There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 213 Go to the college entrance examination

Chapter 213 Go back to the college entrance examination

War has never been a child's play. The Tibetan Cang Realm is a world far scarier than the Earth. They have a steady stream of second and third realms.

If they are discovered, they will definitely die, many people will die.

Silence is not rejection, but silence!

"Now, please come up and speak, the war supervisor."

Wu Fan stretched out his hand, and Chen Banxian, who was watching on one side, suddenly came into everyone's sight.

With such a tragic atmosphere, Chen Banxian wore a paper bag head, but he didn't expect that he would have to speak by himself.

If he talks, it would be inappropriate.

"Everyone, are you interested in practicing the magic of ghosts and immortals?"

He is not as nervous as Wu Fan, nor does he have any sense of iron-bloodedness, only a sense of peace of mind.

"If you die, I can get your soul back. It'll be fine. Don't worry about dying."

Whether it is Qingshuang, who is the supervisor of the priesthood, or the power of faith in the Ninth, they can shape the soul.

His words were frivolous, making everyone relax and no longer look so scary.

"When the time comes, I will find ghost and fairy magic for you, and you will be able to live like normal people. There will be no big problem.

Even if the ghosts and immortals don't like it, to be honest, I also have the technology of digital life in my hands. It won't be difficult for everyone to ascend mechanically when the time comes. "

die?It doesn't exist here at all.

I didn't have the ability before, but now I have this ability, so those who shouldn't die are not allowed to die!He said it!God also...


There was a thunderbolt in the sky, and Chen Banxian decisively put away his thoughts.

"Well, let's pack up and get ready to hit the road."


The team was amused, and the heavy atmosphere completely collapsed with this laughter.

They understand digital life, and they also understand the matter of souls, ghosts and gods, but putting it forward in such precise terms still reassures everyone.

Only Wu Fan frowned. The soldiers who mourn will win. If the soldiers don't mourn, how can they win?
He wanted to say something, but Shi Youlong next to him stretched out a hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Do you like writing?"

Wu Fan:?
"What do you mean? I personally don't do much writing except for writing reports."

"Do you know why the paper in District 14 of Baihu City North is more expensive than other districts?"

Shi Youlong asked another question.

At this time, Wu Fan frowned even more tightly: "I don't know. Don't say these meaningless words when you are so serious now."

Shi Youlong shook his head helplessly: "Do you know why everyone is in the third realm? He is the war supervisor, but we are not?"

What are you asking about?Seeing the situation of his colleagues and the wartime situation, Wu Fan endured it and shook his head.

"Comrade Shi Youlong, I hope you won't treat war as a child's play!"

At this time, where did Shi Youlong still have the tension in his eyes?It's like I'm on vacation.

"Eh, you don't understand."

Shi Youlong patted his shoulder again: "He's here, what else do we have to do?"

Perhaps only those who have seen Chen Banxian take action with their own eyes have such confidence.

A total of 220 people were divided into two teams to get on the plane, with Shi Youlong and Wu Fan in one, and Chen Banxian in a single transport plane.

As the huge hatch closed, the metal transport vehicle started roaring to life. Everyone in the seats in the transport aircraft was a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, come on, everyone, eat some peanuts."

Chen Banxian felt as if he was walking on flat ground inside the shaking machine. This thing that he had his own shares in was different when he sat on it. Look at the floor, it was so smooth. Look at these instruments, they were really instruments.

The 110 extraordinary people looked at him stupidly, more or less holding a handful of peanuts in their hands.

Because the workers had to take care of the communication tower materials and equipment, they were far away from the inside. Unfortunately, they were not given snacks.

Next to his seat was a squad leader who was also a girl. She wore light makeup and looked brighter.

Obviously, in the end of the world, girls who love beauty should still try their best to show their beauty if they have the conditions.

Such people generally have illusions in their hearts and have not extinguished hope.

"How old are you, young lady? Who is in the family? Do you want your soul to become an immortal or do you want a mechanical ascension?"

Girls try not to look at Chen Banxian's paper bag hair, the three holes are too dramatic.

Even if he is a combat supervisor, this... this is too serious to be serious.

"Combat Supervisor, my codename is Spider Silk, I am 26 years old, and I have one younger sister left at home."

There is still "one" sister left.

Chen Banxian knew what these words meant and peeled a few peanuts for her:

"This is spiced and tastes better than plain."

"Spider Silk" blinked, feeling his eyes sore for no reason.

How long has it been, how long have you not felt the breath of fireworks in this world?

She put one peanut into her mouth and placed the rest close to her body.

Take it home and feed it to your sister.

Chen Banxian randomly came to a child who was about sixteen or seventeen years old, cracking peanuts and chatting:
"You are already in the second level at such a young age, you are amazing.

You can also protect your compatriots, which is even more powerful. When I was your age, I was not as great as you. "

The child sat upright, looked straight ahead, and said with a stiff neck: "Serve the people of Daxia!"

"Service is shit!"

Chen Banxian squatted next to him, chewing peanuts and making them crispy:
"At your age, you should study and grow under the wings of your parents. You have already served us, why do you want us, the prime of life, to do?"

He patted the child on the shoulder and peeled the peanuts for him:
"Don't take the exam too hard. Leave the opportunity to those of us who are older. If you want to take the exam, you should also take the exam and overwhelm them with your academic performance." "Tsk, tsk, but counting the time, you should take the college entrance examination, right? Yes. Aren’t you happy that you don’t have to take a test anymore?”

Chen Banxian rolled his eyes and said with a bad smile: "But don't be too happy too early. Later I will run Baihu City's education plan. Don't miss anyone who should take the college entrance examination!"

Let’s learn from labor and management!
The child looked at Chen Banxian with an incredible wooden light: "Combat Supervisor, do you have anything important to do?"

"Isn't it important to take the college entrance examination?"

"Does it matter?"

The child looked ugly and suddenly regretted participating in this operation.

"But I am a transcendent in the second realm, and I should contribute to Baihu City."

He was still arguing hard, feeling that it was really possible for him to re-enter the intense preparation plan.

"What about the second realm? Does the second realm have privileges?"

Chen Banxian glanced under the plane. It was okay. It was not far away and he could throw it back.

He scanned the transport plane and saw that there were quite a few young extraordinary beings aged sixteen or seventeen years old.

Counting, there are more than a dozen.

"Go back and read."

He held their collars, ignored the resistance of these teenagers, opened the space channel and threw them all into Baihu City.

"Tell your boss, I did it, Fang Ping. If you have any questions, go to Fang Ping!"

In the end, he felt that he could not favor one over the other, so he threw back the children on the other transport plane, including even a squad leader.

"I passed the exam last year!"

The squad leader was so anxious that he took out his ID card to prove himself: "I just turned [-] today! War supervisor, you lost the wrong person!"

"Why did you pass the exam? I suspect you cheated on your grades last year and falsely stated your age on your ID card. You should retake the exam this year!"

He refused sternly and even gave him a kick on the butt.

"The old ones are also curled up, and the younger ones are also curled up, and the ones among us can't get through it!"

Wu Fan, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, widened his eyes. What are you doing?
War supervisor?Aren't they the ones who supervise the battles and supervise the deserters?

Why are you here, but you are driving the soldiers out of the battlefield by yourself?

When he couldn't help it, he would get angry, contact Chen Banxian with real and fake dreams, and scold him for his frivolous behavior.

"Get rid of the gas, get rid of the gas!"

Shi Youlong patted his chest:
"The boss must have his reasons for sending people back. We are lucky. This operation is basically accident-free."

How can he get rid of this anger?

Wu Fan covered his chest: "Am I the captain or he is the captain? Does he, a combat supervisor, have the right to command the soldiers?"

He suddenly used his left hand to backhand his right hand: "I want to tell the Baihu City military that this person must be a spy and is weakening our effective strength!"

The two hands clapped loudly!

Suddenly, the space in front of him opened. Chen Banxian handed him a handful of original peanuts and left a message.

"Look at how stingy you are. I didn't give you peanuts. I heard you through the transport plane. I'll give you a handful. Don't be angry."

Wu Fan held the peanuts and forgot to breathe for a moment.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

Shi Youlong was quite envious of him: "None of the big guys have given me peanuts."

"I'll report it to the military now!"

Wu Fan took out his cell phone and started sending messages.

Wu Fan: I reported that there might be something wrong with the supervisor of the Quantum Signal Tower Special Operations Team in Tongri City. He took a team leader from my team and several...


The message was sent, but no response was received.

When Wu Fan sent it again, a red exclamation mark appeared behind the message!
The other party... blocked him?

At this time, a person in charge of the military region wiped away the cold sweat and deleted the message.

"MD, if he gets angry and withdraws our shares, the capital chain will be broken!"

Regarding this special war supervisor, leader Die Yunfei has already sent a reminder. If he neglects him, he will not be able to afford compensation even if he is sold.

Die Yunfei is Shen Qinghe's god-sister and brother. It is a sure thing that he will be the next district chief of the North 14th District. He has even been nominated for the position of chief district chief of the North District.

The weight is much heavier than that of a little general like myself.

Inside the transport plane, there was silence, and a red exclamation mark directly opened the ban package.

On the other side, Chen Banxian's place was quite lively, and he managed to mingle with the soldiers.

"Quickly, hit him quickly! Hit him with a headshot! Damn! He's dead."

Come up quickly, he's on the second floor!
"Damn it, how come you were shot in the head and are still in the same position as me?"

"There is one more thing, it doesn't matter, you just need to listen to me, from the corner..."

"Damn it, he died again, the whole group was wiped out, four against one were killed, what are you doing for food!"

In the local area network established with tactical terminals, more than 90 soldiers participated in the [-]-man battle royale.

The rest can't be played.

At this time, Chen Banxian wanted to smash his phone.

"Four against one and being counter-killed, damn, there must be a bug in this crappy game!"

His voice was so loud that the winner slowly put away his phone and uninstalled the game at the speed of light.

Some people play games to cultivate their sentiments, while some people play games just to have fun.

 College entrance examination?I wish all the students to reach the top in one battle, and I wish the students who read this book will be prosperous and have flowers on their heads!
(End of this chapter)

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