There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 216 The reason why people are people

Chapter 216 The reason why people are people

"Junior brother, please be patient, be patient."

Xuan Ming persuaded and mobilized the flying boat to sail back.

Ning Yushan was silent for a moment and sent a message to the Tianyin Sect disciples: "Everyone is on standby. Xuanming and I will be away for a few days."

Stay where you are and leave for a few days.

The expressions of the Tianyin Sect disciples did not change, but they were secretly happy.

Now that the senior brother is gone, he can do whatever he wants even more.

"Great, as soon as senior brother leaves, junior sister, let's go practice quickly!

"I have hidden a small stronghold for a long time, and it contains the indigenous people I specially left behind, hehe..."

They were having a conversation, but little did they know that a door hidden in the space quietly left here.

Cockroach was excited, those two people left for now!
For the first time, he contacted many survivors and formulated a battle plan!

In the sealed underground space, extraordinary beings arrived one after another. There was no light and everything was quiet.

Everyone is used to being quiet, so as to avoid being discovered by foreign monks.

They waited quietly, waiting for the people gathered to speak.

An hour later the cockroach appeared and the number of people was accurately determined in the darkness.

"Originally there were 63 people, but the actual number was 52. The rest probably won't be able to come."

"Then the meeting will begin."

No one spoke, but the atmosphere became more and more solemn. The cockroach's voice appeared from nowhere, floating:
"Everyone, I have received news that the two strongest people in the Cang Cang Realm have temporarily left for a few days for some unknown reason. This is our opportunity."

"We are all strong men in the third realm. Many of us can compete with the monks on the flying boat. I think this is the clarion call for us to start a counterattack!"

There was no response, no answer, only the cockroach was talking.

It seems that he has become the leader of extraordinary beings.

But the more this happened, the heavier Cockroach's heart became, and what he said was not credible.

Finally, a different voice sounded in the darkness.

"Cockroach, you said that their strongest man left, and I believe you for the time being. But why do you think that with only about fifty of us, we can counterattack those hundreds of spaceships?"

The speaker's voice was deliberately hoarse, clearly not wanting to expose himself, because... no one could be trusted.

"One-fifth of the people who came here for the gathering have lost their voice. Are you sure you didn't ask us to die?"

His remarks also represent everyone’s thoughts.

The flying boats filling the sky and the psychic cannons that could obliterate the third realm were really terrifying.

The confidence, arrogance, and rebelliousness they once had were all crushed by gunfire.

Nowadays, some of us are cockroaches, some are rats, and some are bedbugs in the stinking ditch. We are lucky to be able to protect ourselves, so how can we talk about fighting back?

"But this is our last chance."

The cockroach's voice continued: "Look, how many people are there in Tongri City now?"

Cockroach talked about what he saw with his own eyes and listed the shelters and bases in Tongri City Province one by one.

No one thinks about this number, and no one dares to think about this number. Can you imagine that one minute it is a refuge where life is bustling, and the next second there are corpses everywhere?

He, the cockroach, swam out of such a nightmare.

In the darkness, it was not the touch of teeth, but the leakage of irrepressible anger.

"Counterattack. There is actually no hope for Tongri City. I hope that at the last moment, I can bite off a piece of flesh from the enemy and let them know that I am an Earthling! I am a Daxia citizen!"

Someone speaks out and no longer hides himself.

"Counterattack, pay with blood! I am a soldier, and dying on the battlefield is my destiny!"

Passionate voices came out of their mouths. It was not that they had not thought about escaping, but that they simply could not escape the speed and sight of the flying boat.

Even if they can escape on their own, what is the difference between a dog without a home and death?

"Today, I will be that lonely ghost!"

Everyone present was once the best among the people. This is the third realm created by the battle between blood and fire. How can the bloodiness be eradicated?


The electric light turned on gently, as if the candle was about to burn out for the last time.

52 people with different faces appear under the light.

Some of them were teachers, doctors, construction workers, and even students.

These people who originally had nothing to do with the struggle have now become the last candles in the apocalypse.

No face is clean.

There is no one who is not stained with blood.

The cockroach looked ordinary. He took back the hand that turned on the light and smiled calmly:

"Everyone, let's make a plan. I have the location of each spaceship, and I am sure to destroy more than ten spaceships in the first time."


On Kawagebo Peak, construction is in full swing.

In the afternoon of the day of arrival, the prototype had been assembled, and Baihu City sent fighter planes to collect information.

The person who came here was a well-trained pilot who used to fly fighter jets. He was a rare talent.

Wu Fan, Shi Youlong, and Chen Banxian gathered together as a matter of course to report the situation.

By six o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the most, the signal tower will be completely completed. Communication between Baihu City and Tongri City will be initially restored, and some modified radios will pick up their signals.

"Slow, too slow."

However, the answer given by Baihu City was these words.

"Can you hurry up? There is news from Tongri City. They have been retreating, being massacred, and have lost more than 90.00% of the base's contacts."

Zang Cang Realm, the killing is too ruthless!

They have no intention of taking advantage of humans on earth, they only want to exterminate their species!

The plane was equipped with a temporary communication channel, and the three of them spoke to the head of Baihu City face to face.

"Comrades, is there any way to set up a good framework first, turn on the communication signal, and then slowly improve other basic measures?"

The leader is an old man with white hair and age spots all over his face. At this time, he is eager to link the signal channel between the two cities and provinces in advance.

"The Tongri City side really can't hold on any longer."

Once he thought of so many compatriots being massacred, his heart was so twisted that he wished he could go into battle himself.

The situation has reached this point, but the construction of the signal tower will take some time. If the construction is not completed, even if their fighter planes fly to the Tongri City area, they will not be able to find the enemy's target there.

One province is too big.

Even if Chen Banxian rushes there on his own, he can only solve the crisis in one place, and other places will still be massacred.

Not every place has a genius like Shen Qinghe who can hit the population of a province in advance.

"Where is the entrance to their passage?" Youhu, Chen Banxian asked, asking the old leader for the coordinates.

"Comrade Chen Banxian, I know what you are thinking, but the forces that have come to our world have been able to destroy Tongri City too many times, and your idea has little effect."

The old chief told the cruel truth.

No matter how much you can fight or kill, how many people can you kill?

In a situation where two races are at war on a large scale, individual power seems too weak.

If there was no Feizhou in the Cang Cang Realm, they might not be able to massacre their compatriots so quickly.

At least, in the current state, there is nothing he can do.


Shi Youlong held the long knife tightly, feeling powerless spreading uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart, he could only watch helplessly!

"I may have a way to complete the construction of the communication tower in advance."

In the silence, Wu Fan slowly spoke with determination in his eyes.

"it is good!"

The old chief gave him a look of affirmation. If you can speed up, you must speed up. Whatever compensation you want, I, an old man, will fight for it with my life!

The old chief looked at Wu Fan across the video and did not ask him what method he used.

He just wants results!
"I have no other requirements. I just hope that the organization can find my relatives. The organization has my information, so please be kind to them."

Wu Fanjing's standard Daxia military salute, this respect is not for the leader, but for the compatriots who are suffering.

"What are you going to do?"

Shi Youlong's voice was cold, but Wu Fan came under the signal tower, took over the extremely complicated drawings, and was lost in thought.

An hour later, the drawings became automatic, and the entire world around the signal tower suddenly became misty.

Chen Banxian frowned. At this moment, he felt depressed.

To be able to make him feel depressed, Wu Fan's current energy level must have touched the upper limit of the current world.

The material writing on the drawing fell off, grew bigger and bigger, and actually floated, and was mounted on the prototype signal tower.

Wu Fan's body suddenly became a little more transparent.

Shi Youlong noticed his behavior and his eyes showed grief.

"He is sublimating to the extreme, using his own potential and his own soul to burn, bursting out the most extreme extraordinary ability in his life!"

The signal tower is like a toy of God, built for self-use with several tons or dozens of tons. Wu Fan becomes more transparent every second. He is gradually no longer a person, but a shadow.

True and false dreams...

Wu Fan continues to be transparent and has mostly integrated into this world.

He even integrated into this signal tower.

Faintly, Chen Banxian raised his head and heard the sound of the signal tower.

“When I am me, dreams are dreams.

The dream is reality when I am no longer me. "

The time was very short, very short, including the previous hour of silence, a total of three hours, the signal tower was completed.

However, where Wu Fan sat before he was no longer there, only a neatly dressed military uniform, which was empty.

Shi Youlong frowned and stepped forward, folding it carefully, tears streaming down his face silently.

He stared at Chen Banxian: "He... didn't even leave his body temperature."

"A person's sacrifice is never a feather or a Mount Tai, but a person."

Chen Banxian took off his paper bag head, his eyebrows filled with heaviness.

His eyes glowed black.

The ghost eyes opened, but there was no trace of Wu Fan here. He had completely burned out his soul, not even leaving any nutrients behind.

"I broke my promise."

The paper bag fell gently to the ground, and he came to the cold signal tower.

This signal tower is more than 30 meters high.

It contains quantum communication terminals, nuclear energy, hybrid psychic energy, cooling systems and other sophisticated instruments.

Even if Wu Fan burned himself dry, he was still not completely finished.

What remains is the assembly and debugging of each instrument. Of course, the most time-consuming construction process of the signal tower is eliminated.

He completely disappeared from this world.

Chen Banxian was not familiar with this person.

But at this time, he was like an old friend, handing over to him: "Look back, I will give you more paper money and less paper money, but I beg you that your true spirit will never die and you can start over again."


Suddenly, Chen Banxian's voice filled everyone's ears.

"Tell me how long it will take for the signal tower to be built!"

The workers and technicians answered subconsciously, forgetting that they were far apart:
Some say two hours, some say one and a half hours, some say three hours.

But Chen Banxian heard all these sounds.

He spoke directly: "Based on two hours, if you arrive one minute early, each person will be rewarded with 1 black coins! If you are 10 minutes early, each person will be rewarded with 100 black coins! One hour early, each of you will be rewarded with [-] million black coins!"

"I only have one request, hurry, hurry! Try to be as fast as possible!"

He was about to be unable to contain his murderous intention. If he reaches the fourth realm of the miscellaneous people in the Cang Cang Realm, he will definitely go to other realms in person and kill them until there are no insects for billions of miles!

At this time, he is in the third realm and collects interest first.

Wait, bastards, wait for me!But don’t die too early!
One hour in advance, you will be rewarded with one million black coins!
When the already tired workers heard this, they gritted their teeth and worked desperately to build it.

If you touch it directly with your hands, may you get electrocuted?
Isn't there a healing transcendent nearby?Can't die!
Get rid of those bulky gloves!

This place needs to be moved slowly one buckle after another. The safety rope must be fastened firmly?

I bother!A grown man is afraid of nothing. The worst he can do is fall and recover slowly. With 100 million black coins, he will have enough food and clothing for the rest of his life!
The construction in full swing is just like the tragic situation in Richeng at this time.


The runes of the flying boat in the Hidden Cang Realm stirred up, and the spirit stone aura was extracted from the flying boat, transformed into violent energy, and crashed down.


The ground trembled, and the tall buildings that had collapsed collapsed again.

However, the target is not anyone, just a woman.

The woman's body was dripping with blood, and with a bright light condensing in her hands, she waved at the flying boat high in the sky from a long distance away!

Unfortunately, although the light was strong, it was still too far away, and it gradually dissipated halfway through the flight. When the flying boat was at a close distance, it was even too weak to be observed by the naked eye.

On the flying boat, a first-level monk raised his hand and extinguished the light.

(End of this chapter)

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