There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 217 What is bloody nature?

Chapter 217 What is bloody nature?
"Tsk tsk, the natives are the natives, the fireflies are trying to compete with the bright moon."

He flattered the inner sect brother who was sitting on the flying boat and eating spiritual fruit. He was a strong man in the Fate Enlightenment Realm and the talker of their flying boat.

"Senior brother, you don't need to take action. The junior brothers will slowly tease this native for your enjoyment."

"Yes, Not Bad."

The senior brother nodded and looked down at the embarrassed woman from a distance.

"A woman is a woman. No matter how hard she fights, she still has to wash, cook and give birth to children. It's a pity that this little girl is not a Yuanyin body and has given birth. Otherwise, it would be good to make a cauldron."

He said casually: "Hit her chest and butt as much as possible. I like to see blood."

He stared at the woman's face: "It's a pity, it's a pity, she looks pretty good."

Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows, and the woman on the ground smiled and gave him a fierce middle finger.

laugh?I am afraid that I will lose my mind when I die. The natives are the natives, and their Taoist hearts are fragile...

"Zure, suffer death!"

Before he could finish his thoughts, Feizhou's defensive formation was suddenly torn apart, and two people suddenly appeared in front of him.

"How did you fly to such an altitude of [-] meters!"

The inner disciple was surprised. Before he could say anything else, his head suddenly fell.

The cockroach walked out of the invisible house: "Destroy the formation and prepare the next ship."

He gestured to the ground: "Sister Qiong, you can take a rest. The beheading operation has been completed."


The other two extraordinary beings casually ripped off the heads of two outer disciples of the Tianyin Sect and disappeared into the void again.

The cockroach contributed his golden finger, a house that cannot be seen or touched, but can move and appear anywhere.

This is also the confidence that they can launch the beheading plan.

A third-level transcendent attracted fire on the ground, preventing the flying boat from moving quickly.

They quietly came to the flying boat, and two extraordinary people were responsible for attracting attention, while the cockroach carried out the final beheading operation.

Everything is in order.

Relying on this method, they have killed eighteen flying boats scattered in the Zangcang Realm base camp!

It seems that everything is going in a good direction.

"Quick, Lao Wang's side is next, we have to hurry up."

The three people arrived at the next place according to the time, but what they saw was a cruel scene.

Lao Wang's head was intact and was pinned to the ground by a steel bar.

Surrounded by neatly divided muscles, skin, bones, and internal organs.

His blood-red eyes widened, and it was hard to imagine what kind of horrific punishment he had experienced before his death.

These organs and tissues were plucked from his body when he was still alive, which made the cockroaches and others feel chilled to their hearts.

"very pitiful."

Suddenly, there were sounds from around them, and they suddenly turned around and saw an inner disciple of the Tianyin Sect drinking.

His snack was half a heart that was still beating, and the other half had been sliced ​​into his stomach.

"Oh my, what are you looking at? You killed more than ten of my brothers, but you still don't allow me to kill one of you?"

The man slowly crushed the remaining half of the heart with a fork and clapped his hands.

A formation dissipated, and a dozen disciples from the Cang Cang Realm appeared around them, all of whom were in the Fate Enlightenment Realm.

On the ground, their compatriots whose limbs were broken and even their tongues were cut out were trampled by them.

"Then I'll kill a dozen more of you."

After the words fell, the disciple waved his hand casually, and more than a dozen third-level extraordinary beings on the ground were beheaded.


The cockroach's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the other party would directly kill someone after a disagreement!
These are all the third realm!Just die without any resistance!

The three cockroaches glared at the disciple angrily, but the latter smiled calmly: "I haven't introduced myself yet, the inner sect, the tenth disciple of Domain Dao Peak, Huang Lie."

He was gentle and gentle, with blood filling the bones under his feet, and he looked at the cockroach with a smile.

"Do you think that now that Senior Brother Xuan Ming and Ning Yushan are gone, you can do whatever you want?"

"It's so ridiculous." They even walked up to the two of them:
"Don't tell me that you are so naive and think that our Tianyin Sect only has this strength?"

He lightly snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the expressions of the three people changed drastically, and Cockroach's mood sank to the lowest point.

He was unable to move and could not enter the portable room.

The same goes for the other two.

"Tsk, tsk, cockroach, I know you." Huang Lie walked up to the cockroach casually:
"Senior Brother Ning is angry with you. He is very good at hiding. Unfortunately, now that you can't move, how can you hide?"

He is not as proficient in the domain as his direct disciple, nor is he as talented as the captured Luo Wuque, but he is the tenth in the inner sect.

Being the tenth in the realm explains everything.

"I am the ruler of this world. If I say your limbs are broken, your limbs will be broken."

As soon as Huang Lie finished speaking, the expressions of the three people suddenly changed. They watched helplessly as their hands and feet slowly twisted and reached the limit, "Crack!"

Severe pain hit, but the three of them couldn't even scream and endured the pain forcefully!
Not everyone is a protagonist.

Cockroach suddenly realized that he originally thought that he had a mobile room and could escape even if he couldn't defeat him. He believed that he would lead the remaining survivors of Tongri City to victory.

However, he thought wrongly. Facing a monk who was the tenth in the inner sect and the tenth in a peak, he would be crushed without any suspense.

"It's so weak."

Huang Lie looked at the three people in front of him and shook his head and sighed: "You natives with mixed blood and qualifications are worse than pigs. I really don't know where you can find the courage to resist." "Stand still and get killed, isn't it good?"

In his view, the weak eat the strong, and the weak have no dignity to resist, and are born to be enslaved by them.

"If you all kneel down obediently, I might be able to spare your lives, but in this situation, what do you want me to spare?"

He seemed helpless, but the joking expressions in the eyes of the disciples around him said it all.

It's just the cat playing with it before eating the mouse.

"It's boring."

Huang Lie was about to kill the three people when suddenly, a sound came from the walkie-talkie carried by Cockroach.


"Zi...Hello, Zi...compatriots from Tongri City, Baihu City..."

The signal is intermittent but getting better and better: "We have received your call for help. Please wait. Support is coming. Please hold on!"

At the end, a clear voice came from the intercom:

"Our advance troops will arrive within an hour, compatriots, please hold on and don't give up hope!"

The same sound came not only from Cockroach's walkie-talkie, but also from any device in the streets and alleys that could still be used and could receive signals.

The radios, which had been put together without corrosion, carried the message over and over again.

Support from Baihu City is about to arrive, so you must hold on!
In an underground shopping mall, outside the entrance that had already collapsed, a dozen extraordinary people were panting, injured and bleeding.

The reason why they refused to take a step back was because in front of them was a Tibetan Cang Realm monk who had entered the Dao realm.

The monk was not strong, but they did not dare to fight back and could only resist passively.

The reason is that the airship at high altitude will drop artillery fire on the survivors in the mall at any time.

"I can't take it anymore."

A woman smiled bitterly: "It's a pity for the child in my belly. Mom can't let you see the world."

She is also an extraordinary person. She is three months pregnant, but she still chooses to stand up.

Because there are many children in the mall.

That is the hope of mankind. She does not let anyone down, except the fetus in her belly.

"Oh, kid?"

The Taoist monk got excited, licked the corners of his mouth, and ducked in front of the woman, already punching her hard.

Target, lower abdomen!
The woman wanted to block him, but she saw a sharp look in the disciple's eyes: "If you dare to block him, I will fire."

The hand that had reached the abdomen suddenly stopped, and the opponent's fist came down hard. The woman coughed up blood, screamed and was knocked into the ruins, breaking three layers of tempered glass.

She struggled to get up and touched her belly immediately, but her lower body was dripping with blood and she couldn't stop it no matter what!

Tears flowed from her eyes, but she gritted her teeth and stood up.

That look in his eyes made the disciple who had entered the Dao become frightened.

"Heh, stare, keep staring, this time, I'll dig out your eyes."

He moved forward, but the woman was still fierce, and she remained silent even as he dug out her eyes.

She... is dead.

Standing, glaring, dead before his eyes were gouged out.

"Inferior natives, ants, just ants."

The disciple mocked: "So what if you are unyielding? What can you change?"

He admired this feeling too much, controlling people's life and death. The look of humiliation in his eyes was exactly the same as when he was oppressed in Tianyin Sect.

No wonder the senior brothers like to bully them so much. It turns out that it is so fun.

This mission is out!
Arrogant and arrogant, the extraordinary people don't even look at it. If they dare to resist, the ordinary people behind them will be killed.

Sadness flashed in their eyes. Are humans really so fragile and about to die?


Suddenly, the door opened in the ruins behind them.

Ordinary people walked out one after another, holding shovels, table legs, and steel bars.

There were adults, old people, half-grown children, and obese women.

They held weapons and confronted the disciples who had entered the Taoist realm without even a glance.

"You...go back quickly, it's dangerous!"

Extraordinary Wang Gen shouted anxiously: "You are just ordinary people, if he just moves his fingers, you will die!"

"So what if I die?" The old man held a cane: "Watching you get beaten?"

"Don't you understand? They just want to torture and kill you, and they don't want to let you go at all."

The woman looked sad and pointed her kitchen knife at the enemy:
"Xiaoting was pregnant for three months without telling anyone and was beaten to death. If we are still hiding, we are not from Daxia!"

They burst into blood: pointing directly at the enemy: "Let her fire, kill this beast quickly, and we will drag him with us when we die!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the underground mall's broadcast.

"Compatriots from Tongri City, please hold on, rescue from Baihu City is about to arrive, rescue from Baihu City is about to arrive! Please stay alive!"

"Repeat it again, compatriots in Tongri City, no matter where you are or how tortured you are, you must endure the pain. Rescue is about to arrive. Rescue is about to arrive!"

"Must be alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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