There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 219 Fire can start a prairie fire

Chapter 219 Fire can start a prairie fire

The hand moved slightly, grabbed another thorn, gently twisted it, and the second thorn broke.

The ghost thorn has two large, ten small, and twelve messy thorns on it.

But at this time, one thorn after another was pulled out, and finally it became useless and fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

"You are so brave!"

One of Huang Lie's fellow apprentices pulled out a long sword, Geng Jin was full of sharp energy, and he used gold to enter the Tao and realize his destiny.

His sword is enough to cut through any steel, and he can cut it hard.

Wang Gen and others exclaimed because they couldn't see clearly how the other party made the move. When they saw clearly that the sword had landed on Chen Banxian's neck.

"What makes you think that a toy can hurt me?"

Chen Banxian looked at him out of the corner of his eye. The flying fairy light around his neck vibrated, and the long sword shattered in an uproar.

There seemed to be some firecrackers exploding in the distance, which frightened the man.

"You...what kind of monster are you!"

His words were all awkward: "Impossible! There is no existence above the fate-enlightenment realm in this world. Why can you destroy my magic weapon so easily!"

Realm of enlightenment?How is it possible to have such a state of enlightenment!
"So what if you realize your fate?" Chen Banxian's voice was oppressive. He not only wanted to kill people, but also wanted to kill people!

"We say our world is aboriginal, how can you not be aboriginal?"

He recalled what he had seen in Dongzhou. Compared with the elders and disciples of Shen Yundongtian, Tianyin Sect and Zangcang Realm were really deformed.

"Do you really think that you can call yourself an immortal after just enlightening your destiny? Do you think that the world-shaking realm is so amazing? And the above-mentioned venerable submerged realm is the limit of your knowledge?"

"Ignorant, ridiculous and simply pathetic."

At this time, two more monks in the Fate Realm took action, but they couldn't even break through his clothes, and Huang Lie in front of him had long lost the arrogance he had before.

He just kept up his face, his face twisted:
"You are so arrogant, do you know how terrifying the Venerable Fusheng is? Moving mountains and seas, and reversing Yin and Yang are not a problem, but you dare to speak nonsense."

"It's just a small world, so what if you are temporarily ahead? As long as the restrictions of heaven are opened, a single thought from Master Fusheng will be enough for you to die thousands of times!"

He was cheering himself up. He was the tenth and could not embarrass the Tianyin Sect.

He has the confidence and self-confidence, but he is just a native, just a native!

The more he thought about it, the more confident he became. Maybe the natives used some kind of secret method or obtained some kind of treasure to not be affected by his domain.

Huang Lie roared: "I don't believe it. You can block my domain once, but you can block it twice?"

He took action brazenly, and the surrounding world froze. Wang Gen and other extraordinary people found themselves unable to move. Ordinary people felt that their blood was about to solidify, and their hearts found it difficult to beat.

It's like being pressed under deep water.

In front of Huang Lie, Chen Banxian was under a hundred times, a thousand times the pressure!

"Senior Brother Huang Lie finally took action."

Feeling the pressure, more than a dozen Ming Ming disciples breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Domain Dao has always been a difficult path to understand, and Elder Dingfeng is the leader among them. It is said that Senior Brother Huang Lie has understood the essence of the Three Points, and even Elder Dingfeng's disciples cannot compare with him."

They relaxed a little and felt the power. How could any monk in the Fate Enlightenment Realm be able to resist?

Even Senior Brother Xuanming and Senior Brother Ning Yushan cannot say that they defeated Senior Brother Huang Lie unscathed.

Steady, steady.

On the ground, Cockroach raised his head with difficulty. Half of his body was crippled, but his ears were not crippled. He knew that this was a crucial moment.

He used all his strength to fly up from the ground and slammed into Huang Lie.

He would use his remaining body to create opportunities for this compatriot.

As soon as he started to move, the two extraordinary beings beside him stood up at the same time almost in no particular order. Everyone had the same idea.

Looking at each other in the air, they smiled. The human race is like this, and China is like this, they will not perish!

It will definitely not perish!
Despite the severe pain he imagined, Huang Lie's counterattack never came.

Instead, a pair of gentle and strong hands gently put them down.

Chen Banxian's eyes were complicated and filled with admiration. He came back six seconds later.

These three people actually burst out their last life force and wanted to create opportunities for him.

They don't understand that they don't actually need help. If Pei Dingfeng comes, maybe he will have to fight hard, but these three or two kittens are not qualified.


He put down the three of them, ignoring Huang Lie's wide eyes and his whole body shaking with fear.

It's useless, it's really useless. Domain Dao seems to be a joke and has no effect at all.

This person is not affected!

No, it's not that he's not affected, but that he can move unimpeded despite the pressure.

"You guys make me very unhappy."

The native raised his head and said, "Half of you have to die."

Just as they had played with these natives before, this native would play with them.

When he finished speaking, he just snapped his fingers. Half of them in the Fate Enlightenment Realm suddenly found that their heads and bodies were misaligned.

Way of space?

Before they could be surprised, the space had been closed, and the bodies of these people were separated and their consciousness fell into darkness.

" are not human!"

Huang Lie was terrified, and the few surviving junior brothers screamed.

"No, you are not human."

Chen Banxian shook his head and said slowly: "You scold me, I won't be happy, and one more of you will die."


With another snap of the fingers, one of them was cut open from the middle, and the internal organs and bones were clearly visible, falling to both sides and scattering all over the ground.

Fear involuntarily circulated among the remaining Tianyin Sect disciples.

Huang Lie quietly performed a spell, changed his mind, and said with a smile:

"Hero, hero, how about we discuss it? You let us live, and we promise not to come again. We will also persuade our brothers to tell them not to come either!"

"Oh." Chen Banxian said flatly: "Your voice is really ugly. You must die." "Pah."

Now there are six people left.

Even though it was a famous sect of Tianyin Sect, the death of so many disciples in the Ming Realm was a heavy pain.

They dare not speak.


Chen Banxian was still snapping his fingers: "Your breathing disturbed me."


"Can your heartbeat be a little quieter?"


"Who told you not to speak?"

One by one, the disciples of Wu Ming fell down, and in the end only Huang Lie was left.

He forgot to close his mouth and was already collapsing from the torture.

"You will die, you will definitely die! I have already informed the elders, you will die!"

He was almost crazy, but he didn't dare to speak loudly or not to speak. When Chen Banxian saw this, he sneered and wanted to end his life with his own hands.

Wang Gen and other extraordinary people, old people and aunts and other ordinary people, or the three cockroaches on the ground, there are only two words in their minds -

So strong!

Just when Chen Banxian was about to end the farce, he suddenly frowned.

The world in front of him suddenly split open on both sides.

He was abruptly inserted into another world, and an old man appeared in that world.

Half of the old man's body was bloody, hairless, and covered in scars.

The other half of the body was still intact, and Chen Banxian recognized it after checking it.

"Who do I think it is? It's just an old dog lingering on."

He shook his head in disappointment: "It's a shame I didn't kill you that day."

"Chen! Half! Xian!"

This is Pei Dingfeng who survived the hydrogen bomb explosion.

He spat out these words through his teeth. He was so ugly, but Chen Banxian was still in good health, with no scars or wounds at all. He was furious.

"Damn you, damn you!"

Old and new grudges have led to the killing of more than a dozen of his Wu Ming Territory Sect disciples, and even Huang Lie, whom he was optimistic about, will also suffer from the murderous attack.

This is not the previous state of entering the Tao. You can get as many as you want. The state of enlightenment is already the foundation of a sect!
"You are really not afraid of death!"

The space around Pei Dingfeng was cracking, and the sound was terrifying.

Chen Banxian said calmly: "Don't bark, old dog. If I am afraid of death, will I still stand here?"

His eyes were cold: "I am not far from the fourth realm. You have to wait until I personally cut off your head and ignite your ugly soul."

"You little bastard, you don't know how high the sky is!" Pei Dingfeng suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Huang Lie:
"Not coming back yet!"

"Can he escape?" Chen Banxian grabbed Huang Lie's neck:
"Old dog, are you still young and think you are playing house?"

Chen Banxian bluntly teased: "He is dead, but the reason why he is still alive is because I still want to disgust you."

Pei Dingfeng was still in a calm state of mind, but at this time, he also made huge waves.

"You little bastard, if you dare to kill him, I will fly over the border and kill you..."


Chen Banxian strangled Huang Lie to death. The latter was like a chicken, squawking once and then disappearing.

But he did not relieve his energy, and the Demon Summoning Sutra energy exploded, and all the souls in the Fate Enlightenment and Taoist realms were scattered.

I really answered those four words: wiped out in ashes!

"Old man, not only did I kill him, but I also shattered his bones and reduced him to ashes. I didn't even leave his soul behind. What can you do?"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Pei Dingfeng said three words in a row, and the space passage suddenly expanded.

"I can't get through, but I can move the flying boat!"

Such a gesture was because, firstly, he was special in cultivating the domain, and secondly, he was really angry and used all his strength!
The sky was filled with flying boats from the Hidden Cang Realm flying out of the space, so densely packed that Cockroach, Wang Gen and others were frightened.

They were in a state of ups and downs today. They thought they were going to die, but they were saved.

He originally thought he would survive, but the other party asked for help.

They originally thought they were going to die again, but their compatriots were too powerful to fight even if they called for help.

I originally thought I was going to live again, but the sky was full of flying boats...

Every artillery shell can destroy high-rise buildings, how can it resist it?

This cannot be blocked by human power at all.

"Comrade, run!"

The cockroach roared at the top of his lungs: "We can't prevent this. Leave quickly. When you become stronger in the future, you must avenge us!"

The other two extraordinary beings were speechless and could only wave their hands weakly, which obviously meant the same thing.

Wang Gen was moved and said: "Brother, leave quickly and don't worry about us. Just take revenge in the future! We will protect you from below!"

The old man waved his hand calmly: "After surviving for a while, we also exchanged for a dozen aliens who are like immortals. It was worth it and we made a profit!"

A half-year-old child took out a lollipop from his arms and put it in his mouth.

"It's so sweet. Good-looking brother, please leave quickly. I won't give you the candy."

No one asked Chen Banxian to save them.

They can die before upholding national justice, but this compatriot, comrade, Chen Banxian, must live.

This is not an escape, but a hope!

Only when the fire survives the heavy rain can it start a prairie fire!
(End of this chapter)

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