There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 215 Hidden Blue Flying Boat

Chapter 215 Hidden Blue Flying Boat
"Iron Bird?"

Ning Yushan suppressed his anger temporarily: "Other sects, or other small circles?"


Xuan Ming made a spell, and a picture appeared in the void, which was exactly the scene on Kawagebo Peak.

The huge transport plane is so eye-catching that it can be seen at a glance.

"Is there someone, an indigenous person?"

The distance was too far to see clearly, so Ning Yushan directly ordered: "Get closer and see if it is aboriginal or someone from other worlds."

"Okay brother."

the voice on the screen answered, and the spell began to shake.

The disciple who was exploring the path got closer and the picture became clearer and clearer. At this moment, a spiritual light flashed through.


The magic mirror suddenly shattered.

"Junior Brother? Junior Brother?"

Ning Yushan called twice, but there was no response.

"he died."

Xuan Ming's face turned gloomy. This disciple was also in the Fate Enlightenment stage. If he dared to travel far alone, he would naturally have the foundation of strength.

As a result, he died in a mysterious way.

"Send two flying boats over there. It's in the direction of Baihu City. Don't be careless."

On Kawagebo Peak, Chen Banxian put down the psychic sniper rifle in his hand and handed it back to the spider silk.

"Ha, I'm sorry. I suddenly saw something in the scope just now and couldn't help but shoot it."

Spider Silk looked into the distance and could barely see the target being hit, which was at least tens of thousands of meters away.

"Being able to hit from such a distance makes him worthy of being a war supervisor."

She gave a thumbs up. It was impossible to care about a psychic sniper bullet worth thousands of black coins.

Anyway, it's public and can be reimbursed. You just need to write down the reason for use.

"How long will it take for the communication tower to be completed?" Chen Banxian was indeed idle. He thought there would be powerful monsters here and he could play Ultraman or Superman.

As a result, there were only three or two big cats and kittens, which could be dealt with by the standard psychic weapons equipped by the extraordinary beings.

It is better to say that he is here to supervise the battle than to travel.

"Oh, I used to really want to travel, but now I don't want to run around."

He laughed at himself and wandered around with nothing to do.

In the evening, just when he thought everything was normal, two black spots suddenly appeared in the sunset in the distance.

The familiar psychic energy fluctuations made him squint his eyes for the first time.

"The fun is coming."

"Shi Youlong, do you want to meet your old friend?"

He said hello, he was already in the air and quickly rushed towards the black spot.

Just as Shi Youlong received the communication, he saw Chen Banxian walking away in the air, old friend?
While he was still guessing, the latter had already arrived on the flying boat. The more he used the secrets of space, he became more and more proficient. He could cover a distance of tens of thousands of meters in just a few breaths.

On the flying boat, the auras of the disciples of the Tianyin Sect were extremely familiar. Unlike before, in addition to entering the Dao realm, there was also a disciple who was in the Fate Enlightenment realm.

The overall combat power of the Zangcang Realm is stronger than that of the Earth. The first and second realms are equivalent to their entry into the Tao, and the third realm is exactly the benchmark for the Fate Enlightenment Realm.

As for whether it will target the fourth realm, it is currently unknown.


The undisguised arrival of the outsider made this disciple in the realm of destiny aware of it immediately.

He reacted quickly, pulled out the magical weapon in his hand, and used the Qiu Shui Wuhen Sword Technique to use it, intending to test Chen Banxian's depth.

In this small world, there can be no existence above the fate-enlightenment realm. He has this confidence. Apart from Senior Brother Ning and Senior Brother Xuan, he is the strongest.

However, the man didn't even look at him. He grabbed it with his big hand and shattered the magic weapon, along with his cultivation.


This Fate Enlightenment disciple coughed up blood and lay on the ground twitching. All his spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in his body, was gone!
The meridians were destroyed by a wisp of black air, and the originally strong and condensed spiritual power was now more fragile than tofu.


Chen Banxian kicked him into two pieces, causing blood to fly across the boat.

This incident caused the two flying boats to stop immediately.

"Let you speak out."

Chen Banxian glanced casually. The eyes under his paper bag head were dull, so dull that the two young disciples who had just entered the Tao were frightened and trembled.

Who is this!Who is it that kicked Senior Brother Zhang Na to death?

Even Senior Brother Zhang Na's Qiushui Wuhen Sword Technique was used without any harm to him.

"You...who are you and what world are you from?"

The two disciples looked fierce, and their hands that pulled out the swords were trembling.

"Can't you understand people? I told you to make them speak."

The one who can talk... wasn't he kicked in two by you just now?The two disciples were speechless, but Chen Banxian shook his head: "Forget it, I'll go ask on another flying boat."

When the two heard this, not only were they unhappy, but they were shocked because the man had slapped them in the face.

Their eyes moved involuntarily, and they saw that their bodies and necks had been slapped away.

There was no pain, just darkness.

A flying boat staggered and fell from the sky. On the other side, the Fate Enlightenment Realm disciple realized something was wrong. He roared and asked the outer disciples to control the steering and escape from here. At the same time, he connected the communication with Senior Brother Xuanming.

"Brother, help, help, we were attacked when we were approaching our destination!"

The spell caused the scene on the opposite side to appear in the air. On the other side, Xuan Ming was playing chess with Ning Yushan in meditation.

Hearing this, Xuan Ming looked up, but his eyes were not on the disciple, but on the person behind the disciple.

Realizing that his vision was wrong, the Fate Enlightenment Realm disciple suddenly turned his head and found that the two junior brothers who were controlling the flying boat were bleeding out at some point, and a paper bag head was looking at him with interest.

The man's hands were dripping with blood mixed with minced flesh, so red that his liver and gallbladder burst.

It turned out to be the outer disciple who had entered the Dao realm and was slapped to death.

"Zangcang Realm, Tianyin Sect?"

Chen Banxian asked the two people opposite him: "Have you not learned enough lessons yet, and you always want to invade my Daxia territory?"

"Daxia? Territory?"

Ning Yushan couldn't help but said: "You, this leaky Daxia, still have territory to talk about? It makes me laugh to death, hahaha."

Xuan Ming was also laughing: "A small world that doesn't know the heights of the world, after decades of stability, begins to think how powerful it is."

"In a world like yours, I, the Tianyin Sect, have come to you as a reward. You should kneel down and thank me. You are still talking about territory. It is really ridiculous. It is extremely ridiculous."

The two of them seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and the look in Chen Banxian's eyes was like watching a dog protecting the bone he just picked up.

"Did I not hurt you?" Chen Banxian suppressed his anger: "What about Elder Dingfeng? Is he okay? I wonder if his beard has been burned off?

Oh, by the way, there are other talented people like Senior Brother Yuluo, Junior Brother Wuming, Senior Sister Kusheng, etc. Are they still alive? "

"It's you?"

As soon as he said these words, the other two people looked a little more serious: "I didn't expect that we actually met you."

They laughed: "Hahaha, it's true that there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in."

We are not young seedlings like Yuluo. We have been able to defeat the Four Seas Realm after spending several years in the Fate Enlightenment Realm. "

Ning Yushan stood up: "Perhaps you think Yuluo is already the strongest among us and feel arrogant. Unfortunately, you are wrong."

Xuan Ming even had time to play chess: "Give you a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe we can give you a decent way to die and leave your body intact."

This arrogant posture and careless disregard for life are the greatest insult.

"Do you know, you are so mean?"

Chen Banxian picked his ears: "

Why don't you give us your address and we can make an appointment offline.There is no use being a troll on the Internet. Apart from showing off your childless qualities, it is really boring. "

He just regretted that he didn't have the sword spirit with him, so he couldn't have friendly exchanges in the air. He hoped that the other party would be happy to see him.

"We are in Tongri City. You should know this place. If you want to beg for mercy now, break your legs and come over on your knees. I can promise not to torture your soul."

Xuan Ming's attitude was still aloof. In his opinion, the Tianyin Sect's rumored genius from another world was just a name in vain.

He is confident that he is invincible at the same level. If he really wants to fight to the death, no one will be his opponent.

If possible, Xuan Ming can break through the world-shaking realm right now.

"What a big statement. If you have the ability, come here. I will be on the highest mountain in your eyes, smiling and watching two dogs barking."

"Oh, you are an ignorant native, you are so daring, you really don't know how to write the word life or death."

Ning Yushan solved a Xuanming chess piece: "It's just a frog in the well. Rumor has it that the weapon you hurt Elder Dingfeng was an explosive magical weapon that can also repel spiritual energy. I really want to see it."

"Can you...can you take out two more and try them?"

That face and arrogant attitude made people really angry, and they wanted to go over and hack them to death right now.

"MD, just wait for me!"

Chen Banxian said harsh words, it was too far away, and a fighter plane had to be dispatched to pick him up before he could be slapped in the face "offline"!
He captured the disciples from the Zangcang Realm who were maintaining communication, broke his arms and disabled his Dantian, and before the scene faded, he squinted and sneered:

"Ouch, Zangcang Realm, Tianyin Sect, so noble, kneeling under your father's crotch."

He crushed the disciple's neck in front of both of them: "What a pity, I don't want to spare him."

"Hit me, hit me!"

In the last few seconds, he made the expressions of the two people opposite him distort.


The chess pieces on the table jumped up, and Ning Yushan gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Damn, damn bug, you are teasing me like this. If I catch him, I will make him suffer to death!"

The person who killed them in front of them was so arrogant and domineering!

"Don't be impatient."

Although Xuan Ming was angry, he did not lose his mind:
"It's better to spread the news to the sect first. If you find him alone, what will happen if he really sacrifices that bomb weapon?"

"Elder Dingfeng suffered a big loss, and the three junior brothers and sisters were severely injured. They are considered useless. Do you want to be a useless person too?"

Ning Yushan didn't want to be a useless person. He gritted his teeth and said:
"You're just going to do this and hope there's nothing you can do to capture him? Damn it, believe it or not, I'm going to break through the Earthquake Realm right now! Capture him directly from the air!"

(End of this chapter)

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