Chapter 218 Baihu City Support

"Support? Support from Baihu City?"

The sudden sound ignited hope in the midst of desolation.

Wang Gen seemed to have thought of something, burning his energy and blood, he suddenly came to the Tianyin Sect disciple and imprisoned his body.

"Brothers, hurry up, grab it, don't let it choke you!"

On Cockroach's side, Huang Lie frowned: "Baihu City, hey, no matter how many times you come, you will be given food."

He suddenly didn't want to kill them now.

"I want you to feel the feeling of dashed hope. I believe your eyes will be even more wonderful then."

At this moment, the radio in the city kept playing on the same day, spreading throughout the entire area.

On Kawagebo Peak, Chen Banxian turned his back and did not bring a paper bag with him.

With the huge plaque on his shoulder, he took out his mobile phone and was able to receive the signal from Baihu City.

Although many facilities are still being improved, the main signals have been deployed, allowing real-time calls to fighter aircraft and maintaining contact.

This is not a signal tower, this is a tower of life.

In Baihu City, the moment the signal was connected, the combatants who had been prepared quickly started.

"Daxia Longque—I-type fighters, two hundred, all take off!"

"Large combat transport aircraft, loaded with two hundred psychic tanks: Let's go!"

The old general's instructions kept coming, and at the same time, he pressed a button.

"The densest area in the Tibetan Cang Realm has been locked. The second and third vanguards are on fire. The little monkey has taken aim and can carry out the ultimate strike at any time!"

At this time, the old general sat at the head, and the congressmen sat on both sides. Many important officials from Baihu City had already arrived.

There are even a few tactical guides from Wandering Planet.

"It's time to show our claws."

Baihu City has been working overtime in the past few months, and has been preparing heavy firepower weapons without stopping for a moment.

On this day, when the survivors outside Baihu City looked up, they could see the figure of an intercontinental missile, its burning tail flame flying into the distance.

The two quantum communication towers no longer require the sophistication of satellites. This is a technology that is hundreds of years ahead of the earth.

At the communication tower, Chen Banxian couldn't wait any longer.

While the construction of the signal tower was completed, Fa was already impatient and could not wait for the follow-up fighter planes to arrive, so he directly contacted Baihu City Die Yunfei.

"Give me the approximate location of the flying boat in the Hidden Cang Realm, and I will take action!"

The anger has reached its peak!

"Comrade Chen Banxian, please wait."

Die Yunfei was also in the meeting, and his address became serious: "Our intercontinental missiles have already set off, and they may have been accidentally injured in the past."

"Intercontinental missiles are nothing!"

He turned on the video: "Give me the exact location immediately, no need to worry about anything!"

"Comrade Chen Banxian, we have detected that a small gathering place of 300 people is under attack. You can save people first. No, this place is not far from the fire attack point."

Die Yunfei put it another way. He knew the boss's temper too well.

Sure enough, Chen Banxian nodded: "Give me the coordinates!"

Soon, a location was sent. He patted Shi Youlong on the shoulder and left a message: "Take good care of Him. If you have any questions, send me a message."

As for himself, he directly divided the space.

In the hundred-meter-long space passage, he opened another 50-meter space, and then without stopping, he opened another 25-meter passage.

It was decreasing layer by layer, and even he had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

Forcibly link the space jump points, just to be faster.

"Zachui, wait for me!"

He took one step forward, covering a distance of several hundred miles, and opened up space again, not caring about the loss.

The sea of ​​Summoning Demon Sutra is rolling in waves, giving him huge staying power.

At this time, outside the small gathering place of about [-] people, Wang Genle's Taoist disciple's face turned pale.

"Let me go, let me go quickly!"

His voice was trembling: "If you don't let me go, you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

"If I let you go, will you let us go?" Wang Gen was furious:

"You bastard, you're so ruthless when Xiaoting is pregnant with a child, you bastard!"

He didn't understand why some people's hearts could be so dark when everyone was equally wise.

"Let go. If senior brother knows that I have been kidnapped, he will not care about my life or death at all. You will all die!"

This disciple struggled, and when the time came, he would be seriously injured if the shot came down.

When the time comes, senior brother only needs to say that he has sacrificed himself, and that's it.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Wang Gen said unforgivingly, "Go and confess to Sister Xiaoting!"

He wants to strangle him alive!

However, at an altitude of [-] meters, the flying boat suddenly flashed.

That's when the formation is activated, and the energy cannon transformed by spiritual energy is about to fire.

No one will forget, no one will forget this scene, they raised their heads and noticed it the first time.

"They're going to fire."

The old man dropped his crutches, and muddy tears flowed.

After living for most of his life, half of his body was buried in the ground, but - he was so sorry!
The son is dead, the daughter-in-law is dead, and the grandson is dying in the underground mall behind him.

He was sorry to all the ancestors of the Gao family... The Gao family... had no descendants!

The aunt held the kitchen knife tightly, still afraid, but at this time she thought of her man.

They have been arguing for half their lives and have talked about divorce several times, but in the end they are still together.

Maybe, this kind of marriage is actually quite good.

Wang Gen did not loosen his grip and gritted his teeth: "If we die, we will die together. You should think of this day when you kill someone!"

"We Earthlings, we Daxia people! We are more bloody than you!"

A ray of light fell from the sky. At this time, everyone raised their heads and felt that everything was slowing down.

Cold hairs stood on end, which was the stress reaction before death, but everything was of no use.

The speed of light, falling.

No one closed their eyes, they had no time to close their eyes.

But - someone can come in time!

The space suddenly exploded, and a huge stone plaque shot out from it!

There was no sound, only the exploding light. Shibian continued to move upstream, heading straight for the flying boat!
On top of the flying boat, horror flashed in the eyes of the disciple of the Ming Realm. Before he could react, the flying boat was smashed into pieces by the stone plaque. The force was too great, and the defensive formation was more fragile than a soap bubble, and it exploded directly!


The air exploded, Shi Bian more than exceeded the speed of sound?A piece of debris flew out and cut off his head.

Realm of enlightenment!Instantly killed by the aftermath!

On the flying boat, the remaining disciple fell from the sky by luck, but Shi Bian traveled through space again and suddenly came to him, unable to avoid it.

Blood rains down!
Only then did the survivors on the ground see a man walking out of the air with a cold face.

Chen Banxian's feet were bare, and his body was filled with fairy light and demonic aura, making him appear enchanting and godlike.

Catch up!
He let out a sigh of relief, and when there were still two hundred miles left, the flying boat had already fired its cannon. He exploded with extreme speed in his life, and drove the small boat on the sea of ​​the Demon Summoning Sutra. Even his shoes were stepped on and exploded.

In the end, he was able to stop him by throwing a plaque in advance.

Just a little bit, really just a little bit less than 0.01 seconds.

He fell from a high altitude, and there was still a disciple from the Cang Cang Realm who had not dealt with him.

Everyone looked at him in shock, forgetting their emotions for a moment.

Due to Wang Gen's negligence, the Taoist disciple escaped. He was very stubborn and was still strangled for a long time.What happened just now happened too fast. In shock, he subconsciously pinched the spell and sent a message to ask for help.

"Senior Brother Huang Lie, help, someone killed Senior Brother Liang Zhiyun instantly!"

"not good!"

Wang Gen realized that he had not noticed that he had let the other party escape and notified the enemy. At this time, he was ashamed and angry.

"I kill you!"

He tried his best to kill this alien from the Cang Cang Realm.

The alien's body was in a trance for a moment, and Wang Gen jumped away. When he focused his eyes again, everyone found that the disciple had been strangled by Chen Banxian's neck.

Chen Banxian's eyes were cold. He had seen what was happening here before.

Next to her, Xiaoting's body was still standing, her eyes were bloody and empty, and the blood from her lower body had stained the ground red.

The fetus in the belly died early, without any sign of life.

It's not a good thing to look too far. At least, his anger is getting stronger and stronger at this time.

The disciple struggled in his hands and struggled to speak:

"You can't kill me. If you dare to kill me, you humans will be wiped out by Senior Brother Huang Lie. No one... will be left alive!"

"Huang Lie? What the hell!"

No matter how beautiful Chen Banxian's face was, it was now distorted, like a demon.

"Do you know that I will make you no longer famous in reincarnation!"

The demon-summoning sutra in his body was filled with energy, and the disciple's flesh and blood melted layer by layer, like a candle melting in his hand.

He screamed in agony, heart-rending, and endured extreme pain!
His body was completely transformed, but his head was still moving. In the end, only a brain was left, which also melted in Chen Banxian's hands!
"it is good!"

The people around cheered, and the old man even had a happy face: "Good, good kill!"

The woman dropped the kitchen knife: "Weren't you arrogant before? You are arrogant now!"

A transcendent man stepped forward gratefully: "Brother, thank you for helping us, but the other party has reported the news, and support will definitely come. You'd better leave quickly. If it's too late, you won't be able to leave."

They were grateful to Chen Banxian for rescuing him, but they didn't want him to be killed by the foreign support.

Wang Gen smiled and said: "We humans have a strong man like you, it will only be their nightmare. Brother, please leave quickly, we will help you drag it, and we will not reveal a word of you."

Chen Banxian couldn't die. They were waiting for the day in the future when this strong man could help them take revenge.

Avenge blood!
Chen Banxian shook his head. Everyone's kindness made him feel more rational.

"No matter how many people they come, I won't be afraid."

His words were plain: "But this alien in my hands, I told him to be nameless on the road to reincarnation, so he will be nameless!"

Only then did everyone notice that his hand was still holding it empty, as if there was something in it.

When the energy of the Demon Summoning Sutra filled the air again, they saw the figure outlined in black, screaming, still screaming.

The alien souls were frantically begging for mercy, which was far more terrifying than the physical pain. Even the black crow, the subordinate god of the country, couldn't bear it.

The soul dissipated, and a monster appeared in his hand, then screamed.

After that, there is hope that cannot be seen and Yi that cannot be heard.

The last of his aura was wiped out, and this disciple suffered the consequences.

If you do evil, there will be consequences.

Such a magical scene shocked everyone, and some extraordinary people were still worried.

"You should leave quickly. We know that you are very powerful, but aliens are not just for free. They are very strong. There is no need for you to take risks."

Chen Banxian finally let go and looked at the underground shopping mall.

"What will happen to your relatives, friends, family and children when I leave?"

Children actually accounted for half of the people in this underground shopping mall, and their faces were bloody.

Instead, there were a dozen extraordinary beings outside. They were malnourished, sallow and thin, and they were the same people as Liu Lexian and others.

"rest assured."

Chen Banxian spoke softly, the Feixianguang and Demon Summoning Meridian Qi slowly contracted, and the ocean-like Qi and blood also calmed down. The inexplicable sound of waves faded away, leaving only a friendly and beautiful face.

"I am coming."

There are only three words, and the invincible confidence revealed deeply affects everyone.

Just because he's here.

"What a big breath!"

Someone sneered, and more than 20 monks flew in from a distance.

Each of these more than 20 monks is in the realm of destiny, enlightening oneself through Tao, knowing destiny and doing, and the interweaving of Tao rhythms around them makes time and space distorted.

The leader was a man with a thin face, prominent cheekbones, and a sneer between his lips:

"You're here? What's the use of your coming?"

"Is it possible to save people, or can we let us play for a while longer?"

This person is none other than Huang Lie.

Chen Banxian turned his eyes and saw three extraordinary beings with their limbs severed, being dragged away like dead dogs. Their bodies were covered in blood and flesh, and large pieces of flesh had been rubbed away.

They are not dead yet and have strong vitality, even if their pelvic bones are half worn away.

Huang Lie flew close in the air, as if the ground was dirty.

But when he got closer and saw Chen Banxian's face, he couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

"What a nice view!"

Judging by his aura, he was clearly a man, but his appearance was really frightening.

He has changed his mind.

"Tsk, tsk, I guess the old witch who gave you to the Ai Shuang Cultivation will definitely get a lot of benefits."

"This way, you take off your clothes, crawl over on the ground wagging your tail, and I will allow you to live."

Huang Lie's eyes were like looking at a cherished treasure: "If the old witches are happy, you might be able to... huh!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Banxian was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

A cold and ruthless voice came from above his head.

The beautiful person stood taller than him, lowered her head, and her eyes were sharp:

"What makes you think you can talk to me?"

Too fast, how did he do it?

Huang Lie was shocked in his heart, and the domain he cultivated suddenly exploded, trying to forcibly solidify the space.

At the same time, the thorny and twisted magic weapon behind him was sent out, unstoppable and thrust straight into the back of Chen Banxian's head!

He was frightened and took action with all his strength. His ranking of tenth in the inner sect was not judged by others.

He typed it with his own hands!
However, the man turned his head slightly and was not imprisoned by the domain!

No, it's not that he wasn't imprisoned, but that he forcibly squeezed out his Tao Yun and couldn't suppress it.

There are also ghost thorns, Huang Lie thought in his mind, there are still ghost thorns, even if the Four Seas Realm monks are defenseless, they can resist the sneak attack of the ghost thorns.

The hope in his eyes was shattered by the ruthless and cruel reality.

Chen Banxian didn't even resist and allowed the ghost thorn to hit the back of his head.

There was no blood, no scars, not even a broken hair.

The ghost thorn was blocked by a thin layer of invisible fairy light. It couldn't even be pulled away, let alone an inch forward.

Chen Banxian slowly reached out and grabbed it behind his back.

The ghost thorn vibrated crazily. The magic weapon wanted to escape, but it couldn't escape. It could only let that hand hold it in the palm of its hand.

"Are you... afraid?"

Chen Banxian took off the magic weapon and exerted a little force. It let out a mournful cry and broke a thorn with a click.

(End of this chapter)

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