There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 214 Reappearance of old enemies

Chapter 214 Reappearance of old enemies
One second the war supervisor was giving out peanuts to everyone, and the next second he was smashing his cell phone. It seemed that he lost because of the poor performance of his cell phone.

It's definitely not because he has a habit of being stubborn and never just passed the gun!
"What are you looking at? What are you looking at!" Chen Banxian stared at the surroundings fiercely, so angry, so angry!Bastards of the Cang Cang Realm, you'd better not show your face!

Huge transport planes roared across the sky.

Fortunately, the space channel did not appear in the sky, otherwise the aircraft would not be so fast.

They took off more than an hour ago and crossed a large province more than an hour later.

Did not arrive directly at Tongri City.Their main task was to build a quantum communication signal tower, so the two transport planes landed on the highest mountain peak in Tongri City Province——

On top of Kawagebo Peak!
This is a huge peak with an altitude of 6740 meters and enjoys the reputation of being the first of the eight sacred peaks in the snow area.It rains in summer and snows in winter. At certain times, you can still take pictures of the beautiful scenery of "Rizhao Jinshan".

They were still on the plane and saw the top of the giant peak from a distance. It was as sharp as a knife. It seemed a bit whimsical to park the transport plane.

If it lands directly, it will definitely result in the destruction of the aircraft and the death of everyone.

Moreover, they have seen many spatial connection points of white mist, and facing unknown monsters is also a difficult test.

"Everyone sit down, everyone sit down, get ready to land, repeat, get ready to land!"

Wu Fan's voice came from the communicator. As the commander-in-chief of this operation, the landing problem has been solved.

This is one of the reasons why Wu Fan is qualified for this mission.

"Please cover your ears and count down, 3...2...1!"

Wu Fan's voice carried a magical power, and Chen Banxian suddenly saw a wide street appearing in the sky, and the plane slowly stopped on the street.

He shook his head, trying to get rid of this illusion, but the street was still hanging in the air.

Two huge transport planes had docked at some point, and the street, with its street lights, was embedded at the top of Kawagebo Peak.

The highest place has only a small area where people can stand.

True or false dream, you think it is false, but in fact, it is true!

The slight shock in my heart flashed away.

"Everyone, be alert!"

At the same time as the command in the communication channel came out, the transport plane door also slowly opened.

Chen Banxian grabbed the Fengdu plaque from the corner and got off the plane with everyone.

Cold, the first feeling here is that of bone-chilling cold.

However, the cold was only a small problem. A feeling of suffocation suddenly appeared, making everyone feel uncomfortable.

"This is altitude sickness. Everyone will get familiar with it quickly. It will not be fatal. Check the conditions of all workers first."

Wu Fan commanded calmly, his tone slightly tired.

The real and fake dreams put a lot of load on him when creating a landing runway.

But he gritted his teeth and memorized the layout quickly based on the surrounding terrain and data.

"Teams 500 to [-] will go north, teams [-] to [-] will go to the south, [-] to [-] will go to the west, and [-] to [-] will go to the east. We will be on alert with a radius of [-] meters from the peak and report any abnormal situations!"

The teams mobilized quickly, and the soldiers were extremely well-trained and quickly dispersed.

The huge runway gave them great visibility.

“Workers, it’s time to start taking action!”

Wu Fan's voice came out again, and a machine inside the transport plane began to roar.

Those workers wore simple protective clothing, which was the technology of Wandering Planet.

There is internal circulation of oxygen inside, which is enough for them to operate normally.

It even comes with a power-assisted exoskeleton.

As long as there are no monsters, these people can quickly assemble a quantum communication tower!
Chen Banxian breathed heavily for a while, gradually adapted to the altitude sickness, and scanned for dangers around him.

The huge transport plane made too much noise when landing, and the impact was not small. He squinted his eyes slightly, and a creature from the bottom of the mountain came into view.


It was the sound of claws clashing, coming from a hermit crab-like creature covered in carapace.

But this creature was all white, and the thing on its back was a pile of frozen-hard stone.

Before he could move, the team from the south fired directly, and the psychic bullet ended the monster's life.

"Killing a monster, roughly estimated, is the first level of strength."

Simple reward, the soldiers remain on guard.

Here, infrastructure construction is in full swing, but on the other side, Tongri City's experience seems a bit cruel.


The blazing energy beam fell from the flying boat, destroying this ruined city!
Mud, cement, and fire hoses exploded and fell one after another, falling into the eyes of the survivors hiding in the building.

"Mom, I'm afraid."

The little girl spoke timidly, and her mother quickly covered the child's mouth and warned: "Didn't I tell you to be quiet?"

If you make a sound, it will be heard, and it will... kill someone!

The little girl was frightened, tears welling up in her eyes, but then there was a sound of footsteps falling to the ground from outside the ruins.


Very light, very close.

So close that the mother and daughter could see the owner of those feet through the cracks in the ruins.

A monk from the Cang Cang Realm!

"Oh, look, I found two more."

The monk lowered his head and listened, no matter how weak the sound of breathing or heartbeat could escape his ears.

The magical weapon suspended next to the monk was a copper gourd. It could clearly open the ruins directly, but he slowly opened it piece by piece.

It's like playing with a Luban lock, slowly unlocking the obstacles and finding the prize inside.

"Don't panic, let me slowly peel off your coat and taste your delicious bodies."

In the sect, he may have to worry about his face, but this is a different world and no one will notice him.

He just likes the flower bones that have not yet bloomed, not to mention how comfortable it is to destroy them.

The more slowly it is torn apart, the more it gives people a sense of anticipation.

In the ruins, the mother and daughter covered their mouths tightly and buried their heads, hoping that the man was just deceiving them and did not notice anyone here.

However, as more and more broken stone slabs were opened and light shone into the ruins of Yinan, they understood that they could not escape.

Through the criss-crossing gaps, the mother and daughter saw the gloomy eyes, like a cruel lion playing with its prey.

In fact, this monk was indeed playing. Seeing the desperate eyes and trembling body, he couldn't help but feel extremely satisfied in his heart.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you soon."

The monk smiled ferociously and moved another cement pillar away, his strength was astonishing.

Visualizing the eight-tailed lion entering the Tao is not considered a genius in Tianyin Sect, and it even depends on people's faces.

But here, he felt that he was the master. The last piece of covering was dug out, and the monk began to unbutton his clothes.

"Hey, can't wait any longer? Let me enjoy the small one first, and look at the big eyes. It's so exciting, so...


A flash of sword light passed by, and the head of the monk who had already realized his destiny was separated.

"Bah! Pure!"

Someone appeared behind the body: "Come with me quickly, we can't stay here for long!"

He took the mother and daughter to a subway entrance, which had been sealed and used as a temporary hiding place.

"Thank you, what's your name?" The mother hugged the girl and wanted to know who he was.

"Me? I'm just a nobody. Maybe you can call me a cockroach." "Mr. Cockroach..."

The mother still wanted to talk, but the man left here without looking back.

He wants to save more people.

But...where can killing people come faster than saving people?

A scream sounded not far away, short, thick and abrupt. The deceased did not suffer much pain.

Three Tianyin Sect monks gathered together, and the leader lightly shook off the blood beads on his sword.

On the ground, the bodies of extraordinary beings were scattered, cut into more than a dozen pieces.


He snorted coldly. He was wearing brocade clothes and a purple spirit wood hairpin, and seemed to have a certain status.

The two disciples behind this man immediately laughed and flattered him:

"That's right, the top master in Tongri City even said how powerful he was. He was in the third realm, but he was cut into pieces by Senior Brother Ning Yushan's sword."

"This world is too weak. I don't understand why those old men want me to practice."

Ning Yushan sighed and walked around the city.

Killing a monk in the third realm is as easy as eating and drinking.

Suddenly, his expression changed, his sword flashed, and it made a "ding" sound in front of him.

Looking again, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, his invisibility was broken, and his true appearance was revealed.

It's the "cockroach" from before.

"Invisible? Even I didn't notice it right away. Interesting."

"You bastards, you killed my compatriots and invaded my homeland. You have to pay for this with your life!"

The cockroach gritted his teeth and continued to use his arms to chop the man in front of him to death.

Ning Yushan stood still, no matter how hard Cockroach tried, there was no change. Instead, he shook his hand slightly, and the weapon in Cockroach's hand suddenly broke!

When the sound of "Pa!" exploded, the alarm bells in the cockroach's heart rang loudly, and he disappeared as soon as he turned around.

Ning Yushan's sword did not fall, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised:

"Fun, interesting."

He glanced around, and a Tao Yun slowly spread, trying to find this extraordinary person.


He looked surprised, not finding the latter's true form in his perception.

When the two younger brothers saw this, they were also secretly shocked. This alien native seemed to be quite powerful.

They didn't react at all to the previous sword strike. If the target was themselves, they would have been struck in two by the cockroach.

Only Senior Brother Ning Yushan, the proud man of heaven and the elder of Tianyin Sect, can detect it.

He even hit the opponent with a backhand sword so that he could only hide.

"My heart can detect Xiwei. It is impossible not to detect a native. What method did you... use?"

Ning Yushan scanned the surrounding space, trying to find the hidden cockroaches.

There was no answer, no sound, Ning Yushan frowned: "If you come out and tell me the secret method, maybe I can let you join my Tianyin Sect, and you can leap over the dragon gate from now on, and have the hope of eternal life."

There was still no answer. Seeing that he couldn't find any flaws, Ning Yushan glanced at the sky.

"I'm not happy, it's going to snow."

After saying that, Tao Yun filled the air, and snow actually started to fall in the surrounding area. The temperature dropped sharply, but after just a few breaths, a thick sheet of white covered the ground.

There was still no figure, the cockroach seemed to have disappeared, and was not silhouetted by the university as Ning Yushan thought.

He snorted coldly: "It's snowing now, let's use the knife."

The two younger brothers behind him looked at each other, feeling cold in their hearts, and immediately opened the magic weapon above their heads.

The next second, the heavy snow turned into knives and fell densely.

The way of the heart is all that is thought. After the knife fell, it turned into spiritual energy, and then fell again. Several screams were heard within a radius of one kilometer, but none of them were cockroaches.

He seemed to be gone rather than hiding.


Ning Yushan's heart was on fire, and the heavy snow on the knife dissipated and started to burn again.

This time I wasn't looking for anyone, I was just angry.

This was very painful for the two younger brothers, who screamed in the sea of ​​fire: "Brother, senior brother, help me, please take away your magical powers!"

Their clothes were all on fire, and their spiritual energy could not stop the fire, and they would be burned alive in a moment.


Ning Yushan snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

Two Tianyin Sect disciples were dying. After a while, the Feizhou Artifact Cannon fell, destroying all buildings within 500 meters.

Here, it was completely in ruins.

After a long time, a person suddenly appeared among the ruins, it was a cockroach.

"Fortunately, I have a small room."

He quickly escaped from here, secretly shocked.

Is this the genius of the Cang Cang Realm’s Fate Enlightenment Realm? It’s really scary.How can I beat him?
The sword that directly cut off his weapon almost killed him. If he had reacted slower, there would have been another corpse on the ground.

"Damn it, give me time, I will kill you all!"

The cockroach swore, remembering this lesson, and entered his small room.

He disappeared again.

The next time he appeared, he suddenly cut off the head of a monk from the Cang Cang Realm.

If you destroy our country and destroy our family, I will make you pay for it with blood!
At the moment of life and death, Tongri City erupted with a tenacity beyond the Tianyin Sect's imagination.

They sailed over the border and only destroyed half of the natives, while the remaining half suddenly disappeared.

Yes, gone.Hidden in every unexpected corner, the city that could have been solved directly suddenly stopped them.

On the largest flying boat, Ning Yushan rushed back angrily and took a big sip of spiritual wine.


He spat out this word: "Come here, let's do another round!"

"and many more."

Another person's voice came from inside the flying boat, "Brother Ning, what makes you so angry?"

As the man walked out, the ridiculing voice also reached the ears of other disciples: "This round of bombardment will waste a lot of spiritual stones, why bother?"

"Xuan Ming, please stop talking sarcastically to me. How about a round of spirit stones? I can afford it myself!"

Ning Yushan took another sip of wine. Today, an ant escaped. He had no choice but to hold back his breath and panic.

"We still have to prepare for the next mission."

Xuan Ming almost guessed the reason as soon as he looked at him like that:

"Let me be confused, are you embarrassed by the natives in this small world?"

Ning Yushan's face turned even darker: "Shut up! That ant is so cunning. I don't know what tricks he used. I just couldn't find him."

"If you can't find it, you can't find it. You are a monk in the Fate Enlightenment Realm and a genius who can behead the Four Seas Realm. Don't you have any courage?"

Xuan Ming sneered: "The spies just came to report that two huge iron birds appeared in the north."

(End of this chapter)

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