There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 223 Sweeping the floor consciously

Chapter 223 Sweeping the floor consciously
"Senior, I respect you."

Liu Lexian raised his glass and thanked him seriously.

"Thanks to your support, the school and relief food were able to be established. This merit is owed to you by everyone."

"I'm just lucky." Chen Banxian pulled out the dragon and said, "It's all her hard work. If you want to thank me, you have to thank her."

In this regard, Jiaojiao is indispensable.

He was just a hands-off shopkeeper who said this, and he was really ashamed.

"Sister Jiao and the seniors have all contributed a lot. Let me toast together."

The three black coal briquettes raised their glasses at the same time, thanking Chen Banxian for everything he had done.

They have seen too many people with dark hearts and are willing to give up their own property to help others. In this era, it is really rare.

I don’t see any of those nobles and congressmen who are not using them to develop their own power and army?

"Suddenly sensational."

Chen Banxian filled them with wine: "You're not drunk yet, keep drinking. Don't worry, we will definitely do something to you."


Everyone laughed, and the barriers gradually disappeared.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone was drowsy. The wine from this other world is so powerful that it can even make you drunk in the third realm.

Their physiques are strong, and Die Yunfei circulates energy to dispel the odor of alcohol.

He still had official duties to attend to, so he could only look at his friends lying on the floor with envy.

How envious, he really wanted to lie on the ground like this and sleep all day.

It's a pity that Baihu City does not allow him to indulge like this.

Please open the space channel, he doesn't want to wake everyone up.


One hand firmly grasped Die Yunfei's foot that was about to step out.

I saw Chen Banxian getting up from the ground: "Son, you woke up very early? Are you leaving like this?"

Die Yunfei was moved: "Brother Xian, I can't get away. Thank you for letting me stay, but..."

"Who wants to keep you?"

Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows: "Hurry up and tidy up this place. You don't think you'll just pat your butt and leave, right? Sweep the floor, mop the floor, and wash the dishes!"

Die Yunfei was shocked, and his warm heart suddenly felt cold:

"No, Brother Xian, listen to me, I'm very busy, I..."

"Go." Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows.


Die Yunfei had a bitter look on his face and said angrily: "Why, they can also get up and clean up."


In the room, snoring suddenly sounded one after another.


Die Yunfei saw Liu Lexian open one eye and quietly observed him. When he saw it, he pretended to close it and blinked.

"Senior, drink!"

Damn...can I pretend to be a little more fake?

He thought he was unlucky, finished cleaning, and left quietly.

He is really busy.

Just keep going.

As the night wore on, the false snores gradually turned into real snores.

If this was captured by the paparazzi, tomorrow's news would be: "Shocking, 5 women and more than one man slept together!"The minimum age is less than 12 years old! 》

Or: "Beasts, even the dragons will not be spared!" 》

Jiaojiao was lying on Chen Banxian's shoulder.

After a while, she quietly stood up, took out a simple sword from the bedroom, and flew out of Baihu City.

Chen Banxian opened his eyes, thought for a while, and followed quietly.

He is completely invisible and blends in with his surroundings, making him invisible to no one if you look closely.

Holding the scabbard in his mouth, Jiaojiao walked all the way to the largest road and followed the signs to the Dongzhou White Mist Passage.

"Hey! The sword light flashes, and the word "virtue" on it shines brightly!
"Oh, Grandpa is so suffocated!"

The sword spirit looked around: "Girl, you haven't healed from your injury yet, are you going to hit me again?"

Jiao Jiao nodded, his eyes filled with blood and war, and his blood began to boil.

"Okay, don't accidentally enter Dongzhou again. Remember, calm down. The calmer you are, the better you can hone yourself."

The sword spirit guided him. Seeing that Banjiao was ready, he spoke again:

"Today I will teach you a deadly combat skill: the dragon-shaped knife."

"Use the dragon's body as the blade and the claws as the edge. Once used, it will either shatter the sword or kill the enemy. Do not use it unless absolutely necessary."

He repeatedly warned: "This is a combat skill that can only be used by true dragons. Your dragon body is not strong enough to fully use it. Once you use it, you will risk death."


Jiaojiao nodded, and kept changing her body shape as the sword spirit taught her skills. After she could barely perform it, she came to the passage.


The dragon roared, and the sound waves shook the ground three feet. Naturally, someone on the other side heard the sound.

"Haha, it's that dragon again!"

A genius arrived, and he was in a perfect Taoist palace.

"I will use you to sharpen the foundation of my Dao Palace and break through the limits of the four poles!"

Jiaojiao doesn't speak, and the war is about to break out!
In this battle, the earth was dented and groundwater seeped out. The opponent was indeed very strong, and various methods were used in an endless stream. The power of the Four Gods was so powerful that Jiaojiao suffered a big loss for a time.

But the dragon was unyielding and fought bloody battles, constantly trying the dragon-shaped sword taught by the sword spirit during the fight.

Finally, she successfully performed the half pose, and the entire body of the dragon turned into a line, severely injuring Tianjiao Tianjiao of the Dao Palace.

The latter flew out of the space channel, and the four great cultivators caught him.

The dragon also flew upside down and landed on the earth, with scales flying all over its body and broken bones and tendons.

She was severely injured and struggled to crawl on the ground. She was so breathless that she managed to crawl under the sword spirit. "well……"

The sword spirit sighed and dropped life crystals to help her recover.

The dragon returned from the brink of death, and the sword spirit sighed when he saw it: "Why are you suffering?"

"As long as the dragon grows steadily, it will still be an invincible monster even if it does not transform into a dragon in the future. Why use this method to accelerate its growth?"

Jiaojiao shook his head, looking into the distance with firm belief.

The burning fighting spirit made the sword spirit sigh again.

He suddenly shouted: "You bastard, you've been watching for so long and you still haven't come out!"

Sure enough, no one can fool this sword.

Chen Banxian appeared from the darkness, removed his extraordinary ability to blind his eyes, and looked at her calmly.

His tone was gentle: "Jiao Jiao."

Two words, this time Jiaolong looked away with a guilty conscience.

"Do you think you can fool me?" Chen Banxian said again. Looking at her hind leg, there was a terrible injury. It was not caused today, but was an injury suffered before.

Not only the hind legs, but also the spine was involved, and there were large cracks on the bones.

This was also the reason why he saw Jiaojiao walking in the wrong posture several times.

Even the life crystals cannot be recovered, which proves how thrilling the previous battle was.

"what happened?"

He looked at the sword spirit: "Do you have nothing to do with your sword all day long? I will leave you at home for a while, and then drag my dragon around to fight. Is your skin itchy?"

"Hey, you bastard, beat me up!"

The sword spirit angrily scolded: "Why didn't you say that if it weren't for me, your Jiaowazi would have been beaten to death!"

He is unbalanced, who wouldn't be angry with him?

"It's not you. You don't bring your labor and wages when you go out to fight. You will be killed by bombs and disappear at other times. This little girl doesn't want to grow up quickly."

Chen Banxian said that he was still angry.

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated she became: "Do you know how many good things I taught her, all of which are real dragon combat skills.

Don't worry, she is dying now. When she recovers, she will be able to defeat Tianjiao just now! "

What He teaches are quick methods that require blood and fire to sharpen.

"Why don't you bother!"

Chen Banxian picked up Jiaojiao, who shrank on his own and lay in his arms, still not daring to look at him.

"Hey! Are you looking for a scolding?"

The sword spirit opened his mouth and prepared to use his powerful move: "Thank you...cough, cough, cough, sir, whatever you say will be done."

He was holding back a long series of follow-ups, just because Chen Banxian took out a large number of magic weapons and spiritual mines.

These were obtained from fortune-telling in Chenyun Cave Heaven, as well as materials collected from Pei Dingfeng and the disciples of Zangcang Realm.

He didn't forget the sword and kept it.

The sword spirit ate voraciously and finally changed.

He is still ordinary, but he can levitate on his own and move independently.

"Oh my God, Master Jian, I can move again. I'm so touched!"

He flew into the sky and soared wantonly. This long-lost feeling of freedom made Jian addicted.


He is even imitating the roar of a dragon, flying around and bringing up pieces of light!
It's so conspicuous, it finally has the appearance of a divine sword.

Then, because he was too conspicuous, he was discovered by the troops stationed here and took a huge psychic sniper bomb.


He landed on the ground and became calm, not flying around.

"Hey, md, which kid has such a high head?"

The sword spirit complained, but Chen Banxian ignored him and went home with the dragon in his arms.

"This won't be allowed in the future, do you know?"

He told the little dragon in his arms: "I have a lot of life and I can't die. If you have nothing to do, just take a walk around Baihu City and play games, okay? Don't come out to fight for your life again."

Jiaojiao nodded, no longer as powerful and domineering as before.

But as soon as she turned her eyes, her eyes were filled with determination.

"I really don't know what you like about me." Chen Banxian rubbed her head. He must become stronger quickly.

He is a few months behind. Once the restrictions of the fourth realm are broken, people like Pei Dingfeng will definitely be indispensable.

By then, technological bombs will no longer be popular.

A whole space was frozen, and the shells could not explode no matter how far they left. At that time, someone needed to be able to truly control the situation.

He closed his eyes and felt the fountain of blood in the sea of ​​suffering.

The first time the boat fragments were increased, would it still have the same effect if it were tried again?

Moreover, the flow of time inside is completely different from that in the outside world. It seems like a long time, but in fact it is just the blink of an eye.

Closing his eyes, the blood fountain in the black sea had already lit up. His consciousness came into contact, and the next second, he had arrived at a high hall.

Last time, he was a fool, but this time, he was actually sitting on the dragon's throne.

On the dragon chair, he reviewed the memorials and turned over cards in the harem at night. But the good times did not last long. Three days later, the border was in crisis, and rebels broke out in the imperial capital!

He realized that the Nine-Five Lord's words and deeds were destiny.

But then he became a prisoner, suffered humiliation, changed hands, and was finally hanged in prison.

Opening my eyes, more enlightenment appeared, and the boat was complete again.

It's hard to say what he has realized, but he must have it. Moreover, the boat only added two fragments, but it has the potential to break through the void of heaven and earth.

What is this blood spring and where did it come from?

He couldn't help but think of the star and the torrent he had seen before, and how someone was raising a glass to him from afar.

Could it be because of him?

If it was him, what kind of means were they, what were those torrents, and what were those stars?Why did he do this?What's the purpose of doing this?
Chen Banxian pondered for a moment and took out three copper coins from his pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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