Chapter 211 Tool Man Ninth

If he doesn't leave, Yun Gong will feel like he won't be able to breathe and will be driven away by anger!

"Little friend, if you have something to say, why don't you say it all at once?"

He was afraid that if he did this again a few times, the already perfected inner treasure would have flaws again.

"Ah... I just can't bear to look back on you."

Chen Banxian turned his head angrily, this time he really left.

Yun Gong watched him leave without leaving.

Beside him, Yun Shang appeared silently: "Did you notice?"


The divine light in the Great Elder's eyes was very clear: "Chen Xiaoyou is not from the Great Wilderness."

Yun Shang nodded: "Yes, a person from the small world knows how to predict fate and can also open the Sky-Stealing Eye. He is inextricably related to Guantian Pavilion."

"No matter what we do, we still make money."

Yun Gong stretched out his hand, and the divine light from the four poles flowed: "Anyway, my little friend and I have the grace to become enlightened. If one day this small world is in danger, we still have to help."

They have actually understood everything, and the hundreds of years have not passed in vain.

Yun Shang turned around and left: "Let's go, let some disciples go down the mountain to practice."

At this time, Chen Banxian was on his way back to Baihu City.

The familiar world, the familiar ruins, the ruins and monsters along the way have become an indelible landscape of the earth.

Everything is in sharp contrast to the stability of Chenyun Dongtian.

When he arrived near Baihu City, there was a survivor with a sallow face and a thin body. People with broken morals left an indelible impression on him.

Traveling between heaven and hell gave Chen Banxian an unreal feeling.

He stood just outside Baihu City, standing quietly. Pedestrians coming and going looked at him curiously and then looked away.

Some were wondering if today's supplies could be exchanged for a meal.

Some are thinking about what to do with their children’s medicine at home.

Some miss the taste of pussy last night.

Some are looking for a future husband.

Or, just like the useless people on the road on both sides holding up their hands and holding on to the trouser legs of passers-by to beg.

A surge of understanding comes from the heart.

The boat was silent and full of perfection, and this trip was about one-tenth of the way to perfection.

He stretched out his hand, opened the space channel, and pulled the sword spirit out from one place.

After all, when operating in Chenyun Cave, the sword spirit will inevitably be coveted by those who want to.

"Damn it, kid, don't hold me back. I thought I was cold for so many days. Wait...the opportunities around here..."

"Have you gained enlightenment again?!"

Hey, this is the effect we want!

Chen Banxian smiled, satisfied.

He carried the sword and returned to Area 14, but was grabbed by a woman wearing heavy makeup on the way.

"Brother, I just need a piece of bread."

The meaning is self-evident.

It can be seen vaguely that her skin is very good and she takes good care of it. She should be in her early twenties.

But life forced her to make a living from it.

Chen Banxian looked behind her and saw a man waiting.

Taking a closer look, he saw that the ring fingers of their hands were still wearing platinum rings. The ritual music was broken, which made him regretful.

All the ladies in the hook bar are nobler than this girl.

He walked away directly. The girl wanted to pull him, but found that she couldn't catch him. In the blink of an eye, the man disappeared from sight.

"You made a mistake, he is an extraordinary person!"

The girl ran to the man behind her: "Husband, we haven't opened yet today, what will the children eat?"

"It's okay. It's my turn. Watch me seduce a few rich women."

"Husband" ran to the side of the road and began to show off his strength and posture.

"Sister, look at me, look at me, am I cute?"

The advantage of gender equality is that you can find prostitutes and I can also find sex.

In the final analysis, it is just the most essential survival of human beings.

Scenes like this can be found everywhere outside Baihu City.

But once you enter Baihu City, it seems to be different.

Everyone still maintains their "human" nature, saying hello, saying thank you, and bargaining with the boss.

"Boss, this frozen dumpling is all crumpled into a ball. Two black coins are too expensive."

"Two black coins, a child is innocent. This is what we risked our lives in exchange for!"

After passing the outer city, we came to the general area, which was better again.

Everyone is dressed cleanly and neatly, and they no longer look sallow and skinny, which is obviously a lot better.

Chen Banxian kept going all the way to the inner city, where family members of extraordinary people with nothing to do were walking around.

When he returned to the core area, he heard the sounds of the rich having banquets and the people in power holding high positions. He frowned and felt harsh.

All the way to the ninth house.

At this time, on the ninth day, my faith has deepened. I sit cross-legged and meditate like a sculpture, solemn and solemn.


Chen Banxian pushed open the door, and the latter slowly opened his eyes.

"Chen Banxian, don't be so sudden, you will go crazy!"

The ninth time he finished his work, he could faintly see a Hunyuan golden elixir in his belly.

"Hey, you've reached the third level, you're awesome."

Ninth shook his head: "Didn't you already reach the third realm a long time ago?" When it comes to being awesome, it depends on you, right?
"Why did you come to me all of a sudden?" Ninth asked, "You didn't even notify me in advance."

"Ah...I forgot."

Chen Banxian indeed forgot that the phone had resumed communication: "I just came to see how your Ninth God Sect is doing and if there are any difficulties."

"Just force it." Ninth looked a little sad: "At present, it has expanded to the surrounding areas, but I still have no idea about the first calamity." Shen Qinghe has already revealed the news, and if he has the strength to investigate, You can check it.

"It's okay, as long as it works when the time comes."

Chen Banxian took out the Four Treasures Golden Pill from his arms and pretended to be distressed: "Please help me see how to swallow this Enlightenment Pill."

"Enlightenment Pill?" Ninth took the pill, and he could feel the Tao charm contained in it just by holding the jade bottle.

Chen Banxian's heart moved. These four treasures of golden elixir were originally used to train the perfection of the Taoist palace, but he changed his name and came to find the tool man Ninth.

"How did you get it?" Ninth looked at it for a moment and did not rush to open the lid.

"I found it in a cave in another world. It is said that it can comprehend the rhythm of Tao and the order of heaven and earth."

He began to add information about the "Enlightenment Pill" to make it more like what it was.

"I read the remaining records in the cave. It is said that this thing can greatly increase your understanding after use. Can you take a look, are you eating it directly?"

Ninth frowned, feeling the spiritual energy for a moment, and then opened the lid of the jade bottle.

Instantly, a scent fills the air. Just one whiff refreshes your mind and makes your brain clear.

The effect is no longer the same as that of Si Zang Jin Dan!

The latter handed the elixir to Chen Banxian: "Just eat this kind of thing directly, there is no problem."

He was a little envious: "You are so lucky."

"Haha, luck, luck." Chen Banxian put away the "Enlightenment Pill" and took out another porcelain bottle with Baicao Liquid in it.

The precious medicine used to open up the sea of ​​suffering was given to him by the outer disciples.

"This is also obtained from the cave. It's called the Nine Transformations Golden Pill. According to records, eating one can lead to the fourth realm."

Jiujiu took it and looked at Chen Banxian but hesitated to speak.

"Do you want to touch porcelain?"

He shook the porcelain bottle: "There is liquid inside, how could it be a pill, and the energy response is not high. At most, it can break through the first level and become extraordinary."

Good guy, the free prostitution failed...

Chen Banxian was not embarrassed. He took out another porcelain bottle of Bigu Pill and asked, "Where is this Lingbao Pill?"

He took out a piece of ore: "Where's this Kongming Stone that can be used to make space props?"

Jiu Yiyi recognized it, and then his face turned dark.

"Are you lying to me?"

If you take those things out and look at them, you will know what they are used for. Are you returning the Kongming Stone or the Great Returning Pill?
"Hey, I don't understand."

The use of ninth still needs improvement.

After he took out everything for "appraisal", he reluctantly left.

Next time, he will seal the contents in a box and come back to Ninth.

Ninth rubbed his eyebrows. He felt particularly tired today, as if he had overused his spiritual energy.

"By the way, Chen Banxian, go find Die Yunfei. He seems to have something to ask you."

When Ninth thought of this, Chen Banxian had already gone out.

You would definitely not be able to catch up if you chased him. He took out his cell phone and sent a voice message.

"Ding dong."

Chen Banxian stopped in the air and listened carefully.

The girl is looking for him?

He turned around and came to the latter's office.

Here, Die Yunfei is having a meeting, and everyone present is a big boss, wearing suits and leather shoes, with tall and straight postures.

His sudden appearance startled everyone.

"Everyone, the meeting is temporarily suspended."

Die Yunfei had already developed his mental endurance, and waited for the person to leave before looking at him for a moment.

"Boss, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I'm very happy now."

"I mean, are the aliens from Dianbi Civilization okay?"

Chen Banxian rolled his eyes: "If they were sensible, they would know how serious the cost of invading the earth is."

Everything has been taken care of in Shen Yun Dongtian. Once the Dianbei life invades, there will be big bosses from the Four Extremes Realm coming forward.

He is familiar with Yun Shang and Yun Gong!
Of course, Chen Banxian also understood that this was just a temporary delay. If the other party really wanted to throw an anti-matter bomb or a higher-level weapon to blow up the star, there was nothing they could do.

The earth is still too fragile.

"I heard you were looking for me?" Chen Banxian found a stool and sat down: "What's the matter?"

"That's it." Die Yunfei opened the tablet:

"The advancement of our communication technology has advanced by leaps and bounds during this period, so the signal from Tongri City was captured."

Tongri City is the provincial capital of the neighboring province, with the same status as Baihu City.

However, not every city has people like Chen Banxian and Shen Qinghe.

Looking closely, the signal on the tablet was deciphered, and it was the word "help"!
"You can't manage it yourself, so you want to save other cities?"

Chen Banxian sneered: "Why don't you go out and see how many survivors of Baihu City starved to death on the road? It might keep you busy."

"Boss, it's not that I want to save them, but that we have to save them."

Die Yunfei sighed and opened a video.

"This is the video sent back by our spies."

The video opened, and there was a familiar scene inside.

Flying boat!

The flying boats in the Cang Cang Realm are densely packed in the sky, and the lasers raining down are bombarding a dilapidated city!

"Zang Cang Realm!"

Chen Banxian clenched his hands involuntarily: "Damn it, haven't they given up yet?"

His eyes were cold, frighteningly cold.

"Tianyin Sect!" Three words squeezed out between his teeth, making Die Yunfei tremble.

The air plummeted with Chen Banxian's anger, which caused the molecular activities to be affected and reduce their frequency.

(End of this chapter)

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