it should." He forced a smile to evade: "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Haha, okay, okay, I, Yun Gong, will make you my friend!"

He did not hide anything: "Originally, I thought that one Four Tibetan Golden Pill was enough to perfect the internal organs. I never thought that swallowing three pills in a row would make my Four Tibetan Chaotic Sources as good as I wanted. If I hadn't pushed back, I would never be where I am today!"

This is no longer a small gift, this is the gift of enlightenment!

The great elder took out the remaining jade bottle in his arms, which contained the four hidden golden elixirs that could only be found but could not be found.

"My little friend, I must accept this last one, otherwise, I will feel guilty and I will be really uneasy!"

Yun Gong stuffed the jade bottle into Chen Banxian's arms, his eyes sincere and sincere, making people unable to bear to refuse.

Chen Banxian felt a little guilty. He just wanted to take advantage of the great elder's friendship. It would be a waste to use two Four Treasure Golden Pills as divination gold.

But I never thought that after going around and around, I still got a golden elixir.

"Then... I'll take it."

He looked away guiltily, it was so sincere, it felt bad for a big man to look at him like that.

"Little friend, let's go, I want to entertain Shen Yun Dongtian! Celebrate the breakthrough!" Yun Shang pulled Chen Banxian, his eyes must be as sincere and sincere as possible!

A cave requires at least one strong person from the Four Extremes!
Chen Banxian's words directly caused Shen Yun's Dongtian's foundation to double, and he might even be able to acquire another Dongtian. This is not a small kindness.

They held a banquet, and all Yunhuazui's inventory was brought up. Yun Shang sat down with the guests, Yun Shang was on the left, and Chen Banxian was actually arranged to sit on the right.

The respect is unabashed.

During the banquet, the Great Elder of Yungong spoke, vowing to improve the cultivation environment and atmosphere of Shen Yun Dongtian, and to provide more resources for the sect. He also expressed special thanks to the master disciple of Guantian Pavilion, Chen Xiaoyou, for his help in enlightenment.

With a smile on his face, Chen Banxian hid his head in a paper bag and raised his glass with a group of core disciples and elders of the True Inheritance.

Yun Shang continued to speak: "Everyone has seen what Chen Xiaoyou has done in recent days. After discussion and decision, we have awarded Chen Xiaoyou the position of honorary elder of Shen Yun Dongtian. In the future, when disciples see him, they must treat him with the courtesy of an elder!"

Chen Banxian, who was roasting an animal leg in one hand, was stunned:? ? ?
How could he not know about this?

"Hehe, what a surprise." Yun Gong snickered: "My suggestion, little friend, accept it quickly. If you ask me anything in the future, I, Shen Yundong, will do my best to help you!"

This is no longer a guest, but a share of his rights.

Being an honorary elder was something that had never happened before, but Chen Banxian was worthy of it.

Because of just one sentence.

This moved him. There were so many other worlds, but this was the best.

"Then, I'm sorry!"

He wiped the grease on his hands, took the token, and hung it around his waist.

In addition to the token, there are also four treasures of golden elixirs on it, and some spiritual materials are also hung on it.

It's not that he doesn't keep it in his pocket, it's that he really can't keep it in his pocket.

"My little friend is special in Lun Hai. Don't you have a magic weapon to store?"

Seeing this, Yun Gong couldn't help but ask.

"I met a bad guy on the road and lost it." Chen Banxian lied casually. Where did he get any good stuff?
"Oops, blame me for not paying attention." Yun Gong patted his head and took out a storage bag from his arms: "Use mine first."

He said: "Guantian Pavilion must be special in Lunhai and cannot store items. Fortunately, I have many. Don't mind it being worn out, little friend."

Why do you mind?
It was too late for Chen Banxian to be moved. After so many chapters, he was finally willing to buy himself a storage device!

He immediately put the jade bottle of spiritual materials in his waist, took out a lot of chalcedony, treasure pills, weapons, etc. from his arms and stuffed them inside.

There are so many fortune-telling disciples, many of whom are returning for the second time. He can never use up so many materials, and he is afraid of being stolen when he leaves them at home, so he keeps carrying them.

"Ahem." Yun Shang diverted everyone's attention: "Eat, eat everyone."

That desolate look was embarrassing.

The banquet said it would last three days, so it lasted three days!
At the banquet, Chen Banxian got acquainted with all the elders, and also had rough contact with the core true disciples.

Basically, all the disciples of Shen Yun Dongtian are top-notch in talent, and all of them are good talents that are rare to see in a century.

They are either immortal seedlings or quasi-fairy seedlings. They are the future leaders of Shen Yun Dongtian and the successors of Yun Shang and others.

Perhaps some of these people will achieve the four extremes, or even a higher realm of dragon transformation.

Therefore, these little brats were all staring at the sky, and they were so crazy that they even had such a conversation during the banquet.

"Aristocratic family? Holy land? Haha."

"Give me time, and I will surpass the so-called Son and Saint."

"My heart is invincible and my nature is invincible. My future goal is not Dongzhou, but the entire wilderness!"

Their knowledge of literature is not low, and they have even read many ancient books to understand what kind of world the Great Wilderness is.

Those with lower knowledge will say: "This world is a fish pond, all living beings are fish, and I will transform into a dragon alone."

A more knowledgeable person sneered: "I will become the emperor! Suppress an era!"

Good job! Good job!
Chen Banxian didn't dare to say a word to them. Teenagers from other worlds also have a rebellious stage.

However, their teachers didn't stop them and attacked them for being so ambitious. Instead, they laughed with emotion.

They used to be like this, dreaming about beauty and drinking and talking happily.

What a joy.

Chen Banxian stared at the scene in front of him, his sadness fleeting.

They already have a place for survival in their own world.

And where is the soil for myself, the earth, and my survival?
Countless white mist passages!

Unfathomable alien forces.

The earth seems to be the center of all worlds, but in fact it is riddled with holes. Human beings are not even the ants in the cracks.

Why are they struggling to survive while these worlds remain stable?
He drank a big gulp of the bottle of Yunhua Zui in his hand, and the coolness penetrated his heart, extinguishing the burning jealousy.

"Sect Master, I have to say goodbye."

Chen Banxian originally came only to tell fortunes and draw attention to the conflict between Dongzhou and Dianbei's life.

Now that he has subtly established the conflict between Dongzhou and the original world, and the conflict between Dianbi Life, it is time to leave.

Now that the banquet has dispersed, there are still a few elders whose hexagram gold has not been settled. In the future, they can also use the communication jade talisman to send messages.

He is leaving, returning to his own earth.

Chen Banxian was afraid that he would be intoxicated by the cold spring of Jinyang every day, and that he would be lost in the rights of Dongtian disciples.

It took half a day to say goodbye.

He had indeed gained Shen Yun Dongtian's friendship, and he was reluctant to part with it in terms of affection, and even more reluctant to part with it in terms of interests.

Opportunities for a spy on destiny are not so easy to come across.

"Are you leaving?" Yun Gong was the one who kept the memory the most and personally sent Chen Banxian away until he came to the passage link with the earth.

"This is the passage to the small world. What are you doing here, little friend?"

Yun Gong was confused, it was just a small world, was it the journey that Guantian Pavilion was walking on?

"This small world connects different worlds, and my journey has just begun."

Chen Banxian cupped his fists at him and said, "See you later."

"Little friend, go slowly." Yun Gong watched Chen Banxian leave.

Suddenly, Chen Banxian turned around, his face full of sincerity: "It is not suitable for the human race in this small world to survive. If Brother Dao can help me, please help me."

"I will definitely pay attention to what the little friend said." Yun Gong was still very moved and watched the little friend slowly walk away.

"By the way, Brother Dao, if you have time, remember to go to the original channel in the small world. The magicians there are very interesting and feel good when playing."

"Uh... definitely, definitely."

Chen Banxian's figure disappeared into the white mist, and it seemed that he had left.

Just as Yun Gong was about to leave, the figure reappeared, leaving and returning, and warned:
"Also, if that monumental civilization created by Tiangong's machinery appears again, don't hold back. If you can, shoot it to death."

"Uh... don't worry, little friend, you're not walking too slowly."

Yun Gong watched Chen Banxian leave again. This time he didn't move and watched helplessly as he disappeared.

Are you leaving this time?


Are you leaving or not? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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