Chapter 212
Tongri City is located in the southern territory of Daxia on Earth, bordering the foreign tribes on the frontier.

Because it has a pleasant climate near the equator all year round, it is rich in fruits and beauties. Of course, there will always be a black industrial chain on the border, which once caused a lot of trouble to Daxia.

Now there is no need to worry about this. The end is coming and everything will be overturned.

Chen Banxian watched the video. The flying boat in the Cang Cang Realm was faster, and his expression became more solemn:

"These flying boats have been improved and are stronger than before."

"Yes." Die Yunfei played the next video, which showed the extraordinary people in Tongri City spontaneously gathering to resist.

Unfortunately, the energy impact in the sky-reaching beam was stronger than that of the second realm. With the blessing of the formation, an extraordinary person who could not see anything ordinary was killed, and he was bleeding on the spot.

Chen Banxian read it carefully without making a sound. After a while, he frowned: "It's too high, my speed is not enough."

Perhaps he learned the lesson from the last time. These flying boats were slaughtered in scattered formations. Each one occupied an altitude of thousands of miles. He had to waste a lot of energy just to get close.

Whether it is traveling through space, controlling airflow, or steering a boat through the sea, a lot of effort is required.

Flying has become a big problem for him right now.

It's a coincidence that after calculating so many hexagrams, none of them have the extraordinary ability to fly.

"Don't worry about this. In fact, with the current integration of Baihu City and Wandering Planet technology, and the integration of psychic technology, our level has made a qualitative leap."

He clapped his hands, and Chen Banxian looked out the window. A drone the size of half a car was slowly lowering in the sky.

Die Yunfei's face showed a touch of confidence.

"Thanks to breakthroughs in quantum communication technology, we can control drones in real-time for combat, equipped with miniature psychic bombs, which are enough to compete with the energy weapons of the flying boat."

The good news he told was exciting, and the light of technology shone once again.

"Master Chen." Die Yunfei opened the space channel:

"You should really see what dazzling treasures you have brought to our Baihu City, to our Daxia, to us humans, and to the earth."

The view behind the space passage is unobstructed.

That was Baihu City's original industrial park. It had been shut down a long time ago due to the unrest, but it is now back in operation.

The technological production equipment brought from the wandering planet is running rumble, large molds are constantly opening and closing, and the parts produced on the assembly line shine with a new light under the light.

Die Yunfei opened the second space channel.

This is the basement, where a group of people with extraordinary brains are studying something. The aura appears here and is visible to the naked eye!

Next to her, a woman sat on a chair, and all the spiritual energy around her became more pure.

As if aware of being watched, the woman looked at each other from afar and nodded to Chen Banxian and Die Yunfei.

"Master Chen." She recognized Chen Banxian and greeted him.

"Liu Yeqing." Chen Banxian also nodded. The latter's psychic control methods became more and more terrifying.

He can also do it, but to reach the level of Liu Yeqing, his own limitations do not allow him to do it.

"This is the Psychic Research Institute. All the combinations of technology and psionic energy, the combination of materials and psionic energy, come from here."

Die Yunfei took a deep breath: "Boss, what you see next is the true heritage of our Baihu City, and it is also the main technology used to rescue Tongri City this time."

He opened a long space, and through the space, Chen Banxian looked down and saw a series of fighter planes.

Dragon Bird—01.

The numbers were written in bright red oil on the fighter planes. These were the first batch of fighter planes, and the technology that had been eliminated was given a new lease of life.

The psychic fluctuations coming from it surprised even Chen Banxian.

The third realm!
Even if it's close, this is the third level, far from being a killing weapon that can be resisted by the second level.

Die Yunfei explained: "The Daxia Longque-01 was originally a military region fighter aircraft of our Baihu City. Now through the transformation and reinstallation by technicians, it is not a problem to resist the Zangcang Realm flying boat!"

What he saw today made Chen Banxian see how terrifying the big city machine really was.

All the workers worked day and night, and all the technicians worked hard to create such a miracle in just one or two months.

He raised his head, and it seemed that there was a channel of luck above Baihu City, like a rolling torrent, helping this apocalyptic city.

He relaxed a lot: "If this is the case, why are you looking for me?"

"Boss, you really don't know what kind of contribution you have made?"

Die Yunfei smiled bitterly: "What you have brought is the technology of an entire civilization. These fighters all have your patented shares, accounting for 20.00%."

He explained: "Psychic energy and technology each account for 50.00%, including the combination and application of technology, the capital chain, and the nobles profiting from it.

We have no control over psychic energy, but in terms of technology, you hold half of the main shares, and the remaining half is shared equally by everyone. "

After saying this, Chen Banxian suddenly understood.

"That is to say, I have a quarter of the shares in this fighter jet?"

"More than that?" Die Yunfei took out his computer and cell phone:
"This computer, quantum communications, computers, etc., as long as they are products combined with Wandering Planet's technology, which one do you not own a quarter of the shares in?"

The words woke up the dreamer, and Chen Banxian was shocked: "Where is the money? Why don't you give me my money!"

"Because I can't contact you." Die Yunfei put the tablet in front of him:

"The account I temporarily created for you contains all your shares and funds. Master Chen, you can choose to continue investing the dividends in the industry chain and compound the profits, or you can directly receive the dividends every month."

It was normal that he couldn't be contacted. At that time, he was still listening to music in Goulan, Liuyun City, Dongzhou.

Chen Banxian glanced at the account. His eyes widened when he saw the series of numbers, and he couldn't help but start counting:

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million... Damn! Does Little Baihu City have so much money?"

He was shocked. He really didn't expect that he would suddenly achieve financial freedom.

"Yeah, so much money."

Die Yunfei was a little envious and his eyes were sore.

With this money, he only needs to move his fingers to create wealth that ordinary people cannot use up in their lifetime.

But he didn't, and he didn't move the money without authorization.

"Actually, because of the cost of Baihu City's defense system, all public equipment and your boss's shares are in it, and these weapons have a quarter of your property."

"You are now considered a very important figure in this city. Every time you stomp your feet, the earthquake will last for several days."

"Wait a minute."

Chen Banxian suddenly realized: "You mean, these fighter planes in service are also considered my property."


Die Yunfei smiled: "This operation to rescue Tongri City is on the one hand to save our compatriots, and on the other hand it is also for the purpose of testing the performance of fighter planes and attacking alien races.

So... Boss, if you have nothing to do, you should go and take a look. These fighters are very valuable. If you smash one, you can easily get tens of thousands of black coins. "

"Where are the miscellaneous things in the Cang Cang Realm!"

Chen Banxian wished he could resist a nuclear bomb right now and kill everyone, and no one could touch his money!
"Master Chen, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be anxious yet."

"It takes time to mobilize fighter operators and service training, and we also need to build quantum signal towers at the highest point in the province of Tongri City and the highest point of our province in Baihu City."

Only then did Die Yunfei reveal his purpose: "According to the currently known information, our Baihu City signal tower has been successfully constructed, but the Tongri City signal tower is still in the preparation stage.

One reason is that the road is far away, there are a large number of alien monsters, and the white mist channel blocks it. The other reason is that the interference from the Cang Cang Realm greatly increases the difficulty. "

He said that the Longque I fighter jet could shoot down the flying boat, but it would be difficult to stop the enemy monks.Another one is that the distance is too close. Once the bomb is fired, the enemy will be gone, but so will your own people.

Here, it is time to fight for the top combat power. The extraordinary people of Baihu City need to personally resist the Tibetan Cang Realm monks to ensure that the signal tower is successfully built.

"So, you thought of me?"

Chen Banxian was still counting the numbers on his account and was in a good mood.

"Of course." Die Yunfei took a sip of tea: "Boss, the construction of the signal tower is a good thing. When the black currency system is passed on, your assets will be even more valuable!"

"Then why are you still standing there? Pilots need to be trained. Does building a signal tower also require training?"

Chen Banxian stood up hurriedly: "Hurry up and arrange the delivery, I will prepare it right away!"

He hurried home and took out the Fengdu plaque. Ai Gewei's eyes lit up when she saw him:
"Teacher, my book..."


Chen Banxian stuffed her with a copy of "Five Elements of Great Meanings": "Go on and read "The Book of Ghost Forest" after you finish reading it."

He is a bit busy now, so he will talk about teaching his apprentices when he has time.


Jiaojiao swam out wearing an apron, holding a platter of spiritual fruits in his hand, but he only saw Chen Banxian's back as he slammed the door and walked out.


She threw the platter hard on the table!
Come again, come again!You can’t go out after eating!
Aigwei didn't dare to say a word and read silently.


Jiaojiao threw himself on the sofa: unhappy.


Suddenly, the closed door opened again.

Chen Banxian thrust the tablet into Jiaojiao's hand:

"Jiaojiao, please help me think of a way to use the money here for free charity from the Ninth God Religion. People with more devout faith can get more food, and strive to have a food donation point under each statue. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he rubbed the seeds on his big and small heads, and he disappeared again.

He ran so fast that the floor was cracked.

The unhappiness on Jiaojiao's face was gradually covered by confusion. She skillfully opened the tablet and when she saw the numbers on it, her eyes widened!

"Woo (one) woo (ten) woo (hundred)... woo! (tens of millions)

Jiaojiao:! ! !
At this time, Chen Banxian was in the white mist of a special space outside Baihu City.

There are no tall buildings or all kinds of idle people here. Instead, there are only heavy tanks, huge fighter planes, transport planes and other technological weapons.

There are even armored vehicles carrying all kinds of giant intercontinental missiles, which is the real heritage.

Each area is separated to prevent "accidents".

Chen Banxian was notified that they would move together with two large transport planes, which contained materials for building two signal towers.

This is to prevent accidents.

Under the transport plane, the extraordinary beings all wore psychic armor and stood in a row with weapons on their backs.

With extraordinary physical body and a large shield, he is taller than a man. With extraordinary speed, he is equipped with weapons. He is a deadly assassin.

Or special supernatural beings such as flames, psychic weapons are different.

When Chen Banxian arrived, he was also amazed by their discipline. When he got closer, he felt an iron-blooded demeanor.

On one side, there are workers who are constantly carrying supplies. They are fixing important supplies, and the sounds of busyness are endless.

"hurry up!"

"This is not a piece of iron, this is a thermostatic device. Don't throw it away!"

"What about the communication storage device? Put such an important thing inside, secure it, and don't bump it!"

"The compatriots in Tongri City are being bullied by foreign races. Every time we speed up our pace, we can rescue our compatriots from suffering as soon as possible and save one more life!"

They exploded with great speed and strength, and the physical superhumans responsible for transporting it quickly completed the installation.

The two large transport aircraft are the former Daxia 20A Y-20.

The wingspan is about 50 meters and the aircraft length is 47 meters.The aircraft is 15 meters high and has a maximum take-off weight of 220 tons.

However, with the erosion of spiritual energy and modifications and other operations, the size of the transport aircraft further increased, reaching 68 meters in length and 19 meters in height. The maximum take-off weight in the test reached a terrifying level of 496 and nearly 500 tons.

Even so, it is still not enough to transport two signal tower materials.

Before the installation is completed, all extraordinary people and commanders gather.

There are 200 people who are extraordinary in the second realm!

There are 22 people who are extraordinary in the third realm!
A special operations team for the rescue of Tongri City was established. A third-level extraordinary person led ten second-level extraordinary people. The remaining two extraordinary people were the captain and deputy captain of the special operations team.

The team captains stood in a row, staring closely at the first two captains with solemn expressions.

Both are in the third realm, and there are differences between the squad leader and the overall captain.

The commander-in-chief is Wu Fan, a genius and strong man who has long been famous in Baihu City.

The ability is true and false dreams. He once single-handedly caused the monster tide to change direction and kill each other.

He can link each squad leader through true and false dreams to coordinate the command.

The vice-captain is an old acquaintance of Chen Banxian whom he has not seen for a long time, Shi Youlong.

At this time, Shi Youlong was holding a psychic vibrating knife, carrying two long knives on his back, and a row of flying knives around his waist.

In addition, his limbs and armor were all covered with sharp weapons, making him look like a hedgehog at first.

He can control "sharpness" and cut everything!

His main responsibility is also to protect Wu Fan's true and false dreams and coordinate and direct the team members.

At this time, Wu Fan was still speaking and mobilizing before the war:
"Everyone, every minute, every second, compatriots are dying. All we can do is to build a quantum communication tower as soon as possible, let our fighter planes fly to Tongri City, and kill all those stupid beasts!

I hope that everyone will do their best to protect the workers building communication towers. You are not fighting on the battlefield, but saving lives on the battlefield,"

He pointed at the workers who were panting from exhaustion: "Remember, their lives are more valuable than ours! If one of them lives, a hundred of our compatriots can live!"

When we die, only one of us dies. "

Wu Fan's voice was cold, but resounding:

"Everyone has seen the darkness of the end, and also knows the cruelty of reality. Someone has to die, someone has to create an era of peace, someone has to bleed, and someone has to enjoy happiness.

The success of this action will be at this moment, and the benefit will be in the future. If you can, please die to create peace for future generations! "

Silence, still silence.

The second realm and the third realm are all tempered by life and death. They understand what they are facing this time.

 Thanks for the 5000 point reward for the sadness, thanks for Xu Xian, and the reward for a ticket to Fiji.

(End of this chapter)

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