Chapter 221 Blood Spring


Everyone was dumbfounded, and soon they saw Chen Banxian humming, holding something in his arms, and quickly walking through the space on a paper boat.

"TMD, I almost forgot about this guy."

Jiu Jiu took a closer look and saw that Chen Banxian was holding Zang Cangjie's clothes in his hands, and even his underwear had been pulled off.

It's just that it's too broken, patchwork, and bloody.

There is also a token in the clothes. On the front is the word Tianyin, and on the back is the word "Pei Dingfeng". There are many fist prints on it.

Elder’s order, Pei Dingfeng!

With a little thought, it's not hard to guess what happened.


The giant dragon, which was hundreds of meters tall, shrank into a shape no longer than an arm, and quickly landed on Chen Banxian's shoulder.


She took advantage of the situation and bit Chen Banxian's ear hard, glaring angrily!

Chen Banxian looked away guiltily and hooked his shoulder.

"What the hell, Brother Ninth, Niu Bi, Niu Bi, Niu Bi, this can get me back."

If the ninth one doesn't catch him, I'm afraid he will have to study the secrets of space for a long time before he can come back.

"Is the support battle in Tongri City over?"

Chen Banxian glanced around, avoiding Jiaojiao's eyes again.

"It's over long ago."

Ninth said: "It's been over for half a year. If we go back now, we can still catch up with the Spring Festival in Baihu City."

Chen Banxian:? ? ? ?
"What the hell? I can only be away for a few days at most, but half a year has just passed by!"

He lost half a year of development time! ! !

"It may have something to do with the definition of space and time. It may seem like a few days in that space, but months have actually passed here on Earth.

In fact, this situation is normal. Many people find that as their cultivation level increases, even a retreat can last for several days or ten. "

The ninth analysis was sound and well-founded, but Chen Banxian still couldn't accept it.

"So, there is less than a year left before the first calamity?"

He was dumbfounded: "Damn it, how is your power of faith gathering?"

Ninth Ping said dryly, "Oh, I just used it up to get you."


Chen Banxian took a breath, and then felt his head being hit by a heavy hammer: "What are you talking about!"

Oops, it's over, it's over, when the first calamity comes, everyone will be turned into boxes.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Seeing Chen Banxian's state, he patted him deeply on the shoulder:

"I think you can do it."

This man has performed miracles several times, and he believes that the first calamity should be no problem for Chen Banxian.

"No, I don't think so."

With a grimace on his face, he began to squat down and search among his clothes.

"I believe you can." Ninth was extremely confident:
"There is still nearly a year to go. Baihu City's technology is advancing by leaps and bounds. Even if we cannot defend Earth by then, we can still live well in other worlds."

"Thank you for believing."

Chen Banxian sighed and found a simple-looking ring from Pei Dingfeng's underwear.

Storage Rings!

Oh, the surprise in the darkness, hidden so deep, if he hadn't stripped the old dog naked, he wouldn't have been able to find it.

Somewhere in the floating debris space, a pile of fragments were whipped to death again.

Chen Banxian summoned the Demonic Sutra Qi and probed into it. It was a storage ring with several white cubes in it. There were some high-grade spiritual stones piled inside, as well as some techniques from the Cang Cang Realm, insights into the realm, etc.

There are also many precious materials, magical weapons, etc. It can be seen that Pei Dingfeng's net worth is really rich.

He felt lucky.

In the debris space, Pei Dingfeng was already in a state of dry energy and blood, and his old injuries from the hydrogen bomb had not yet healed. Otherwise, he might not be able to defeat this old dog.

Pei Dingfeng, who shocked the peak of the Four Seas Realm with his counterattack in the third realm and was already halfway to death, can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented!
What's more, strictly speaking, he is not in the third realm, he can only be regarded as the second realm.

His first level is the Demon Summoning Sutra Qi and Flying Immortal Body, and his second level is the small boat.

Speaking of the boat, he looked inside his body and saw the lonely boat on the sea of ​​summoning demons, patchwork and tattered.

Don't underestimate this appearance, even if Pei Dingfeng comes, he will suffer a big loss.

A small boat carried by one sea is too terrifying.

Seeing that Chen Banxian still ignored her, Jiaojiao couldn't help but bite his ear again and patted his shoulder vigorously with her tail.

"Hey, what is this?"

Chen Banxian was confused when he saw a pool of blood appearing in the sea of ​​his Demon Summoning Sutra.

This is a bit like the cultivation system of the Great Wilderness East Continent, where a spring of life emerges from the sea of ​​suffering.

But this is definitely not the fountain of life, and his sea of ​​demon summoning scriptures is not the sea of ​​suffering.

As he approached the blood spring, his mind was in turmoil, and his consciousness was instantly absorbed into it.


He opened his eyes drowsily and struggled to get up.

What's going on here?
"Idiot, idiot, get into the widow's crotch, idiot, idiot, play with shit every day."

What you see is a dilapidated thatched hut, a bed with bones on it, and the harsh teasing sounds of children coming from outside.

He subconsciously operated his abilities, but found that there was nothing in his body. The Flying Immortal Body, the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi, and the strong Qi and blood were all empty.

Not to mention the closed world.

He got out of bed, feeling a sense of weakness in his heart. What was wrong with him?
There was a stink coming from his body, his hair was frizzy, and something seemed to be moving inside.

Could it be lice?

He hurriedly pushed away the thatched hut. Did he travel through time?
No!Damn it, he just got on the right track, and he still has to face the first calamity, but he can't time travel at this time!
He still has a quarter of the shares in Baihu City!I can't finish it in a lifetime, just play!
"Haha, everyone, look, Chi'er is awake, Chi'er is awake!"

The children outside the door were jumping up and down and making fun of him. It turned out that the idiot he was talking about was himself.

This is where?Chen Banxian scanned the surroundings, and he saw that it looked like an ancient feudal society. Children were wearing green clothes, rags, and straw sandals. Some were yellow-faced, and some were skinny.

"Kill him, kill him!"

The children, who were seven or eight years old, hit him with small stones. The pain spread throughout his body. Chen Banxian screamed and ran away holding his head!
"Wait a minute, everyone, wait a minute! MD, there is a misunderstanding, there is a misunderstanding!"

He ran from the east of the village to the west of the village. He didn't understand anything yet, so he was beaten in a daze.

After finally getting rid of the group of brats, he came to the creek and washed himself.

His clothes were already stained with oil and stink, and his hair was infested with lice. If he didn't wash it, he would stink to death.

Touching the wound, he couldn't help but grin again.

When I saw the reflection in the water, I was even more speechless.

"Who is this ugly guy? It can't be me, right? No way, no way! You're cheating!"

He raised his head tentatively: "System?"

There is no system.

The essential benefits for time travellers are gone.

So, he waited for the clothes to dry a little before putting them on and ran to the village.

This village is called Xiaodong Village, a small village in Yiling County. Men farm and women serve.

"Hey, you idiot is taking a shower."

Some of the gatekeepers would look at him and laugh:

"Are you afraid you fell into the river?"

There was no other way, so Chen Banxian walked with bare feet, one step at a time, and the stones hurt his feet.

In the evening, he returned to the thatched house and the mother of this body came back.

He had no father. It is said that his father was bitten by a poisonous snake when he went to the fields. He had no money to see a doctor and died.

Therefore, his mother, who was just over [-] years old, dragged him to shit and pee, and lived a hard life.

However, he is still an idiot. He is still unable to speak even at the age of seven or eight. His mental retardation has deepened the life burden of his mother Liu.

"Hua'er, come on, are you hungry?"

Mrs. Liu held up her tired hands and started cooking on the fire, which was just some wild vegetables and plant roots, with a little bran rice floating in them.

This kind of dinner was worse than Gushui. Fortunately, Chen Banxian had eaten worse during the most difficult period at the beginning of the end, so he could barely eat it.

Mrs. Liu comforted Chen Banxian and went to bed early. He made a rough estimate of her age. Mrs. Liu gave birth to her when she was 16 years old. Now she is at most eight years old, so she is only 22 years old.

On Earth, a 22-year-old girl is still studying, but she is already married and widowed.


Sigh, this is what miserable people do.

He has to find a way to improve his food, otherwise he will be cold if he eats wild vegetable roots every day!

So, hungry, he survived until the second day.

On this day, he came to the street early and shouted.

"The gods have descended to earth, the gods have descended to earth!"

He ran around the whole village shouting and jumping: "The gods are coming down to earth, the gods are coming down to earth!"


Most of the villagers haven't gone out yet and are preparing breakfast.

There is no lunch here, only morning and evening meals. Let’s go out and take a look:
"Hey, isn't this Widow Liu's idiot? Can he talk?"

"The gods have come down to earth!"

Chen Banxian kept shouting until someone finally stopped him.

"The Liu family idiot, what did you say about gods coming down to earth?"

"You don't understand that."

Chen Banxian's mouth was dry from shouting, and he was panting:

"I met an old god. He awakened my stupidity and taught me the skills of gods!"

If this is the case, anyone who hears it will regard it as a joke.

But Chen Banxian is different. It is obvious to everyone that he is an idiot. Now he speaks in an orderly manner and looks smarter than other children of the same age.

Everyone in the village knows each other, and when a woman cooks, the men come closer.

Take a closer look, hey, it’s really like that. Now that you are clean, you are no longer drooling.

"Chi'er, you said you met a god. What did he look like?"

An older man asked.

"The immortal is wearing white robes, holding Buddha dust in his hand, and there is a five-pointed star between his eyebrows. It is said that he is the Taibai immortal."

He made up a character at random: "The old god also gave me the ability to read people's faces and read fortunes. I can tell who is good and who is bad at a glance!"

Oops!So magical?

Everyone didn't believe it, but Chen Banxian had cured the stupid innate buff here, so the old man asked again:

"Then look at me, what can you see?"

Whether it's true or not, you'll know after a try.

At this time, the benefits of having a skill are finally reflected.

Chen Banxian looked at it for a moment. The old man had white hair, but his complexion was dull and his hair and beard were sparse.

"Uncle Liu Er, I'm afraid you have a bad kidney. When you were young, you were unable to have sex, and now that you are old, you have lost your vigor."

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Liu Er puffed his beard and glared: "Nonsense, you are talking nonsense! I think the things about gods must be fake!"

"Everyone knows whether it's nonsense or not."

The people around looked at each other in shock when they heard this sentence.

It has long been spread in the village that Uncle Liu Er's stuff is not good.

Unexpectedly, this idiot could really tell at a glance, and could even say "sexual intercourse" and other words, which was far beyond his peers.

"Chier, how about you look at me again?" a man asked with his white teeth cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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