There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 222 I just killed one Pei Dingfeng

Chapter 222 I just killed Pei Dingfeng
"Uncle Dan, you want to enter Xixi. Have you found a girl?"

He could all name these people.

Strange, how does he know the names of these people?

Uncle Dan's eyes widened: "Only me and my dad know about this, but you can actually see it!"

They were shocked. Almost everyone in the village came to see it, and Chi'er could basically talk about it.

As a result, the legend that there is a fairy in Xiaodong Village who teaches prodigies spreads like wildfire.

Many wealthy gentry came here to see the child prodigy's ability, and finally alerted the state pastor and reported it to the court.

For a time, the child prodigy's family had no shortage of money, and Mrs. Liu's status had soared. Everyone who saw her wanted to call Mrs. Liu.

When the emperor heard about the gods, he soon announced that the prodigy would come to visit him. The majestic court was filled with dignitaries.

They are all mortals, how could Chen Banxian be scared?He then talked about some hidden diseases of the emperor's body, which had nothing to do with traditional Chinese medicine. But for some reason, his brain twitched and he said uncontrollably:
"Emperor, is your son really your son? It doesn't look like that."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

The emperor remained polite on the surface and sent spies to find out the details, and that was indeed the case.

The current prince was actually the son of the queen and an unclean eunuch.

This thing is shocking!That night, Chen Banxian was summoned by the emperor. For stepping into the main hall with his right foot, he was thrown into prison and executed.
Even Xiaodong Village was completely slaughtered, the court was in turmoil, and the name of the child prodigy fell from heaven to hell.

In just a few days, the prodigy went from being a fool to a prodigy, meeting the emperor and enjoying all the glory and wealth.

In just a few days, he fell from heaven to hell, and his whole family was slaughtered, and none of the nine clans were left.

Chen Banxian sat in the prison with a calm expression as he bid farewell to his mother, Mrs. Liu, who had already understood.

When the butcher's knife finally fell, his consciousness flew to the sky, where he saw the king of a country, the people of the world, and the rotation of all things.

Finally, endless black energy filled the air, swallowing everything. A shabby boat carried his consciousness, flying higher and higher.

The Liu family, the Emperor, Xiaodong Village, the country, etc., turned into small fragments, fitting into the cracks of the tatters.

Consciousness returned, the blood fountain dimmed, and Chen Banxian woke up. He was still standing and taking the next step.

The strength of the boat increased.

The short experience passed through his mind like a fleeting horse, from humbleness to glory, and from glory to hell, but it seemed to have no impact on anything.

It seems to have affected something.


Jiaojiao stared at him angrily with bright eyes, and couldn't help but force his teeth.

"Hiss, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!" Chen Banxian screamed: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have run around without saying a word again!"

Jiaojiao licked his ear, said nothing, took out his cell phone, and wrote:

"Go home today and have dinner."

This is to forgive him.

The latter nodded subconsciously and gradually came back to his senses.

"Damn, there's something wrong with the plot."

What was wrong, he couldn't tell.

Jiujiu interjected at this time: "If you return to Baihu City, you will be surprised. The current Baihu City is completely different from before."

Since the rescue battle of Tongri City, Baihu City has ushered in an era of rapid development.

Daxia Dragon Bird is updated to the second generation, and technological power blocks all passages to other worlds.

The iteration of psychic weapons has brought strong guarantees, and the food synthesized from the relief food of the Ninth God Religion ensures the most basic survival needs of Baihu City.

Once people no longer have the threat of hunger, they will burst into countless fantastic ideas.

In quantum communications, virtual reality technology has made further breakthroughs. Fighter planes and other equipment no longer require real people to go to the battlefield, and many real-life games have emerged.

Baihu City's technology has undergone great evolution, and wandering planets have contributed too much.

Therefore, when Chen Banxian arrived outside Baihu City, he couldn't even believe his eyes.

It is no longer a white mist passage, but a sky-high iron wall covering the entire city!

This city wall is hundreds of meters high and is made of steel. It is equipped with a maglev transportation system that can quickly lead to the entrances of various districts.

The dark city walls are equipped with all kinds of powerful weapons, and roads extending in all directions have been built.

Ninth walked in front and introduced them one by one: "This avenue leads to the mine."

“This passage leads to the science and technology park.”

"This passage leads to the ruins of the city."

"This passage leads to the White Mist Gate of all other worlds. It is the largest, most complete, most branched, and safest passage."

There are road signs on these avenues, and Chen Banxian felt a huge energy on the last one.

Even he was surprised.

"I hate it!"

He couldn't help feeling depressed again: "The old dog Pei Dingfeng from the Cang Cang Realm caused me to lose several months of development time!"

He didn't see the construction of the city wall, the explosion of technology, or the magnificent scenes.

It is said that the mechanical army of Baihu City is stationed in the Strange World and has launched dozens of large and small battles.

The Tibetan Cang Realm is marked as a top priority. Once a monk appears, they will fight endlessly.

With Pei Dingfeng’s space transfer experience last time, Baihu City is no longer stingy with artillery shells, and every sight is an intercontinental missile!
After being intimidated several times, Zangcang Realm suffered heavy losses and no longer dared to approach.

Chen Banxian returned to his home.

Everything is business as usual, there seems to be no difference.

The dragon fell from his shoulder, staggered for a moment, then slowly swam to the kitchen to cook, and soon a burst of fragrance hit him.

In the evening, Aigwei carried her schoolbag and opened the room.


She was so surprised that she could hardly believe her eyes.

"You are finally back from your business trip!"

"Yeah, I'm back from a business trip." Chen Banxian rubbed her head and noticed the backpack behind her.

"Egerwei, have you studied?"

"Yeah!" Eggwei took out the paper from her schoolbag:

"Half a year ago, Baihu City opened a school, and Uncle Jiu and Sister Jiaojiao took me to sign up."

The handwriting on each sheet of the paper is neat and careful.

There are high and low scores, and a 85-point paper can basically score [-] or above.

"Teacher, I have finished reading all the books you gave me."

Aigwei stared with big eyes: "When can I go out with you to tell fortunes?"

As for learning, she obviously prefers divination of fate.

There was deep thought hidden in those eyes.

Chen Banxian didn't criticize her. He rubbed Aigwei's head and said, "Tomorrow, I will take you out to learn more when I have time."

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, it was Fang Ping.

"Pah!" Fang Ping slapped his butt hard: "Ba Ba almost thought you would never come back!"

Tsk, it feels so good and so elastic.

"Leave far away!"

Fang Ping's expression was so mean, Chen Banxian kicked him hard on the butt.

"Bitch, I advise you not to have any other ideas!"

"You don't know me yet?" Fang Ping's eyes widened: "I am that kind of person?"

"Just because I know who you are, stay away from labor and management!"

He just drove Fang Ping away when the door was knocked again.

Opening the door, Die Yunfei was dressed neatly in a suit, holding the sleepy Zhi Qihua behind him.

"Long time no see, sister Banxian."

Qi Qihua's eyes were still a little swollen and she was yawning. It was obvious that she was brought here by force.

She didn't even have time to change her clothes.

Die Yunfei didn't have time to change out of his work suit. "Master Chen, I almost thought you were gone!"

Die Yunfei held Chen Banxian's hand tightly, and his eyes were a hundred times more intense than those of Qi Qihua?
He grimaced: "If you don't come back, I won't be able to hold on to your shares!"

Chen Banxian, who owned a quarter of the shares of Wandering Planet Technology in Baihu City, disappeared and was basically considered dead.

A full quarter of the shares, even the road under his feet, he owns.

Who doesn’t want to occupy this piece of fragrant steamed bun?The aristocratic families, nobles, plutocrats, congressmen, etc. in Baihu City have complex powers, and no one wants to take a piece of the pie.

As for Die Yunfei, if he hadn't had some tricks, he would have been nominated as the next mayor of Beida District, and because of his relationship with Shen Qinghe, he really wouldn't have been able to keep it.

Fortunately, fortunately Chen Banxian returns, these problems can be solved.

"Who dares to steal labor and capital's money!"

Chen Banxian swore viciously: "I beat him until I don't even recognize him!"

Then, Die Yunfei actually counted on his fingers:

"There are Councilor Zhang Yuan, the chaebol Kong Yunqiu, and the district chief of the Southern District, He Taiguang, and top Zen masters from aristocratic families..."


Chen Banxian pressed his finger and forced a smile: "Let me tell you, haven't they snatched it away yet?"

"How can we talk about this?" Die Yunfei still wanted to wring his hands. It could be seen that he had indeed suffered a lot of grievances.

"Ahem." Let's talk later, another friend is coming.

Ninth stopped Die Yun from flying and opened the door without warning.

Outside the door, three dark-skinned girls were about to knock on the door. After seeing Jiu Jiu, they nodded and looked into the house.

"I heard that the senior is back, let's take a look."

They noticed the person in the room at a glance, it was so easy to identify.

Unlike them, Chen Banxian looked at it for a long time and almost didn't recognize it.

"Liu...Liu Lexian?"

His eyes suddenly widened: "Have you come back from Africa?"

Where are the three delicate fair beauties in his image?It's as if it has become a black coal ball.

If he hadn't barely recognized the familiarity from their bones, he wouldn't have believed it even to death. They were Liu Lexian, Jiaojiao, and Xiaoxiao.

"What do you mean you just came back from Africa?" Jiaojiao rolled her eyes at him: "We are here to contribute to the construction of Baihu City!"

"This is a healthy wheat color, you know what the heck!"

Liu Lexian reluctantly argued, his tone a little weak, but also full of pride.

Only Xiaoxiao, this girl covers her eyes, they are just pure black...

It can be seen that these few months have really changed a lot for people.

Chen Banxian invited them in. As soon as the three women sat down, a dragon head poked out of the kitchen and counted the number of people.

She opened the door with a swish and rushed out.

I didn’t expect so many people to come. We don’t have enough ingredients, so we have to go out and get some more.

Outside Baihu City, a dragon crossed several hundred meters and came to the riverside. It whined and roared with power!

The next second, the river boiled, and the aquatic tribes stuck their heads out one after another, waiting fearfully for selection.

The huge dragon did not move, but looked towards the bottom of the water.

The river is so big that there is always something hidden under the water.

There is a small mountain of screws hiding, staring at the water with dark eyes.

It's just a dragon, not a real dragon yet. If you give him time, the dragon will just be...


The river exploded, and the big snail had disappeared. Looking at the sky again, the dragon's giant claws clamped tightly on the small mountain-sized snail, and blood flowed loudly, dyeing the river surface red.

This was a third-level monster, and it was instantly killed by the dragon before she even had time to react. There was secret joy in her eyes, it was enough.

He didn't notice at all that some thoughtful people were watching him by the river.

"Kill it and Die Yunfei will have one less reason to do so."

"The south has given orders and keeps putting pressure on us...

In the small room, after the three girls of Liu Lexian, Lin Tian also came.

"Yo, boss."

His appearance returned, and his chest was no longer soft, but solid muscles.

Obviously, there are opportunities again in the past few months.

Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows, and his surprise flashed away.

Strong, strong!

That is the feeling between strong people. Lin Tian may have reached the limit of the third realm at this time.

As expected, the protagonist cannot use common sense to see how strong Shen Qinghe is.

If he doesn't use the boat, I'm afraid it will be more troublesome for him.

"Brother Lin Tian!"

Qi Qihua was very surprised. She hadn't seen Lin Tian for a long time.

"Hehe, it's quite lively."

Ninth informed many people, and Sun Haibo arrived with the smell of blood all over his body.

His clothes were clean, but the smell of blood could not be concealed.

This many people were killed?

The latter was dragging a large barrel of wine behind him.

"I just snatched it from the Cang Cang Realm. I have enough wine for today!"

"Hey! This is a good wine made from spiritual fruit."

Die Yunfei was surprised: "People only gave me a small bottle as a gift. How did you get this big bucket?"

Sun Haibo smiled faintly: "Kill two more people, and those who want to survive will give you something."

There are really three sentences that cannot be separated from killing.

Some friends came again, all old faces from the past. After Jiaojiao came back, they carried heavy objects, rolled their feet, and held a feast of snails.

Ai Gewei and Qi Qihua ate with their mouths full of oil. Chen Banxian chatted with them over wine and talked about some of his own experiences.

"Damn it, Lin Tian, ​​you can do it. It turns out that you are the thief wanted by both the original world and the Qingxuan world?"

Lin Tian talked about his adventure, simply stealing a sect treasure house and the collection of the Magic Association.

Being praised by them, Lin Tian felt embarrassed: "Actually, it's nothing. If they hadn't killed me, I wouldn't have retaliated like this, right?"

"Revenge? It's about getting rich!"

Chen Banxian teased: "I can't do it anymore. I can only kill a Tianyin Sect elder who shakes the world."

"Ah, awesome!" Everyone applauded!
Shocking the Four Seas Realm, that's the fourth realm. He leaps forward and goes against the enemy. He is worthy of being a boss.

At this time, Sun Haibo spoke calmly: "I just defeated a city in Zangcang Realm a few days ago."

"Oh, Brother Sun, you have to be the one to do big things quietly!"

Everyone was flattering.

Chen Banxian was sour: "I just killed Pei Dingfeng, I can't compare to you."

Everyone: "No, no, no, Chen Banxian, you are still awesome."

Ninth raised his hand and gave everyone a piece of metal that looked like Bagua, the size of a palm, and one centimeter thick:

"I've been studying the formation recently. This is a teleportation formation. You can return to Baihu City at any time by pouring energy. Theoretically, as long as you are not far from the space channel, you can come back in another world."

He warned: "Pay attention, there is a delay of three to five seconds in the transmission time. The farther the distance, the longer the delay and the more energy consumed. Don't waste it."

"Fuck, what a treasure!" Chen Banxian quickly put away the storage ring: "Pei Dingfeng doesn't have such a treasure."

Crowd: ...

Suddenly they realized.

Wherever Chen Banxian was being modest, he was just showing off.

This person... is so stubborn. If they could conquer the fourth realm, they would show off like this!

(End of this chapter)

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